Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 124 Flying is my life

Li Zixin, Cong Dawei, Wu Shaoqing and a group of maintenance staff checked around the No. 01 fighter for a long time, but they couldn't find any problems.

However, the fighter plane obviously drove smoothly.

When I parked and started driving again, it was very smooth without any lag.

From the sound, you can tell that Singapore Airlines is in very good condition and does not look sick at all.

Li Zhan didn't do anything, unless slapping the dashboard was considered maintenance.

"At that time in the Second Division, my front landing gear was not fully lowered and got stuck. Oh, that's the E-type. Do you know how the aircraft maintenance repairs it?" Li Zhan said to them, and then gave the answer in the expectant eyes of everyone. The answer is, "My crew chief will go down with a hammer, and that's it."

Everyone was shocked.

Li Zhan spread his hands and said, "So, for a purely mechanical aircraft like the Xiaoqi, many things are really difficult to explain. I heard that the J-10 and J-11's examinations are like people doing electrocardiograms. There are plugs everywhere. The avionics system of others is more advanced in terms of pipes and wiring, etc., and the fly-by-wire flight control is incomparable."

While everyone was digesting it, Li Zhan waved his hand and said, "You continue to be busy. If there are no problems, we will conduct a night flight tonight as planned."

When Li Zhan got on the commuter bus and left, everyone looked at each other in shock - why are you still doing this after the plane is like this? What if you park your car in the air?

Han Hongjun and Li Zixin looked at each other and walked aside to talk in a low voice. Han Hongjun said, "I don't know, since my sister-in-law left, the captain's mood is not right. He is not as gentle as before."

"I noticed it. It's normal. Anyway, the aviation doctor didn't let him rest, which means he meets the flight standards." Li Zixin wiped the oil stains on his hands with a dry cloth and said, "I used to have a good life, but now I am a workaholic. , all I can see is flying.”

Han Hongjun sighed slightly, "Yes, speaking of it, the captain is also quite bitter. A breakup is better than a newlywed. We have only been together for two hours and ten minutes. After getting a taste of it, we separated suddenly. I must be in a bad mood. .”

"Two hours and ten minutes? Are you damn accurate to the minute? The gatekeeper told me it was exactly two hours." Li Zixin lowered his voice and glared.

Han Hongjun chuckled and said, "I walked over with a bag of soft Chinese, and the boys at the gate all stopped their stopwatches for me. From the time my sister-in-law entered the captain's room to the time she came out, it took two hours and ten minutes, exactly!"

"That captain is pretty awesome." Li Zixin gasped and regarded him as a god.

Han Hongjun said, "Stop gossiping, captain. Be careful not to deduct flight hours from you. Let's go, let's go, it's time to get on the simulator. Today is Deputy Chief of Staff Nangong Hong's organization. Be careful if you are late."

The two of them murmured and quickly withdrew.

Who can Li Zhan and Zhu Qingying hide this thing from? To put it bluntly, as long as a woman comes into the camp, even if you find that there is no one everywhere, you must not think that no one knows your actions. Instead, you must always pay attention to your every move, because you have no idea. Know that there are vigilant eyes watching everything about you in some corners.

In the past, there was no condition to have a separate family room. Family members came to the team to live in the dormitory, and they were surrounded by comrades. If you and your wife spoke a little louder, the whole company would know about it the next day. If you work more loudly at night, then, brothers, in the second half of the year There is something to talk about. It's so weak to have to read a love letter from my girlfriend in front of the whole class.

Li Zhan knew that his emotions were not right, but he was experienced and the solution was quite simple. If he flew a few more sorties, nothing would happen. Therefore, he worked hard to get a few more rounds of training before the next round of Siberian cold air mass arrived.

It is no joke that the entire group's resources are concentrated on the Mad Demon Brigade, and Xue Xiangdong is by no means a group leader who is sitting on nothing. Li Zhan made a good start, and Xue Xiangdong, by drawing inferences from one example, would naturally come up with the idea of ​​turning the entire regiment into a simulated Blue Army unit.

