Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3159: The death of candle 9 Yin!

  Chu Jiuyin is unbelievable, Ling Xiao is unscathed?

He is the guardian of the candle dragon emperor city, and he has the heavenly path of luck given by the heavenly path. Today, he is also forced to the extreme by Ling Xiao. Fire, want to completely annihilate Ling Xiao's immortal Yuanshen.

   This is the fire of Heavenly Dao Qiyun, but it is the power of Heavenly Dao. Any strong under the Great Emperor, Yuanshen can't resist the burning of Qiyun Lu.

  In his opinion, Ling Xiao is mortal.

   Of course, he will die.

   This is what he said is the same as the end of the guts, less than a last resort, he does not want to use this trick.

   But did not expect that Ling Xiao survived, which was beyond his imagination.

   "Zhu Jiuyin, I would also like to thank you for your heavenly luck. If it was not for you to give it to me, I am afraid that even if I killed you, trying to take away your heavenly luck is not that easy!"

  Ling Xiao looked at Zhu Jiuyin with a smile.

   If Zhu Jiuyin was beheaded, Tiandao Qiyun will be taken back by Tiandao in an instant, and Ling Xiao wants to take it away completely, which is almost impossible.

  Zhu Jiuyin wanted to kill him, but in the end he succeeded.

   "Impossible! This is impossible! Ah... Pooh... Ling Xiao, I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost...

   The entire Eternal Road, you will be the enemy of the world......"

  Zhu Jiuyin trembles violently, his mouth spouts blood continually, his eyes are full of resentment.

   But his immortal Yuanshen shattered, and the lamp was exhausted. The reason why he can support it until now is just the obsession in his heart.

   And Ling Xiao's words made him blasted, and in the end the saint came to an abrupt halt. He fell directly to the ground and died.

  Cute Dragon Emperor Town Guardian, die!

   "Hoo... this old guy, finally died!"

   Ling Xiao's heart was relieved and he said to himself.

He felt sour and incomparably weak. He had cut the forbidden sword of Zhu Jiuyin before. Although he broke the spirit of Zhu Jiuyin, he almost exhausted his original power. If it were not for his physical strength ,Strongly supporting the attack on Zhu Jiuyin, who is still alive is not necessarily the same.

  Fortunately, he propped up.

   "Xiaojin, you have done great work!"

   Ling Xiao rubbed Xiao Jin on his wrist and chuckled.

   If it wasn't for Xiaojin, he gave Zhu Jiuyin a killing blow this time, causing Zhu Jiuyin to be the source of poison. I was afraid that Zhu Jiuyin had already escaped.

  Once Zhun Jiuyin returned to the Zhulong Dragon Emperor City, Ling Xiao wanted to pass the Zhulong Dragon Emperor City, which was simply impossible.


   Xiao Jin hissed, rubbed the palm of Ling Xiao very intimately, and his eyes were full of proud and flexible colors.

  In the desert of burial days, the two most terrifying existences, the queen of burial days and the candle Jiuyin, all died.

   looked at the corpse of Zhu Jiuyin and the queen's queen buried in front of him, Ling Xiao's eyes showed a trace of contemplation.

   "My current combat power can kill high-level emperors, but in the face of peerless emperors, it is still very difficult to defeat or even kill them!"

   Ling Xiao thought secretly.

   can hurt the burial queen and Zhu Jiuyin, still relying on the power of the taboo knife.

   Ling Xiao's own combat power may be able to fight the peerless emperor, but it is difficult to kill it.

   This time, if Ling Xiao did not count Zhu Jiuyin, and eventually became a fisherman, and with the help of the taboo knife and Xiaojin, it was impossible to kill Zhu Jiuyin.

   "If I have a strong enough combat power, what do I need to count? Whether it's the burial of the Queen Ant or the candle of Jiuyin, one punch will kill! My road is still very long!"

   Ling Xiao said to herself.

   He recognized his own shortcomings and the direction of his efforts.

   The most valuable thing is to know yourself.

  Especially martial arts strongmen, who are unable to recognize themselves correctly, are either dead or walking on the road to death.

  The queen burying the queen is a wild beast, and Zhuo Jiuyin is the guardian. Although his strength is very strong, it is still much worse than the peerless arrogance of ancient times.

  Know that some ancient arrogances were already the cultivation of Peerless Emperor before self-proclaiming, and killing ordinary Peerless Emperor is as easy as chopping melons and vegetables.

There is still a big gap between Ling Xiao and them.

   "Before entering the last twelve imperial cities, I will definitely be able to catch up with them!"

   Ling Xiao said slowly, that there was a bright edge in his eyes.


   Ling Xiao's sleeves rolled up, and immediately rolled up the corpses of Queen Ant and Zhun Jiuyin before his eyes, and finally Ling Xiao's eyes fell on the candle dragon sword.

   The candle dragon knife buzzed and trembling, the light was dim, and the knife was full of gas, exuding an extremely fierce atmosphere fluctuation.

   This handle of the candle dragon sword is the treasure of the candle dragon clan. Zhu Jiuyin is its true master!

  Zhu Jiuyin was slashed, and the candle dragon sword naturally became an unowned thing.

   "If this Candle Dragon Sword is given to the Ba Sword, with his Abi Hell Burial Demon Sword, it will explode with the strongest fighting power!"

   Ling Xiao reached out and grabbed the Candle Dragon Sword, the fine flash in his eyes flashed, and he thought secretly in his heart.

   Ling Xiao's practice of Abi Hell Burial Sky Sword is a supreme knife method that points directly to the heart of the Dao. It is intangible and intangible.

Relatively speaking, the Abi **** burial magic sword practiced by Ba Dao is the supreme method of pointing directly at the flesh. It can kill the flesh, destroy the Yuanshen, and be fierce. If there is the blessing of the candle dragon sword, it must be nowhere. And unfavorable.

   "Abi Hell Burial Heaven Sword points directly at Dao Xin, Abi Hell Burial Magic Sword points directly at the flesh, could the remaining two taboo swords refer to Yuanshen and the Law?"

   Ling Xiao's heart moved, secretly guessed The legendary four-type taboo knife, its strength is beyond doubt, but Ling Xiao also gave birth to a little curiosity.

   Flesh, Yuanshen, Law and Daoxin.

   These are the four avenues that a martial arts master must practice. Before Ling Xiao was four avenues of sanctification.

   But before proving the way to emperor, perhaps each has its own focus.

   But if you want to testify to becoming an emperor, all four must be cultivated to the extreme in order to be sublimated!

   These four types of taboo swords, if they point directly at the swordsmanship of these four avenues, can be justified. It is indeed the martial arts left by the detached.

   "I don't know, who fell into the hands of the other two types of forbidden knives? It will definitely be of great benefit if he can deal with him at that time!"

   Ling Xiao thought secretly.


   The candle dragon knife in his hand buzzed and trembling. Among them, the mark of Yuanshen left by Zhu Jiuyin had completely dissipated. Ling Xiao put the candle dragon knife away, and then stood up and swept towards the distance.

  The queen of burial days and Zhu Jiuyin were dead, and it was time to leave the desert of burial days and return to the city of Zhulong Dragon Emperor.

   But Ling Xiao didn't know that because of the death of Zhun Jiuyin, the whole Zhulong Dragon Emperor City began to turbulence.


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