Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 127 A big accident happened

"The reward and punishment system is just an idea. In the foreseeable future, the reward system will be the main one. Of course, this depends on the training results. Let me tell you that as soon as spring begins, we will have to fight against our brother troops, so before that we must all We will work hard to improve our combat capabilities."

Li Zhan glanced at the crowd and said forcefully.

"Simulating the Blue Army is not as simple as changing a name or a signboard. As I said before, the training you are doing now is just an appetizer. There will be more challenges waiting for you to complete in the future."

As he spoke, Li Zhan looked down at the list of pilots participating in the evening training, raised his head, and said, "According to the training plan, all new flights are scheduled for tonight's night flight, namely Han Hongjun, Li Zixin, Zhang Jian, Wu Zhen, and Chen Palace Army, Yang Jingyue and six others."

All of them were new pilots in the army last year. They were all young men in their twenties, and they were all excited to be doing night flights for the first time. Strictly speaking, tonight's night flight was barely weather-friendly, so the opportunity was even more rare. As new pilots, their biggest disadvantage compared with veteran pilots is that many subjects are blank.

"Comrades who are not flying tonight should also stay and listen, think more, and strive to gain new insights with every ups and downs of flying. I have always believed that flying is an inseparable love with a fighter plane. Pilots must have both You must be unparalleled in your rationality, but you must also have an emotional side. Integrate your emotions into the flight, and I believe you will have a new experience."

Li Zhan made an opening statement and was about to explain the training plan for the night flight in detail, but the correspondent from the regiment rushed in, "Team Li! Something happened to your aircraft maintenance!"

The whole audience was stunned and didn't recover for several seconds.

"Deputy Chief of Staff South organized everyone to watch the news broadcast and have a normal schedule!"

Li Zhan ordered Nangong Hong to call Nangong Hong deputy chief of staff, explaining that Nangong Hong was required to organize the following work as deputy chief of staff. The news broadcast is broadcast on time at 19:00 and ends on time at 19:30. Watching the news broadcast means that there is no time to prepare for the night flight. Normal work and rest requires getting ready to go to bed at 22:00 and blowing off the lights.

His words directly pronounced the death sentence for tonight's night flight.

There was something wrong with the aircraft maintenance. Judging from the frightened look on the correspondent's face, it was definitely not a minor problem. Li Zhan basically knew that there was no chance of tonight's night flight without much thought. When one person gets sick, the whole family needs to take medicine, not to mention that there is a problem with his machine maintenance.

Wasn't it that his communications officer from the Maintenance Corps would rush in and shout without even showing basic courtesy?

The commuter bus was waiting below. Before Li Zhan could get on the bus, the driver stepped on the accelerator and ran towards the tarmac without even saying a word to Li Zhan.

At this time, the clouds in the west sky have cracked and the sunset light is shining down. Night should be a more suitable time for night flight training.

Li Zhan sighed inwardly, becoming more and more suspicious that he might really have bad luck. In the past many years, the 101st Regiment has not had a single safety-related accident. Since he arrived at the 101st Regiment, first Han Hongjun, a young man with the most advanced skills in the new flight, made a stupid mistake, then the new J-7II fighter No. 01 drove abnormally for unknown reasons, and now there was a maintenance problem. This is less than five months.

Li Zhan was so panicked that he forgot to ask the regimental correspondent what happened to the aircraft maintenance.

The situation was more serious than he imagined.

When he arrived at the tarmac, Han Hongjun's plane was already surrounded by soldiers from the security company forming a square. Xue Xiangdong, Yang Jinshan, Ma Feng, and Wang Anguo were all there, and the maintenance team lined up to stand facing them. Upright, Cong Dawei stood at the head of the platoon with his head lowered. There were several staff officers from the regiment beside him, looking at the maintenance team with solemn faces.

