"Enron did lose."

Tang Yuan repeated again,

The voice is also full of helplessness.

The scene instantly quieted down,

The faces of the eighteen elders all gradually became solemn,

Even the sound of breathing can be heard clearly,

Suddenly, the Third Elder said loudly:

"Enron actually lost to the palm print people,

Does my ancient clan really have to obey the orders of the palm seals? "

One word

Let the expressions of all the elders become more solemn,

The Great Elder said in a deep voice:

"According to the ancestral precepts, it should indeed be so."

The Ten Elders frowned and said:

"The ancestral precept should be observed,

But that was established countless years ago.

Circumstances change with the passage of time

The ancient race is now at the peak of the chaotic world,

Why bother to submit to others. "

The words of the ten elders made most of the elders couldn't help but nod,

The ancient race is already an undefeated legend of chaos,

is the strongest existence of chaos,

They are at the peak of the chaotic world,

Looking down at the clouds and light wind,

Accession to the WTO can stir up the storm and no one can be invincible,

The hidden world can settle down and no one dares to mess with it,

With such status,

It is not necessary but under the orders of people,

Thirteen Elders said in a deep voice:

"I think the Ten Elders are right,

First of all, our ancient people no longer need human protection,

So there is no need to be ordered by people.

And we don't know anything about this palm-print person.

If it is not a person,

If you don't get it right, it will lead our ancient clan into a situation where everything is irreparable,

If the ancient race is destroyed because of this,

Then we will not have the face to see our ancestors after we die. "

The words of the thirteen elders,

And let most of the elders focus their heads,

Tang Yuan said in a deep voice:

"Is that what all the elders think?"

The Great Elder coughed lightly,

The other elders all quieted down,

The Great Elder said in a deep voice:

"I think

The ancestral precept must not be violated. "

One word

It made the elders who had just agreed not to abide by the ancestral precepts look ugly.

The second elder also stood up

"I also feel that the ancestral precept is irresistible,

Don't forget,

Our ancient race is not a race in the chaotic world,

But we are from Hongmeng,

The biggest goal is also to return to Hongmeng. "

The five elders also began to express their position:

"That's right,

We must not forget the glory of the ancient race,

Our ancient clan is the Hongmeng holy clan,

What is the ability to dominate the chaotic world,

It is necessary to return to Hongmeng,

Re-enthroned to the throne. "

The sixth elder said in a deep voice:

"The purpose of the ancestral motto is to let us find an invincible strong,

Take us back to Hongmeng,

Then the position of the Holy Family is established again,

Now the opportunity comes,

You even said that you would defy the precepts of your ancestors,

It's really unaggressive. "

The Ten Elders snorted coldly,

"The ancestors let us find an invincible strongman,

Is this one who promised Enron?

The world of chaos we have all been to,

Weak as a child, how can an invincible strong person appear? "

The words of the ten elders made the elders present quiet,

Those who can sit on patriarchs and elders,

All of them are ancient Tianjiao,

have all entered the chaotic world to challenge the palm print people,

It's just that the palm-print people they met are too weak,

When looking for palm print people, I also contacted many so-called chaos powerhouses,

But all of them are weak and pitiful.

Chaos world for them,

There are no challenges at all,

In their eyes,

There is no difference between chaos creatures and ants,

They simply don't believe that an elephant can grow in an ant nest.

Tang Yuan knocked lightly on the table,

Thinking about the countermeasures:

"Now it seems that

The hearts of the elders are still almost the same,

The most important point is that

Is this palm print person really invincible and strong,

Are you qualified to rule the ancient clan,

I'm right. "

The Great Elder took the lead in nodding:

"That's right,


If the palm print people are really invincible and strong,

What about my ancient people following,

With such a strong person, chaos must no longer be able to accommodate it,

In the future, it will definitely enter Hongmeng to expand its territory. "

The ten elders also focused their heads,

"That's right,

I have no objection to the ancestral teachings,

I'm just afraid of the non-people,

As long as that palm print person really has that strength,

I have no opinion whatsoever. "

The other elders also expressed their views,

The end result is,

The ancient tribe should arrange enough trials to test the palm print people,

Only the palm-print people showed sufficient strength and potential,

The ancient people will follow the palm seals,

Follow the orders and orders of the palm seals.

If the palm print person cannot meet the requirements,

Then the only way is to disobey the ancestral precepts first,

Expell the palmprints.

The decision was made.

Tang Yuan was also relieved,

After all, this is related to the future fate of the entire ancient race,

His pressure as a patriarch was too great.

The Great Elder let out a hearty laugh:

"Patriarch, for us it is a test for the palm print people,

But for you, this trial is a test for your son-in-law. "

Tang Yuan couldn't help but show a wry smile,

Tang Anran lost to the palm print people,

I will marry a palm seal,

This decision was made by Tang Yuan.

Tang Yuan knew that his daughter was soft-hearted,

I was afraid that Tang Anran would have an accident because of this,

So I set this rule.

If Tang Anran releases water,

To marry each other,

Tang Anran can only be a killer.


Tang Yuan didn't think that Tang Anran would lose at all.

Now Tang Anran really lost,

That is to say, Tang Anran is going to marry the palm seal.

Tang Anran is the strongest Tianjiao in the history of the ancient clan,

The strength is already the strongest of the ancient race,

is the patriarch destined for the future,

If you marry a palm seal,

That is no different from handing over the ancient clan to the palm seal people.

Thinking of this, Tang Yuan's heart was full of regret,

I already knew that Tang Anran would lose,

He said nothing would set this rule.

Now put him in a dilemma.

The second elder also said half-jokingly and half-seriously:

"Patriarch, you can't release water just because the palm print person is a son-in-law."

Tang Yuan quickly waved his hand:

"Rest assured, elders,

I've decided,

This trial is also a test for the son-in-law,

If it doesn't pass,

Then this marriage will be annulled,

Because the palm print people are not worthy of my daughter. "

The eighteen elders all waved their hands and said quickly,

That's what they want.

Eighteen Elders,

The previous ones are relatively old,

Pay more attention to the ancestral teachings,

So I am more inclined to abide by the ancestral precepts,

And the era led by the ten elders in the back is much closer,

The emphasis on ancestral training is much lighter,

So more inclined not to comply,

But now the elders of both emotions have the same idea,

That is to see if the palm print person is qualified enough,

Whether to comply or not to comply,

It is decided after testing the palm print people.

If the palm print person is not qualified,

Then there is no need to discuss it at all.

From Tang Anran's summons,

Not only did he know that Tang Anran lost to the palm print people,

At the same time, I also knew that the palm print people were on their way to the ancestral land of the ancient tribe,

Regardless of whether the palm print person is qualified or not,

Since he defeated Tang Anran,

The ancient tribe should show enough attention,

Tang Yuan immediately issued an order,

Sorting out and cleaning the ancestral land of the ancient people,

And then everyone gathers,

Stand in the huge martial arts training ground to welcome the arrival of the palm print people.


Shen Sha Qingxian oxen pulling the ox cart also arrived,

All the eyes of the ancient tribe stopped on the ox cart,

Tang Anran pushed the car door,

Come out of it,

And then he turned and looked into the ox cart.

Lu Xuan did not stay,

Footsteps walked out of it slowly.

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