Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 112 Unforeseen circumstances

"Comrades! Work hard! We can make a lot of aviation fuel! Once the fuel is burned, I can ask for dozens of tons with just one phone call. It depends on whether you have the ability to burn all the allocated aviation fuel!"

His pockets were bulging, and Li Zhan spoke in a loud voice. His swaying was not to mention very unrestrained, and he had the heroic spirit of "turning a thousand words into one sentence - Baoye".

When roll call was called later that night, Li Zhan launched a heroic mobilization and said forcefully, "We will conduct ten days of high-intensity flight training. The meteorological observatory reported that there will be no heavy snow or strong winds in the next half month. It’s a good flying day, so everyone must cheer up and get in the flying hours before the next wave of cold air arrives!”

"No one can succeed casually, and no army can win a war by learning theory. There is no other shortcut to improving combat effectiveness. There is only one way, and that is to fly, fly, and fly."

He spoke with great enthusiasm, and it seemed as if the aviation oil company really pulled over a military column with just a phone call. Everyone only saw this side, and they had no idea of ​​the sadness in it. Whose fault is it that this man who is so proud of himself that he is a first-class hero threatens to kneel down for a few tons of jet fuel?

A gust of cold wind came out of nowhere, which was quite strong. Li Zhan frowned slightly.

Zhang Yuan walked over, holding a roll of printing paper in his hand, and stopped not far away, obviously waiting for Li Zhan to finish calling the names. Li Zhan turned his head and took a look. The meteorological observatory's commuter car was waiting outside the yard without turning off the engine.

"The exercise will be carried out as planned tomorrow morning, organized by Han Hongjun, the roll call has been completed!"

The team stood at attention.

Li Zhan gave the order to disband.

The old and young flying elites of the Mad Demon Brigade returned to their dormitories one after another, and immediately went into intense washing and housework, preparing to go to bed at 21:30. The biggest change after joining the Mad Demon Brigade is the strict implementation of the one-day living system. To improve combat effectiveness, we must first focus on management. This was a key point mentioned in the handwritten letter written by Political Commissar Chen of the original training base to Li Zhan.

The first sentence of the first article of the military code is to obey management. If you don't obey management, you will not be able to manage. If you don't obey management, you will not be able to execute. To break through adversity and overtake in corners, you must put in more effort than others, perhaps dozens of times.

If he wasn't too sensitive, Li Zhan would even apply to his superiors for casualty quotas!

The officers and soldiers of the Second Division had polarizing impressions of Li Zhan. He was a madman in the sky, but gentle as water on the ground. Now, what is presented to the officers and soldiers of the 101st Regiment is only wildness and roughness. The decisive and domineering leadership style has at least penetrated into the hearts of the seventeen pilots of the Mad Demon Brigade.

Probably this is the result of the butt deciding the head.

The troops brought out by a leadership and management style that is as gentle as water will also be as gentle as water. If there is no momentum, why fight? Let's all go to the fucking gang.

In terms of leadership and management capabilities, Li Zhan is a blank slate, so it is easy to accept new ideas. It turns out that Political Commissar Chen at the training base taught him by words and deeds. Political Commissar Chen's leadership and management style will naturally affect Li Zhan. Without being able to contact his master, Li Zhan felt that the only person suitable to be his teacher in this regard was probably Political Commissar Chen.

He never thought of contacting Qi Hong and Fang Chenghe. Instead, he called the Fourth Regiment to find Yu Chenglin, but was told that Yu Chenglin had also joined the Flying Sharks training team.

This further stimulated Li Zhan to achieve something as soon as possible. He must not be underestimated. He had to prove something.

Raising the roll of printing paper in his hand, Zhang Yuan walked over and said, "Let's talk in your dormitory."

"Let's go, I live in a small suite, and the living room can be used as an office." Li Zhan led Zhang Yuan upstairs, opened the door, and felt warm all of a sudden.

The collective heating here was no different from when he was at the training base in Beikong, so he was used to it.

In order to facilitate his work, Li Zhan converted a living room of more than ten square meters into an office. He spends most of his time here during non-working hours, but he spends less time sitting at work and more time traveling to various units. In order to prepare for high-intensity flight training, Li Zhan visited every relevant unit and department in the regiment and at the station to draw up several training plans. He communicated with everyone for several days before finalizing the training plan. The flight training of eighteen fighter planes is equivalent to half a flight group flying in the sky, and it also requires the approval and registration of the aviation director.

Zhang Yuan didn't talk nonsense and said straight to the point as soon as he entered the door, "I'm afraid your plan will be postponed. The latest news is that the cold air in Siberia is accelerating southward. The wind will pick up tonight and is expected to reach level 8 tomorrow. This is the latest weather map. Take a look."

As he spoke, he spread out the still-warm drawings on his desk.

There was no advanced electronic equipment, so all the satellite cloud images reported by the higher-level meteorological department were printed out. Fortunately, they were printed in color, otherwise Li Zhan would have looked really struggling.

When the roll call was just late, he had already felt that the wind was getting stronger and there was a biting chill, which was a sign that the weather was getting worse, but he was more or less hopeful about the weather when he was ambitious.

"Look here, this wave of cold air mass is much larger than the previous one. It is expected to affect most parts of the country. A large amount of snowfall in the Beiku area is certain, and it will happen faster than previously predicted. Coming." Zhang Yuan said in a deep voice.