The three main ground support vehicles, ground power supply vehicles, oxygenation vehicles, and refueling trucks, were neatly parked on the side. Judging from their location and status, it was obvious that the support had been completed. Perhaps the problem was discovered before the handover and evacuation.

The three main ground support vehicles are kept at the depot. They are responsible for delivering them after the locomotives arrive at the site. The operation and use belong to the locomotives. There is a handover problem here. Simply put, the station is responsible for delivery and the aircraft maintenance is responsible for use. There will also be ammunition trucks when live ammunition is needed.

Generally speaking, there are two fighter aircraft inspections before flying. If the flight is today, maintenance should be performed on the fighter jet yesterday to confirm that it is normal. The second time was before the flight. The maintenance staff came in two hours in advance to prepare the fighter jet for flight, and finally confirmed that the fighter jet was in normal condition. The next step is to wait for the pilot to come in for handover, and then it’s the pilot’s business.

If live ammunition needs to be mounted, maintenance personnel will arrive two and a half hours in advance.

The pre-flight work of all military aviation units is roughly the same.

When Li Zhan walked over, another car came over. Zheng Kaiyun, the station manager, also came. After getting off the car, he hurriedly walked towards Xue Xiangdong.

Something big is definitely going on.

And it was the crew of his Mad Demon Brigade, the crew responsible for protecting the Han Hongjun plane.

"Old Xue, have you found it?"

Zheng Kaiyun seemed more anxious than Xue Xiangdong, and she asked nonsense questions directly when they met. If you find it, will you still have such a chilling atmosphere?

Li Zhan quickly strode over and was about to say something when Xue Xiangdong glared at him coldly. Li Zhan was so frightened that he swallowed the words that came to his mouth. The occasion and atmosphere in front of him told him that this was not the time to be arrogant and that he had to take it seriously.

The two big guys at the station had arrived, and the atmosphere became even more depressing, so much so that Sunset, who had just shown a small face, was so scared that he hid in the clouds in the west, and the light gradually dimmed.

Xue Xiangdong said to Zheng Kaiyun, "These are the people you have, right? Are all the people on duty here today?"

At another time, Zheng Kaiyun would have to fight back, but now he has no intention of caring about Xue Xiangdong's tone. He looked at the officers and soldiers of the support company who were lined up neatly on the side of the maintenance team. The leader of the team assuredly reported that all personnel were there.

There were five people on the maintenance team's side and seven people on the site support company's side. Twelve people were divided into two teams and stood on one side of the fighter plane. On the outside was a human-shaped isolation line composed of soldiers from the guard company.

"Captain Xue, all my people are here." Zheng Kaiyun said in a deep voice.

After thinking about it, Zheng Kaiyun couldn't help but said, "Captain Xue, my people are only responsible for delivering goods. According to regulations, they will not come into contact with fighter aircraft. After handing over the support vehicle, my people will not leave their posts."

"Stationmaster Zheng, don't worry. If such a big accident happens, no one will be able to get away with it until we find out." Wang Anguo, the deputy political commissar of the 101st Regiment, didn't give Zheng Kaiyun a good look and directly retorted.

Everyone can hear that Zheng Kaiyun wants to take out her side as soon as possible. He didn't even think about whether he could pick it out?

Xue Xiangdong said coldly, "You have to dig three feet into the ground to find a screwdriver. If you can't find anyone, don't expect to leave here."

At this moment, Cong Dawei, as the main person in charge, was already mourning for his heir, and tears were already shining in the eyes of the old man.

"Stationmaster Zheng, please inform the guards and field staff that from now on, all personnel will be prohibited from entering or exiting the camp area until this matter is investigated!" Xue Xiangdong stared at Zheng Kaiyun and said.

Zheng Kaiyun completely came to his senses. If the problem was with his soldiers, as the main leader, the best outcome for him would be to change jobs and go home.

No longer daring to take any chances, he quickly made arrangements according to Xue Xiangdong's requirements.

Li Zhan understood that the screwdriver was missing!

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