Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3203: Weird magic armor, 1 punch bomb!

Came to the top of Tianmo Mountain, Dark Lingxiao's gaze fell on the black pine cone for the first time.

Although Dark Lingxiao didn't know what it was, he instinctively felt that it was a great treasure.

The three-legged Jinwu on the side looked at the two avenue fruits, and their eyes were full of light and their mouth watered.

The avenue fruit is unresolved, very peculiar, and will show various shapes, just like the pine cones in front of you, not the real pine cones.

But the lingering and mysterious above the fruit of the avenue, the breath of the eternal and immortal avenue can't be fake.

A chain of gods of order is intertwined, and the runes are dazzling. The fruit of the avenue seems to be the clock of the fortune. It is extremely peculiar and has a moving power.


As if I felt the breath of the fruit of the Avenue, the dark Lingxiao, Zhao Ritian and the three-legged Jinwu all unconsciously released the breath of the whole body.

The darkness and the sky are full of devilish energy, chaotic light is raging, and the suffocation is pervading, as if it is a chaotic **** and demon from ancient times, exuding the wave of immortality.

Zhao Ritian is shining with golden light throughout his body, and his golden armor is magnificent, making him look like a **** under the heavens. His eyes are full of sun and moon, and it contains starry sky, like the emperor's presence.

The flame of the three-legged golden black body is diffused, and the sun is really blazing, as if it can burn everything, and the three-legged golden black is bathed in the real fire of the sun, and its own kind of emperor's coercion is exuded, which is very noble.


The Gu Song in front of him trembles slightly, and the golden, black and two avenue fruits seem to feel their breath, and they instantly fly like streamers and directly merge into the bodies of Dark Lingxiao and Zhao Ritian.

After the fruit of the avenue fell, Gusong was transformed into a magnificent vitality machine, vast and unmatched, just like the Tianhe came out of the sky and merged into the body of the three-legged Jinwu.


Dark Lingxiao, Zhao Ritian, and the three-legged Jinwu, there was a chaotic light rising around the body instantly, like a flame burning, covering all three of them.

"It made that guy take advantage of it!"

A hint of thought flashed in Zhao Ritian's heart, instinctively uncomfortable, in fact, he did not want to give that Devil Dao Avenue fruit to Dark Lingxiao.

But I did not expect that Dao Dao Guo chose his own.

Zhao Ritian didn't have much time to think about it. He sat down directly on the top of Tianmo Mountain and began to refine that avenue fruit.

The fruit of Dadao entered his body, and instantly exploded like chaos, and the bright light enveloped him all.

The majestic source power is like a turbulent river, and its incomparable purity pushes Zhao Ritian's breath to skyrocket.

But the power of the source among the fruits of Dadao is only second, and the most important thing is the charm of Dao in it.

Zhao Ritian's body was shining brightly, with a faint smile in the corner of his mouth, like the initiation of Daigo, there was Hong Zhong Da Lu ringing in his ear, and the incomparable Dao Yun poured into his sea of ​​knowledge and began to be involved in his immortal Yuanshen Enlightenment.

Zhao Ritian's Yuanshen became more and more transparent, and exuded a transcendental breath fluctuation.

Dark Lingxiao is also the same. Among the black avenue fruit, the most pure heavenly devil rhythm is contained, echoing in his ears, making him suddenly open, as if all heaven and earth are reasonable, appear incomparably clear in In front of him.

Dark Lingxiao is the avatar of Lingxiao separated from the original demon bone. Later he practiced the Dark Emperor's Sutra and the Light Emperor's Sutra at the same time.

But when Dark Lingxiao became Chaos Demon Race, Dark Avenue and Bright Avenue also melted into chaos at the same time.

Therefore, Dark Lingxiao is now enlightening the Chaos Avenue.

He was immersed in Chaos Avenue as a whole, and his breath began to skyrocket. The cultivation practice, which had not been promoted for three thousand years, was also a rapid breakthrough.

Emperor's Realm Fourfold Heaven!

The early days of Emperor's Realm!

Emperor Realm's mid-fourth heaven!

Emperor's Realm in the Late Four Heavens!

Emperor's Realm Completed in Four Heavens!


The majestic source power, the incomparable purity, and the supreme Taoist rhythm contained in the fruit of the Dadao, the cultivation of Dark Lingxiao began to advance rapidly.

Although the three-legged Jinwu only got the essence of life contained in that ancient pine, it was also mixed with a trace of rhythm, which was enough for its cultivation to break through to the four heavens of the emperor's realm!

The anti-celestial creation above Tianmo Mountain made Zhao Ritian, Dark Lingxiao and the three-legged Jinwu all begin to advance by leaps and bounds.