Think about change.

Xue Xiangdong hopes more than anyone else to see the 101st Regiment take on a new look in his hands and rebuild its former glory, so that when he is too old to fly and has to leave, he won't have much regret.

Therefore, he will basically sign and submit the training plan proposed by Li Zhan. The scale of training, which often involves more than a dozen sorties, must be approved by the air force of the military region and registered with the aviation department. A mere flying group does not have that much power.

However, when he learned that Li Zhan's plane was inexplicably unable to drive, he firmly disagreed with Li Zhan flying into the sky at night.

Xue Xiangdong didn't have time to read the "Application Report on Cancellation of Free Air Combat with Altitude Difference" written by Li Zhan. He put it in his hand, crossed his fingers with both hands, and said earnestly, "Xiao Li, didn't you say you should eat one bite at a time? Don't be anxious, besides, it's the same as commanding from the tower, you also get duty allowance."

Embarrassed, Li Zhan said with embarrassment, "Captain, I really didn't pay for the lever or anything. Revolutionary soldiers are people with noble sentiments, people who have escaped from vulgar taste, people who pursue a rich and colorful spiritual world, and they are people who pursue a rich and colorful spiritual world." …”

"Stop it, stop it, my head is spinning." Xue Xiangdong waved his hands hurriedly. He was really afraid to talk to Li Zhan about these topics. Even the political commissar couldn't talk about it, so he just opened his mouth.

Xue Xiangdong said seriously, "Stop talking. Until the reason is found out, No. 01 cannot fly anyway, and no one can guarantee whether it will stop in the air. Li Zhan, I can let you accelerate the consumption of aviation engines. Everything is to improve combat effectiveness, but I absolutely cannot and will not allow the lives of pilots to be joked about. It’s just the two of us here. Let me tell you the truth, if you don’t use those aircraft, they will eventually be destroyed. The army is already accelerating the elimination of J-7s. You Understand?"

"Leave this arduous task to me, captain, don't worry." Li Zhan straightened his chest and said with determination, the wind rustling and the water cold.

"But you have to make it clear that it cannot be for the purpose of consuming aircraft engines. Instead, the goal should be to improve the combat capabilities of the Mad Demon Brigade. Furthermore, the relationship between training and safety must be dealt with." Xue Xiangdong emphasized.

Li Zhan agreed wholeheartedly, hesitated for a moment, and asked tentatively, "Captain, how about you lend me the aircraft of other groups for a few days? Just for a few days, and I will handle the aviation fuel myself, okay?"

"You're borrowing lighters!" you."

He said with a half-smile, "Why don't I help you fight Master Liu? Master Six of the Third Brigade has enough control."

The first group and the second group are J-7IIs, and the third group is the training group, all of which are J-6 Plus.

Everyone in the group knows Li Zhan's mantra - he will never fly a J-6 in his life, even the Plas version. People who understand know that Li Zhan has set an ideal for himself to never look back and move forward resolutely. People who don't understand think that Li Zhan is showing off.

All in all, the entire regiment knew about it, and the soldiers in the field service company often teased him.

It is impossible to do physical fitness in this life, and the results are not really good.

Xue Xiangdong smiled and prepared to see Li Zhan's embarrassed look, but found that the naughty guy was deep in thought. Human beings laugh when they think about God, and Li Zhan gets flustered when he thinks about leadership.

"Well, it's not impossible for Mr. Liu. Anyway, as long as he can fly, it's fine. As for aerial command, if there is no problem with the radio, there will be no other problems." Li Zhan seemed to have thought about it. For the sake of... training, he decisively took the "oath" .

"You!" Xue Xiangdong was so angry that he couldn't speak.

Xue Xiangdong lit a cigarette and took a puff, signaling to Li Zhan that he declined. Then Xue Xiangdong blew out the smoke and said, "Have you ever driven a J-6?"

