
Dijun Taiyi replied at the same time.

The decision has been made in the heart.

As long as the treasure is in hand, it will be sent back to the landlord immediately.

Compared with the trust of the landlord.

The flood is a fart.

Hongjun is a saint.

There is also the assistance of the Heavenly Dao.

Already insight into the thoughts of the two.

When he was angry, he was about to vomit blood.

Spend that much.

As a result, the two want to send the baby back.

Isn’t he equivalent to being prostituted in vain?

Hongjun’s heart was fiery.

Anger is about to brew into a storm.

“You can, in a million years, you can’t change hands.”

Di Juntai’s face sank.

After thinking about it, I agreed.

It’s only a million years, and the flood famine quickly passes.

Lord Landlord knows everything, and must know that this matter is not to blame us, but Hongjun is a ghost.

“Get out of here.”

Hongjun was angry and angry, and blasted Dijun Taiyi out of the Zixiao Palace.

Later, he was afraid that he would not be able to control and kill the two.

“Student Taiqing, meet the teacher.”

“Student Yuqing, meet the teacher.”

“Students go to the clear, meet the teacher.”

Sanqing begged to see him, Hongjun waved his hand, and Sanqing was brought to the front.

“The three of you are all authentic Pangu, and you have great achievements in the future, so you came to me specially today, what is the matter?”

Tong Tian was straightforward and the first to say:

“Teacher, I always feel uneasy today, I always feel that a great opportunity has disappeared, this opportunity should be extremely important, and even involve my holy position.”

Hongjun’s heart tightened.

How could he not know.

The chance mentioned by Tongtian is the Four Swords of Immortals.

It’s a pity that it was given to Lu Xuan by Hongjun.

Primordial couldn’t hold back and said to Hongjun

“Teacher, when I preached last time, I also had a feeling that my chance was taken away, was it some bastard, and decided my chance.”

Hongjun became angry when he heard it.

The original Pangu Banner was taken out by him and handed to Lu Xuan.

The original guy actually called him a bastard to his face.

He is a saint, and a saint cannot be disgraced.

Just now, Hongjun and Dijun Taiyi held their stomachs.

Now it is scolded again by the primitive.

The anger could no longer be contained.

Pointing at the primitive nose and scolding:

“You are a waste, every day by chance, is the opportunity waiting, that is earned.”

“Look at you Sanqing, staying in Kunlun Mountain all day, saying that you are cultivating, but in fact you are not lazy.”

“Even the twelve ancestral witches who don’t use magic weapons have found more than twenty innate spirit treasures in the Flood Wilderness, and then look at you, what do you have?”

“One poor and two white, two hands clean breeze, and self-confessed Pangu Authentic, you should see, which Pangu Authentic Sect does not even have a magic weapon for beheading corpses.”

“Waiting for me to send you a magic weapon all day long, as far as your virtue is concerned, I will not send it to you.”

A stinky scolding, the landless self-contained scolding of the three Qing.

His face was pale and he knelt on the ground, not even daring to breathe.

After a long time, Hongjun was finally comfortable.

The sulking of his life with Di Juntai just now was also over.

It feels like a refreshing feeling.

Look at the three clear like dead fish.

That loveless expression.

Hongjun thought of the future trend, and the three of them still had important positions.

Sighed and said

“Forget it, I’ll show you a way, you should be able to find a good magic weapon.”

“Thank you for your grace.”

Hongjun waved his hand and let the three people stand up.

“Master Wei only hopes that you will do better, that’s why you are so strict, since you are here, you can ask me any questions.”

Lao Tzu’s eyes lit up, showing that the time had come for him to be diligent and studious.

Then he took out all the problems that he didn’t understand in cultivation.

Hongjun’s anger also disappeared, and in the future, he would accept Sanqing as an apprentice, and also took out the appearance of a teacher to answer.

Only the primitive heart was anxious, he wanted to get the magic weapon as soon as possible, so that he could behead the corpse into a quasi-saint.


Emperor Juntaiyi got the Chaos Bell and the River Tuluo Book.

After coming out of the Zixiao Palace, go straight to the small courtyard.

Passing through Kunlun Mountain, Taiyi remembered that Primordial and Dijun had a grudge.

“Brother, look at me destroying this Kunlun Mountain, look how rampant that primitive is.”

The Chaos Bell was sacrificed by Taiyi, and a palm slapped on it, and the furious divine power swept down.

Everything in its way was destroyed, and the Kunlun Mountains were in shambles.

“Brother, you see, in addition to the Sanqing Cave Mansion, there is still one intact.”

“Let’s take a look.”

As soon as Di Juntai fell down, he found that it was a congenital confinement after checking it.

The Book of River Tulo was sacrificed, calculating the means of innate confinement.

As soon as Di Juntai entered, he found a small pool.

A cyan refining flower bloomed above the waterhole, and the thirty-six petals bloomed brightly, with endless fairy light path rhyme.

“This is the thirty-six pins of the Creation Green Lotus.”

Di Jun’s eyes widened, and his eyes were full of surprise.

The thirty-six pins created the green lotus, which was reborn from the complete lotus seed of the chaotic green lotus.

The Tao rhymes infinitely, the Tao is infinite, and this treasure can prove the saintly position.

The two were extremely excited, and just when the two were about to collect the thirty-six pins of the Creation Green Lotus, they were shocked by thousands of miles.

It turned out that the thirty-six pins of the Creation Green Lotus were not tolerated in the Heavenly Dao, and once they were collected, they would definitely be punished by heaven.

The level from the innate supreme treasure was dismantled and transformed into three superb innate spirit treasures.

They are the flat-headed crutch, the Three Treasures Jade Ruyi and the Qingping Sword.

It is the origin of ‘red flowers and white lotus leaves, the three religions were originally one family’.

The two knew that they could not collect it, and immediately thought of Lu Xuan, and Di Jun said:

“Let’s go to the landlord, his old man must know how to collect it.”

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