Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 159 I raised my hand and beat him randomly

"Old man! Let's go home together! Change it and hit the streets!"

Fighter No. 037 became refined, and after hearing the ultra-high-frequency cry in Li Zhan's heart, she corrected it. At a position about eighty meters above the ground, Li Zhan keenly felt the feedback strength of the operating rod, and his reaction Extremely fast!

The fighter was launched in less than a second!

The wings of the No. 037 fighter jet with its nose raised high stretched backwards, bending so much that they were about to break. The engine nozzle was forcibly pointed to the ground, only ten meters away from the surface of the Gobi. The powerful air flow rushed to the ground, raising a thick cloud of dust, and many small stones were swept aside by the strong wind.

Li Zhan pressed the lever to level, and the fighter plane returned to level flight. The nose-up attitude with the nozzle facing down was maintained at a height of about ten meters above the ground for almost two seconds!

If the commander of the second launch company knew him, he would definitely exclaim--did you use a J-7E to fly a Cobra maneuver? ? ?

Li Zhan started to climb up, and just as he was about to release his breath, he subconsciously looked to the right wing, and suddenly found two more missiles coming fiercely towards him!

"I fuck your uncle, I'm one of my own!"

He is about to collapse!

The theoretical minimum shooting height of the Doyle field air defense missile system is ten meters. At this time, it is on the flat desert Gobi. Such a height can be shot, and the target is gaining altitude at this time, which is perfect for the missile. attack posture.

Without height and speed, what else could Li Zhan do?

Go skydiving, your data can’t be saved, and there is still a glimmer of hope for skydiving at this time.

"If I don't go to hell, who will? If you parachute, your data won't be saved. If you get hit, your data won't be saved either. Does it make any difference how you die?"

"Since I came to this world, I have never thought about going back alive!"

Li Zhan quickly changed direction, pointed the nose of the plane at the incoming missile, and then turned on the switch of the rocket launcher.

He actually wanted to use rockets to intercept incoming missiles!

Trying his best to stabilize the attitude of the fighter while slowing down the airspeed as much as possible, Li Zhan regained his composure, took aim calmly like an old monk in trance, and then calmly pressed the launch button. The fighter plane was constantly trembling, 90mm rockets were continuously fired, and twenty-eight tongues of flames rushed towards the incoming missile.

Li Zhan did not give up the opportunity to use every weapon. He switched to the cannon shooting mode, re-aimed, and pressed the launch button again. The 30-1 30mm aviation cannon continued to spit out tongues of flame, and the shells seemed to flow rapidly. The dotted line generally sweeps towards the incoming missile.

The distance and speed of incoming missiles, the ballistic difference between rockets and cannons, and the distance at which proximity fuses are activated, all of which can only rely on visual judgment and mental calculations. The rockets all have impact fuzes and will explode only when they hit the target, while the cannons are loaded alternately with proximity fuzes and impact fuzes.

Between switching between the two types of ammunition, Li Zhan's mental calculation of re-aiming only took a moment. And the time it took him to turn the nose of the aircraft to point at the incoming missile to complete the aiming and firing far exceeded his best result during aerial target training with Nie Jianfeng in the Second Division.

All his actions were completed in an unimaginable time, and all the feedback from J-7E No. 037 exceeded the imagination of the designers who originally developed her. When no one can explain it with sufficient evidence, people usually call it a miracle.

Li Zhan fired all the shells, then turned on the afterburner. While the lever climbed, he released the auxiliary fuel tank and threw the auxiliary fuel tank as a weapon. Fighter No. 037 roared and climbed vertically, roaring and struggling to climb upward.

At this point, everything that needs to be done is done, and the next thing is left to fate.

Rockets, artillery shells, and auxiliary fuel tanks swarmed into the missile in a chaotic manner. The first one was submerged in the chaos and detonated, and several clouds of smoke exploded in the air. The second one actually broke out of the encirclement and raised its warhead to chase the No. 037 fighter plane. However, the last arriving auxiliary fuel tank hit the middle of the missile body and broke directly in the air. The first half of the missile landed with the combatant. It just exploded!

Li Zhan looked back and found that there was no trace of the missiles. He couldn't believe that he could destroy two missiles with a desperate effort. He still panicked and urged the No. 037 fighter plane to climb straight into the sky, getting faster and faster. Faster and faster until it exceeds the speed of sound, and he is still climbing.

After rising to an altitude of 8,000 meters, Li Zhan looked back again, looked left and right, and then slowly became convinced that the blind attack just now had indeed killed the second wave of two missiles. Slowly, the extremely tense nerves relaxed, and he realized that his whole body was soaked in cold sweat.

Fuel warning, turn off the afterburner, level off, and turn to the direction of Beikuchang Station.

Only then did he hear a hoarse voice calling him on the radio, "Dong Sanguai, Dong Sanguai, answer received, answer received!"

Xue Xiangdong has been calling him since the moment Li Zhan shouted, "I'm going to hold my lungs out, I'm serious." He was only highly focused on dealing with the incoming missiles and stall spins, and he didn't pay any attention to the radio call.

Li Zhan breathed a heavy sigh of relief and felt that his white labor protection gloves were soaked with sweat. It took a full five minutes for him to fully believe that he was still alive and survived two consecutive waves of missile attacks, and then he realized that his hands and feet were shaking slightly!

"Dongsanguai received it, we are returning. I have a fuel alarm. Please land directly. Over." Li Zhan replied, his voice trembling!