"J-6, the model that must be flown in the aviation school, is not much different from the J-6, right?" Li Zhan said with his head raised.

Xue Xiangdong nodded slightly, "Well, basically the same."

If you can fly a third-generation aircraft and go back to fly a second-generation aircraft, you don't need any modifications. Flying qualifications are backward compatible, a bit like car driving qualifications, but not absolute. For example, the Qiang-5 is also a second-generation aircraft, but it cannot fly without modification. Each model of active fighter jets in the Air Force has a corresponding trainer aircraft, and students who get off the trainer aircraft and fly solo use the corresponding fighter jets. JJ-6, JJ-7 (JJ-7), JJ-10 (corresponding to J-10), as long as pilots who have flown these aircraft types during their student days and successfully completed them, they are completely backward compatible with each aircraft model.

There is nothing wrong with Li Zhan flying the J-6.

"Then I'll drive the Sixth Master. I'm always worried if I'm not watching from the sky." Li Zhan said.

Xue Xiangdong weighed it.

Li Zhan added, "Captain, I am doing this purely for training purposes and has nothing to do with the half cent fee for pulling the rod. Please believe me."

"I didn't talk about the rod fee." Xue Xiangdong frowned.

There is no silver left here.

Li Zhan quickly confirmed, "Captain, I promise there will be no problem, I will fly slowly, mainly to command the training of the troops."

Looking at Li Zhan suspiciously, Xue Xiangdong was obviously hesitant. After smoking a cigarette, he finally agreed. Li Zhan's statement made sense. Air command was a hundred times better than ground command. The training effect of the past ten days was very gratifying.

"Okay, I promise you, you go and get familiar with the J-6's cockpit first, and I'll arrange a flight around the field for you in the afternoon. I'll see how it goes. If I'm not satisfied, don't go up there tonight." Xue Xiangdong put out the cigarette butt and said.

Li Zhan stood up suddenly and saluted excitedly, "Captain, please rest assured, I will resolutely complete the mission!"

"Okay, let's get ready. I'll come back to you after reading this application report. You can also send a copy to Yang Jinshan later. He has served as a staff officer in the aviation department and has good vision. Communicate with him more." Xue Xiangdong said. .

"Yes! Goodbye, leader!"

Li Zhan turned around and walked out of the group leader's office as if he had received candy.

As long as it can fly, it doesn't matter what kind of crappy plane it is.

Flying is his destiny. Only by flying freely in the sky can he gain an unparalleled sense of accomplishment.

When he met Yang Jinshan in the corridor, Li Zhan immediately chased after him, "Deputy Yang!"

Yang Jinshan stopped and said, "The little prince of the lever, comes to see the leader again."

"Little prince of the lever, don't listen to Zhang Yuan's nonsense." Li Zhan firmly denied it and immediately changed the topic, "Yes, deputy regiment, I just submitted an application report to the regiment leader for canceling the height difference free air combat. I will look back. How about discussing this matter with you?"

After frowning, Yang Jinshan pulled Li Zhan aside and asked in a low voice, "Do you really want to do this?"

"It's not that I want to do it, it's the situation that forces us to change. Deputy regiment, you have been a staff officer in the aviation department, so you should have a further perspective." Li Zhan said in a deep voice.

Yang Jinshan thought for a moment and said, "Let's study it carefully sometime. What does group leader mean?"

"He asked me to communicate more with you." Li Zhan said honestly.

Yang Jinshan nodded slightly and said, "You arrange the time, and I will fully assist you."

"Thank you, deputy commander." Seeing that Yang Jinshan was about to leave, Li Zhan quickly grabbed him and asked in a low voice, "Yes, how much does it cost to pull the J-6 lever?"

The sixth update is here. Brothers, asking for monthly tickets is really not about the draw fee, but the sense of accomplishment brought by being at the top of the monthly ticket list.

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