Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 103 Old friends from a foreign land

After listening to Li Zhan's explanation of the whole story, Xue Xiangdong waved his hand and said, "I don't care what happened! Xiao Li, you don't have to talk anymore, just work hard in the 101st Regiment from now on. As long as I, old Xue, am here, no one dares to let you be wronged!" In the evening, I will call someone... call the division commander, and I will definitely put you in the 101st regiment!"

Li Zhan stood at attention and saluted, "Thank you, captain!"

"Let's go and take a look at the weather observatory. The weather observatory is the business card of the 101st Regiment. It is a deputy regiment-level unit. The director of the station is in charge of the regiment, and is at the same level as me. It is not only the meteorological observatory in the regiment, but also the main meteorological observatory of the military region in this area. Let's go. Take a walk and have a look.”

Xue Xiangdong introduced it while pointing to the radar dome on the foothills to the north. The distance was not close.

"It's not just the head of the weather station, it looks like a radar station to me." Li Zhan said with a frown.

"Hahaha, you have some eyesight. There are several regimental-level meteorological stations in the army. Yes, it is a comprehensive station. It is both a weather station and an early warning radar station. In terms of staffing and technical level, it is one of the best in the entire army. .”

Xue Xiangdong introduced with a smile, "Let's put it this way, the 101st Regiment receives many chiefs every year. Most of the chiefs come to inspect the meteorological observatory and also inspect the 101st Regiment."

"It's quite sad to think about it." Li Zhan nodded.

"Do you know how to talk, brat?" Xue Xiangdong scolded with a smile.

We only talked a few words for a few hours, but due to our personalities, we became like old friends. Some people have been together for many years and never get along with each other, and some people feel like old friends soon after they first met.

It turned out that Li Zhan was overly worried. Not long after, a commuter car came over and took them to the weather observatory on the top of the mountain. There is a dedicated war-prepared road that winds up along the mountain. The 212 Jeep, which had its own modified diesel engine, was quite powerful. It drove into the weather station in a matter of seconds.

Xue Xiangdong led Li Zhan to meet with several leaders of the meteorological station at home, and then headed to the workstation under the leadership of the station director. The meteorological observatory is not a small place, and the staff accommodation is in a cave. The dug cave is very modern and has complete living facilities.

Walking into the workstation and walking all the way to the duty center, Li Zhan took a clear look at the major who turned to look over, and was stunned for a moment, "Consultant Zhang?"

That person turned out to be Zhang Yuan.

"Li Zhan? Why is it you?" Zhang Yuan was equally surprised.

Xue Xiangdong was surprised, "Do you know each other?"

The station commander said with a smile, "It looks like you are an old comrade. Okay, commander, I will show you around and let my old comrades reminisce about the past."

"Hahaha, this is called meeting each other thousands of miles away. It's time to reminisce about the past, Li Zhan." Xue Xiangdong laughed happily.

Li Zhan thanked him, strode out with Zhang Yuan, came to the lawn, lit a cigarette and started smoking, and said, "What's going on? Why did you come to the 73rd Division?"

"I still want to ask you." Zhang Yuan said with a smile, "I was promoted. I arrived the day before yesterday. Look, the actual position of deputy director is technical deputy director."

Li Zhancai noticed Zhang Yuan's rank and said, "Congratulations Gao Sheng, you did a good job keeping the secret. You didn't even say hello when you left."

"Not just you, many people in the division don't know that the transfer order came quite suddenly. I left overnight, otherwise I wouldn't be able to report in within the stipulated time." Zhang Yuan took a puff of cigarette and said, "What about you? How did you respond? Things, training exchanges?”

Li Zhan smiled bitterly and said, "I've been transferred here. It should be said that I'm sent to the frontier."

He told the whole story again, shaking his head and sighing.

After hearing this, Zhang Yuan looked very serious and said, "If it were my dad, you would probably be punished. To be fair, Commander Qi Hong is already tolerant enough. You know, now when it comes to local matters, the army is reasonable. It’s going to take three points.”

Li Zhan remained silent and lit another cigarette, as if he wanted to take back all the cigarettes he owed in the past.

Patting Li Zhan on the shoulder, Zhang Yuan consoled him, "Brother 1, you really can't blame Master Qi Hong for this matter. It's because your way of doing things is not appropriate. Captain Xue must have told you that this kind of thing happened in the seventh century." The Thirteenth Division is nothing at all, right?"

Li Zhan was surprised, "Yes, how do you know?"

