Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 173 Nan Batian has to face the cruel reality

The two chief officers of Nan Batian are both at Dongkuchang Station. The deputy commander in charge of logistics of the 73rd Division is really not enough. However, Nan Batian has Nan Batian's style, and they are both young and middle-aged cadres. It doesn't matter whether the hospitality of the 73rd Division is in place and the standards are equal.

Qi Hong's original words were: We are here to train, not to eat.

This young and powerful military cadre who commands the second powerful fighter force of the Air Force Air Force has his own unique side. He has an eclectic style of acting and hates being greeted and sent away. This alone is enough to make his superiors take a high look at him.

When they arrived in Beiku, there was no way around Li Zhan. After three days of adaptive training, Qi Hong, Fang Chenghe, and the leader of the Sixth Regiment, Luo Hecheng, met in the temporary office for a small meeting.

Qi Hong made tea by himself, invited the two of them to sit down, and said, "At nine o'clock in the evening, organize the troops to learn the combat examples again. Let's study the combat examples in depth based on the combat examples provided by Commander Baiou of the 300th Division."

I just finished dinner now and am feeling quite relaxed.

Luo Hecheng smiled and said, "Sir, was it the fight between Li Zhan and Yao Dongming?"

"Yeah." Qi Hong nodded slightly.

"You really need to study hard. Although Li Zhan's life style is not rigorous, his level of combat ability is obvious to all." Luohecheng said.

This Hunan native is also a person with a halo. When he first flew out of the army and directly modified the SU-27, he was the first to fly solo. He has been working in the Sixth Regiment until now and is a very capable main force. Head of the group. However, he didn't have much contact with Li Zhan. When Li Zhan was serving in Xixian County, he led his troops to train at Guibei Chang Station, so he didn't know much about Li Zhan.

"Don't blame him. It has been found that it was a trap set by some local people who had a grudge against him." Fang Chenghe waved his hand and said.

This sentence was like a slap on Qi Hong's face. Luohe City understood some of the meaning and shut his mouth very smartly, making up his mind not to talk too much about Li Zhan.

Since the Air Force put the "228" issue on the 73rd Division, Fang Chenghe clearly expressed his dissatisfaction with some of Qihong's practices. The last time he transferred to Beikuchang Station, Qi Hong didn't even see Li Zhan, let alone persuade Li Zhan to return to the Second Division. Fang Chenghe didn't believe that he couldn't see anyone. As long as the iron pillar was ground into a needle, he would only think that Qi Hong didn't show full sincerity at all.

Now Li Zhan is as valuable as an old brand with a century-old history. Isn’t it because he conducted two nearly perfect low-altitude penetration attacks that the "228" issue was paid attention to by the aviation department and placed on the 73rd level? Are you exploring within the division?

Research topics at the level of headquarters and aviation companies are very valuable, and just the funding tilt is enough to make people jealous.

It happened that Li Zhan was driven away by the Second Division because of something that was not a problem. He was driven to the 73rd Division in the west in one fell swoop. This incident has made the brothers laugh for a long time, especially the 300 Division, which is in desperate need of talents, and even the Second Division, which is a big fool. I believe that this kind of ridicule will continue for a long time, and will continue with Li Zhan's progress. It becomes more and more ironic as it develops.

Yao Dongming, the ace of the 300th Division, did not hesitate to lower his posture to learn one and a half of Li Zhan's moves. Under such a comparison, it seemed that the chief officer of the 2nd Division had his brain cramped.

Under such circumstances, one can imagine how dissatisfied Fang Chenghe was, who had originally disagreed with Li Zhan's transfer.

Qi Hong also regrets it, but he won't show it. What does it mean to knock out your teeth and swallow them in your stomach? That's what he does.

"Let's not talk about the past. We soldiers are all contributing to the construction of a modern army in any position in any unit. They are all revolutionary work. Furthermore, Li Zhan did a good job in the 73rd Division. As his The veteran troops also have a bright face," Qi Hong said.

Fang Chenghe twitched the corner of his mouth but didn't say anything. He just felt that the better Li Zhan got along, the more the commander of the second division looked like a fool. How could his face be so bright?

"Political Commissar, you know Li Zhan relatively well. How do you think he will fight this battle?" Qi Hong asked.

This is his true purpose.

Since we can't get around it, we have to face the cruel and bloody reality of "bleak life". The ultra-low-altitude penetration in mountainous areas under complex weather conditions, the "Fisherman and Fighting Falcon" air combat confrontation on the lake, and the "4-1" combat example, any one of them can fully prove Li Zhan's ability. Any one of them is not the Second Division. Isn’t this a cruel and bloody reality that any pilot can do?

All the information of the Mad Demon Brigade had been placed on their desks. Knowing themselves and the enemy would ensure that they could win a hundred battles. However, after in-depth and careful study, they found that winning was not easy.

Fang Chenghe said solemnly, "The main problem is that the director's department has not yet released the detailed rules for the confrontation. They are second-generation aircraft and we are third-generation aircraft. There is a big gap in equipment levels. According to previous practices, the director's department should give them new settings .”

"Simulating F-22A?" Luohecheng frowned.

If it were a simulated F-22A, their Sixth Regiment would be really under a lot of pressure. The J-11 series actually has little power to fight back against the world's most advanced and only fourth-generation aircraft in service. The technical generation gap is difficult to make up for through combat skills. In front of such a gap, what pilots can do is extremely limited.

