Great Medicine Without Borders

Chapter 1228: Perseverance

Chapter 1228 Persistence

Zhang Song shook his head: "Chunliang, I have never thought about hiding anything from you. You should know the current situation of the Civil Affairs Bureau better than me. I invite everyone to this meal not to announce anything, nor to emphasize myself." In my leadership position, I just want to complete the work assigned to me by my superiors. Jiang Qiyong has always been very repulsive towards me. I have a hunch that he and I will not be happy to cooperate in the future. "

Xu Chunliang said: "He is a little arrogant in his bones, but overall he is still a person who is willing to do things."

Zhang Song said: "With the current situation, the Civil Affairs Bureau really can't have any more internal strife. I hope you can play a buffering role and help communicate. Let's stabilize the situation as soon as possible together and don't let Dongzhou Civil Affairs become the public The center of attention."

Zhang Song took the initiative to extend an olive branch. Although Xu Chunliang doubted his sincerity, he also admitted that the current Civil Affairs Bureau was not suitable for continued internal friction.

Stability is paramount. As for whether there will be a fight between Zhang Song and Jiang Qiyong after stabilization, it is not something that he can control.

 Xu Chunliang left his car at the orphanage, which is not far from the Hidden Lake View Residence. Xu Chunliang originally had no intention of going home today, but seeing that it was not too late, he finally decided to go back and give his grandfather a surprise.

On the way, he received a call from Jiang Qiyong. Although Jiang Qiyong did not attend Zhang Song's dinner, he was very concerned about what was said at the dinner. Xu Chunliang conveyed Zhang Song's meaning to him. After hearing this, Jiang Qiyong was silent for a moment and responded in a low voice. : "I know it well."

Xu Chunliang believes that Zhang Song and Jiang Qiyong will not intensify their conflicts in the near future. Zhang Song has made it clear that he will not monopolize power. He will delegate power to Jiang Qiyong as much as possible. Jiang Qiyong will not rush to confront Zhang Song at this time. If he is so If he doesn't do it, his superiors will think that he has limited capabilities, and Jiang Qiyong should know that his qualifications are still lacking and it will take time to settle down.

Xu Chunliang did not have an in-depth talk with Jiang Qiyong. In his opinion, both Zhang Song and Jiang Qiyong had their own weaknesses, and neither could escape the fate of the chess pieces. It was just that someone happened to put them together. Even if the fight between the two was postponed, It will come sooner or later.

Xu Chunliang did not intend to intervene in the dispute between the two. At most, he would just help to say that these two people were not worthy of him choosing sides.

When he came to the door of his house, the lights were turned off. Xu Chunliang was a little surprised. His grandfather had a very regular schedule. He went to bed at 11 o'clock in the evening. It was just after ten o'clock. Did the old man fall asleep early? Or maybe he didn't come back here tonight and stayed at Changshan Hospital? But thinking about it, it's unlikely. My aunt has been in Dongzhou recently.

Xu Chunliang first went to his grandfather's room and took a look. The quilts were neatly folded, but his grandfather was not at home.

Xu Chunliang went to the guest room again and knocked on the door. After a while, he heard his aunt's cautious voice coming from inside: "Who is it?"

Xu Chunliang said: "Auntie, it's me!"

Not long after, the sleepy Xu Jiaan came over and opened the door: "Chunliang, why are you back at this time? I thought you were still in the capital."

Xu Chunliang smiled and said, "I came back as soon as the unit asked me to come back to work. Auntie, where is grandpa?"

Xu Jia'an said: "He said he will stay at Changshan Hospital if he doesn't come back tonight."

 Xu Chunliang nodded: "Is there something going on over there?"

Xu Jia'an said: "He has been in a bad mood recently. He has a straight face all day long. I don't dare to ask. He has cooked dinner in the evening. I thought he would come back for dinner, but he still doesn't come after waiting and waiting. I only found out after calling him that he was in the hospital. By the way, have you eaten? If not, I’ll make some dumplings for you this afternoon.”

"After you have eaten, Auntie, please stop being busy and take a rest."

Xu Chunliang returned to his room and wanted to take a shower, but he still felt a little uneasy. He knew the situation of Changshan Hospital very well and knew that Liu Shanmin had been stationed in the hospital recently, so he called Liu Shanmin first. I didn’t contact Grandpa directly because I didn’t want to disturb his rest.

Liu Shanmin was a little surprised when he heard what Xu Chunliang said: "The old man suddenly left around five o'clock this afternoon. Why didn't I know he was in the hospital? Wait a minute. I'll go next door to see if he is there."

It didn't take long for Liu Shanmin to call and tell Xu Chunliang that he had confirmed that Mr. Xu was not in the hospital.

Xu Chunliang felt more and more that something was a little abnormal. Grandpa did not go home and was not in the hospital. If he went out, he should explain it to his family, but he didn't say anything.

Xu Chunliang quickly called his grandfather, but fortunately he was able to get through.

After a few rings, Xu Changshan finally answered the phone: "Chunliang, what's going on?"

Xu Chunliang said deliberately: "It's okay. I may have to stay in the capital for a day before I can go back tomorrow, so I'll keep telling you."

Xu Changshan said: "It's okay. Aunt Qi is here to take care of me. You don't have to worry."

