Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3310: Return to the wild continent!

For the fourth continent, blood rain fell for the fourth time.

The fourth emperor fell!

Four great emperors fell in one day, and the news swept the world like a hurricane, boiling the entire continent.

"It has been confirmed that in addition to the barbarian emperor and the undead emperor, the undead demon emperor and the witch emperor have also dispatched to kill Ling Xiao, which was eventually slaughtered by Ling Xiao!"

"Among the witch clan, the statue of the witch emperor shattered and his life card broke. It has been confirmed that the witch emperor has fallen! And the devil of the demon world also announced that the undead devil emperor died in the hands of Ling Xiao, and the demon world will be the undead devil emperor. Revenge and fight Ling Ling!"

"Demon Lord? Is that the Devil Lord who slaughtered the Blood Prison Emperor? The Demon Race is a dog biting a dog, and its mouth is hairy!"

"Hey, the mob bastards, it's better to kill each other, the best is to die!"


Everyone discussed the news one after another, and the news spread all over the sky.

This time, many Xeons are not calm.

The barbarian emperor and the undead emperor are just that. The new emperor, whose strength is not strong, can be understood after being killed by Ling Xiao.

But Undead Devil Emperor and Witch Emperor, these are old monsters that have lived for a long time. The Great Emperor who has survived the era of the Great Tribulation is powerful and unpredictable. It can be called the invincible of the wild world.

The four emperors were slaughtered in one day. Is Ling Xiao's strength so strong?

"I heard that Ling Xiao hadn't proved that he would become an emperor, and every area of ​​the emperor's realm had such a powerful ability to fight against the sky. Wasn't that the emperor of the year?

"No! Maybe even more evil than Heavenly Emperor! Heavenly Emperor has no detachment, and Ling Xiao has the secret of detachment. Once he is completely detached, I am afraid that he will really come to heaven and push invincible!"

"Ling Xiao returned to the human race, this is the greatest prosperity of the human race, I am afraid that this time the human race will really revive!"

A lot of envy and emotion were revealed in the words of everyone.

Such a strong man of evil spirits is so stunning that he is invincible and appears in any race. He can push a race to a very strong point.

Ling Xiao's light has overshadowed many demon arrogances, and even the Ninth Emperor of the Immortal Clan, Hong Tian, ​​the son of the Heavenly Emperor, Zhao Ritian, and even Rulai and others, were somewhat eclipsed in front of him.

While everyone was discussing, Ling Xiao, with his longevity, had already returned to the field of human race.

Lingxiao Mountain, heaven.

Ling Xiao looked at the golden dragon above the heavenly court, and the sea of ​​luck was rising endlessly. From time to time, a powerful figure rose from the sky, patrolling all around, his eyes full of emotion.

"I didn't expect that Faith Doppelgänger could actually practice the way of Faith to such a degree, then I'm afraid that it is not difficult to justify the way of the Emperor with the Way of Faith?"

Ling Xiao said to herself softly.


At this moment, a cold voice sounded, and suddenly a powerful and unmatched breath came out into the air, and soon appeared in front of Ling Xiao and Changsheng.

Headed by the Emperor Burning Heaven.

As soon as he saw Ling Xiao and Chang Sheng, he was shocked, and his eyes showed a look of surprise and awe.

"Meet Master Lingxiao, see the Princess Changsheng!"

Burning Emperor Tian said with great excitement.

He knew that Lord Emperor and Ling Xiao were intertwined. In the heavenly court, Ling Xiao had authority almost comparable to that of believing in Emperor.

Especially the news that Ling Xiao even slaughtered the four emperors shook the entire heavenly court.

Nowadays, everyone in the heavenly courts has worshipped Ling Xiao for infinite admiration, and is waiting for Ling Xiao to appear.

Today, Ling Xiao has finally returned!

Even the longevity princess returned safely, leaving Emperor Fen Tian and others excited and excited.

"Get up! You don't have to worry about me, just patrol yourself!"

Ling Xiao smiled lightly.

"Good Uncle Fen Tian!"

Longevity said obediently, so that the eyes of Emperor Fen Tian were more spoiled and loving.

His happiness comes from deep inside.

Everyone in the heavenly courts are faithful to the emperor's loyalty, and almost all of them have watched longevity grow from small to large. Everyone loves this extreme and eccentric little princess.


Emperor Fen Tian paid a respectful salute, then smiled at Longevity with some indulgence, and took everyone away.

"They are all there?"

Ling Xiao's divine thought swept away, and he immediately saw a group of old people. His eyes also showed an extremely joyful expression, and with a long life, he immediately fell before the Ling Xiao Hall.

It seems that Ling Xiao has already come back. People who believe in Ling Xiao, Jin Se, Xue Wei and even old goats, unscrupulous Taoists, White Dragon Horses, Ye Liangchen, Du Gu seeking defeat, Pangu Tiangang and Liu Baiyi have all arrived.

Everyone's eyes showed a very excited look.

"Brother Ling Xiao, are you back?"

Jin Se looked at Ling Xiao, his eyes full of gentle smiles.

Just smiled and smiled, eyes were red, tears shed quietly, all thoughts and worries were released at this moment.

Xue Wei's face was also full of tears of joy.

For hundreds of years, Ling Xiao embarked on the road of eternal emperor, their hearts are full of worry and longing, every day is so long.

