Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3362: Blood River Domination!

Ling Xiao naturally does not believe that Lord Xuanming will follow him willingly.

I'm afraid that the Lord of Xuan Ming has no plans.

After all, although Ling Xiao helped her kill the three yellow robe elders, he also robbed him of the reincarnation. He did not believe that the Lord of Xuanming would not want the reincarnation and would not want to get the reincarnation.

However, when Ling Xiao entered the ruling world at the beginning, he didn't know the ruling world. It was a good way for the Xuan Ming Lord to lead the way and help him find the reincarnation.

Speaking of it, Ling Xiao and Xuan Ming's Lord only have their own plans.


Ling Xiao asked.

"Master of the Blood River! I got this reincarnation together with him. I got a reincarnation, but he has three in his body!"

Xuan Ming Lord smiled slightly.

"Is the Blood River dominating? Very good! How strong is he?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed and nodded.

This blood river master is the one who hurt the Xuanming master. She said that there is a reincarnation in the blood river master. She was afraid that she would revenge her hatred with the help of Ling Xiao.

"The Daoist rest assured that although he is strong, he is not as good as you! The Daoist has merged with the three generations. In the whole market, he can compete with the Daoist, but there are only a few people! The blood river master is not here! "

Xuan Ming Lord said.

"where is he?"

Ling Xiao asked.

"Master Xuehe should have gone to the Blood Yang Star Territory. Although he hit me hard, he was also injured. He must be healed at the Blood Yang Star Territory at this moment! Daoyou, how can I show you the way?"

Xuan Ming Lord said affirmatively.


Ling Xiao nodded.


Xuan Ming's Lord's feet came to a sudden, and this dead star suddenly trembles, splitting in the starry sky in a flash, and a dim light nucleus flew out, swallowed directly by Xuan Ming's Lord.

After swallowing the star core, her injury seemed to be relieved, nodded at Ling Xiao, and then moved towards the endless starry sky in an instant.

Ling Xiao naturally followed him.

"Ling Xiao, this Xuanming Lord is only afraid of fraud!"

Qingdi's voice suddenly sounded in Ling Xiao's mind.

"I know!"

Ling Xiao nodded and preached.

"You just understand! In addition, the reincarnation disk does need six pieces, and the number of reincarnations is enough to enter the land of reincarnation! But the blood sacrifice is a master, but it does not need it! On the surface, seeing the blood sacrifice master will have some benefits, Can get the guidance of the land of reincarnation, but in fact the blood sacrifice master will be rejected by the reincarnation!"

Qingdi reminded aloud.

"Why would you know this?"

Ling Xiao asked.

Qing Emperor said: "I don't know! It's just that after entering the market, there is a little more information in my mind, and I will know it naturally!"

"Is that so? Very good! If you think of any useful information, just tell me in time! When I gather six reincarnations, we will go to the place of reincarnation!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with a fine gleam, preaching.

The speed of Xuan Ming Lord is not fast, because she was seriously injured, but in the ruins of the market, it is difficult to heal with the origin of the road.

The Lord of Xuan Ming will choose to smash some dead stars and devour the star core of the dead star to heal.

But her direction was very clear, and she went straight to the blood-yang star field.

The ruins are vast and immense. Every star field contains hundreds of millions of stars. Ling Xiao and Xuan Ming Lord, after passing through several star fields, saw the blood-yang star field.

The blood-yang star field is not large. There are only tens of millions of stars here, but there are tens of thousands of **** suns. The **** light covers this star field and looks very strange.

However, Ling Xiao found that the blood-colored sun was beating like a heart, suddenly bright and dark, and the blood-colored energy seemed to surge from all directions, constantly converging towards the center of the blood-yang star field.

"Master Blood River, really heal here!"

Xuan Ming Lord's eyes lit up, revealing a hint of hatred.

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, and he could feel that in the middle of the blood-yang star field, there was a figure sitting on the **** sun, and the vast **** energy around him was gathering towards him.

"Dominate the Blood River?"

Ling Xiao took a step forward, the figure was like a streamer, and instantly appeared in the center of the blood-yang star field, and saw the figure above the **** sun.

