Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 142 That guy has a lot of background!

The J-7G was only equipped to the army four years ago and was unveiled at last year's National Day Parade. Its main purpose is for foreign trade, and it is also used as an emergency measure in the current situation where the Air Force's equipment upgrading is in short supply. It is said that the J-7E currently in service can be improved to the level of the G-type, and the cost is much more cost-effective than purchasing new aircraft.

The specific situation is unknown to Li Zhan. After entering 2010, everyone can clearly feel that the speed of equipment upgrading in the army is accelerating, which is why the modified models of the Second Division and Four Regiments are constantly changing. Maybe the plan to improve the J-7E to G-type level will also be cancelled, if the production of third-generation aircraft can continue to rise.

Youhuchang Station is also a large station, with a deputy division commander concurrently serving as station commander. It is a serious deputy division-level unit, the same as Xixian Station. Like all air force bases, apart from being empty, you can’t find any features, or you can’t see anything that surprises you.

The place used to host the battle is always as low-key as possible, and it is almost impossible to attract anyone's attention.

The two 3,000-meter-long runways are probably the only natural feature that cannot be eliminated. As a pillar station on the eastern coast, the two runways of Youhu Station can both take off and land heavy transport aircraft, and can also barely take off and land civilian heavy-load cargo aircraft in emergencies.

To be precise, when reviewing and approving the design, location, functions, uses, etc. of all airports across the country, you will find that the defense department and the Air Force are involved. If a certain design cannot be used by the military, no matter how important your airport is, even if it directly drives the local economy to quadruple every three years, you cannot build it. You absolutely cannot build it.

The military has veto power and priority use rights over airports, airspace, etc.

Airports across the country are a chess game.

The construction of the national defense system will always consider the worst outcome. For example, when the first-line airport is captured, can the second- and third-line airports support subsequent operations? Find a map and mark all the airports in the central part of the country. You will find that their carrying capacity is surprisingly equal to the size of the Air Force's existing aviation units.

Just like once all front lines are lost, the industries and resources in the central region can maintain the minimum operation of the national combat system.

Youhuchang Station is a dual-runway airport. Its dispatch capacity is more than three times that of a single-runway airport, rather than simply 1+1 equals 2. Moreover, the 300 Division has a tactical data link. Although it is in the experimental stage, it is still It is a combat power multiplier.

The spacious tower became a temporary observation platform, where the pilots of the 73rd Division's Mad Demon Brigade sat down neatly and watched the battle through the large screen hanging in the middle. It should be pointed out that the J-7G of the 300th Division is equipped with the Beidou system. The pilot can know his specific position, and the ground can also grasp the dynamics of the aircraft in real time.

A SU-30MKK mounted reconnaissance pod took off first and acted as the photographer of this air battle. The weapons operator in the back seat even brought a camera up, intending to take a classic picture of the battle between the two aircraft.

When everything was ready, Bai Ou picked up the transmitter and gave the order, "Falcon, this is the tower. After inspection, you can take off. Over."

Li Zhan replied, "Understood, the fighting falcon is about to take off, it's over."

Sitting in a cockpit that was more modern than the E-type, feeling the familiar feel of the operating lever, Li Zhan felt that every nerve line in his body was active and every pore was breathing happily. He seemed to be able to dominate the world. .

Pushing the throttle lever to the end, turning on the afterburner, the engine speed soared, and the brakes were released. However, the taxiing distance was only 500 meters. Li Zhan suddenly pulled the fighter up and turned sharply to the left, almost grazing the top of the building on the left side of the airport. Climb high.

Experts will know if there is one as soon as they take action.

Bai Ou was deeply shocked and subconsciously wanted to remind Yao Dongming to put away his contempt. However, thinking that Yao Dongming could also see this scene, he gave up on making such a reminder that obviously meant cheating.

Many pilots can do this kind of emergency takeoff with strong combat evasion, but few can do such an action with three auxiliary fuel tanks mounted. This is not a question of courage, but a question of understanding the performance of fighter aircraft and flying skills!

Baiou has been flying fighter jets for almost 30 years, and he could see at a glance the extraordinary nature of Li Zhan's simple take-off action. To be precise, in these few seconds, Li Zhan needed to make more than thirty operations.

It's definitely not simple.

There was a soft cry from the tower, and everyone looked at the pilots of the 73rd Division in surprise. Chen Hualin crossed his arms with a smile on his face, and Xue Xiangdong beside him couldn't hide his smile. When Li Zhan was in the Second Division, he fought against HNA's simulated blue army three times, and came back victorious all three times. Li Zhan's flying skills and tactical abilities were also reflected in two training confrontations under complex weather conditions. The two of them are very confident.

The pilots of the Mad Demon Brigade were in a better mood. The captain gave them a simple impression - there was no opponent that he could not defeat, as long as he was in the sky.

According to the temporarily set free air combat background, Li Zhan took off first, then flew 300 kilometers eastward, then turned back to simulate an invading enemy plane, while Yao Dongming scrambled to intercept the Red Army fighter plane. The criterion for victory or defeat is who locks who first and completes the attack procedure.

