Great Husband of the Northern Song Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1177: Shen An playing a knife in front of him

The lieutenant's leg was broken at a forty-five degree angle, but he was not sad.

Liu Xian was still smiling, but the smile was a little lighter, Jiang Wei was still indifferent, but Wang Tong seemed a little angry.

They are ground snakes, Shen'an is Jianglong. Guo Jianglong shot under the eye snake of the ground snake, and stepped on the legs of their men. Is this too much?

"But Shenxian Gong?"

Liu Xian smiled and arched his hands back and forth, but Wang Tong sneered: "Sometimes in Daming Mansion, I heard about the prestige of Shenxian Gong and broke his legs. Are they ... what kind of heroes? "

The accompanying officials all looked at Shen An with anger and angrily. After hearing this, the momentum rose.

The so-called strong dragon does not suppress the head of the snake, which is the case now.

Shen An looked at Wang Tong and asked, "You are ..."

Wang Tong said: "A big famous mansion passed the sentence, Wang Tong."

"Do you understand etiquette?"

Shen An's question is very humiliating. Wang Tong said with a red face: "Shen An, you wanton!"

Shen An smiled, "It's polite not to report to your door before you speak? What are you doing? Oops!"

Shen An suddenly turned the baby swaddle, and then turned back and said, "Go to the city and buy the milk right now, be quick."

Liu Xian is still smiling, but Shen An's disdainful attitude still angered him.

Several village soldiers rushed into the city, and Shen An stared at Liu Xian and asked, "Remember a batch of food just arrived?"

Liu Xian nodded, but did not speak.

"take it out!"

Shen An was in charge of the emperor ’s decree, and he could make the trip, so Liu Xian just looked pale, and then explained, “If it ’s all given, what should I do?


Shen An looked around the city, and the victims were overjoyed when they heard that he was willing to release food, but Liu Xian said what to do after eating, it means that there is not much food.

How to do?

Shen An looked at the city and suddenly laughed, looking at something awkward, "I want to save a lot of food in the city?"

Liu Xian sighed: "Those who store grains have a master."

The so-called master, without knowing who those masters are.

This is one of the four capitals, and it is facing the command center in the north. It has a large population, powerful people, and numerous merchants.

There is a lot of food in the hands of these people, but can you ask for it?


This kind of thing can only be voluntary.

So Liu Xian smiled inevitably after hearing Shen An's words, thinking that this person was too young to understand these twists and turns.

Shen An looked at the victims, took a deep breath, and then exhaled.

The white qi slowly dissipated, Shen An said: "Open the warehouse to put grain, cook porridge, Brother Chun!"

Huang Chun recently said, "Lang Jun, the villain is here."

Those victims were looking at Shen An, with hope in their eyes.

Shen An sucked his nose and said, "The porridge should not be poured with chopsticks. If it falls ... the person who handles it, the head will fall to the ground!"

Everyone around was stunned.

Da Song doesn't kill people easily, so no one has ever seen Shen An and such murderous characters.

The officials were dumbfounded, and after the victims were stunned, they all cheered.

"Thank you, Shenxian Gong!"

"With Shenxian Gong's words, we can live."

"Dad, why don't you stay up for another day, Shenxian has put out grain, dad, look at it!"

A man knelt there and cried, and Shen An saw his face getting colder.

"Lang Jun rest assured!"

Huang Chun grasped the handle of the knife and responded aggressively.

"Who will arrange it?"

Shen An was just going to be Jiang Qianglong today, and did not give face to the officials of Damingfu at all.

Liu Xian glanced at Wang Tong.

The general sentence is a deputy, and it is no better to control these.

Wang Tong snorted, "Some."

Shen An smiled, "Shen Mou will wait and see."

This sounds bloody, but the officials present are all officials. There are rules of the ancestors. Who is afraid of you, Shen An!

Huang Chun took the people away. Later, Xiang Bing brought a large bowl of milk, and Shen An made a small stove and pot to cook the milk on the spot.