"Master Xuan Ming, how dare you come to die?"

A cold and cruel voice sounded.

Above the **** sun, sitting in an old man in a blood robe, looks like a childish face, but his face is extremely fascinating. A pair of eyes seems to contain a sea of ​​blood, and there is endless grief and murderous surge.

His eyes opened, and his eyes fell on Ling Xiao and Xuan Ming Lord.

"You even found a helper?"

Blood River Master glanced at Ling Xiao and sneered.

"Blood River, this is Lord Ling Xiao, hand over the reincarnation in your hands, otherwise I am afraid that Lord Ling Xiao will not let you go!"

The Lord of Xuan Ming gave the Master of Blood River a light look.

"Master Lingxiao? Hahaha... Xuan Ming, when did you turn to others? Even if this kid is the master, do you really think he will be my opponent?"

Among the eyes dominated by the Blood River, there was a fierce light, revealing a sense of murder.

"Master Lingxiao, is that what you can understand? Blood River, hand over the reincarnation, or die!"

Xuan Ming Lord sneered.

"I don't know anything about life and death! Since you dare to come, then leave your life!"

Blood River Master stood up from the blood yang, exuding monstrous grief all around him.


It seemed that there was a **** thunder exploding, causing the emptiness of the Quartet to tremble violently. The blood river master bathed in the **** thunder, and his body seemed to contain the power to destroy the world.

A vast sea of ​​blood permeated, and unexpectedly enveloped the entire blood-yang star field, drowning hundreds of millions of stars in it.

"Master Ling Xiao, the blood master is extremely powerful. You must be careful! As long as you kill him, you can get three reincarnations on him!"

Xuan Ming Lord's face changed, and he respectfully faced Ling Xiao Road.

"Come back!"

Ling Xiao said quietly.


Xuan Ming Lord respectfully retreated behind Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao's expression was very calm, and he looked at the blood river master in front of him lightly, saying: "I only need the reincarnation, hand over the reincarnation, I will not kill you!"

"Kill me? I don't know anything about life and death, die!"

Blood River Master sneered a sneer, the murderous opportunity filled his eyes, and a palm swept down towards Ling Xiao.

His palm prints seemed to cover this side of the starry sky, the **** lines turned into mountains and rivers, and the roads were intertwined, as if they were a world of blood.

The blood-yang star field seems to have become the domain dominated by blood rivers, and blood rivers run through the world, providing him with endless power.

Ling Xiao's expression was extremely calm, and a simple single punch came out.


The world's earthquake, the fist seal and the palm seal broke apart at the same time, and the blood light rose suddenly, vast as the sea, the blood river master stepped in, and a terrible blood storm came from behind him and suppressed towards Lingxiao.

The blood river master was indifferent, with **** hair flying around the blood robe, as if there was a rune lit up.

In an instant, a **** figure flew from the blood robe, exuding the sound of ghosts crying and howling, rushing towards Lingxiao.


Ling Xiao's eyes flashed sharply, swallowing the sky sword in the palm of his hand, the bright sword light traversed the emptiness of thousands of miles, and instantly split into thousands of ways, the volley fell.

Those blood shadows were annihilated under the invincible sword spirit that swallowed the sky sword.

However, the surrounding seas of blood rose, and there were **** figures with strong and unmatched breath. They all came towards Lingxiao and looked like crazy monsters.

It must be said that the strength of this blood river master is indeed very strong.

However, in Ling Xiao's view, the strength of the Blood River Lord is not as good as the Lord of the Dark World. How can it be his opponent?

After testing out the true strength of the Blood River Master, Ling Xiao didn't keep his hand at all and tried his best.


Chaos light rises, a chaotic fist seal, as if it can destroy the Sifang sky dome, and it will be suppressed toward the blood river master.

Above the fist print, there is a mysterious flame of tremendous turbulence, and the vast sea of ​​blood around it. Under the flame of the flame of infinity, it instantly turns into nothingness.


The face of Master Xuehe changed greatly. Ling Xiao's punch made him feel a deadly threat.

"Bloodless, Abi Hell, the sword of reincarnation!"

