Xiliang Women's Kingdom,

It is the most unique Buddha country in the Holy Land of Bliss,

All of them are women.

And they all look very good.

Especially the daughter King Zhu raised his eyebrows,

It is even more beautiful and beautiful,

It also has the realm of the master of the avenue,

In charge of the entire Western Liang Women's Kingdom,

The governance of the Western Liang Women's Kingdom is in order.

It's just that Zhu Xian eyebrows are very annoyed in his heart,

The better the governance of the Western Liang Women's Kingdom,

The more uncomfortable her heart became,

Because he knew the secrets of the female kingdom of Western Liang,

This Western Liang Women's Kingdom is located in the Extreme Yin Land of the Holy Land of Bliss,

So ninety percent of the children born here are girls.

But there are still 10% of boys,

For there must be yang in the extreme yin,

Above the yang eye of the land of extreme yin,

It's a Zhenyang Mountain,

On Zhenyang Mountain,

There is a true yang well,

Pregnant October lives in Zhenyang Mountain,

Drink Zhenyang well water,

You can give birth to a baby boy.

But the Bliss Buddha Sect sealed the True Yang Well,

exterminated the men of the Western Liang Women's Kingdom,

And then the fetal charm was released in the river,

From then on, just drink the river water,

The women of the Western Liang Women's Kingdom will conceive a daughter,

Then the Dingguang Huanxi Buddha of the Bliss Buddha Sect used the crossing road to brainwash all the people of the Xiliang Women's Kingdom,

In the end, it became a cultivation tool for the Buddha of Bliss to fix light and rejoice Buddha,

Every year, the Western Liang Women's Kingdom will contribute hundreds of women to the Dingguang Joyful Buddha of the Bliss Buddha Sect.

Determined by the light and joy Buddha as a cauldron,

In the end, they all died tragically and became human beings.

Zhu Xian Mei is born with the ultimate Yin body,

Ultimate Yin attribute,

Let Zhu Yanmei's emotions are extremely light,

There are hardly any mood swings,

Even the crossing of the Buddha of Dingguang Huanxi did not work for her.

She also became the only sober person in the Western Liang Women's Kingdom,

But he wants to help Dingguang Huanxi Buddha manage the Western Liang Women's Kingdom,

If you do not follow the orders of the Buddha of Fixing Light and Rejoicing,

Not only Zhu Yanmei can't live,

Even the entire Xiliang Women's Country will be killed.

In order for nine out of nine people to survive,

Zhu Yanmei had to offer hundreds of beautiful women every year,

But in his heart, Zhu Yanbrow was already about to collapse.

Her emotions are light, but it does not mean that there are no emotions,

Watching those women being treated like a furnace,

Zhu Yanmei has long been angry,

If it weren't for the low realm,

She had long ago extinguished the Dingguang Joyful Buddha.

Today is officially rejoicing Buddha Day,

The selected hundred beauties paraded the streets happily,

Blessing and envy of the people,

Only Zhu Yanmei knew,

This is not an honor at all,

After the Buddha of Fixing Light and Rejoicing took people away,

The fate of those people will be extremely tragic.

Zhu Yanbrow still can't show the abnormality,

If only she had known that she had not been crossed,

Dingguang Huanxi Buddha will definitely strike to destroy her.

With mixed feelings,

Zhu Yanbrow slowly walked out of the palace,

And then slowly walked with the female officer,

Walked in front of a hundred beauties,

"Today is the time for you to take refuge in the Holy Buddha,

Kneel down and recite in your hearts the trumpet of the Buddha and rejoice in the light and joy,

He will sense it himself and take you to Western Elysium. "

Zhu Yanbrow's hand clenched tightly,

She was thinking about whether to sneak up on the arrival of the Buddha of Dingguang and Joy.

It's just that the Buddha of Fixed-Light and Joy is the supreme avenue,

She is only the supreme powerful Dao level,

Two big realms behind,

Even a sneak attack is unlikely to succeed,

And it will expose her,

She's dead

Change to a king controlled by the Buddha of Dingguang Joy,

Then Xiliang Women's Country really has no chance to turn over.

A hundred beauties kneel,

Pray to the Buddha with your hands folded,

Boom rumble.

Suddenly there was a noisy sound in the distance,

And I saw ten fast horses,

Protecting an incomparably luxurious ox cart driving by.

