Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 122 See you later, Junhang Yaodong Yao

Just as Zhang Yuan predicted, in the afternoon, the dust-like snow stopped completely, and the direct sunlight dispersed the fog, revealing the true face of Beikuchang Station and the Beikuku Mountains in the distance to the north.

It turns out that the time for combat training under complex weather conditions is really only from early morning to morning. Li Zhan was fortunate to have seized this rare opportunity. At least two pilots in his group had actually flown.

There is a huge difference between those who have flown and those who have not. Actual flight experience can never be replaced by simulator training experience. As the saying goes, what happens once makes you familiar again. If Han Hongjun and Li Zixin engage in combat training under complex weather conditions for the second time, they will definitely make great progress.

When the weather improves, it is a good time to fly. However, due to the presence of 8644, the flight training originally scheduled for the afternoon was canceled.

There is something wrong with the cancellation of troop training because of an alternate landing of a civilian flight. But they are all people who have received strict discipline training, and no one will say even half a sentence.

Li Zhan helped drag Zhu Qingying's captain's cabin back to the dormitory, and found her a clean bed to change to his own bed. Zhu Qingying took out a change of clothes and toiletries from the boarding case, took a hot bath neatly, put on cotton pajamas and pajamas and disposable slippers and came to the living room.

"You usually work here? You still work as hard as before." Zhu Qingying sat down on the chair on the other side of the desk unceremoniously and put her long legs on the desk.

The room was fully heated and not cold at all, and Li Zhan only wore a warm sweater. He poured a glass of boiling water and brought it over, pulled up a chair and sat down next to it, and said, "I am simulating the Blue Army Group. I will apply the Yankees' tactics and use them as a grindstone for other aviation units in the military region. Recent events It’s quite a lot, and you still have to work eight hours away.”

"Oh, we should have simulated the Blue Army brigade a long time ago." Zhu Qingying curled her lips, "The current training method of the navy and air force is already fucking behind. The height limit for free air combat is simply unbelievable. If the weather is bad, it will scare you to the ground. How can we still fight?"

Li Zhan smiled helplessly, "Sister, you always look at things in such an extreme way. Everyone has their own difficulties. Besides, things are not that simple."

However, he subjectively neglected to express his views on the current training methods to Xue Xiangdong, who was also so extreme.

Spreading her hands, Zhu Qingying said, "So, we must seek changes. If you build a blue army, I will support you."

"Are you opening 8644 to support me?" Li Zhan said with a faint smile.

Zhu Qingying was stunned for a moment and said thoughtfully, "Yes, I am a civil aviation employee."

Afraid that continuing this topic would make the atmosphere dull, Li Zhan changed another important topic, "Yes, have you contacted Master recently? I haven't been able to contact him since I left the Second Division. The number he gave me always Every time I called, I refused to transfer.”

"I haven't contacted Master since I changed jobs. You know the reason. Master will not say unnecessary words to anyone outside the military. Besides, his job itself is relatively sensitive, and he has a lot of contact with people outside. Unnecessary trouble.”

Zhu Qingying said, "But I have kept in touch with my wife. Yes, the little bastard is three years old, very smart and cute."

"Yes, he's three years old. He's already three years old in the blink of an eye." Li Zhan sighed, "Hey, doesn't Master's wife know about Master's situation?"

Zhu Qingying glared and said angrily, "Let me ask you, will you tell your family what happened in the army? You are out of your mind."

"Well, there's nothing we can do about it. What did Master do?" Li Zhan scratched his head, feeling very distressed.

Zhu Qingying said helplessly, "Are you really stupid or pretending to be stupid? Since the transfer was refused, it means that the confidentiality level of what Master is doing now is very high, and it may be completely sealed. Don't worry about it, it's useless to worry about it. . You are his proud disciple and I will never forget you."

Li Zhan shook his head and said, "No, I am encountering a problem. Am I not the captain? I am also the Blue Army brigade. I have no experience in many things, so I urgently ask him for advice."

"Then there's nothing you can do. Just explore it yourself." Zhu Qingying spread her hands and said.

