Great Medicine Without Borders

Chapter 1122: Experience

Chapter 1122 Experienced

Xu Chunliang said: “Changshan Hospital believes that the Civil Hospital is not sincere enough and has given up on the idea of ​​cooperation.”

Qin Yujiao secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It would have been better for Changshan Hospital to retreat in spite of the difficulties, but she realized that Xu Chunliang might have been completely offended in this matter. If she offended him, he would be offended. Anyway, he had already used all his methods. I would still do it. Are you afraid that you are a young boy?

Qin Yujiao raised her wrist and looked at the time.

Xu Chunliang discovered that she was wearing a Chopard diamond watch. This woman was really high-profile, but most beautiful women were rich.

Qin Yujiao said: "I still have something to do in the hospital, so I'll leave now. Let's talk another day."

Xu Chunliang nodded and moved out of the way.

Qin Yujiao got in the car, feeling a little upset, drove away from the Civil Affairs Bureau, and made a phone call.

 After the speakerphone rang a few times in the car, a deep male voice rang: "Yujiao, what's going on?"

Qin Yujiao was a little unhappy and said, "If nothing happens, I can't call you?"

The other party laughed: "I didn't say that, are you angry?"

Qin Yujiao said: "Someone always makes trouble for me."

Qin Yujiao said: "You don't know that Changshan Hospital belongs to them. I can't let him take advantage of the government."

The other party fell silent, and his silence was acquiescence.

Gu Houyi received a call from Qin Yujiao. Qin Yujiao said on the phone that she had fully read his cooperation plan. She was very interested and hoped that the two parties could agree on a time to meet and discuss it again.

Qin Yujiao sighed and said, "The new office director of our bureau."

Qin Yujiao said: "Don't mention it." She recounted what happened recently, and the more she spoke, the angrier she became. This was the first time she had met someone who openly opposed her after working in the Civil Affairs Bureau for so long.

"I just can't swallow this breath. He actually stabbed me in the back. I have never seen such a sinister young man."

 “Xu Chunliang?”

"you know?"

“It doesn’t matter who takes advantage of the government, as long as he doesn’t take advantage of you.”

 “According to you, I did something wrong?”

“Do you think you are the only one who knows that Changshan Hospital belongs to the Xu family? Cooperation is a good thing. If you don’t cooperate, how will you catch him?”

The other party laughed, and after the laughter stopped, he said: "Many times, you need to pay attention to strategy when doing things, and the best way is to retreat instead of advance."

Qin Yujiao was stunned for a moment: "Are you asking me to give in?"

 Gu Houyi guessed that Xu Chunliang had played a role, and he happily agreed. After hanging up the phone, Gu Houyi reported the matter to Xu Chunliang immediately.

The other party listened patiently, and when Qin Yujiao finished speaking, he smiled and said: "You, if he wants to cooperate, just agree, why bother to refute his face."


 “You did nothing wrong.”

After a while, he said: "Why do you have a conflict with him?"

Qin Yujiao spat: "You're crazy, you, he is just a child in my eyes, how could I be interested in him."

“Yujiao, don’t be angry. The Civil Hospital is not your own. If you have so many wards, they are idle. They are not being used by anyone you rent them to.”

 Qin Yujiao seemed to have some realization.

Xu Chunliang instead persuaded Gu Houyi to temporarily give up seeking cooperation in the name of Changshan Hospital. The reason why Qin Yujiao changed her attitude did not necessarily mean that she had given in. She was probably making strategic concessions in an attempt to make a fuss about this matter in the future.

Xu Chunliang will not give up the idea of ​​a civil hospital since he has thought about it. He will also promote cooperation, but before cooperation, hidden dangers must be eliminated first.

Ding Si was in Xu Chunliang’s office at this time, handing Xu Chunliang a pile of photos he had taken.

Xu Chunliang took the photos, looked at a few, and praised them: "Your photography skills are pretty good."

Ding Si smiled and said: "I still have a few professionals under me. This girl is quite famous. She used to be a flower in civil affairs. Although she is old now, she can still charm many people."

Xu Chunliang said: "She is quite rich."

Ding Si said: "How many beautiful women have no money? I asked around. Her father used to be the old director of the Civil Affairs Bureau, her sister is Qin Yuting from the personnel department of your bureau, and her brother-in-law is Geng Qingsong. We are all familiar with her."

Xu Chunliang listened to his chat and looked at the photos.

Ding Si continued: "That Cayenne belongs to her. It is said that this girl made a lot of money from stock and real estate speculation. She currently lives in a single-family villa in Wanfu Manor. The house is not in her name. I found several My friend found out who the owner of the house was.”

Xu Chunliang looked at the photos in his hand, and there was nothing particularly valuable: "Who is it?"

Ding Si deliberately let it slip: "You know this person too."

Xu Chunliang threw him a bottle of mineral water: "Stop being so secretive and say what you have to say quickly."

Ding Si unscrewed the bottle cap and took a sip of water before saying: "The ownership of the villa belongs to Kangjian Group."

Xu Chunliang really didn't expect that after going in circles, he actually contacted Zhai Pingqing? Could it be that Qin Yujiao is Zhai Pingqing's best friend? In fact, there is nothing surprising. Zhai Pingqing is also a man. As long as he is a normal man, there is nothing wrong with this. However, these two people hid it deep enough, and no news came out to the outside world anyway.

Ding Si said proudly: "You didn't expect that, did you?" Xu Chunliang raised the photos in his hand: "Qin Yujiao's good looks were not captured in them."

