A few days later, the headquarters of the Navy - Marin Fandor.

At this time, all naval officers above the vice admiral level had gathered and a meeting was being held.

And the content of the meeting is nothing else, it is precisely Blackbeard - Marshall M. The prisoner sent by D. Tichy, the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, "Fire Fist" Portkas D. Ace.

However, although it is a discussion, in fact, the five old stars have already reached a conclusion.

That is to make Ace's true identity public and publicly execute him, so as to attract the Whitebeard Pirates to come and annihilate him in one fell swoop!

That's right, the meaning of the five old stars is clear, that is, to go to war with Whitebeard.

The reason for convening this meeting is only to discuss the battle plan.

Since the forced "retirement" of Sengoku, Karp and Zefa, the navy has been the temporary marshal of the air during this time.

The five old stars also know that this is never a solution.

On the one hand, the age of the void is older after all, they are already 90 years old, which is really a little weak.

On the other hand, the navy has not elected a new naval marshal, and this time has also begun to become restless, and many people have even begun to mention Warring States, Karp and others, which is not a good sign in the eyes of the five old stars.

Therefore, for this war, the five old stars attach great importance to it.

This is not only an opportunity to select a new naval marshal, but also to demonstrate the capabilities of the government in front of the world.

Although the opponent is the Whitebeard Pirates, there is a considerable degree of risk. However, in terms of combat strength, the navy has always occupied an absolute advantage.

In the eyes of the five old stars, there is no problem in defeating the Whitebeard Pirates. The only problem is casualties!

As for Tiqi, he who gave Ace to the navy naturally got his wish and became the Seven Wuhai....

Propulsion City, 5.5th basement floor.

"Great, Lucie, you're finally awake!"

"This is..."

Seeing Bruno, Carifa and other friends all gathered around, Lu Qi, who had just woken up, couldn't help but ask.

"This is the secret floor of Advance City, Rob Luckey!"

"You are, 'Lion King' Ye Feng!"

As soon as Lu Qi's words came out, he was ready to start, but he was stopped by Kaku and Yitori and others.

"Lu Qi, now Ye Feng is our companion, don't worry!"

Lu Qi's pet white pigeon, Hadoli, also spoke, and its words directly made Lu Qi stunned.

"I'll talk about the details later, let's eat first, how many days have you slept!"

"Goo..." As

soon as Ye Feng's words came out, Lu Qi's stomach also screamed out of place.

This situation, even Lu Qi, who has maintained a cold image for a long time, is inevitably a little embarrassed.

On the contrary, the friends who had fought each other in the past, Gabra and others, all expressed comfort at this time....

Soon, as Lu Qi ate and drank, Ye Feng also told him what happened in the recent period.

Especially when Lu Qi knew that Sengoku and the others were actually here, he was also shocked.

"How about it, Luki, do you want to join my side? After the matter is completed, when I take over the world government, the CP spy agency of the government, I can hand over to your CP9 to be responsible, which is also your old business!

"What if I refuse?"

As soon as Lu Qi's words came out, Kaku and Gabra and the group couldn't help but get nervous.

Ye Feng also looked at him and said, "If you refuse, I will kill you directly." I won't let the plan leak out until it's done. Any sign of danger, I will strangle it in the cradle! Luqi, didn't you, as an elite agent of the CP organization, also wiped a lot of ass for the government? Then, dying in this darkness can also be regarded as dying!

After Ye Feng finished speaking, Lu Qi couldn't help but fall silent.

Seeing this, Kaku couldn't help sighing and said, "Promise, Luqi." You should be clear about where we are now.

"That's right, Luckey! We are already wanted by the government, so we might as well vote with Ye Feng. If it does, we won't have to be wanted anymore. Even if it fails, it is just to continue to be a wanted criminal by the government, and it is not a loss!

Gabra also opened his mouth to persuade, and Carifa, Bruno, Owl, and Nicker also cast encouraging glances at him.

In this regard, Lu Qi couldn't help sighing, and then nodded with a firm face.

"I know, I agree to join!"


Kaku and the others were extremely excited, and Ye Feng also raised the corners of his mouth, looking very happy.

Maybe the current CP9 combat power is not good, but their potential is still good.

Especially Lu Qi, once he grows up, he is a proper brigadier general.

In the original plot, he even developed the animal cat fruit leopard form to awakening, and he himself became an elite agent of CP0.

Although Ye Feng didn't know what he went through during that time period to make him go from a wanted criminal in the government to a top agent of Shangtian, now Rob Luqi has joined his camp.

Even if he becomes CP0 in the future, it is still Ye Feng's agent.

"In the next few days, you should have a good rest! That war, I'm afraid, is also these days! "Good


Although I don't know what war Ye Feng is talking about, it is certainly not a trivial matter....

The next day, a new issue of the newspaper arrived.

Although the five old stars have decided to attack the Whitebeard Pirates, there is still no news of the public execution of Ace in the newspapers, but there is a collection order for the Seven Wuhai.

And the purpose of the solicitation, the newspaper only wrote to prepare for a battle.

As for what kind of battle, the government did not say.

It is worth mentioning that although Ace has been captured, others have not been sent into this advanced city.

It seems that because of Ye Feng's precedent, this time, the world government and the navy chose to secretly detain Ace to ensure that nothing was lost!

Ye Feng wanted to secretly do something to Ace, but he couldn't find a chance!

However, the government does not release it for the time being, it is one thing to gather combat power before the start of the war, but Ye Feng cannot help but tell the Warring States, Lu Qi and others about the situation.

After all, the upcoming top war was originally the time for Ye Feng to keep an eye on it, and the Warring States would also help him succeed in this war.

Since they are their own people, to a certain extent, Ye Feng will naturally provide them with intelligence.

Karp punched

the rock wall, causing a large hole to open in the rock wall.

His face was gloomy, and he said, "Why Ace? "

Who made him 'One Piece' Gor What about D. Roger's own son! Fail, get caught, that's the end!

As soon as Ye Feng's words came out, the navy and Lu Qi and the others below were extremely surprised. Roger and his son have this kind of thing, and only a few of Karp's friends noticed it!

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