"It's going to be boiled, you have to remember, no matter it's water or whatever, you need to boil it to drink, and eat as much as possible, and wash your hands ..."

The child slowly drank the cow's milk, and his expression gradually relaxed, and Shen An popularized hygiene knowledge for these victims.

"Why?" Someone asked puzzled.

"We are almost starving to death, so we eat whatever we have, and some people eat dirt!"

This is what happened when natural disasters occurred, but Shen An came, and naturally this would not be allowed to happen. He said: "The water must be boiled and the food should be cooked ... because once it is not cooked, there will be small invisible Things, those things will make you diarrhea, let you ... lose your life. "


An old man said, "Yes, a few days ago, I ate something that was thrown away by others. As a result, I had diarrhea for two days and went directly. Shenxian Gonggao saw it."

"This is the truth." Shen An said seriously: "The miscellaneous knowledge has these explanations. Those small things are invisible to the naked eye, but they do exist. Remember, cook, boil, wash your hands frequently, and don't drown anywhere. "

"Miscellaneous?" A young man said: "Someone has heard that the knowledge inherited from the Shenxian public is very powerful, or is it the vein of Mengshan ... many seniors stayed together ..."

When everyone heard it, they were moved.

This one……

Shen An wanted to say that there was nothing about Mengshan, lest these people think about ghosts and gods, but in the end it was still silent.

Let's get the benefits first.

Afterwards, porridge was being poured everywhere, and the victims were weeping with joy, bowing to Shen An, and even many kneeling.

"Don't stand up."

Shen An pulled one, but the other knelt down again, he said helplessly: "This is the grace of the official family."

"Long live the official family!"

There was cheering in the city.

Liu Xian's face was blue for a moment, and there was a staff whispered behind him: "It's a pity."

Liu Xian nodded slightly.

Without the long live of the official family, he would be able to play the impeachment impeachment Shen An used the opportunity of disaster relief to seek prestige for himself, for fear of misconduct.

What a special! Is this man clever ... or good luck?

The officials of Damingfu did not know what this "Qincha" meant.

Shen An was then placed in the city.

After the victims had their meals, the atmosphere in the city was much better, but the problem persisted.

"That batch of food is not enough ..." Wang Tong came to Shen An and stretched out three fingers with his face. "Originally, gruel can be used for more time. If thick gruel can be used, it can take up to three days. The victims will eat after three days." What? Does Shenxian Gong plan? "

Shen An frowned: "So little?"

There was a look of contempt in Wang Tong's eyes, "This is mobilized food, but the food in the north is not enough to eat, and it is subsidized by the water transport from the south. Now that the Daming Mansion is affected, where can the whole north find food? Not enough! "

This is a blow to professional knowledge.

Seeing Shen An's expression calm, Wang Tong shook his head, thinking that this man was really ... pretending to be a fart!

"There will be a way."

Shen An looked up at him, "Why don't the generals in the city come to see someone?"

Wang Tong was stunned, "Some are civilians, I don't know."

"is it?"

Civil servants do not take advantage of martial arts!

Shen An was waiting for this sentence. He waved his hand like a gesture of driving away the flies. "Wang Tong sentenced himself."


A county official who doesn't even have a real job, dare to use this attitude to pass me Wang Tong?

Wang Tong was so angry that he almost chewed a dog when he went out. He stumbled and hit a disaster victim. He looked up and scolded, "Go!"

As a civil servant, Bibi cannot scold the people like this, which is taboo.

But Wang Tong was still scolded, and his gaffe was learned by many people. Everyone was guessing what humiliation Shen An gave him.

Liu Xian saw Wang Tong and smiled when asked, "It's just a trifle, no need to be angry."

After Wang Tong sat down, he took a cup of tea and took a sip, said secretly: "The army in the city ... Chen Wei is slick, Shen An wants to conquer him? That's a dream."

Liu Xian said lightly: "He still has more than three hundred soldiers."

Jiang Weimu said with a face: "It's used!"