Li Zhan said helplessly, "Then we can only cross the river by touching the American troops."

"No more talking. I'm going to take a nap. I'm so sleepy after flying for seven or eight hours." Zhu Qingying stretched and yawned as she entered the bedroom, stopped at the door, pointed at Li Zhan and said, "Go outside and stand guard."

"Oh yes!"

Li Zhan got up quickly, moved a chair, picked up his military coat, closed the door, sat down in the corridor outside, wrapped himself in his coat and acted as a doorman.

During class time, there is no one here. If Li Zhan wanted to do something, no one would know. However, if a group of people saw him taking the female captain back to the room, it was absolutely inevitable that he would be arranged afterwards. However, Li Zhan didn't dare to have the slightest thought about Zhu Qingying. Maybe it was because they were too familiar, or maybe it was because there was no love between the two other than comrades-in-arms, fellow apprentices, and brothers.

In Li Zhan's eyes, Zhu Qingying is good-looking, beautiful and sexy, but she just can't get hard. If I were to change the subject, the first image in my mind would definitely be in bed.

He stood up and looked at 8644 in the distance. The field service company had sealed off the area. It was estimated that flight training would not be possible before 8644 left the field.

Li Zhan couldn't help but smile.

Of course, it doesn't matter to him that other people would make such insinuations about Zhu Qingying, but it doesn't matter to him, just as Zhu Qingying will also casually ask him about his work. Some things cannot be recognized even if they are real. Existence is one thing and recognition is one thing. These are two completely different concepts. In some matters, even if you see the facts with your own eyes, you can't expect to be recognized.

If Li Zhan and Zhu Qingying switched identities, the situation would actually be the same.

All in all, Li Zhan only needs to know that 8644 has passed the crisis to be completely relieved.

Zhu Qingying slept for a full two hours, and Li Zhan stood guard outside for a full two hours. He didn't feel cold, but felt satisfied that he had rare free time to rest. It was already four o'clock in the afternoon when Zhu Qingying opened the door and came out.

Li Zhan was surprised when he saw Zhu Qingying dressed neatly and dragging her suitcase. "Senior sister, do you want to stay in a guest house?"

"What kind of guest house are you staying in? It's quite comfortable staying here, but I have to go." Zhu Qingying said, putting on black wool gloves, which showed her slender fingers.

Li Zhan frowned, "What should I do with the plane? Can we come back and drive away?"

Zhu Qingying said with a faint smile, "You can help me drive back."

Seeing Li Zhan's embarrassed look, Zhu Qingying was happy. She waved her hand and said, "Of course I'm driving away. I can stay with you for the New Year. I'm still waiting for the delivery. Send a car to take me there quickly."

"How are you driving? There is not enough fuel. The aviation fuel at our station is not suitable for your big aircraft." Li Zhan said.

Zhu Qingying glared, "I'll send a car when I ask you to, there's so much nonsense!"

"Okay, send the car."

Li Zhan hurried back to his room to call the small convoy, and not long after, the Cheetah commuter bus came over. Just like two hours ago, Li Zhan dragged the suitcase and led Zhu Qingying into the car, and the car drove steadily to 8644.

After arriving, Li Zhan discovered that two refueling trucks were refueling 8644. The oil tanks had the words "China Aviation Oil" on them. There were also several maintenance personnel busy inspecting 8644. The four huge engines were already running. , obviously preparations before taking off. The rest of the crew had also arrived long ago. At this time, Xue Xiangdong was chatting with him, and there were also a few middle-aged people in casual clothes who looked like leading cadres.

A line of off-road vehicles with civilian license plates were parked not far away. They were all hard-core off-road vehicles of the buffalo level. Their bodies were covered in dust, and they looked like they had traveled a long distance.

After getting off the car, Zhu Qingying took the boarding case lever and said, "Okay, let's stop here. You can go to the tower and pick me up or send me off, okay?"

Li Zhan was in a daze.

"Did you hear what I said?" Zhu Qingying said, staring into Li Zhan's eyes.