Just when they sat on the top of the Heavenly Demon Mountain, enlightened the Tao Yun, refined the fruits of the Avenue, and improved their cultivation, they did not know that a dazzling vision bloomed in the Heavenly Demon Abyss.

Tianmo Mountain roared, as if there was a ray of thunder intertwined, mysterious and vast, at the same time blooming thousands of rays of light, thousands of colorful colors, alarmed the entire Demon Abyss.

The magical energy and chaotic haze surrounding Tianmo Mountain also slowly began to dissipate, and the millions of major formations were gradually destroyed.

The source of the power of the One Million Great Array is the Heavenly Demon Mountain and the Avenue Fruit. Now that the Avenue Fruit has a master, the One Million Great Array has lost its meaning.

Originally mysterious and full of crises, Tianmo Mountain appeared for the first time in Tianmo Abyss.

"what is that?!"

"Is there a strange treasure born?"

"Go check it out! Maybe Zhao Ritian is there!"

At this moment, there is a group of testers in the Heavenly Demon Abyss, all of whom were alarmed by the vision erupted from Heavenly Demon Mountain.

They are the testers who chased and killed Zhao Ritian, especially the four powerful leaders, whose cultivation base has reached the eighth heaven of the emperor's realm!

It is only a step away from the peerless emperor.

At this moment, all the testers are somewhat palpitated, looking involuntarily towards the direction of Tianmo Mountain, where the rhythm is pervasive and the order is intertwined, as if there is something really expensive, so that they have involuntarily born many desires.

Under the leadership of the four strong men, many testers flew towards the Demon Mountain.

And among the Heaven Demon Abyss, there are also many powerful wilderness Warcrafts that are disturbed, and the sounds of roaring roared out one by one.

Although in the memory of those wild warcrafts, Tianmo Mountain is a forbidden place, it is undoubtedly that entering the mortal, but the vision at this moment still makes them involuntarily close, and even some wilderness aliens, forcibly suppressed the fear and panic in the heart, toward the heavenly demon Coming from the mountain.

Because of the vision of Heavenly Demon Mountain, the entire Heavenly Demon Abyss seemed to start to turbulence.

However, at this moment the test of the Heavenly Demon Emperor City has not begun, so there are no other testers, otherwise Heavenly Demon Abyss will only be more confused.

Among the many testers, the four headed are called Demon Emperor, Demon Flame Emperor, Juejian Sword Emperor and Tianxiang Emperor!

The four of them are also well-known among the many testers in the Heavenly Demon Emperor City. This time, the killing of Zhao Ritian was also led by the four of them.

The cultivation of the four of them is extremely powerful, coupled with the help of many testers, the strength is tremendous, otherwise Zhao Ritian will not be deserted and run away.

Soon, the four emperors came to Tianmo Mountain.

At this moment, the demonic energy and chaotic haze around Tianmo Mountain have dissipated, and the millions of major formations have also been attributed to nothingness.

That is also the source of the vision of Tianmo Mountain.

"It really is Zhao Ritian!"

The four emperors flashed coldly among their eyes, and saw Zhao Ritian, who was sitting on the top of Tianmo Mountain and practicing.

At this moment, the dark Lingxiao, Zhao Ritian and the three-legged Jinwu all around the body are filled with Dao Yun, and the breath is unfathomable.

Especially the Daoyun diffused around them, so that the eyes of the four emperors showed a very hot look.

"This is Heavenly Demon Mountain! Originally, Heavenly Demon Mountain was a Jedi, and if you die, it will be like this now. There must be some treasures they have obtained!"

The demon emperor said greedily.

"That's right! No wonder we can't find Zhao Ritian's traces everywhere. It turned out that he hid in the Tianmo Mountain. This child was really lucky, and he was blessed by the disaster!"

The eyes of Emperor Demon Flame were also full of jealousy.

He clearly saw that the original cultivation practice of Zhao Ritian was only the sixth heaven of the emperor's realm, but now it has already broken through the seventh heaven of the emperor's realm.

This is already a high-level emperor.

"Several Dao friends, this Zhao Ritian is said to be the son of the Emperor of Heaven, with a lot of cards, not easy to deal with! We shot together, beheaded him, and won the fortune, how do we split it?"

Tianxiang Emperor also flashed his eyes and smiled charmingly.




The other three emperors nodded at the same time, and the greed was permeated among the eyes, and there was a fierce murderous ascension.

The four emperors secretly reached an agreement in secret, and they no longer hesitated in an instant. With a command, together with many testers, they killed three people in the dark Lingxiao.


A fierce divine light rose, powerful weapons exploded out of peerless power, and the terrifying attacks converged into a torrent, covering the three in darkness.

