Holy place - Marie Joa's castle.

With the help of the high-definition display beast, Ye Feng can also see the situation at sea clearly.

"I didn't expect that the gap between the strength and combat strength of the navy and the pirates of the New World would be so large!"

"Let's just let your legion enter, the gap in combat power between the two sides is too big!" Even if the top combat power will not be much worse, but if the casualties of the bottom forces are too large, even if this war is won, it is no different from victory!

Stussy beside her spoke, she was well aware of Ye Feng's requirements for this war.

In any case, the management of the order of this sea is still inseparable from those small soldiers at the bottom.

After all, you can't really treat the officers of the Navy as cattle and horses!

"You said it too! Really, I wanted to wait for the war to heat up before letting the Digital Army enter! Now it seems that if this is done, the Navy may not be able to survive for long!

While speaking, Ye Feng also took out the phone worm and contacted Kuzan!

And on the battlefield of the New World, Kuzan, who was notified by Ye Feng, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

If Ye Feng's reinforcements enter early, this will undoubtedly greatly reduce the pressure on the navy!


as the pirate fleet was getting closer and closer to the coast of the navy headquarters, two steel sea dragon beasts also suddenly came out of the water.

This sudden situation made many navies in the peripheral areas directly stunned in place.

"Ultimate Wave Cannon!"

In an instant, the cannon muzzle of the nose of the Steel Sea Dragon Beast directly shot out energy waves, and the target was the Queen Mother Anthem in the center of the Pirate Grand Fleet.

Just as the energy cannon raided, a rice cake barrier with an armed color domineering aura immediately blocked the attack. The violent explosion only blew the rice cake barrier out of two holes, and did not cause any damage to the Anthem!

"Well done, Katakuri!"

The aunt was very satisfied, Katakuri foresaw the future and was domineering, but he was very good at preventing the surprise attack of the navy side.

She could also see that these two sea dragons were Ye Feng's summons!

"Mom, be careful, Ye Feng's summons will soon run out one by one!"

Katakuri opened his mouth and said that Ye Feng's summoned combat power had long been widely spread in the New World.

If you simply face the navy, with the combat power and strength of the pirate fleet, then you are naturally not afraid.

But if you add Ye Feng's digital army, the result is a different matter.

Isn't it precisely because Ye Feng's Digital Army gives them the confidence that the Navy dares to openly challenge the evil forces of the entire New World?

"Shelling the whole army, cooperate with the digital legion to attack the pirate fleet and prevent the pirate from landing!"


Kuzan's voice sounded in the base square, and for a while, the gun array of the new naval headquarters and the gun ports on the naval warships were all aimed at the pirate ships of the Grand Fleet for the first time.

For a time, the entire sea area immediately shook the sky.

"Attack, destroy the navy! Let those self-righteous guys know how good we are!

Auntie ordered, and Kaido, Shanks, and the other captains of the pirate group all gave the order.

At this moment, the shells of the two sides collided directly across the sea, and for a while, both sides had their own damage.


It was also at this moment that a thunder suddenly sounded from the sky. The sky was already covered with dark clouds, and at this moment the clouds seemed to become thicker and more oppressive, as if the end of the world!

In the next second, two figures were also suspended in the sky, as if they were angels, they were Jupiter Beast and Juno Beast.

"Jupiter (the only one), the polar body, the god-human form, the vaccine species, one of the twelve gods of Olympus, is the god who rules the sky, in charge of thunder and weather. On the battlefield, good and evil are often judged, and divine punishment is inflicted on the evil. His judgment contains no personal feelings at all, and he gives silently. It is said that those who do not believe in the judgment of the Jupiter will have their judgment overturned if they challenge the Jupiter to win, but this is said to have not happened to this day. Special move: [Thundercloud Thunderbolt] is to hit each other with heavy hammers in both arms, summon small thunderclouds, and attack the enemy with falling thunder; [Punishment Trial] is to beat the enemy with a double hammer, and engrave a brand on his body, and drop a high-current thunder to attack at the right time; [Wide Domain Divine Punishment] is a large-scale trick that turns the body into ultra-high-pressure plasma and attacks everything around it! "


"Juno Beast (the only one): Polar body, god-human type, virus species, is the partner of the Jupiter beast, and one of the twelve gods of Olympus. Love the Jupiter and stand on the battlefield as a guardian, predicting, detecting, and eliminating rebels who betray the will of the Jupiter. Full of loving character, but because he loves Jupiter the beast, he controls all his movements. Special move: [Needle Bee Swarm] is to stab enemies with fist blades equipped with both arms; The Spear of Mercy is a spear with self-awareness that launches automatic attacks on surrounding enemies; [Basket of Love] is a skill that summons thunderclouds to enhance the power of Jupiter's beast, which is very suitable for the definition of a partner. "

Juno beast


Love Blue!"

With Juno Beast's easy voice, the dark clouds that had been suppressed to horror became thicker at this moment.

At this moment, the sky above the entire Pirate Grand Fleet was like an extra layer of black pot lids, and it seemed that it might fall at any time and directly destroy them all!

"It's not good! Zeus..."

"Yes, Mom!"

The pirates also had a premonition that something was wrong, and Aunt spoke first, and Zeus immediately flew to her.

"Heaven is full of freedom, Heavenly God!"

Almost immediately, Auntie was ready to snatch the energy gathered in the dark clouds.

She can also control lightning, and it is better to use it to counterattack the enemy than to smash it on her own large fleet.

For a time, the two thunder pillars directly hit the Steel Sea Dragon Beast.

Even if they had the digital alloy of time on their bodies, they were chopped and convulsed at this moment, and their huge bodies were directly planted in the sea, and they did not rise again.

And the Jupiter beast and the Juno beast in the sky are the objects of Auntie's key care, she knows very well that since the other party summoned thunderclouds, it must also be the power to control thunder and lightning!

In this regard, the Jupiter Beast and the Juno Beast were not panicked at all.

Especially the Jupiter beast, that is not at all put Aunt and her Zeus in the eyes.

Although the main god of Roman mythology, Jupiter, is himself the Zeus corresponding to Greek mythology!

As the god lord of thunder and lightning, playing thunder is not his strong point!

"Wide Area Divine Punishment!"

In an instant, the body of the Jupiter beast also turned into a powerful current.

And the thunderclouds in the entire sky seemed to have received an order, and in an instant, hundreds of thunder pillars immediately crashed down, directly turning this large sea area into a terrifying thunderstorm.

Aunt and Zeus's heavenly gods were also pressed down in an instant, unable to turn over any waves.

In an instant, dozens of pirate ships were turned into ashes, with heavy casualties!

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