“Grandpa, are you at home?”

Xu Changshan hesitated and replied: "Well, I just took a shower and was getting ready to go to bed." Xu Chunliang was sure that his grandfather was lying. In his memory, grandpa rarely did this. What was grandpa hiding? He even tried to deceive his own grandson.

“Grandpa, where are you? Why do I hear that the surrounding environment is a bit chaotic?”

"Is there any? It's TV. I won't talk to you anymore. I'm going to take a shower." Xu Changshan hurriedly hung up the phone.

Xu Chunliang didn't call again. Grandpa was obviously hiding something, but if he didn't want to tell him something, it would be useless to ask. However, he couldn't rest assured and found the old man's current location through the search function of his mobile phone. This was for his grandfather's sake. The backdoor left for safety came in handy when something happened today.

Grandpa is actually in Nanjiang.

Xu Chunliang never thought that the old man would go so far alone? The first thing he thought of was that grandpa was going to visit his sister-in-law? But this possibility was immediately ruled out. If we were just going to visit my sister-in-law, why not ask my aunt to go with us? Even if he wanted to go alone, there was no need to hide it, and visiting his daughter was not a shady matter.

Xu Chunliang called his sister-in-law Xu Jiawen again, but Xu Jiawen's mobile phone was temporarily unable to answer calls.

Xu Chunliang became more and more uneasy. He thought of one person - Zheng Pei'an. Ever since his sister-in-law rejected Zheng Pei'an, Zheng Pei'an had become extremely decadent. He resigned from Changxing, and he no longer consulted at Changshan Hospital. Xu Chunliang had been there before going to the capital. I went to see him once and wanted to enlighten him. Zheng Pei'an's attitude was very indifferent. It seemed that he was quite stimulated. He said that he planned to travel for a while to relax.

 Xu Chunliang realized that he had still ignored Zheng Pei'an's mental condition after all. Zheng Pei'an had invested too much in his sister-in-law over the years, and this time he was clearly rejected by her sister-in-law. If he couldn't stand the stimulation, he would do something drastic.

Xu Chunliang quickly called Zheng Pei'an, but Zheng Pei'an's cell phone was turned off. Xu Chunliang could no longer think too much. He first contacted Lu Qi and asked Lu Qi to use his connections with the police to find his grandfather as soon as possible.

Then he called Su Qing and sent her grandpa's current location, asking her to rush there immediately. No matter what, she had to figure this out and make sure grandpa was safe. According to grandpa's current location, he should It was heading towards Nanjiang University.

Su Qing had already gone to bed when she received the call, but after hearing Xu Chunliang's serious words, she didn't dare to delay. She got up immediately, got dressed, and drove towards Nanjiang Normal University.

It started to rain in Nanjiang that night. Although it was not heavy, it continued continuously.

The Nanjiang University library was still brightly lit. At eleven o'clock in the evening, Xu Jiawen came out of the library holding an umbrella and left the south gate of the university. She had to cross the overpass first and then walk a certain distance before returning home.

Just as she reached the overpass, Xu Jiawen heard footsteps coming from behind. She slowed down, and the footsteps behind her also slowed down. She turned her face slightly and saw a man wearing a raincoat about ten meters behind her. .

Xu Jiawen was a little nervous. She quickened her pace and tried to cross the overpass as quickly as possible.

But the pursuer also quickened his pace. In Xu Jiawen's panic, the books in his hands were scattered on the ground, and her mobile phone was also dropped. She wanted to pick it up, but the man accelerated towards her, scaring Xu Jiawen into screaming. Don't pack your things and run forward.

A familiar voice came from behind: "Jiawen, it's me!"

Xu Jiawen was stunned for a moment. She stopped and turned back with some surprise, looking at the man in the raincoat: "Zheng... Pei'an?"

Zheng Pei'an looked at her, the expression on his face was very complicated. The joy of seeing her again after a long separation was intertwined with the pain in his heart. He nodded: "It's me. You don't have to be afraid. I...just came to see you." He knelt down and held his hand. Xu Jiawen picked up the dropped mobile phone and turned it on airplane mode. This was her habit. She didn't want to be disturbed by the outside world when she was studying in the library.

Xu Jiawen sighed, and the fear in her heart disappeared instantly. Zheng Pei'an was one of the few people in the world who could give her a sense of security. She walked over slowly, picked up the book on the ground, and complained: "You didn't even bother me when you came. The phone call, it really scared me to death, I thought it was some gangster with bad intentions. "

Zheng Pei'an, who was about to hand her the phone to her, was startled by her words and stared into Xu Jiawen's eyes: "You...really think of me like this?"

Xu Jiawen was startled by his eyes, but he immediately laughed again: "How is it possible? We are such good friends, of course I will not look at you like this."

Zheng Pei'an pursed his lips, and he suddenly grabbed Xu Jiawen's hand: "Jiawen, you know, I am not your friend."

Xu Jiawen struggled to break away: "Pei'an, please wake up. I have made it very clear to you that I only regard you as a friend. I have no feelings for you."

Zheng Pei'an said: "Impossible, you obviously like me. Don't worry, I don't mind your divorce. I don't mind you having a daughter. I will love her as much as I love my own flesh and blood." He grabbed Xu Jiawen even more. hands.

 (End of this chapter)

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