Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3180: Fight against the 4 great wild monsters!


  Floating above the mountains, the black crocodile, the golden swordfish, the dragon turtle and the Hydra four large wild behemoths, completely besieged Yun Kongzi.

The space around    was disturbed.

   The chaos is filled with fog, the divine light rises, and the power of the origin is intertwined, forming a terrifying terrible destruction area. If those ordinary emperors dare to come close, they will be dead in an instant.

  The spirit blood demon tree on Yun Kongzi, for the four great wild beasts, is simply an irresistible temptation. Where will Yun Kongzi be easily let go?

   "Hand over that tree, otherwise... die!"

  The black crocodile shouted, his eyes indifferent, and exuded a dark awn.

  The black scales around it, shining with metallic light, are sharp and unmatched, covering the emptiness of the Quartet, and enclosing Yun Kongzi.

   Those black scales formed an extremely mysterious formation enchantment, which not only contained extremely powerful defense power, but also released the destruction of the sword, and kept going towards Yun Kongzi's whole body.

  The golden swordfish has a bright golden light and a rising sword spirit. It condenses the most powerful sword origin, and with the powerful kendo talent supernatural power, it can explode with extremely terrifying power.

  Long turtles dormant on the large lake, can control the endless lakes around them, and build a water boundary, the water column rises like a white dragon, forming a huge prison.

   Hydra is fierce and monstrous. Nine heads contain nine forces of gold, wood, water, fire, earth and ice, wind, thunder, and destruction.

  The four great wild beasts were completely mad, and a terrifying attack broke out.

  Although Hongxian is alien, due to the limitation of the heavenly Taoism, its own spiritual wisdom is not high, but the cultivation level has reached the level of the Honghuang giant beast, and has already possessed the wisdom of no less than ordinary people.

   The reason why they don't speak normally is because they treat everything as ants and prey, and disdain to communicate.

   The eyes of Yun Kongzi are considered to be their old acquaintances, and they can be regarded as safe in peace on weekdays, but today, due to the cause of the Blood Demon Tree of All Souls, a fierce battle has taken place.

   "Damn! Want all spirit blood demon tree? Stop thinking!"

   Yun Kongzi's face was extremely ugly, and he roared repeatedly.

  The black giant clock above his head, emitting powerful sound waves, diffused towards all around and could break everything.

   The black giant clock also contains extremely powerful swallowing power, resisting most of the attacks for Yun Kongzi.

   He shot like lightning, his palms were like ancient gods, continually tapping the sky, and colliding with the four great wild beasts, breaking out the waves of destruction.

  The tree of all spirits and blood demon is his root, it is his painstaking efforts, and finally the treasure he got from the tomb of an emperor is the foundation of his sermon. How can it be handed over?

   Even if he was besieged by the four great wild behemoths, he was still fighting desperately, and he was looking for opportunities to escape.

   The fluctuation of the war makes the little black fat man feel the scalp numbness, secretly fluke.

  If he wasn't clever and really stared at Yun Kongzi, he would definitely not escape Yun Kongzi's palm.

   "Who is counting the old man? The old man must put your bones down and burn your soul with the fire of the Nine Nethers for hundreds of millions of years before I can relieve my hatred!"

   Yun Kongzi roared endlessly, his eyes full of monstrous murderous intent.

   He is almost certain now that someone has calculated him.

   Otherwise, the mortal blood demon tree is hidden in the belly of the mountain, protected by formation enchantment, not even the guards of the hanging mountain, how could outsiders know?

   But he wanted to break his head, but he couldn't figure out who was counting him.


  The four great wild beasts are all like crazy, constantly attacking Yun Kongzi, and various killing moves are constantly greeting Yun Yunzi.

   Yun Kongzi fell into the downwind almost instantaneously, left and right, only passive defense, but no way to launch an offensive.

  With the powerful imprisonment of black crocodiles and dragon turtles, he is very difficult to escape.


   Hydra looked at the right time, a beam of destruction, came through the void, directly pierced Yun Kongzi's chest, and let him cough up blood, and his face became more ugly.

   The sword spirit of the golden swordfish, across the four fields, the golden light is dazzling, as if it can destroy everything, and also left a lot of scars on Yun Kongzi's body.

   The most terrifying thing is the black crocodile and the dragon turtle. These two giant wild beasts have an unmatched divine power, and their physical body is powerful.

  Although Yun Kongzi has a black giant clock, and looks like a mighty imperial emperor soldier, he constantly releases powerful emperor Wei to resist the impact of the two great wild beasts.

   But the powerful anti-shock force made Yun Kongzi tremendously, and even appeared dense cracks, as if the flesh could be broken at any time.

"Fight, kill this old guy! That black giant clock is really a good thing. It must be the treasure of my Kunpeng family. It fell into the hands of this old guy. Will shine!"

   The little black fat man in the distance, while swearing, stared at the black giant clock and drooling.

   The black giant clock looks quaint and mysterious, and it can release a powerful force of engulfment, and the sound wave can destroy everything with unparalleled power.

   This kind of treasure is simply an artifact that the little black fat man dreamed of.

  In addition to wanting to kill Yun Kongzi, he has an additional idea, that is, grabbing Yun Kongzi's weapon too.

   "Yun Kongzi will be unable to support it!"

   Ling Xiao's eyes flickered and said slowly.


His words just fell, and the four great wild behemoths all attacked at the same The blazing beam of light traversed the void, constantly shooting towards the cloud, and the power of destruction destroyed the surrounding lakes and mountains. , Move all the square miles to flat ground.

   Yun Kongzi coughed up blood in his mouth and was hit hard, with a hint of madness in his eyes.

   "Beast, you are looking for death! You want to take my all-nature blood demon tree, let's die!"

   Yun Kongzi roared and shouted.


   His whole body was full of blood and blood, and the terrifying power of the Quartet's void began to break up. His breath began to skyrocket, and the whole body exuded an extremely dangerous breath fluctuation.

   Yun Kongzi vomited, and an instant light ball filled with blood and thunder appeared.

   As soon as the light sphere appeared, the empty space around was trembling violently, chaotic light flowed insanely, and the light sphere began to swell, bursting into extremely dangerous fluctuations!

   The eyes of the four great wild beasts also showed a shocked look, as if feeling a danger, and wanting to spread out into the distance.

   However, it was too late.


   Yun Kongzi's eyes were full of flesh pain, and the light ball in his hand flew out instantly, as if a field intertwined with blood and thunder appeared in an instant, and the four great wild monsters were enveloped in an instant.


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