Fortunately, the J-7G has an omnidirectional radar warning device and out-of-sight attack capabilities, otherwise it would be difficult to determine the outcome of such a confrontation.

"Fighting Falcon, turn to 90 degrees. Note that your altitude is three thousand. Over." Bai Ou gave the order.

Li Zhan replied, "Zhan Falcon understands, turn due east, height is 3,000, it's over."

He flew a U-shaped maneuver and pointed the nose of the aircraft due east. Under the heavy overload, the fuselage made a tooth-aching sound. It was not until level flight that the strong inertia slowly disappeared. Don’t forget, he’s driving afterburner! At this time, the fighter plane has not yet reached supersonic speed, but Li Zhan can be seen from the tower moving very fast.

Li Zhan's calculations were very accurate. When flying over the station, the fighter plane broke through the speed of sound. The huge roar of supersonic flight resounded like thunder across the earth, shaking the hearts of the people in the tower. Especially the people of the 300th Division looked at each other with dissatisfaction at the same time. This was a naked demonstration!

The pilots of the Crazy Demon Squadron all know that once the captain goes to the sky, he is another person, a person who no one can fully understand, a pure person, a person who has escaped from vulgar taste, and a person with unlimited possibilities. A combat pilot is a ghostly person who will rush towards you from a completely unexpected direction and give you a few 30mm aircraft cannon shells.

He has many vivid nicknames, such as the Mad Dog of the South China Sea, the Little Prince of the Pull Rod, the Devil, the Second Political Commissar, etc., but unless they are all gathered together, they cannot be fully described as a person who always fills everyone with strength and hope.

Xue Xiangdong, who was holding his arms, nodded slightly with satisfaction. On other people's territory, you should show off your sword, otherwise people will think you are easy to bully.

"Mr. Chen, your pilot has quite a personality, haha." Baiou said with a smile, speaking tactfully, but his dissatisfaction had already been conveyed.

Chen Hualin smiled and nodded, taking the opportunity to share some information about Li Zhan, like a father showing off his son to his neighbors, and said, "Yes, this Li Zhan is a pilot with his own flying style. He left the army at the end of 2008." He was originally going to be assigned to Beikong, but he was cut off by the Second Division. Haha, this kid is very capable."

"Oh, he worked in the 2nd Division, why did he end up in the 73rd Division?" Bai Ou suddenly realized. If you have worked in the Second Division, then it is natural that this pilot is awesome. Baiou is not targeting anyone, but just looks down on the 73rd Division.

Chen Hualin's face remained unchanged and he said calmly, "He voluntarily applied to support the western frontier. Our military region is conducting a simulated Blue Army unit, and he is the specific person in charge."

"Oh, eh? He was in the army in 2008?" Baiou finally discovered the problem and asked suspiciously, "It was less than two years ago. Did Master Chen remember it wrong?"

"Commander Bai, Li Zhan did join the army at the end of 2008. It took less than a year and a half to complete the full service. He worked in the Second Division for nine months and joined our 101st Regiment for more than half a year." Xue Xiangdong added, "He is very talented. "

Bai Ou was surprised and said, "Commander Chen is very courageous. He became a brigade captain within a year and a half after joining the army."

"Hey, I'm far behind Qi Hong from the second division. Such a good young talent, if people say you don't want it, just don't want it. I, Chen Hualin, will take it over, so I won't treat him badly." Chen Hualin said with a pretense of helplessness and regret.

Baiou didn't understand the inside story, so naturally he couldn't hear the irony in Chen Hualin's words. Xue Xiangdong couldn't help but smile happily.

Chen Hualin's next words directly made Baiou suspect that there was something wrong with his ears.

"The Second Division encountered three special dangers around nine months ago. In the end, they all flew back safely and participated in the Sanhe flood fight. They completed the task of bombing mountains and releasing floods under extremely complicated weather conditions, which directly affected the flood fight situation at that time." Therefore, he was awarded first-class merit four times and second-class merit once."

Chen Hualin introduced calmly, "He has achieved so many achievements. I can't help but express my gratitude when he joins the 73rd Division. Besides, he was already a squadron leader when he was in the 2nd Division. I just asked him to be a group captain." It’s just going with the flow.”

"It started out as a bird strike. During the third turn, the engine was damaged and stopped. The J-7 was driving at that time. After the instructor in the back seat ejected, when Li Zhan was preparing to eject, he found civilians in the direction of the crash. He pulled the plane at the last moment. With just a few tenths of a second, the situation that caused harm to the common people was avoided."

Xue Xiangdong couldn't help but show off, and couldn't help but add more details, "During the night flight, the cockpit lost power and the nose landing gear failed. After returning to the station, the weather suddenly changed and the engine room was struck by lightning and caught fire. All these are extremely rare special events. Despite dangerous situations and very complicated objective conditions, he successfully landed safely. Especially the power outage in the cockpit, which has never been encountered by the J-7 series aircraft in the history of our military. The steps he processed and the data he obtained are said to have been written It has been included in the emergency response guidance plan.”

By this time, Bai Ou was confused.

The army won four first-class merit awards in nine months?

You're kidding me!

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