Eternal Emperor Road, known as the sea of ​​corpses and blood, burying countless days of arrogance, not to mention Ling Xiao later embarked on the road of unity of 10,000 roads, and got the secret of detachment, which is the enemy of the world.

Their hearts have already followed Ling Xiao, across mountains and rivers, through space, to the end of the world.

Countless times, they woke up in their dreams, thinking that Ling Xiao could not come back.

Especially the long-running away of Changsheng made them almost collapse.

Today, Ling Xiao is back.

Longevity also returned safely.

What people want in life is only those who care, peace and joy, that's all.

Hearing Ling Xiao's brother, Ling Xiao's eyes also turned red. He took Changsheng's hand to walk in front of Jin Se, and then embraced Jin Se and Xue Wei in his arms.

"Worried you!"

Thousands of words, in the end, only this choked word.

"Master, just come back, just come back!"

Xue Wei shook her head silently, and the trembling voice was full of joy.

Ling Xiao felt an unprecedented tranquility in his heart.

Embrace the loved one into your arms, as if the dust on the road has been washed away, and it is all flashy, leaving only the inner peace and satisfaction.

Changsheng opened his big eyes, looked up at Ling Xiao, and then Jinse and Xuewei. His big eyes smiled and became crescent moons, which were very beautiful.

After a long time, Ling Xiao and Jinse and Xuewei separated reluctantly.

"Let everyone laugh!"

Ling Xiao smiled slightly at the crowd.

"Whatever laughs or laughs, it's just normal!"

The old goat smiled and shook his head.

"Humanity? Are you a person?"

Bailongma glanced at him.

"What the **** do you mean? Is the skin tickling again?"

The old goat's eyes showed a fierce glare, and he stared at the white dragon's road badly.

"Okay, don't make trouble! Today is a day of great joy. Ling Xiao slaughtered four emperors and Megatron. After that, no one would dare to underestimate our brothers!"

The unscrupulous Taoist said with a smile, blocking the cheap white dragon horse, for fear that he would anger the old goat again.

The two guys pinched each other almost as soon as they met, and could not stop for a moment.

"Yes! Ling Xiao slaughtered the four great emperors. This matter is worthy of celebration. From then on, my heavenly king will be in the flood and no one will dare to challenge him!"

Ye Liangchen also smiled proudly, his eyes full of excitement.

"You are not a heavenly man, what a shame!"

White Dragon Horse interjected.

"I Ye Liangchen has decided that I will join the heavenly court today, Ling Xiao, would you like to seal me as a marshal?"

Ye Liangchen said with a smile, looking extremely insignificant.

"Just you return the marshal? I'm going to join Heavenly Court too!"

Bai Longma pouted.

"Yes, we all join the heavenly court! In the future, we will be the generals in the heavenly court, fight the flood and invincible world! Ling Xiao, or your heavenly court will also be a four emperors, twelve kings, thirty-six guardians and the like of?"

The old goat said, fearing the world would not be chaotic.

"I would also like to join Heavenly Court!"

Duo Gu, who had not spoken for success, also smiled slightly.

Looking at everyone's fierce, extremely excited momentum, Ling Xiao was also a bit crying and laughing.

Belief Ling Xiao looked indifferent, looking at all this, my eyes were full of mysterious light.

"An An's words may be considered! Nowadays, my heavenly court is the largest force of the human race. In addition to the few forces of the Chaos Temple, the Temple of Destiny, the Chinese, etc., other immortal holy places and ancient tribes have been incorporated into my heavenly court. Among them!"

Belief Ling Xiao said slowly.

"All this, you can arrange it!"

Ling Xiao smiled lightly.

"You are the real Lord of Heaven, Emperor Xiaoxiao! I am just protecting Heavenly Court for you. Now that you are back, you should be the master!"

Faith Ling Xiao said lightly.

"You know my temperament, I'm not good at these trivial things, let the Lord of the Court be yours! Next, I'm just afraid of impacting the real world of unity!"

Ling Xiao smiled bitterly.

"All in One? Is it a real detachment?"

There is a strange light in the eyes of Belief Ling Xiao.

"Good! Next, I will retreat for a while, complete the integration of all roots, and then take the ultimate step!"

Ling Xiao said slowly.

"The ultimate step! I'm afraid it will be a sea of ​​corpses, is it upside down? I'm afraid most people don't want you to take that step!"

Among the eyes of Belief Ling Xiao, there seemed to be a **** light.

"Yes! That must be a world war, maybe the people behind the scene will also appear, and it will be a disaster and a new life, will it?"

Ling Xiao smiled lightly.

"Yes! That is the biggest disaster in your If you can survive this disaster, you will be invincible in the sky, push everything and become a real supreme emperor! But, maybe before this, I You can prove it first and clear some obstacles for you!"

Faith Lingxiao nodded.

"Are you going to prove it too? Not bad!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered and smiled indifferently.

If the belief in Lingxiao proves, maybe it will be the same as the dark Lingxiao?

The way of faith is too difficult to prove. Many people throughout the ages have proved this, as if the way of faith can't prove the road at all.

However, Faith Lingxiao seems to have taken a special path.

Interestingly, both avatars were born with autonomous consciousness. Is it the reason why they have achieved such a degree of cultivation, or is it because someone behind them is pushing it?

Ling Xiao sneered in his heart, he thought he might be getting closer and closer to the truth!

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