Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 175 He has millions of soldiers in his belly

"Comrade Li Zhan, this is no joke." Vice Minister Liang stared at Li Zhan and said in a deep voice.

Xue Xiangdong quickly smoothed things over and said, "Chief, what Li Zhan means is that he is absolutely confident in defeating the Sixth Regiment of the Second Division. You have forgotten that Comrade Li Zhan used to work in the Second Division and knows their situation very well."

Li Zhan said, "Chief, I'm not joking."

Xue Xiangdong, who looked anxious, shook his head slightly, and Li Zhan said in a deep voice, "I was not impulsive, but after careful consideration. The Mad Demon Brigade received a brand-new type of combat training specifically designed to address the shortcomings of the current combat methods. Method, to put it simply, this set of combat training methods is an upgraded version of the current combat training methods. If it cannot win the Second Division, which still implements the current combat training methods, it means that this set of methods is not effective, and it also shows that the Mad Demon Brigade has failed in the past Efforts are meaningless, which means that I am unqualified as a captain. Under such circumstances, even if I do not take the initiative to resign, my superiors will ask me to change positions."

Facing everyone's surprised looks, Li Zhan said calmly, "I am 100% sure of defeating the Sixth Regiment of the Second Division. It can even be said that I do not actually put the confrontation with them as the only priority. I We are very aware of the differences in each other's training methods, and we are even more aware of the resulting gap in combat effectiveness."

"Therefore, the Sixth Regiment of the Second Division will undoubtedly lose. The question I have been considering is which way to defeat them and what kind of defeat they should suffer."

All were shocked.

Too arrogant?

"He, they are all Jian 11 and Su Liangqi." Yang Heng felt that Li Zhan was young and arrogant and boasted about not drafting. Such arrogant words were really unpleasant. Even if you have five first-class merits, you can't be so arrogant.

Li Zhan said, "The Crazy Demon Brigade simulates the Blue Army's F/A-18E/F Super Hornet. This director's department needs to make adjustments to the technical parameters. You cannot make judgments based on the parameters of the J-7. Chief , if we can favor our Mad Demon Brigade in the setting of the exercise, I hope to have an unscripted real-force confrontation exercise."

No rules are good rules. Who can say that Li Zhan's request to cancel the script is not "cheating"?

"Li Zhan."

Vice Minister Liang greeted and walked aside. Li Zhan came over with a flight helmet under his arm and a white labor protection glove in one hand.

"Tell me the truth, how sure are you?" Vice Minister Liang asked in a low voice.

Li Zhan replied in a low voice, "If you cooperate, chief, I am 100% sure that the Red Army will stare at me on the ground."

"A low-altitude raid on Dongkuchang Station?" Deputy Minister Liang asked with a raised brow.

Li Zhan nodded slowly and heavily, and spoke his complete plan in a lower voice. After listening, Vice Minister Liang's eyes suddenly became brighter and his mood became better, and he said, "That's it."

After waving, Vice Minister Liang left with satisfaction.

Xue Xiangdong went under the tower. When he came back, he saw Li Zhan also coming downstairs. He quickly pulled Li Zhan aside and asked in a low voice, "What did you say to Vice Minister Liang?"

"After telling me my plan, the Red Army will definitely lose." Li Zhan said.

"What's your plan? Tell me." Xue Xiangdong said urgently.

Li Zhan said it again, and Xue Xiangdong was surprised and said, "If you do this, the Second Division will definitely have objections. It's not fair!"

"There is no fairness in war. What is a whetstone? It is harder than a knife! The Mad Demon Brigade must be stronger than the Red Army, so that it can play the role of a whetstone! Besides, it is just some changes in settings, the director The Ministry will never be biased in its judgment," Li Zhan said.

Xue Xiangdong was quickly convinced. In short, winning was the key.

"You brat has already thought of a countermeasure. If you had told me earlier, you wouldn't have had trouble sleeping every day." Xue Xiangdong laughed and scolded.

Li Zhan said helplessly, "Commander, I have more than a thousand ways to defeat the Red Army. Haven't I been thinking about which one to use? I just decided to use this plan."

"You have more than a thousand ways to do it, and even the fighter jets blow you to the sky." Xue Xiangdong chuckled.

Li Zhan shrugged, "It's true, tactics can be flexibly combined and used, and any change will have different impacts. You know this better than me."

"Okay, go back and rest, I still have to organize training." Xue Xiangdong waved.

Li Zhan said, "Captain, please work overtime in the afternoon after your hard work. I will select four comrades to form a special commando team with me and conduct a joint training in the afternoon. We will use live ammunition to do it on the live ammunition shooting flight day. I will go Contact Station Manager Zheng and ask him to send someone immediately to arrange for personnel to set up the shooting range."

"Live ammunition? Where do you plan to put the shooting range?" Xue Xiangdong asked.

"Isn't there a dry lake in the middle of the Gobi Desert in the southwest? I plan to put the target area there." Li Zhan said.