Ding Sidao: "I'll make people stare at me, and I can take pictures sooner or later."

Xu Chunliang smiled and said: "Keep working hard."

Xiahou Mulan accompanied Xu Chunliang to formally visit Mr. Xu Changshan today. She is now the major shareholder of Renhetang. Mr. Xu took the initiative to mention this meeting.

Xu Changshan has a knot in his mind about his misunderstood elder brother Zhou Renhe. Now that his elder brother has passed away, his biggest wish is that Renhetang can flourish, of course in the hands of the Xu family. As for the elder brother's two adopted sons with evil intentions, they have already been with him. Renhetang has nothing to do with it anymore.

After Zhou Renhe's death, the ownership of Renhetang was also in turmoil. However, Xu Chunliang handled the matter well. Now Renhetang has been taken over by Xiahou Mulan. After internal rectification, Renhetang will be packaged and managed in a more modern way. , related Chinese patent medicines will also be launched in the near future.

Xiahou Mulan made a special trip to bring Mr. Xu the redesigned Renhetang products.

Xu Changshan checked each medicine one by one, and did not miss the ingredient list of each medicine.

Xiahou Mulan smiled and said: "Grandpa Xu, don't worry, we select the highest quality medicinal materials for making medicine, and we will only carry forward the Renhetang brand."

Xu Chunliang said: "Mulan Group itself is the leading enterprise in the cultivation of Chinese herbal medicines in China. It has great advantages in the cultivation, material selection and pharmaceutical production of traditional Chinese medicines. This is why I can safely license the Renhetang trademark to them."

 Xu Changshan nodded and said, "Miss Xiahou is a thoughtful person."

Xiahou Mulan said: "Grandpa Xu, just call me Mulan. Chunliang and I are very good friends." When she said this, she felt a little shy in her heart. She really couldn't express how good she and Xu Chun were. .

Xu Changshan smiled and said: "Okay, Miss Mulan, I have heard about Mulan Group a long time ago. If I have a chance, I will go to your planting base to have a look."

Xiahou Mulan said: "Great, if you want to go anytime, I will send a car to pick you up."

Xu Changshan said: "Let's live some time, I'll wait for the time of pure kindness."

 Xu Chunliang was about to speak, when his father Xu Jiaxuan came back after a long journey. The gunshot wound on Xu Jiaxuan's leg had healed quickly after receiving Xu Chunliang's treatment, and he could walk freely already.

When Xu Jiaxuan saw guests at home, his eyes lit up when he saw Xiahou Mulan, and he guessed that the relationship between this girl and his son was extraordinary.

 Xu Chunliang introduced Xu Jiaxuan to Xiahou Mulan: "Mulan, this is my dad."

Xu Jiaxuan was very happy. This was the first time Xu Chunliang introduced him in front of others. Although he didn't call him dad directly, it was almost the same. Xu Jiaxuan smiled and said: "Mulan, it's your first time coming to our house. You're welcome."

Xiahou Mulan nodded: "Uncle, please sit down."

Xu Jiaxuan said: "You guys chat first, I'm going to take a bath, and I'll treat you to dinner in the evening. You must give me face." He winked at Xu Chunliang, asked Xu Chunliang to come over, and said a few words to him.

Xu Chunliang followed Xu Jiaxuan to his room.

Xu Jiaxuan smiled and said, "You can do it, kid. Where did you kidnap such a beautiful girl?"

Xu Chunliang said: "You are so well-informed, don't you know?"

Xu Jiaxuan asked Xu Chunliang to close the door: "Xiahou Mulan, the president of Mulan Group, must have a net worth of tens of billions. He is richer than you and me."

Xu Chunliang said: "You have the nerve to say you are rich?"

Xu Jiaxuan sighed and said, "Although you were born by me, I find that I don't understand you at all. Chunliang, do you know her background?"

Xu Chunliang said: "I get along with her mainly because she is a nice person, not because of her background."

Xu Jiaxuan said: "I am Xia Houzun, the master of the Tiu Clan, and a member of the Jianghu. You are a member of the system. Since ancient times, the Jianghu and the temples have tried not to get involved, otherwise there will be endless troubles."

 Xu Chunliang said: "How old am I?"

Xu Jiaxuan understood what he meant: "Okay, I'm not telling you this because I want to control you, I'm just reminding you."

Xu Chunliang said: "Are your legs feeling better?"

When Xu Jiaxuan opened the suitcase and took things out, Xu Chunliang saw a comic book "Female Doctor". He was a little strange. This book was written by Bai Lan. People of Xu Jiaxuan's age would not be interested in this kind of novel. interested.

Xu Jiaxuan actually exposed the book deliberately. When Xu Chunliang's eyes were attracted by the book, Xu Jiaxuan was observing the changes in Xu Chunliang's expression and said meaningfully: "Do you know Bai Lan?"

Xu Chunliang said: "I know her, a female writer from the Peninsula."

Xu Jiaxuan said: "Your girlfriend circle is really complicated. She is not a female writer. Her identity as a writer is just a cover. In fact, she is a female killer."

Xu Chunliang laughed: "Are you kidding me?"

Xu Jiaxuan said: "So, you can't just take everything at face value. Most of the beautiful women are women with stories."

 “What a wealth of experience.”

Xu Jiaxuan said: "I will give you another lesson: the more beautiful a woman is, the more dangerous she is."

 “Is my mother dangerous?”

Xu Jiaxuan was stunned by the question, and after a while he responded painfully: "Not only is it dangerous, it is simply my nightmare."

 (End of this chapter)

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