At this moment, the runes around Dark Lingxiao, Zhao Ritian and the three-legged Jinwu rose, the order was intertwined, and the avenue was condensed, and a huge transparent enchantment was formed directly, protecting the three of them.

A terrifying attack blasted on the enchantment, and a roaring sound shook the world, but it did not have any impact on the enchantment.

"How could this be?"

The four emperors were all shocked, with a look of uncertainty in their eyes.

boom! boom! boom!

As if he was aware of the attack from the outside world, the dark Lingxiao, Zhao Ritian, and the three-legged Jinwu all radiated a dazzling light around their bodies, and they burst into the sky like smoke, and they opened their eyes at the same time.

"court death!"

The dark Lingxiao's eyes boiled with murderous intent, the breath was very cold, and the whole body exudes a monstrous grief, and he suddenly rushed to the sky, and a punch rushed towards the demon emperor.

Emperor's Realm Five Peaks Peak!

After refining the fruits of the Avenue, the cultivation of Dark Lingxiao broke through two small realms.

He punched out with a fist, and the magic armor also burst into a strange light. The void seemed to be solidified. The unmatched fist print contained the supreme power of the earth, and instantly enveloped the demon emperor.

"court death!"

The demon emperor was furious, and his hair was all open, and there was a devilish qi rising around him, like a chain of chains, entwined towards the dark sky.

At the same time, he opened his mouth, a black beam penetrated the void, and came directly to the dark brow.


The dark sky is extremely cold, the whole body is boiling with indignation, the unmatched fist print breaks everything, and the black beam and the chains of the magical energy around them are all annihilated, and instantly killed the demon emperor. In front of you.


The demon emperor was shocked, and his eyes were full of incredible looks.

The three emperors around them all changed their faces, and they all screamed angrily and slayed towards the dark Lingxiao, trying to save the demon emperor.

They did not expect that this young man in black robe, which was just the fivefold heaven of the emperor's realm, was so fierce and monstrous that even the demon emperor fell into danger.


Dark Lingxiao seemed to ignore the three emperors at all, killing in his eyes, locking the demon emperor in front of him.

The magic armor contains a force that bans everything, destroys everything, freezes everything, and instantly falls on the chest of the demon emperor.

The demon emperor was shocked, and his eyes suddenly appeared.

Then, the other three emperors saw a picture that made them terrified.

The Demon Emperor seemed to be drained of all vitality in an instant, and the whole person was directly transformed into a piece of fly ash and disappeared between heaven and earth.


Monarch Monarch, Juejian, and Tianxiang were all shocked, and they stepped back as if they were facing an enemy. They opened the distance from the dark Lingxiao, and their eyes were full of consternation.

The demon emperor is a veteran emperor strong, with many means, even in the hands of the peerless emperor can also support a period of time.

But now, he couldn't even take the punch of Dark Lingxiao, and was bombed in such a weird way!

"You... who the **** are you?!"

The Emperor Demon Flame was startled and angry, staring at the dark Lingxiao coldly.

Dark Lingxiao stepped on the void, his face was very cold, and his body was full of grief. There was blood on the magic armor, as if it was a vitality swallowed by it. At this moment, part of it was absorbed by the magic armor, and part of it was integrated into the body of dark Lingxiao.

Dark Lingxiao stood there, like a peerless fiend, threatening the world, terrifying to the extreme!

"So strong!"

Zhao Ritian's eyes shrank suddenly, and gave a deep glance to the dark Lingxiao.

He understands the power of the Demon Emperor, and he naturally understands how much power is needed to kill the Demon Emperor with one punch.

This dark hill is not as weak as he imagined, and it is extremely powerful. Even after getting out of trouble, there is no such gesture as before, and it becomes cruel and cold.

But no matter what, Dark Lingxiao was a friend and no enemy at this moment. He still rode the three-legged Jinwu to the side of Dark Lingxiao, and stood beside Dark Lingxiao.

"More people than one kills, how?"

Dark Lingxiao smiled indifferently at Zhao Ritian, smiling evil and cold.

"Vulgar! But by comparison, who is afraid of whom?"

Zhao Ritian smiled proudly.

"If you lose, then you will be my younger brother!"

Dark Lingxiao said You didn't say that before. You said you want to follow me and listen to my commands. Could you repent? "

Zhao Ritian said angrily.

"If you want to be a big brother, you must have the strength to be a big brother! If you win me, I will naturally keep my promise, but if you lose, do you think you are qualified to let me follow?"

Dark Lingxiao smiled faintly.

"Comparing with me! I tell you, you follower, I have to decide!"

Stimulated by the dark Lingxiao, Zhao Ritian immediately agreed without hesitation, his eyes full of powerful fighting intent.

"It's a word!"

Dark Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, a radian angle appeared in the corner of his mouth.

This silly kid, really got hooked!

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