"Because Captain Xue said something similar to me on the day I came. In short, as long as he is here, he will take care of anything that happens." Zhang Yuan looked around and said in a deep voice, "Why is he like this?" explain?"

Li Zhan frowned, seeming to have thought of something.

"Because the 73rd Division cannot retain talents at all. In order to retain people, leaders at both levels of the division and regiment dare to do anything. What is the most important thing in the 21st century? What is the most important thing for an army? Talent, without Even if the talent gives you the most advanced fighter plane, it will be in vain." Zhang Yuan said, "But think about it, if something goes wrong, will the leaders at the two levels of the division really stand up for you as promised? To this I It’s doubtful. So, believe half of some words, and don’t believe half of some words.”

"Brother First, in the final analysis, when doing things in the army, you must always put discipline first. For example, if you sponsor that little girl to go to school by proposing a marriage, no matter how enlightened the leader is, he can't pretend that he didn't see it. Besides, he doesn't care about you. , that is a crime against you, I don’t care, you must have thoughts in your heart. After thinking about it, I will temporarily transfer you away for a period of time, and give you a chance to calmly reflect, and then transfer you back to the second division in the future. "

As worthy of being the son of a teacher, Zhang Yuan, who took a technical route, analyzed the management of the army with perfect logic, leaving Li Zhan speechless.

After Zhang Yuan's enlightenment, Li Zhan's resentment disappeared completely. It's right to come here. As Zhang Yuan said, there is a relatively quiet environment for self-reflection. It's so peaceful here - surrounded by nature and the nearest market is an hour away.

"Just experience life in the western region." Zhang Yuan said.

Li Zhan raised his head and said, "I have decided to stay. I will transfer all the organizational and personnel relations and stay in the 73rd Division."

"Are you still angry?" Zhang Yuan smiled helplessly.

Li Zhan said solemnly, "No, I understand the difficulties of the division commander's political commissar. I had resentment in my heart at the beginning. Until I got here and saw the J-6 still being used by the 101st Regiment, a lot of resentment was gone and I didn't feel that I’m wronged. Compared with them, my grievances are simply ridiculous. You’re right, I should reflect on myself and don’t know my blessings when I’m in them.”

"I regret it. I shouldn't have meddleed in your own business. If the division commander and political commissar knew that you decided not to return to the Second Division because of my words, you would probably want to shoot me." Zhang Yuan sighed.

Li Zhan slowly shook his head, "No, when I saw a row of well-maintained J-6s in the flight area, I had already made a decision. From my personal point of view, I need to prove myself, even if I only have one in my hand." Even if you burn fire sticks, you still have to show the bloody spirit of the Chinese Air Force pilots, and the hardships you experienced in the Second Division for a year will not be in vain."

He said resolutely, "I want every fighter I fly to become a famous aircraft, rather than the world knowing me because I fly a famous aircraft."

"Come on, save these words for organizing life. In fact, it sounds harsh to say that you are a broom star, but in fact you are a lucky star. If others encounter some danger and have no chance, you will come one after another. Three in one Wait for your merits, let me tell you, the flood fighting and disaster relief is almost over. As soon as the commendation meeting started, there was another first-class merit, four first-class merits, you..." Zhang Yuan said, dumbfounding himself , in fact, he himself did not have a very clear concept about it. It was not until he said it and went through it in his mind that he realized what the four first-class merits meant...

Suddenly, Li Zhan's eyes sparkled, and he warned, "Old Zhang, don't tell others that I've disabled two planes and don't say anything like a broom star, otherwise, with the character of Master Wang who 'knows how to live', You will never let me fly!"


Li Zhan said seriously again, "On the way here today, I kept thinking that if the Second Division doesn't want me, could it be related to the fact that I crashed too many planes? After all, the ones crashing now are J-7s and Lao-8, and the ones crashing in the future will be J-7s. Eleven-Jin-Ten these high-end gadgets.”


Li Zhan stared at Zhang Yuan, "Is this really the reason?"

"Wait!" Zhang Yuan suddenly noticed a detail and asked curiously, "You said you just came here today?"

"Yes, I asked political commissar Fang to carry him to the airport early in the morning. He didn't even have time to say goodbye to his comrades. Alas." Li Zhan sighed.

Zhang Yuan frowned, "There are no direct flights from Hong Kong City to here..."

"Oh, the official plane we flew on was pretty good. It was much more comfortable than a fighter jet." Li Zhan said.

Zhang Yuan's eyes widened, "Did you come here by official plane?"



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