Great Emperor Myriad

Chapter 715: 7 stars broken sky style!

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Ling Xiao's voice echoed in the void, and suddenly the many disciples of Shura Sect were stunned.

Ling Xiao dared to say to Elder Luo Feng, "You can't do that either."

In order to protect a woman who seems to have some hatred, is it really worth it?

Many disciples of Shura Sect had a look of admiration in their eyes. I am afraid that no one in the entire Shura Sect would dare to speak to Elder Luo Feng so much, so Ling Xiao dared.

After hearing Ling Xiao's words, Liu Wan'er was shocked, feeling that his heart was hit by something, covering his mouth, squatting down, crying silently, and tears like a river that broke through the embankment. live.

Luo Feng's face is still very indifferent, but there is a cold edge in his eyes.

"Okay, good! Ling Xiao, are you the one who defeated the Burning Demon Emperor and boarded the Qingyun List, you are eligible to be arrogant in front of the old man? Today the old man tells you that Liu Wan'er is an apprentice, and the old man accepts Now!"

Luo Feng said lightly that an invisible momentum was oppressed towards Ling Xiao, vast and majestic, as if the world and the world were suppressing towards Ling Xiao.

"Really? I want to take her away! Unless, you won me first!"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly, a strong war intent appeared in his eyes.

Before beheading the Leopard Demon Venerable, it was Ling Xiao who had planned for a long time. After using the Five Great Supremes to severely injure him, he finally beheaded with a sword.

The elder Luo Feng in front of him, although only a supreme dharma body, has the power of supreme state.

Ling Xiao does not want to miss such a good grindstone!

"So, do you want to challenge the old man? Young man, the supreme state is not what you can imagine. If you want to challenge the old man, you have to pay the price of death! I am afraid you can't afford this price!"

Luo Feng said lightly, taking a step towards Ling Xiao, a terrifying supreme supernatural power, suppressing towards Ling Xiao.

"The price is clear to me naturally! But Elder Luo must also be prepared. If I am slaughtered by this supreme dharma body, I am afraid you will become the laughing stock of the entire God of War continent!"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly, his whole body was condensed with his sword, and the whole person seemed to become a peerless sword. His breath was sharp, and he cut off the sword of supreme supernatural power that Luo Feng suppressed.

"A boy with a sharp tooth and a sharp mouth. If so, let's fight!"

Luo Feng said indifferently, his eyes suddenly flickering.


He shot instantly.

His whole body was filled with supreme dignity, the laws of heaven and earth were added, and a punch came towards Ling Xiao. The sky was black and he was condensed into a huge fist, powerful and unmatched.

Although Ling Xiao defeated the Burning Demon Emperor, he did not think Ling Xiao had the strength to defeat him.

Especially Ling Xiao's appearance is too deceptive. It seems to be a handsome young boy with a weak breath. It is easy for people to ignore his strength and take it lightly.


Ling Xiao's eyes flashed in the center, and he was also punched out.


The golden lightning broke out in an instant, and the golden blood of Ling Xiao rose all over the body. In an instant, he seemed to turn into a golden real dragon, exuding a terrifying dragon power all over his body. The huge fist prints were like dragon claws. Coming up in the sky.


The two fists collided, causing the sky to violently rumble. Both Ling Xiao and Luo Feng were shocked. A fiery light burst from the two. They couldn't help but violently and then retreated dozens of feet.

"Dragon race supernatural power? Boy, don't think that the flesh is strong, you can be arrogant! The power of the Supreme is simply not what you can imagine!"

Luo Feng's eyes flashed sharply, slightly dignified.

Ling Xiao's physical power is extremely terrifying, and he is not weaker than him, and there is a kind of fluctuation in the unmatched physical power, and the powerful Supreme Law is nothing to him. effect.

"Dashu Luo Palm!"

Luo Fengluo snorted, his eyes struck with a murderous glance, and his palm came across the sky.

The black suffocation filled the sky and the earth seemed to fall into the darkness. A terrifying palm print fell from above nine days, as if covering the entire Shura palm.

"Do you have a big palm? Then take you to try the last four generations of the Seven Gods of Heaven and Earth!"

"Seven Stars Broken Sky!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with a fine glance, and he instantly turned towards the palm print above the nine days.


He punched out, the world shook, the heaven and earth shook, the sky above nine days seemed to be broken instantly, the seven supreme stars were dazzling, and a terrifying starlight condensed on Ling Xiao's fist.

The seven supreme stars seemed to have fallen from the nine heavens, wrapped in a monstrous breath, and came towards Luo Feng.

This is the fourth move to devour the seven magical powers of devastating the heavens and the earth. The last four moves can only be practiced by condensing the king of swallowing the sky.

Only in the Supreme Realm can you break the and the seven-star broken sky style means that Ling Xiao has the supreme combat power.


The sky shook, Ling Xiao punched on the palm of Da Xiuluo, the seven supreme stars exploded at the same time, the void was instantly broken, and the endless void was surging.

Luo Feng's face changed, and he felt the seven-fold surging power, like the waves, superimposed together, bursting out of terrifying terror.

His arm shuddered, and he couldn't help stepping back a dozen steps.

Ling Xiao succeeded in one move, and immediately bullied him straight up, snorted coldly: "Take me another trick and burn the sky!"


Swallowing the true fire instantly diffused from Ling Xiao's body, and turned into eight flame true dragons around his body. The breath was violent, the ferocious power was filled, and the hot flame was circling, and at the same time, he was killing Luo Feng.

"Destroy the Shura sword! Kill!"

Luo Feng's gaze was also saturated with a slap in the air, like a white sword awn cutting through the void, and slashing toward the eight real dragons.


The sky above Shura-zong shook the sky, and the endless flames hung across the sky, covering all the sky.

The fierce fighting between Ling Xiao and Luo Feng turned out to be like a real fire, making the distant mountains trembling violently.

The disciples of the Shura Sect below were only swept by the aftermath, and they all felt trembling and their eyes were full of incredible looks.

"Brother Ling is now stronger than in the Holy Market! Could it be that he really wants to slaughter a supreme?"

Cheng Jie marveled, his eyes full of incredible looks.

In the Holy Market, Ling Xiao defeated the Burning Demon Emperor, and his invincible figure has long been imprinted in his heart, giving him a feeling of fanatical worship.

And now, Ling Xiao is so fiercely fighting with Supreme Master Luo Feng's Supreme Dharma, making him dazzled and full of emotions.

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