He has already fired two rounds of air-to-air missiles and you still can't see where he is. This battle cannot be fought.

Of course, by taking advantage of the system and using air-ground coordination to bring the enemy in to fight, our army has many sure-fire ways to play. However, if it comes to the point where the enemy needs to be brought in to fight, it actually means that the country is in crisis.

"It's most likely a simulated F-18E/F." Qi Hong said thoughtfully, "The east side is facing the F-22A directly. They are under greater pressure to fight fourth-generation aircraft. What we often encounter are those taking off from aircraft carriers. Super Hornet. From this logic, simulation of this aircraft type is the most likely.”

Fang Chenghe said, "If it is the Super Hornet, we are very confident. That fighter is not suitable for fighting for air supremacy, but our J-11 is a veritable air superiority fighter. Commander Luo, your regiment has formed Combat effectiveness, what kind of combat effectiveness is formed depends on performance."

Luo Hecheng straightened his back and said, "Political Commissar, don't worry, if the simulation is a Super Hornet, I dare to issue a military order, and we will definitely win the final victory!"

Qi Hong asked coldly, "What if it's an F-15?"

"F-15..." Luohe City was silent for a moment.

The main models in East Asia are the F-15 series of heavy air superiority fighters, the F-18 series of carrier-based combat attack aircraft, the F-16 series of medium-sized fighters and their variants. In terms of air combat capabilities, the F-15 series ranks second. First place. Although F-22A stealth fighters have been deployed in Guam, they have not encountered any powerful enemies so far.

The development background of the SU-27 was to benchmark against the F-15. During the arms race during the Cold War, the Soviet Union and the United States went back and forth in the research and development of weapons and equipment. "I must have what you have." The SU-27 matches the F-15, the MIG-29 matches the F-16, the TU-160 matches the B-1... Almost all weapons and equipment can find corresponding models in the sequences of the two major military groups.

As an in-depth modification of the SU-27, the J-11B is completely comparable to the latest modification of the F-15. The technical performance of the two fighters is similar, so it mainly depends on the combat skills of the pilots.

"Luohe City, did the F-15 scare you?" Fang Chenghe asked with a smile.

Luo Hecheng smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Of course not. I was imagining the scene where the J-7 simulated the F-15, but I couldn't put myself into the role."

Qi Hong couldn't help but laugh and said, "The final result will be determined by the director's department. You just need to fight well. The Kuangmo Brigade's free air combat training without altitude difference was the earliest, and their experience is better than ours." Rich, don't underestimate the enemy just because they are flying J-7. Li Zhan led the J-7 Squadron in the Second Division, and his ability to lead troops is still very strong."

"What you are facing is not just Li Zhan, but a large formation with eighteen fighter planes." Fang Chenghe took over and said, "The division commander and I will participate in the confrontation."

Luohe City was startled and said quickly, "Commander, political commissar, why don't you get involved? We have more than 30 fighter planes and there is no problem in selecting 18 top players to form a participating group."

"We are not here to watch the excitement. After all, neither the political commissar nor I have participated in air combat drills that do not require altitude differences. There are no leaders sitting in the cockpit of the fighter plane, only combatants." Qi Hong said.

When Luohe City saw this situation, they knew that no matter how hard they tried to persuade them, it was useless. The two leaders were determined to participate in the confrontation drill. But having said that, the flying skills of the two chief officers of the Second Division are among the best in the division. With their participation, the victory of this confrontation exercise can almost be said to belong to the Sixth Regiment of the Second Division.

This is the first long-distance training in the Gobi desert terrain and cross-military real-force confrontation exercise for the Air Force aviation unit. Luohe City is determined to take the lead and make the Sixth Regiment famous. If the division commander and political commissar participates, his role as the regiment commander will undoubtedly be It has been weakened.

But when I think of the "4-1" combat examples that can only be accessed by regimental-level leading cadres and above, and when I think of the video of Li Zhan evading and destroying two batches of four Tor missiles at only eight kilometers and without a height advantage, Luohe Cheng has no confidence in his heart.

Everything reflected in the "4-1" combat example has exceeded many people's imagination. When the head of the aviation department evaluated this combat example, he used this sentence: Every action and every choice made by Li Zhan in just seventy seconds was worth it. People study for a lifetime.

This is very high praise.

Facing the simulated blue army led by such a combat genius, it is normal for Luohe City to have little confidence. His only reliance was on the technical superiority of equipment, and he did not even realize - when did the Second Division need to rely on the technical superiority of equipment to fight the enemy? Looking at the battle history of the Second Division, they almost always won victory when their equipment lagged behind the enemy. But now they are forced by the famous Western Rag King to rely on their equipment and technical advantages. This is ironic in itself.

Thinking of this, Luo Hecheng said, "Commander, political commissar, let's see how the director's department sets the background. It's only been a few days since the war started. Why hasn't there been any movement from the director's department?"

Fang Chenghe sighed meaningfully, "I'm afraid the director's department is also very overwhelmed. They received the order no earlier than us, and their understanding of the situation is limited. It is estimated that they are still studying the training subjects of Project 228 that Li Zhan is responsible for. If we don’t do it thoroughly, we can’t come up with detailed rules.”

Another sigh.

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