Great Medicine Without Borders

Chapter 1190: Familiar roads

Chapter 1190: Familiar with the Road

Wang Jianming thought about it and decided to accept an on-site interview. For him, it was a bonus to be on the front line of the flood control work. At this time, it was necessary for him to come out and say a few words to calm people and boost morale.

Of course, the content of the interview still needs to be considered. Qin Zhengyang is responsible for communicating with the interviewer Zhao Xiaohui first.

 Zhao Xiaohui, as a star female anchor in Dongzhou, has taken on the important task of interviewing local leaders many times in the past. She has rich interview experience and knows very well what to ask and what not to ask. The same event will have different effects from different reporting angles. Dongzhou TV's on-site report used the theme of united efforts to fight floods and waterlogging, praising the active, brave and enthusiastic people of Dongzhou, and praising the wise, decisive and leading by example of Dongzhou leaders.

The interview went very smoothly. Wang Jianming originally gave Zhao Xiaohui 20 minutes. Because the conversation was more pleasant, the interview lasted for 40 minutes.

When Wang Jianming left to rush to the next inspection point, the waterlogging in the Baiquan underground tunnel had eased, but the rain had not stopped. Wang Jianming raised his wrist and looked at the time. There was still an hour before the rain stopped predicted by the weather station.

Qin Zhengyang saw the anxiety in his heart and said softly: "Secretary Wang, I just confirmed that the rain will stop in the morning."

Wang Jianming said: "These underground tunnels in Dongzhou City must be renovated as soon as possible. Why is such an obvious problem still left until now?"

Qin Zhengyang said: "Mainly when it comes to the railway sector, a reasonable plan must be come up with. The issue of reconstructing underground tunnels is raised almost every year, but in the end it is ignored."

Wang Jianming said: "I don't care about others. I must solve this problem during my tenure."

Qin Zhengyang looked at Wang Jianming with admiration. Wang Jianming is a practical person. As long as he finds a problem, he will solve it immediately.

Qin Zhengyang was stunned for a moment. Wang Jianming's words clearly meant to avoid him. It was probably not a spur-of-the-moment idea. It probably meant that he did not want to meet with the inspectors of the Disaster Reduction Committee.

  Secretary Zhou said that they plan to live in Erzhao. Considering that Erzhao is located in the old city, most of the units they plan to inspect are located in the old city and are convenient for travel.

Wang Jianming said: "I will go to Han County in the afternoon to inspect the flood situation. Comrade Li Xiying should be responsible for the Disaster Reduction Committee."

Xu Chunliang looked around and whispered: "It's convenient."

When the inspection team got off the bus, the rain had stopped. Li Xiying, who was in charge of reception in Dongzhou, led the reception team members to the high-speed rail station to greet them.

Li Xiying felt something was wrong, but she could only follow the leader's advice. In fact, they had already made a plan before. After all, Secretary Zhou was too familiar with Dongzhou. The route they designed was to go to Erzhao via the elevated expressway. Secretary Zhou proposed to take the Beidi underground tunnel.

Qin Zhengyang said: "All areas with waterlogging have been dispatched to clear the water as soon as possible. It should be relieved soon after the rain stops. I believe that after the leaders of the Disaster Reduction Committee arrive in Dongzhou, society has returned to normal order."

Wang Jianming sighed, and then shook his head: "Good things don't go out, but bad things spread thousands of miles. Do you think everyone is deaf?"

 Secretary Zhou shook hands with the receptionists one by one. He saw Xu Chunliang in the crowd, smiled and nodded.

 While there was a traffic jam, Qin Zhengyang called, and his first sentence was: "Chunliang, is it easy to talk?"

Xu Chunliang and Jiang Qiyong were sitting together in a Coaster at the back. At their level, they could not enjoy the privilege of sharing the same car with Secretary Zhou. On the way to the second move, they encountered frequent traffic jams. Xu Chunliang thought that there was something wrong with today's route design. It's more convenient to take the viaduct.

Wang Jianming said: "There is no need to find reasons. In the final analysis, our work was not done properly."

Qin Zhengyang said: "The weather is unpredictable and no one can control this kind of thing. I checked the information and found that during this period, Dongzhou has not experienced such a sudden rainfall in the past fifty years."

 Qin Zhengyang nodded and fell silent.

Li Xiying told Secretary Zhou with some embarrassment about the situation of the Beidi Underground. Her frankness did not make Secretary Zhou change his plan. Secretary Zhou calmly told everyone that they came here to inspect the flood situation. The train was delayed and had been delayed for an hour. It passed through the Beidi Underground. Just in time to see the real situation of waterlogging in Dongzhou.

Qin Zhengyang said: "Just listen and don't have to express your opinion. It's a bit unlucky for Secretary Zhou to come here this time. The rain exposed many problems in Dongzhou. You and Secretary Zhou have a good relationship and are relatively flexible. Think about it." Try to find out if you can get some information from him, such as what is the purpose of his visit this time? "

The Disaster Reduction Committee and his delegation arrived one hour later than scheduled. The sudden rain caused widespread delays on the high-speed rail passing through Dongzhoudong.

While making arrangements, Li Xiying secretly reported to Wang Jianming. Wang Jianming's reply was simple, respecting the wishes of the leaders of the Disaster Reduction Committee.