This was a rare swearing by him. Liu Xian and Wang Tong looked at each other and laughed.

"What can he do without an army? There are more than three hundred people, and he can't do anything." Liu Xian's face became more proud, and then gradually stubborn, "Let Liu Wei stabilize, this matter will soon pass."

For the Daming Mansion, more than three hundred people are just a small wave, and they will soon disappear.

Wang Tong nodded, "The days in North Korea and China have been much better in the past few years, and Sansi also has money, so I can get some more."

All three laughed, very contented.


Then the commanders of the city's generals, Chen Wei and Duyu Houyang, were called.

Chen Wei looked very dignified. After coming in to salute, he said: "There are some things in the army, but some are delayed." Then he went to sit next to Shen An.

Shen An suddenly asked, "What's in the army?"


No one would go to the bottom of these things, but Shen An asked. Chen Wei was a little confused, and then he smiled and said, "It's just a little thing."

This is still a cliché, just like when you see someone sorrowful, you ask him if he is having a hard time. Most of him smiles, "It's just a trifle, nothing."

This is a stereotype, everyone knows each other well.


Shen An suddenly patted the table and shouted: "Since it's a small matter, why don't you come to see Shen?"

Chen Wei said in amazement: "Someone has to deal with this ..."

"Isn't it a trifle?" Shen An asked coldly. On the edge, Du Yuhou Yang Hong found that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell.

Chen Wei smiled, "Not a trivial matter ..."

"You said it was a trivial matter at the moment, and you said it was not a trivial matter at the moment. Is this a deception? The military order is like a mountain, one is one, and the other is two, can you be fooled?

Chen Wei felt something was wrong, so she got up and said, "This matter ..."

"Shen Mou came here with emperor's decree, only to find out in the Daming Mansion ... the officials and merchants colluded here, and even colluded with the military generals. Is this to seek rebellion?"

Shen An Huo Ran got up, Chen Wei shouted: "Shen An, you don't want to spoil ..."

"Come here!"

Shen An shouted, and a group of village soldiers rushed in, led by Wen Xiaozhong.

Chen Wei knew that he was afraid of being trapped in Shen An ~ ~ He shouted and pulled out his long knife.

At this time, a thought arose: Why did Shen An not let some undo the knife when someone came in earlier?

As an official appointed by Zhao Shu to deal with corruption and disaster relief, Shen An has the right to ask Chen Wei and others to come in and solve the knife.

But he didn't do it.

You idiot!

Chen Weibao smiled, feeling that he could cut Shen An with a knife.

"Chen Wei assassinated someone!"

Shen An overturned the case and blocked Chen Wei.

Chen Wei was stunned and looked at the long knife in his hand before he realized why Shen An wouldn't let him undo the knife.

This is to find an excuse to kill him!

Shen An was digging a pit before he came in, and after he came in, he buried him step by step, until now, let him talk a hundred words ...

He had never seen such a venomous method, and only felt a burst of anger in his chest.

"Shen An, you are so poisonous ..."

He fought hard to kick the case, and then prepared to rush up to Shen An.


Wen Xiaozhong's eyes were about to arrive, so Shen An stood still and calmly, and the village soldiers couldn't help but convince themselves when they saw them.

Lang Jun really is a man who is not in danger!

But the first shot was not Wen Xiaowen, but Du Yuhou Yang Hong.

Yang Hong also came in with a knife, and after pulling out his long knife, he rushed towards Chen Wei.

The two fight together, and Yang Hong has the upper hand in a few times.

Wen Xiaozhong stopped in front of Shen An and asked, "Lang Jun, can the villain be shot?"

"Don't." Shen An said leisurely: "Someone wants to see what's going on in this big famous mansion, who is loyal and loyal!"


Yang Hong chopped down with a knife, and turned Chen Weilian with a knife. Then he abandoned the knife and threw it up, and controlled Chen Wei in a few clicks.

He stunned Chen Wei, turned back and knelt. "It's guilty to quit."

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