Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3198: Heavenly bead appears, chaotic wilderness!

s: I took my baby for the past two days and didn't sleep at night. Finally, Yuesao came, so I could relax a little. Today I will make up for yesterday's update, and a small outbreak, how many can be written, how many can be written, tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival, I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

"This is... Tian Dao Zhu?!"

Ling Xiao was shocked, and there was a trace of enlightenment in his eyes.

On the Eternal Emperor Road, if you can get enough Heavenly Dao luck and condense the Heavenly Dao Pearl, you can become the Son of Heavenly Dao. With the power of the vast Heavenly Dao, all methods will not invade.

Tian Dao Zhu is the symbol of the Son of Heaven Dao.

"Son of heaven, is this heaven still the same?"

Ling Xiao thought secretly.


Heavenly Daozhu devoured all Heavenly Dao luck, and it looked like crystal and bright, like a glazed glass, a little starlight gathered, as if it contained a vast starry sky.

Ling Xiao felt a powerful Tianwei from above Heavenly Beads.

Tian Dao Zhu seems to be extremely spiritual. After swallowing all the Tian Dao luck, it will reintegrate into Ling Xiao's immortal Yuanshen.


Ling Xiao's thoughts moved, Wu Zi Tian Shu instantly flew out of the sky, blocking Tian Dao Zhu in front of him, and then exuded a strong swallowing force, swallowing Tian Dao Zhu into Wu Zi Tian Shu.

"Huh... Master, you are really willing! The immortal Yuanshen has merged this heavenly bead, and you are the son of heavenly way. Then you will not invade by all means, and it will be much easier for you to cross the chaotic wilderness!"

Said evil.

"The Son of Heavenly Dao? It's not proper to be a Son of Heavenly Dao. I'm still used to controlling my destiny! I feel that if the Heavenly Daozhu is merged, maybe I will become a robber!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were burning, and he said slowly.

Since he doubted Heavenly Dao, he has been extremely vigilant about everything related to Heavenly Dao.

This heavenly bead looks like a good thing, but Ling Xiao instinctively feels wrong. It seems that after the heavenly bead is merged, there will be no big disaster.

"Master, rest assured, no matter what weirdness is in the sky ball, I will help you find it! Before the wordless sky is written, even if it is the sky ball, there is no place to escape!"

The evil thought said with great confidence.

"Then it's up to you!"

Ling Xiao nodded and said noncommittally.

In this day of Daozhu, he felt a mysterious idea. Ling Xiao was very cautious. Although he did not integrate it into Yuanshen, he also planned to use the Wu Zi Tianshu to check the details of Tian Daozhu.

However, Heavenly Daozhu was transformed by Heavenly Dao's luck and reflected in the heavens. It was unfathomable. Even if there were no words in the sky, it wouldn't be possible to detect it in a short time.

"It's time to go!"

Ling Xiao sighed softly, and his eyes were unmatched, as if penetrating through layers of chaotic mist and seeing the vast expanse of wilderness in the depths.

Chaos wilderness.

Forbidden area on Eternal Emperor Road.

There is also Lingxiao's only way.


The little black fat man turned into a **** and white fish, intertwined with yin and yang qi, spreading his wings, if the sky clouds, exuding the wild and ancient atmosphere fluctuations.

Ling Xiao stepped forward, stepped on Kunpeng's back, and then Kunpeng rose to the sky and disappeared at the end of the sky.

They left the Huangquan Shenghe, left the mountains and seas, left the area of ​​Kunpeng Emperor City, and headed towards a distant and unknown direction.

Eternal Emperor Road is vast and even many people speculate that Eternal Emperor Road is not just a road, but an endless world.

The area covered by 108 emperor cities, sheltered by heaven and earth, is the safest place, and this is also the path that many testers must go through.

One imperial city passed the test, and then set foot on another imperial city.

But Ling Xiao's path now is the endless wilderness outside the imperial city, where there is no shelter from heaven and luck, no imperial city can be used as a resting place, and there are only countless wild and alien species, which are taller than the mountains. Huge wild beasts, all kinds of dangerous jedi that can't be caught off guard.

And, loneliness.

Yes, it is loneliness. In the chaotic wilderness, maybe a decade, a century, or a thousand years may not be able to meet a wise creature. The loneliness comes from the loneliness in the depths of the soul.

The most terrifying thing is that if you get lost in the chaotic wilderness, you might be trapped there forever.

Therefore, the chaotic wilderness is the place where all the testers talk.

But now, chaotic wilderness is Ling Xiao's journey.

"Ling Xiao, there is chaotic wilderness! I'm afraid I will be killed by you!"

The little black fat man cried with a sad face and uttered words.

Right in front of them, the endless chaos of mist rises, mighty, like a sea of ​​clouds, dividing the world into two halves.

Behind you, you can also see the ancient and magnificent Kunpeng Emperor City, but there is only an endless wilderness in front of you.

Vast, silent, desolate, dry.

Just like being abandoned by the world, when you step into the chaotic wilderness, there is a feeling of being abandoned, and there is a trace of unfitness in the depths of the soul.

"What about the chaotic wilderness? If even the chaotic wilderness can't be conquered, why don't you step on the peak of the Eternal Emperor Road and find the secret of detachment?"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly, but his heart was born with great pride.

The majestic and vast chaotic wilderness in front of us is full of danger, ancient and mysterious, but it gives Ling Xiao a sense of conquest.

"Ling Xiao, you said yes, if you want to protect me, you will have to find treasures for me to improve and repair!"

The little black fat man hummed.

"Relax! As long as you are my mount, you will not lose your benefits!"

Ling Xiao said with a smile.

Little Black Fat, I am afraid that it is the only pure blood Kunpeng mythical creature in the heavens and the world. The blood in his body has returned to his ancestors, which is no less than that of Kunpeng ancestors.

If its wings hang in the sky, it will show 90,000 miles!

Can there be a mount that is more wind-driven and faster than Kunpeng?

Maybe there is.

Ling Xiao thought of the dragon horse with big white teeth and a languid face, maybe it could be compared with Kunpeng, but unfortunately the dragon horse is not here.

There is a little black fat man, who has great help for Lingxiao to travel through the chaotic

As soon as he heard the words mount, the little black fat man twitched his face, his eyes full of uncomfortable expression, but he was helpless.

With Ling Xiao's order, it rushed out like a black lightning into the endless chaotic wilderness.

"Hahaha... Friends of the Chaos Wilderness, I'm here! You'd better wash them and wait for Lao Tzu's favor. Lao Tzu wants to eat the wilderness of the Chaos Wilderness again and again..."

The little black fat man simply suppressed the worry in his heart. The proud color emerged between the eyebrows and shouted at the chaotic wilderness.

His voice echoed between the heavens and the earth, like a thunder, and a gust of wind was raised, which seemed very arrogant and overbearing.

Ling Xiao had a faint smile in his mouth, ignoring the little black fat man's shouting and screaming. He stood on Kunpeng's back, and his whole body was chaotic and misty, the clouds were changing, his clothes fluttered, his black hair was flying, his temperament was extraordinary, like Emperor Linchen.

But in the blink of an eye, the two of them disappeared into endless chaos and disappeared.

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