The big green bull divine horse pulling the cart is incomparable,

Blooming with cyan divine light,

The huge ox cart is simple and deep and restrained,

Incomparably imposing and overbearing.

"Ah, it's the Dingguang Joyful Buddha coming."

Someone shouted in surprise,

The people around also shouted,

Because the Western Liang Women's Kingdom is blocked,

In addition to fixing the light and rejoicing Buddha,

No man can pass through the blockade of the Great Array,

The ox cart was surrounded by men guarding,

The car must be Dingguang Joyful Buddha.

Although I came by ox cart,

The people of the Western Liang Women's Kingdom are also not surprised,

Because Dingguang Huanxi Buddha likes to change various identities to pick up people in Xiliang Women's Country,

In the past, he also played the emperor, rich merchant, great immortal Taoist, etc.,

It is not surprising that this time I came in an ox cart.

All the women knelt down,

With surprise and adoration on the face,

There are also many young girls with doubts and curiosity,

They are still young and have not yet seen what a man looks like.

"Western Liang Women's Kingdom, welcome the arrival of the Buddha of Dingguang and Joy."

"Western Liang Women's Kingdom, welcome the arrival of the Buddha of Dingguang and Joy."

"Western Liang Women's Kingdom, welcome the arrival of the Buddha of Dingguang and Joy."

A cheer,

Let Lu Xuan be a little confused,

What's going on?

When did he become a Buddha of Dingguang and rejoice,

And this Western Liang female country,

This name sounds familiar.

It's just that he can't remember where he heard it for a while.

But obviously he realized something.

These women have identified the wrong person.

Lu Xuan poked his head out of the car,

"You recognize the wrong person,

I am not a Buddha of fixed light and joy. "


Lu Xuan just appeared,

There was an exclamation all around,

"So handsome,"

"It turns out that men look so handsome."

"Is this the Buddha of Joy, I also want to go with him."

"It's so handsome, how can there be such a handsome man, I'm going to die."

Zhu tilted his eyebrows and saw Lu Xuan's eyes froze,

I was extremely surprised,

Because she knew in her heart,

Lu Xuan is not the Buddha of Dingguang and Rejoice,

Although Dingguang Huanxi Buddha likes to change identities,

But it doesn't change its face,

The face of the Buddha of Dingguang Joy is hideous and ugly,

It can't be such a handsome look at all.

It's just that Zhu tilted his eyebrows and was extremely puzzled,

The Western Liang Nuguo was blocked by the Dingguang Huanxi Buddha with a large array.

Even the supreme avenue level cannot be cracked silently,

But the man in front of him came in easily,

And the large array did not even react at all,

In the way of formation,

Definitely far more than the Buddha of Fixing Light and Rejoicing,

What shocked Zhu Yanmei even more in his heart was,

There was no mana fluctuation on Lu Xuan's body,

but was guarded and served by more than a dozen masters of the avenue,

Zhu Yanmei immediately realized in his heart,

Lu Xuan's realm is definitely above the Buddha of Fixing Light and Rejoicing,

If you can keep Lu Xuan,

Then wait for the light to rejoice in the Buddha again,

Lu Xuan was able to beat the Dingguang Joyful Buddha away,

It will also be able to protect the Western Liang Women's Kingdom.

But how to leave a strong man like Lu Xuan,

Xiliang Nuguo thought about it,

Hurriedly walked up,

"Zhu Xiang, the king of the female kingdom of Western Liang, raised his eyebrows,

If you see an adult, please get out of the car. "

Lu Xuan nodded,

The king personally invited,

He can't be too faceless,

"The king is gracious,

I also came here by accident.

Don't be surprised. "

Zhu Yanbrow said with a smile:

"To be here is fate,

Please come with me,

The palace prepared a wine banquet,

Catch the wind for adults. "

Lu Xuan took Hongji Tang Anran and others all the way to the palace,

Sitting at the wine banquet, Lu Xuan was even more curious,

"Your Royal Highness, I have a question,

You don't seem to have any men here." "

Zhu Yanbrow and the surrounding female officials couldn't help but purse their lips and laugh,

"The adult really laughed, how can there be a man in our daughter's country."

Lu Xuan was shocked in his heart,

Immediately understood where.

At this time, a female official brought tea,

"Adults, please have a cup of tea to quench your thirst,

This is tea brewed with the best river water in our daughter's country. "

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