"I heard it." Li Zhan felt uncomfortable, which was reflected on his face, "Senior sister, are you really in such a hurry to leave?"

Zhu Qingying's eyes became gentler and she said, "Of course, I am in a hurry to leave, and you are also in a hurry to train. Okay, don't let me be reluctant to leave, sister won't accept it."

No matter how gentle she is, she is still a tough senior sister.

Li Zhan calmed down and said, "I can take it up and let it go. It's just that we haven't seen each other for a long time, and we haven't talked enough yet."

"We'll have a chance to talk all night long in the future, okay?" Zhu Qingying said, "Okay, be strong, now you should go to the tower, Junhang Yaodong Yao."

"Understood, Sichuan Airlines 8644, please be ready for takeoff!"

Li Zhan took a step back, stood at attention and saluted, turned around and jumped on the bus, and the commuter bus went to the tower in a hurry.

Maybe what he wanted to do more was to take off before 8644 and escort 8644, even for a minute.

The preparations were carried out in an orderly manner. Twenty minutes later, all irrelevant personnel were evacuated, and the ground commander was waiting to wave a flag that could be slid out.

Li Zhan once again stood at the command position of the tower. Deputy Commander Yang Jinshan checked the time and nodded to Li Zhan. Li Zhan looked at Zhang Yuan, who was working as a weatherman, and the latter nodded and gave a thumbs up.

"Beiku Tower, apply to ski out, Sichuan Airlines 8644." Zhu Qingying's voice sounded from the loudspeaker. To everyone's surprise, the voice was still the same, but it lost the naughty feeling before and became more serious and calm. .

Only Li Zhan knew why there was such a change, and he felt a little sad.

"Sichuan Airlines 8644, this is Beiku Tower. You can taxi out and take off from south to north. This is a non-standard departure procedure." Li Zhan picked up the transmitter and his voice was equally serious and calm.

The pilot vehicle guided 8644 to slide southward from the parallel road in front of the tower. When passing the tower, Li Zhan seemed to see Zhu Qingying waving to him through the side window from the main driver's seat.

The huge 8644 turned around at the south end of the runway, its nose pointed north, its nose landing gear accurately pressed on the central axis of the runway, and the guidance vehicle drove away quickly.

"Tower, I'm ready. Please take off, Sichuan Airlines 8644." Zhu Qingying called.

Li Zhan gave the order in a deep voice, "Sichuan Airlines 8644, after takeoff, continue to turn right and leave directly. Heading 180, you can take off."

"Understood, continue to turn right to leave, heading 180, Sichuan Airlines 8644."

The speed of the four heavy-duty aero engines carried by the Boeing-747-400F continued to rise. After exceeding the specified value, Zhu Qingying released the brakes. The behemoth began to slowly roll away like a heavy-duty truck. The speed became faster and faster. The sound of the engines was overwhelming, like A rhinoceros runs wildly along the runway, and the shock it brings is jaw-dropping.

The officers and soldiers at the air force station have never seen a heavy-duty aircraft take off with a full load.

After taxiing for more than two thousand meters, Zhu Qingying quickly pulled up the plane. The plane flew close to the ground for a while before slowly climbing. Anyone who is familiar with the performance parameters of this aircraft knows that Zhu Qingying used the shortest take-off distance, because the main runway of Beiku Station is only three thousand meters, and the take-off distance of the Boeing-747-400F at nearly full load is 2,700 meters. Many meters, almost using up all the runway.

In this case, Zhu Qingying had no choice, she had to do this.

Watching 8644 climb slowly and firmly, then turn right and disappear from sight, Li Zhan called Zhu Qingying for the last time, "Sichuan Airlines 8644, please contact the civil air traffic control. This call ends here. Beiku wishes you all the best and wishes you all the best." Farewell to the unsung heroes."

"Thank you Junhang for your help. We feel at ease with you. See you soon, Junhang Yaodongyao."

I will add more updates to that recommendation, request subscriptions and monthly passes, I will write as much as I can today, thank you!

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