The situation is very clear. The outer edge of Siberia's cold air mass has already approached the outer edge of the border. It may not even take tomorrow, but it will probably cause snowfall in the early morning.

"Originally, based on the judgment of satellite cloud images, this wave of cold air will move eastward and enter Outer Mongolia before moving south. Therefore, we predict that the weather in the Beiku region will not change much in the next two weeks, but now The situation has changed, the cold air did not go east, but went directly south." Zhang Yuan explained.

The meteorological observatory is a very important department, and it can even be said to be the department that holds the "power of life and death" of the flying troops. They issue a report indicating that you can fly tomorrow, then you can prepare for flight training and so on. They recommend which runway number to use. Your tower commander had better follow the suggestions, otherwise if something goes wrong, you will be punished at least or even go to a military court.

The meteorological station previously gave a report that it was basically suitable for flying in the next two weeks. Li Zhan made a training plan based on this report. Now the situation has changed. As the person in charge, Zhang Yuan must explain it clearly to Li Zhan and come up with sufficient information. Technical basis.

Li Zhan sighed and said, "It's really God's unkindness. I'm ready for everything."

The disappointment was certain. He pulled his fist back and was waiting for a command to hit it out, but suddenly a wall suddenly came up and blocked his fist. This feeling was so uncomfortable. From the perspective of the troops, morale cannot be compromised. Li Zhan's mobilization over the past few days has been in vain after a vigorous effort that failed again and again.

"Unexpected things happen in the sky. This is all normal." Zhang Yuan comforted, "First brother, I know you are eager to make some achievements to slap the second division in the face, but this matter should not be rushed. Besides, the second division What's going on with the 73rd Division? Just the technical level of the fighter planes is one or two generations behind..."

Li Zhan said, "I don't mean to slap the Second Division in the face. After all, it is my old army. Hitting the Second Division in the face is also a slap in my face. I want to pursue my own affairs in my position. Since I have become the captain of this group, Of course, you have to work hard to get results."

Zhang Yuan smiled and said, "Don't talk nonsense to me. How can I not know? Speaking of it, the Second Master really didn't provide much help in your growth process. On the contrary, you brought it to the Second Master There have been many glorious moments. The report card of the Second Division this year is very good, and 80% of the time, Master Qi Hong deserves to be praised."

Lowering his head and staring at the drawings, Li Zhan asked, "When can we get there?"

"What?" Zhang Yuan didn't react.

Li Zhan asked, "How many days will it take for the cold air to return to normal?"

Oh, it turns out that people's attention was not focused on things other than flying. Zhang Yuan was annoyed, thought for a while, and said, "At the current speed of movement, it can take as short as five days or as long as a week."

"I'm seizing the day, alas!" Li Zhan sighed heavily, "The 101st Regiment has put down too much homework, and there is no other way to make up for its shortcomings except increasing the intensity of training. The first team of the 21st century is about to Ten years have passed. Do you know how I felt when I saw Mr. Liu who was so well maintained? I felt uncomfortable, very, very uncomfortable."

Zhang Yuan patted Li Zhan on the shoulder and said comfortingly, "You are a temperamental person, I understand, but just because of this, we must act more steadily. I heard that a pilot pressed the wrong button today and released the parachute in the sky. Let it go. Sometimes I have to admit that you really have bad luck. The Seventy-third Division has never had any dangers or accidents in the past ten years."

After snorting coldly, Li Zhan became expressionless and said, "That pacesetter unit banner is more like a mockery of how the 73rd Division's safe flight record came about by compressing flight training time. Take the 101st Regiment as an example. It relies entirely on the prestige of Commander Xue. This is abnormal in itself."

Zhang Yuan was surprised and said, "I thought you were immersed in appearances, but it turns out you already have a thorough understanding."

"It's still the same sentence. If I am an ordinary pilot, I will fly the plane well. Now that I am the captain of the Blue Army, I have to think about some things that I should think about. I can't just stand in the pit and not shit. "Li Zhan said.

Zhang Yuan said, "Actually, it would be good if you gave more ground control and less went to the sky."

"Yes, let me ask you something." Li Zhan suddenly remembered something, stared at Zhang Yuan and asked, "Did you tell me about the things I did in the Second Division?"

"There is absolutely no conscience in heaven and earth!" Zhang Yuan wanted to raise his hands and swear, "I have never said a word to the outside world. No one knows the nicknames of your first brother Nanhai Mad Dog Pull-rod Prince, really!"

"That's fine. You know the confidentiality rules." Li Zhan nodded slowly and asked, "Is there any way for me to fly earlier?"

"Do you think I am the God of Thunder and the Mother of Lightning?" Zhang Yuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Li Zhan said thoughtfully, "The snowfall shouldn't last long, right?"

"It's a blizzard, so it won't last long, maybe half a day, but just clearing the snow is a big project, which will take at least two days. Besides, if the clouds are too thick, it's not suitable for flying," Zhang Yuan said.

Li Zhan thought thoughtfully, "So if we find ways to speed up the process of clearing the snow, we can try to fly a day or two earlier..."

"What do you want to do?"

Extra updates will be delivered. Come and order your monthly tickets, brothers. Good night.

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