Xue Xiangdong immediately understood what Li Zhan was going to do. The dry lake, which could only be regarded as a depression in the strict sense, was about 500 kilometers away from Beikuchang Station. It happened to be the distance from Beikuchang Station to Dongkuchang Station, and the terrain the route passed through Basically the same, can achieve the purpose of targeted training.

This kind of training is targeted training.

"Is it too late?" Xue Xiangdong asked.

The distance of 500 kilometers is not enough to drive for half a day. You must go over to set up a target area and draw a warning line. Someone must be on guard, otherwise it must not be used as a target area, even if it is an uninhabited area.

Who would have thought that Li Zhan actually said, "I have just reported to Vice Minister Liang. He helped coordinate the arrival of helicopters from the Army Aviation Regiment. The Army Regiment supports two platoons of soldiers, plus some officers and soldiers from our field service company." , there is sufficient time and manpower. Moreover, the Army Aviation Corps will dispatch armed helicopters to search the ten-kilometer area around the dry lake."

Xue Xiangdong suddenly laughed, "You kid, your brain works very fast. Since you have coordinated everything, there is absolutely no problem on my side. I still say what I said, the security string must be tightened, and you can't lose the big for the small."

"Don't worry, Tuanzuo."

Li Zhan saluted, jumped on the 212 jeep and quickly went down the mountain.

The station where the Army Aviation Group is located is southwest of Beikucheng District, about 300 kilometers away from the Gobi Dry Lake, and about 200 kilometers away from Beikuchang Station. The Mi-171 transport helicopters and Wuzhi-9G armed helicopters equipped by the Army Aviation Corps can easily fly back and forth and stay in the air for more than an hour.

The fact that Vice Minister Liang coordinated forces other than the Air Force to conduct raid rehearsals was unexpected. It also showed that Li Zhan's tactical thinking was not restricted by the distinction between services and arms, which was exactly what Vice Minister Liang admired very much.

In other words, Li Zhan's purpose was not limited to dealing with the Second Division, but he saw the brother troops from various regions that he would deal with in the future.

The "hair salon" of Kuangmo Brigade originally planned to "entertain" troops from the military region, but the flight commander issued an order to expand the scope of "business". The first "guest" was a rich and handsome boss like Nan Batian from the southern coast. , on the one hand, the Mad Demon Team must do their best to satisfy the rich, rich and handsome boss, on the other hand, they must find their own positioning and not confuse this first "guest".

So Li Zhan is very calm.

After an hour's rest after lunch, Li Zhan gathered the four pilots for a meeting, namely Han Hongjun, Li Zixin, Pei Xiaoshuai and Su Pingguo. They didn't know what the captain was going to do beforehand. After hearing the plan for the raid, their blood boiled and they felt uncertain.

Especially Pei Xiaoshuai.

The last time he was one of the pilots named and criticized by Li Zhan, he performed poorly in free air combat, and he has been engaged in ground attacks during this period. Therefore, he must hold back his energy and do a good job in free air combat training in the future.

It only took Li Zhan half an hour to turn the action plan into an action plan. The entire action process, time nodes, routes, terrain, weather parameters, etc. were all in his mind, and he was very familiar with it.

He said to the four people, "Your free air combat level is not the best in the entire group, but the 4-1 subject is currently the best. Low-altitude penetration strikes are new subjects in the entire army's aviation units, and Hainan Airlines is the subject. We have only begun to conduct research on this topic due to our influence, and it is currently in the exploratory stage. In other words, currently only our Mad Demon Brigade has the capability to penetrate defenses at low altitudes, and among the eighteen people, you four are the best at it."

The four of them were very excited after hearing this, and Pei Xiaoshuai was even more excited and his face turned red with excitement.

Among the Eighteen Demon Kings of the Mad Demon Brigade, Pei Xiaoshuai has a high attention rate because of his handsome appearance. Su Pingguo is different. He is a low-key person to the core. He is of medium height and has a popular face. He usually talks little and his performance in combat training is average to above average. If he hadn't been among the best in several live-fire shootings, even Li Zhan wouldn't have paid much attention to him.

Li Zhan said, "There will be targeted live-fire shooting training in the afternoon, one or two times, and if there is sufficient time, a second time will be conducted. The route is specially selected, and it is almost the same as the terrain of the area to be passed through during the raid on Dongkuchang Station. The distance is They are basically the same. Follow the usual training, this time the bombs will be thrown live, and the ones thrown at Dongkuchang Station will be training bombs, which will be really thrown downward. Therefore, everyone must strictly follow the operating standards. "

"Captain, are you throwing training bombs at Dongkuchang Station? Is this dangerous? The weight of the training bombs is not light." Han Hongjun was surprised.

Li Zhan smiled and said, "The throwing station is on the grass, so we are required to be very precise. If you don't leave something behind, there will be a war of words without evidence. My old comrades also have a way of making excuses. of."

"This is good, this is good." Li Zixin grinned.

Li Zhan said sternly, "The content of the operation is top secret and must not be disclosed to anyone. From now on, you and I will form a raid team and be ready to dispatch at any time! Remember, for you, starting from this second Waiting for transfer!"

The four of them stood up at the same time and answered: "Yes!"

One more update.

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