Several underground tunnels leading to the city have been basically cleared after the rain stopped, but the water in the Beidi underground tunnel has not completely faded away. From the series of arrangements made by Secretary Zhou after getting off the bus, it can be seen that the former leader of Dongzhou is We are fully prepared for this inspection.

Li Xiying introduced their itinerary to Secretary Zhou. Their first stop was to Yizhao, located in the new city.

Xu Chunliang laughed.

Qin Zhengyang said: "Don't laugh, kid. This matter is very important. Originally, we arranged for Secretary Zhou and his party to stay in Yizhao, but he temporarily requested to stay in Erzhao. The original route was from the elevated expressway, but he designated the route to pass by. Beidi Underpass.”

Xu Chunliang said: "My influence is limited." Qin Zhengyang said: "I don't want you to influence him, I want you to understand his purpose." At this point, he lowered his voice: "As a member of the Dongzhou system , there must be a sense of collective honor.”

Xu Chunliang said: "I understand. I will find an opportunity to help you understand. I will report to you as soon as I have any news."

Qin Zhengyang said: "Good brother."

Xu Chunliang hung up the phone and saw that the vehicle ahead was still motionless. Many traffic police appeared on the scene and were directing traffic. They were also under great pressure. The leader's car was blocked here. The current road conditions were not something they could clear in a short time. .

Secretary Zhou decided not to wait any longer. It was less than one kilometer away from the Beidi Underground Tunnel, and he planned to walk over to see the situation.

 As soon as Secretary Zhou got out of the car, everyone else followed.

 Secretary Zhou walked a few steps, stopped, turned around and looked back, found Xu Chunliang in the crowd, and waved to him: "Xiao Xu, come here."

Xu Chunliang was called out by him in public, and he reluctantly became the most conspicuous person among the receptionists. He came to Secretary Zhou with a bright smile on his face and said, "Secretary Zhou, are you looking for me?"

 Secretary Zhou nodded: "Did you go to the Civil Affairs Bureau?"

Xu Chunliang said that it was not arranged by you, but that he knew what he was asking, and on the surface he still answered Secretary Zhou's question obediently.

  Secretary Zhou and Xu Chunliang came together, and Li Xiying accompanied him on the other side. While Secretary Zhou and Xu Chunliang were chatting, she sent another message to Wang Jianming, reporting Secretary Zhou’s every move.

 The traffic police were dispatched, and the special police were also following. Even in peaceful times, necessary safety precautions must be taken.

Li Xiying looked at the chaotic traffic and the puddled road, and sighed in her heart. The more she fears, the more things will come. Next week, the secretary will most likely criticize the problems discovered.

When we came to the Beidi Underground Tunnel, the water inside had basically not receded, and there were still several cars trapped inside. During the rainy season, there are always a few drivers who dare to take risks, but fortunately there were no casualties.

  Secretary Zhou rolled up half of his trousers and walked to the slow lane. The water here was relatively shallow, but the deepest part did not go past the knee.

Xu Chunliang also imitated Secretary Zhou and walked into the water. Secretary Zhou sighed: "These underground tunnels will definitely accumulate water every rainy season. A life was lost here the year before last. It must be solved as soon as possible. Transform the underground tunnels." , strive to fundamentally solve the problem.”

A group of people nodded, and Li Xiying took out a small notebook and recorded it carefully.

Judging from Secretary Zhou's current speech, he did not intend to use the topic to criticize, and publicly stated that the water accumulation here is a problem left over from history.

Secretary Zhou said: "Xiao Li, please go back and give feedback to Comrade Jianming. These problems cannot be solved by Dongzhou. Our Disaster Reduction Committee can serve as a bridge to help you coordinate with the railway department."

 Li Xiying seemed a little excited: "That's great. Thank you Secretary Zhou for supporting our work."

Secretary Zhou said: "I have worked in Dongzhou for so many years and have a special affection for Dongzhou. I have long regarded this place as my second hometown. It is my honor to work for Dongzhou."

Xu Chunliang secretly sighed that Lao Zhou's pattern was still okay. If he criticized the current chaos, Wang Jianming could only endure it. Who let God be unkind, it happened to rain heavily at this moment.

 Suddenly I felt a chill on my head, but the rain that had stopped not long ago started falling again.

Li Xiying quickly arranged for someone to hold an umbrella, but Secretary Zhou waved his hand and said no. This arrangement seemed to be for the leadership, but in fact it does not rule out the possibility of hidden routines. Many cadres in the system ignored such details.

Xu Chunliang took an umbrella and handed it to Secretary Zhou. The rain was thin and dense. If you walked in the wind and rain like this, your clothes would soon get soaked.

 Secretary Zhou glanced at Xu Chunliang appreciatively, and Li Xiying asked him for instructions. The road had been cleared. Should they take another detour to Erzhao?

  Secretary Zhou said: “I want to take a look around here.”

 Secretary Zhou strode forward holding an umbrella, and entered the Jishuiba community with familiarity. Jishuiba is an old community nearby. As its name suggests, the current situation is that the entire community is seriously flooded.

Li Xiying didn’t even know that the situation here was so serious. The water was waist deep in many places in the community. Most of the residents in this old community are middle-aged and elderly people.

Xu Chunliang secretly sent a message to Qin Zhengyang and took a video.

 (End of this chapter)

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