Great Entrepreneur Reborn

Chapter 995: Who wants to slap Liu Jian in the face

Liu Jian has no interest in this so-called charity gala at all. No matter how much money you donate on various occasions, it doesn't make much sense, because the money will not be tax-free, and if it is not the one who donates the most, even Newspapers may not even report it.

Liu Jian really has no interest in this kind of occasion where he can neither be famous nor get benefits. What can he do with the money.

However, Liu Jian's mood lifted slightly when Dou Yuqing mentioned that there were some famous ladies.

"How do you know? Is the news accurate?" Liu Jian asked

Dou Yuqing said: "The news is accurate. Every year at this time, the Huo family, the Li family and several other big families will hold such a charity party. The people who are usually invited are Hong Kong celebrities. This is also the most popular event for many celebrities, models and female stars. Whenever you want to appear!"

Liu Jian snorted and said, "Then why did they invite me? I'm not a Hong Kong person, am I?"

Dou Yuqing said: "Mr. Liu, although you are not a Hong Kong native, how can they ignore you given your status? Now you are more famous than those celebrities who often appear in newspapers, and this is the boss you An opportunity to integrate into Hong Kong's rich circle."

"So Lin Jianyue participated in it before!" Liu Jian asked.

Dou Yuqing nodded and said, "He participates every year, and he regards participating in this event as a very important job."

Taking a careful look at Liu Jian, Dou Yuqing said: "Lin Jianyue originally planned to donate a few things from his collection when he participated in this event this year, and also wanted to spend a lot of money to become the person who donated the most in this year's charity event."

Liu Jian said with a sneer: "He has no chance. From the looks of it, I have taken his place. If that's the case, let's go. I just want to see what is different about these famous families in Hong Kong."

Dou Yuqing didn't say anything, she was self-aware, Liu Jian must have brought Fan Junyu there, it was not his turn. Sure enough, a few minutes later, Liu Jian called Fan Junyu and explained about attending the charity gala at night.

Just when Dou Yuqing was a little disappointed, Liu Jian said: "Yuqing, you go with us at night, I don't know many people, please tell me when the time comes."

Dou Yuqing nodded in surprise.

In the evening, in the banquet hall of the Hilton Hotel, people came here early. As Dou Yuqing said, this is a very influential event in Hong Kong. Outside the hotel, long guns and short guns surrounded the door.

When Liu Jian took Fan Junyu and Dou Yuqing out of the car, the media also ushered in frenzied filming.

Now, no one regards Liu Jian as a small role. Even with ATV, there are still many media calls to interview Liu Jian every day. It is conceivable how interested these reporters are in this mysterious rich man from the mainland.

Fan Junyu held Liu Jian's arm and said, "It's really lively!"

Liu Jian sneered and said, "Didn't you see that the red carpet has been rolled out? What kind of charity party, I think it's just a show, plus it's a party for fighting the rich, let's go in and have a look."

Dou Yuqing followed behind, and the three walked into the hotel.

The organizer was greeted by someone early, Dou Yuqing handed over the invitation card, and the three were welcomed into the hall.

Seeing the scenes of cups and toasts everywhere, Liu Jian and Fan Junyu found a place to sit down.

"Mr. Liu, don't you want to get to know them?" Dou Yuqing asked in surprise.

You must know that when Lin Jianyue attended the banquet in the past, he always regarded it as a good social place, and took the opportunity to communicate with the bosses of many companies, and sometimes business was done like this.

Liu Jian shook his head and said, "Know them? They don't have that much face yet. Yuqing, please introduce these people to us."

Dou Yuqing nodded and introduced, the Huo family, the Bao family, the Li family, the He family, there are indeed famous families from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. Liu Jian sipped red wine, looked at these guys, and kept sneering in his heart.

He didn't believe it, these people didn't know him!

The organizer will notify these companies early of the news that I came, but no one came to chat with me. What does this mean? Do you want to give yourself a blow? It seems that today's invitation is not that simple.

"Husband, it seems something is wrong!" Fan Junyu asked.

Fan Junyu is a smart person, so he naturally noticed something strange. The organizer did not do anything other than bring them into the banquet hall, and no one came to say hello. It is not a good sign to let Liu Jian and the three sit here.

Liu Jian sneered and said, "Don't worry, we'll see the situation later!"

Fan Junyu nodded, and a stern light flashed in his eyes. If these guys really have any crooked ideas, then they have found the wrong person, and Liu Jian will not give them face.

After being married to Liu Jian for so long, she knows Liu Jian's character clearly.

Come softly, come hard, no one is easy to use.

As time went on, more and more people came. Liu Jian also saw the stars mentioned by Dou Yuqing. After observing for a while, Liu Jian suddenly discovered a phenomenon and asked: "Yuqing, in previous years Are these young people in charge of these companies?"

Dou Yuqing thought for a while and said: "No, in previous years, there would be big names from both the Li family and the Huo family. Today is indeed a bit strange. The people who come from these families are all young people."

Liu Jian understood. It seems that these young people invited themselves. They didn't want to know themselves or anything, but wanted to slap Liu Jian in the face. It seems that Liu Jian's series of behaviors in Hong Kong made these people feel It's embarrassing.

Although Liu Jian was born as a dick, he has seen too many such things in movies and TV.

It seems that these guys just want to teach themselves a lesson.

Thinking of this, the sneer at the corner of Liu Jian's mouth became more and more serious, let's see who hits whose face tonight.

"Mr. Liu, you are here!" Chen Duolin's voice sounded from the side.

Liu Jian stood up with a smile and said, "Mr. Chen, you are here too. It seems that there are quite a lot of people coming to this charity gala!"

Chen Yahui, who was standing on Chen Duolin, nodded.

"Everyone should give these companies some face. They are now at the top of the Hong Kong business pyramid," Chen Duolin said.

Liu Jian said: "Okay, this is not a company, you go and do your work."

Chen Duolin nodded. She saw some old friends just now and was going to say hello. When she saw Liu Jian here, she had to come over first.

After a while, Liu Jian saw Liang Naipeng again, and the two chatted casually, and Liang Naipeng was also invited away by a familiar person.

When they all left, Liu Jian sneered and said, "Jun Yu, there will be a good show to watch."

Fan Junyu said: "If these Hong Kong farmers really want to make trouble, I will let them go around without food."

Looking left and right, no one noticed, Fan Junyu said: "I have joined forces with the head of the Hong Kong Garrison. If there is any emergency, they can mobilize a battalion at any time."

Liu Jian said: "Let's see!"

Dou Yuqing was is this couple doing?

She suddenly felt that perhaps it was a mistake for her to persuade Liu Jian to come to this banquet today.

After a while, the welcome lady brought the party participants to the auction hall, where the seats had already been arranged, and there were nameplates on the table, and everyone sat down according to their names.

Liu Jian's location is in a very remote place.

Several people at the same table, after listening to Dou Yuqing's introduction, Liu Jian knew that they were some well-known bosses. are much better than him.

Sure enough, discrimination is ubiquitous. No matter who arranged what happened today, Liu Jian sentenced him to death.

Liu Jian is not a person who will not fight back when he is beaten. He will not make it easier for anyone who does not make him feel better.

Fan Junyu's complexion was even uglier than Liu Jian's. Even in Europe, the two never said such discrimination. It seems that some people really don't know whether to live or die!

When the host was speaking, Liu Jian asked in a low voice, "Yuqing, who is the organizer of this event?"

Dou Yuqing said: "Boss, I don't know too well. They are all changing their sponsors. I'll go and find out."

Liu Jian nodded and said, "Go ahead and find out who arranged today's banquet."

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