The deathly silent Beikut Tower has been like an ice cave in the past less than ten minutes. Only Xue Xiangdong's hoarse voice kept calling.

Hearing Li Zhan's voice at this time, the entire tower delayed for ten seconds before coming back to life.

Xue Xiangdong leaned forward and wanted to put his mouth on the microphone. His eyes were round and his lips were trembling. He pronounced like a robot, "Dong Sanguai, report the situation! Report your situation! Report your situation!"

There is no doubt that Beikutatai already knew that a big oolong had occurred, a big oolong that could kill people.

"Tower, I'm fine. Just ask your brothers in the Army. They can't really fight if they're so close to actual combat! They used real guys to fuck me! I almost died! Fight him on the stinking street!" Li Zhan said with resentment.

Being able to curse people shows that the state is normal.

Xue Xiangdong's heart slowly relaxed and he wiped the sweat from his forehead, but his lips trembled more and more, "Dong Sanguai, please land directly! Please land directly!"

"We'll be there soon, over." Li Zhan glanced at all the instruments. The fighter plane was in normal condition. Then he saw the ten-kilometer landmark, and he could see the runway immediately.

Xue Xiangdong slowly put down the microphone, stood there calmly for a while, and said in a deep voice to Yang Jinshan beside him, "You accept the command. After Li Zhan lands, he will be directly asked to join the health team and work on double posts, 24 hours a day." Guard, no one is allowed to touch him without my order!"

"Yes, yes!" Yang Jinshan's endurance was far weaker than Xue Xiangdong's, and his eyes were still dull at this time.

What happened in the past ten minutes was like a dream, no, not even a dream!

Xue Xiangdong immediately left the tower and went directly back to the office. He immediately called Chen Hualin and reported all the information he had. This time the big mistake has exceeded the division's investigative authority and will definitely alarm the headquarters and the aviation department. What Xue Xiangdong has to do is report the matter to his superiors as soon as possible.

J-7E No. 037 landed normally as usual. It was completely invisible that it had just experienced a bloody battle. It was also impossible to tell from the appearance that it had just experienced two overload maneuvers exceeding 10 G. The drag chute was released, and Li Zhan saw a guidance vehicle waiting in front of him. He put up a slogan asking Li Zhan to stop directly on the runway. The maintenance staff were ready to tow and perform emergency inspections on the fighter jet.

Li Zhan called the tower, "Tower, I'm in good condition. Please apply to taxi out to the apron and make way for our brothers who are still in the sky to land."

Yang Jinshan's thinking had not yet fully recovered and he replied, "Okay, I will let them all return to the scene and not prepare for landing."


After such a big incident happened, all the fighters of the Second Flying Group that were still in the sky at this time received the order to prepare for landing, ensuring that the station had the greatest ability to deal with the situation of fighter No. 037. It's still too late to call back the fighters of the Second Flying Group.

Li Zhan taxied out of the main runway and drove along the taxiway to his apron.

When his crew hurried over from the runway in a car, Li Zhan had already opened the canopy, cut off the connection between the flight helmet and the cockpit, turned off the engine, sat on the seat and took a few heavy breaths. , touched his crotch, and then stood up.

Seeing that the maintenance brothers hadn't arrived yet, he simply stood up and looked at the old man's body and wings through the rear-open canopy. There seemed to be no damage. He then laughed with satisfaction, nodded involuntarily and said, "Old man, you didn't lose your grip at the critical moment. That's good. That's good."

In addition to the two special dangers of the Second Division, Li Zhan has experienced three major dangers with the No. 037 J-7E, each time more dangerous than the last. The third one that just ended was simply an actual battle caused by a huge own mistake.

I have to say, it feels great to escape death.

Miao Yu was the first to jump out of the car and rush over. While the others were hurriedly moving the boarding elevator, the first thing Li Zhan said to Miao Yu was: "Take out the film and give it directly to the group leader."

"Yes!" Miao Yu stood at attention and saluted.

The maintenance team received a notification that the Army's field air defense force had fired live ammunition, and Li Zhan's condition was unknown. Seeing Li Zhan alive at this time, one can imagine the shock.

Li Zhan got off the plane and said his second sentence to Miao Yu, "I made two large overload maneuvers that should exceed ten G. Check carefully to see if there is any deformation of the body structure. The wings are also very important. , the engine should be fine."

Everyone is stupid.

Two large overload maneuvers exceeding 10 G?

Is that human being?

If they knew that one was done dozens of meters above the ground, they would probably go crazy on the spot!

Not only does it exceed the limits of the human body, it also exceeds the limits of fighter planes!

Do you think Fighter 037 is a Transformer?

Don't talk about them, the officers and soldiers of Camp Doyle were already in the Gobi Desert. They can see the movement route, altitude, speed, etc. of the No. 037 fighter plane from the radar. It is like a toy plane, controlled by a big hand. Otherwise, how could such an air maneuver that goes against human common sense be possible?

Not only did he dodge two missiles, but he also used rockets, cannons and auxiliary fuel tanks? Destroyed the remaining two missiles? Isn’t the entire battalion’s Doyle field air defense missile system, worth over one billion, just a pile of scrap metal?

Until Li Zhan returned to the field and landed, Battalion Doyle did not move even one centimeter. The battalion commander reported the situation directly to his superiors, and then waited motionless for the next instruction. Then, he waited for the first instruction - to seal off the area where the incident occurred and wait for the investigation team.

Yang Jinshan hurried over, asked Li Zhan to get in the car, and then went straight to the health team.

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