The blood lord spit out an obscure syllable in his mouth, and behind him the blood rose, and there was a mysterious sword light condensed out, as if he could destroy the world, shatter the cycle, and the terror was to the extreme.

As the blood river master fell down with a knife, that fierce and unmatched blade of light fell across the sky towards Ling Xiao.


The knife-light differentiation, as if derived from reincarnation, turned into a side of the Abi **** burying the gods and demon, trapped Ling Xiao in it, and the knife light was like the sea, as if to kill Ling Xiao directly.

After slashing this knife, the Blood River Master moved towards the distance without looking back!

"This is... a taboo knife?!"

Ling Xiao was shocked, and his eyes were full of surprise.

The sword of reincarnation cut by the blood river master was actually the taboo sword that Ling Xiao once practiced, and the taboo sword was left by the lord of the wild, where did the blood river master learn the taboo sword? ?


Ling Xiao's thoughts turned fast in his heart, but his shot was not weak. Swallowing the sword gleamed with hundreds of millions of sword lights. When Ling Li reached the extreme, he fell down with the sword and collided with the light of the sky.

In an instant, the sword light annihilated, the sword gas rose, the surrounding Abi **** trembles violently, and finally with the sky light of the sky, it broke apart.


Swallowing the sword is like an eternal sword penetrating the heavens and the earth. The sword radiates to the extreme. It immediately catches up with the master of the blood river and falls towards him.

Blood River Master's face changed greatly, and he hurriedly resisted, but the unmatched sword gas instantly tore the sea of ​​blood around him, causing him to tremble and fly directly out!


Swallowing the sword energy of the sword, the thousands of death stars around them are all instantly cut into powder!

"You... who the **** are you?"

The eyes of the Master of Blood River were full of incredible expressions, staring at Ling Xiao and asked.

He never thought that Ling Xiao's strength was so strong!

"Do you want to die or live?"

Ling Xiao held the swallowing sky sword, emptied the sky, the stars gathered around him, and they all rushed into his body, making him a terrifying breath of fluctuations.

Blood River Lord's face was extremely ugly. Ling Xiao was determined to stop him. Through the first battle, he also saw that he was indeed not Ling Xiao's opponent.

But the surrender of the reincarnation wheel made him uncomfortable.

"How about wanting to die? What about wanting to live?"

Blood River dominates the teeth.

He succumbed incomparably in his heart, and looked at the Lord of Xuan Ming in the distance, which was even full of hatred.

If it weren't for him to be injured at the moment, even if he couldn't beat Ling Xiao, there should be no problem if he wanted to escape.

It is the Lord of Xuan Ming, the peerless strongman who does not know where to find it, makes him feel a deep sense of powerlessness.

"Can he...have merged the three bodies?"

At the thought of this, the heart of the blood river master was even more trembling, full of indescribable fear.

"If you want to die, I can fulfill you now! If you don't want to die, hand over the reincarnation and answer me a question, I can spare you!"

Ling Xiao gave a light glance to Master Xuehe.

Swallowing the sword buzzing and trembling, the sword qi differentiated into hundreds of millions of avenues.

Those sword spirits gathered together, as if forming a kind of incomparably mysterious big formation between each other, so that the blood river master had no chance to escape.

"Reincarnation, can give you!"

Blood River dominates his Three black reincarnation discs appeared in the palm of his hand, and then flew towards Ling Xiao.

This is the reincarnation disk he and Xuanming Lord got together. Originally he got three pieces, and he wanted to swallow it alone. He and the Xuanming Lord hit the Xuanming Lord hard. I did not expect that now it is all cheaper Ling Xiao .

Even though he was extremely unwilling in his heart, he could not help but bow his head in the face of the threat of death.

"Very good! Who gave you the sword of reincarnation you just cast?"

Ling Xiao stared at the Blood River Master slowly.

"The sword of reincarnation? What do you ask about this?"

Eyes dominated by Blood River shrank suddenly and said slowly.

"answer my question!"

Ling Xiao asked faintly.

This blood river lord really has a problem, maybe he should know the whereabouts of the lord of the flood!

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