Holy place – Mary Joa, in the courtyard.

Ye Feng: "How do you feel?"

"It's all right, young master!"

"I'm sorry, but I was expected by you, but in the end I didn't get anything!"

The Battle Tyrannosaurus Beast and the Dark Battle Tyrannosaurus Beast knelt respectfully in front of Ye Feng, this time, the Infinite Dragon Beast was an excellent completion of the task. Its main target is the Grand Fleet of the Hundred Beast Pirates.

Although they eventually let Quinn and them escape, it can be regarded as defeating the pirate fleet head-on!

Unlike the Battle Tyrannosaurus Beast and the Dark Battle Tyrannosaurus Beast, the target of the two is Kaido.

This dispatched two polar bodies with dinosaur nemesis, and actually did not leave Kaido behind, both of them felt ashamed of Ye Feng's trust in them!

"It's okay, Kaido's words, sooner or later will clean him up, not a little time. And, really, I overlooked Quinn's potential dangers. This time, it was also my mistake. In a sense, Quinn's threat is a bit greater than Kaido's!

Ye Feng said as he sat on the stone chair in the courtyard.

For War Storm and Black War Storm, he didn't feel that they were at fault.

On the contrary, because he ignored Quinn, the scientist, this confrontation with the Hundred Beast Pirate Group made a large number of government personnel recruited, and Ye Feng felt that he himself had to account for most of the responsibility for this matter!

Fortunately, the infinite city transformed into system space still has the ability to heal Digimon, otherwise, I am afraid that Warstorm and Black Warstorm will not be able to be used as combat power for a long time!

No way, Quinn's virus bomb is contagious. If Infinite City can't cure Digimon, Ye Feng is afraid that he will have to isolate the War Storm from the Black War Storm!

As soon as he thought of this, Ye Feng's killing intent for Quinn was even more!

An evil scientist like Quinn is a scourge!

War Storm: "No, this is not the fault of the young master, but my incompetence led to this result!"

"Okay, don't take the initiative! This matter ends here, anyway, in another week or two, there will be a public execution of the Krican, if you really want to find the field, then find it on the battlefield! "


As soon as the war storm and the black war storm responded, Ye Feng also took the two back to the infinite city.

"Bru Bru Bru..."

On the stone table, the phone worm suddenly rang, and Ye Feng also connected immediately.

Today, those who can call him are either high-ranking government officials or people with important tasks.

And no matter which one, Ye Feng must take it seriously!

"It's me, Ye Feng!"

"Ye Feng, I'm Saab!"

Sabo's voice came from the phone worm's mouth, and Ye Feng also smiled and said, "How is it, have you seen Violet?"

"I saw it, and moreover, I got a lot of important information!"

"Important intelligence? Is it important enough to report to me?

Ye Feng asked, in fact, when he lent him the Ground Drill Beast, the Puppet Beast, and the Clown Emperor, Ye Feng had already decided to let Saab and Fuji Tiger take full charge of Dressrosa's problems one after the other.

In this case, there is no need for Saab to call him again!

If he needs to take an idea of everything, then what else do they need these cadres to do!

Sabo: "I'm sorry, Ye Feng, in fact, I don't want to disturb you, but there is no way, the information obtained this time is not simple." Future Island - Eghede's matter, I have heard Mr. Long say. This time the situation of Dressrosa, I'm afraid it won't be much better!

Ye Feng frowned slightly: "What's going on?" Sabo

: "According to the information provided by Violet, on Dressrosa's side, in addition to the Don Quixote family, the evil scientist - Caesar Courant, and the captain of the Heart Pirates - Trafalgar Ro are also here!"

"Caesar Courant!"

"Shh..." Ye

Feng, who was about to take a sip of tea, heard this name, and he was stunned and directly crushed the teacup, his expression was full of gloom.

As for Luo, Ye Feng was not very worried. With his understanding of Luo, Luo and the Don Quixote family have a deep hatred. This time the government's action against Dressrosa, maybe Luo can still play a considerable role in it!

Of course, Luo is also a pirate, when it is time to catch, then it still has to be caught!

And what Ye Feng is really worried about is naturally not Luo, but Caesar Courant.

Like Quinn, Caesar is an evil scientist who loves to graduate in chemical weapons.

It's just that compared to Quinn's virus weapon, Caesar is more focused on using research gas bombs.

Caesar itself is the ability of the natural gas fruit, and the gas is also lethal to humans, and Caesar's research project is naturally considered to be on the account.

But whether it is Quinn's virus weapon or Caesar's gas bomb, it is a large-scale indiscriminate weapon of destruction.

Although Dressrosa is not large, because of the underground trading of Doflamingo over the years, the economy is very prosperous, and the population has naturally achieved explosive growth.

According to incomplete statistics, in such a small island country, Dressrosa has a population of tens of millions.

Once Caesar uses gas bombs on Dressrosa, there is no doubt that the entire Dressrosa will become a purgatory overnight!

Moreover, with Ye Feng's knowledge of Doflamingo, he really had the potential to let Caesar do that!

Even, if you add "birdcage"....

At this moment, Ye Feng couldn't help but gasp. Because that effect is simply more terrifying than the poison gas concentration camp established by the second catastrophe mustache in the real world!

"Abominable Doflamingo, abominous Caesar... Did they know that the government would attack them sooner or later, so they prepared in advance? Are those two bastards trying to threaten me with the entire population of Dressrosa? At

this time, Ye Feng already had killing intent in his heart, no matter what, he is now the leader of the world government, and it is impossible for him to see death and not save the people of the allied countries!

Once there is a mass death of the people of the allied countries, it will be a huge blow to the prestige of both him and the government!

If you want to wear a crown, you will bear its weight!

Ye Feng: "Saab, what are you going to do next?" Whether you want someone or other support, I fully support you. I have only one request, the situation on the future island must not be repeated!

"Actually, Caesar's words don't pose much threat to us. My fruit ability is still very restrained from him. But the trouble was gas bombs, so I needed Bruno to help me transfer those things. When necessary, his Door Fruit ability can also play a good supporting role!

"Okay, I know, I'll let Bruno take this trip!"

Ye Feng spoke, and the two discussed some details before hanging up the communication.

For Bruno, Ye Feng feels that this year's best employee title, he, the minotaur, can basically book in advance!

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