Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 177 Finally there is danger

The dry lake in the middle of the Gobi Desert originally had water, but after years of water extraction and climate change, it gradually formed a depression with a large area, as big as several football fields. There are still some low earth walls around the dry lake, which should have been the location of the inn many years ago. There should have been green plants at that time. With the dry lake as the center, it should be an oasis in the Gobi desert and a place for caravans to rest.

Now it has become the target area of ​​the Mad Demon Brigade.

A cordon has been set up one kilometer outside. The one kilometer range is the core target area. No one is allowed to enter. On the outside, guard posts have been deployed on the highlands in several directions for continuous observation to prevent outdoor cross-country exploration enthusiasts. break in.

The Army Aviation Regiment took this opportunity to conduct an armed reconnaissance patrol, dispatching four Wuzhi-9Gs to conduct repeated reconnaissance patrols within a radius of ten kilometers centered on Qianhu Lake.

"Tower, I'm fifteen kilometers away!" Li Zhan confirmed the landmark and reported to the tower.

If judging the distance to the target is a problem, the ranging radar on the nose of the J-7E can only target air targets. Although the batch of J-7Es handed over to the 73rd Division have been modified for the second time and equipped with domestically produced small Doppler radars, their search and detection capabilities for ground targets are still relatively weak. What's more, the target area is a dry lake with no obvious features at all.

For the Mad Demon Brigade, the most reliable way is to confirm and judge the direction through fixed landmarks. Li Zhan saw the "S" shaped valley on the ground, so he judged that it was still fifteen kilometers away from the dry lake. The bare valley is flanked by bare hills, with many ravines extending from the top to the bottom, resembling traces left by mudslides. This is a very obvious terrain feature.

Xue Xiangdong quickly confirmed the distance and relative direction between the landmark and the target, and immediately replied, "Take three turns on the hole, maintain the course 210, and enter the attack route after ten kilometers, please control it yourself!"

"Understood, keep the heading 210, start the attack after ten kilometers, over!" Li Zhan replied, and then ordered the team members, "Dong Sanguai team accelerates 800, maintain the heading altitude, over!"

"Both holes are clear! The airspeed is 800, keep the heading altitude!"

"Two holes turned in! The airspeed is 800, keep the heading altitude!"

"Two hooks received! Airspeed is 800, maintain heading altitude!"

"Two and two received! Airspeed is 800, maintain heading altitude!"

Confirmed by all.

Li Zhan increased his speed, and the fighter jet flew towards the target at a speed of 800 kilometers per hour. A group of antelopes appeared in front of them and ran out of nowhere. Under the manic roar of the engine, they thought that tigers, leopards and lions had appeared, and they ran forward in a panic in groups.

Five fighter planes passed over the heads of the antelope herd at ultra-low altitude, and the strong airflow generated actually overturned a few thinner antelopes!

When the monsters in the sky were far away and the roaring sound that frightened the sheep quickly disappeared from the sky, they slowly stopped and took a breath, looking at each other step by step. They thought to themselves: These stupid humans don't take a nap at noon and fly out for a ride! ?

"Dong Sanguai saw the target. I pulled him up to join the attack route. You continue to attack according to the plan. It's over!" Li Zhan played with a barrel and visually confirmed that the red and yellow colors were slowly rising while his head was facing down. The two-color smoke in the middle of the target area directly gave instructions to the team.

Xue Xiangdong called, "Dongsanguai, the mission area has been cleared, you can shoot! You can shoot!"

"Dong Sanguai understands!"

Others dare not use barrel roll maneuvers like him to increase the visual field of view. Not only is the field of view inverted, but a fully loaded fighter plane can easily lose control.

Fighter No. 037 climbed quickly, adjusted its nose to align with the target, powered on the rocket launcher, turned on the launch button, dived to aim, and pressed the launch button. The 90mm rockets were sent out one after another, and all twenty-eight rockets were fired. When finished, pull up and break away.

The whole process was smooth and smooth, giving the target area support personnel far away on the ground a very comfortable and shocking visual feast. The officers and soldiers of the Beiku Field Service Company have seen fighter planes hit ground targets more than once. It can be said that the Kuangma Brigade's ground target shooting is the best, and it is very comfortable even for people who don't know how to do it.

Immediately afterwards, the second person of Han Hongjun entered the attack route. The dust in the middle of the dry lake in the target area had not been raised for long before he started to attack.

Another round of blows came.

The three fighters at the back entered the attack at almost the same interval, and the front and rear were connected very tightly. If the target is a real ground target, such as an enemy airport, then the enemy airport's struggle can easily collapse under such a compact and continuous attack.

Compared with simultaneous attacks, the advantage of continuous attacks is that the impact points are more concentrated, which is very suitable for taking turns to strike the vital parts of enemy targets. The advantage of simultaneous attack is that it covers a larger area at one time and is suitable for killing effective forces and area targets. But in general, the column-style continuous attack method is more flexible and more suitable for on-the-spot reaction than the simultaneous attack method.

One hundred and forty 90mm caliber rockets all accurately landed in the target circle in the middle of the dry lake. These several tons of ammunition made a crater in the middle of the dry lake, and some stones were even moving slowly. Slowly smoking - it was roasted red by the high temperature, and met with the moisture in the air to form a vaporization phenomenon.

Li Zhan circled around to observe the impact of the strike, nodded with satisfaction, and gave a thumbs up to the aircraft group that happened to be on his left wing. His white labor protection gloves were very conspicuous, "Brothers did a great job! The shot was accurate! Tower, I It seems that there is no need to conduct a second live-fire shooting, everyone is above excellence! Please return!"

"Received from the tower, Dongsanguai can return to the field. The second live-fire training is cancelled." Xue Xiangdong couldn't be happier. He couldn't say what his psychology was. If he didn't do the live-fire training, he would feel unsure. If he did, he would feel panicked. This was not the case before. Ever since Li Zhan arrived at the 101st Regiment, this strange mentality has appeared.

In the final analysis, it is not because the live-fire shootings conducted by Li Zhan are quite scary. He often flies high-altitude and high-speed fighter planes to engage in low-altitude penetration and live-fire shooting. No leader can stand such psychological pressure.

"Tower, let the brothers of the Army Aviation Regiment work hard and ask them to help send back the officers and soldiers protecting the target area," Li Zhan said.

Xue Xiangdong replied, "I have already asked for instructions, please feel free to return."


Li Zhan was in a good mood, so he reversed the order of return, with the front aircraft changing to the rear aircraft. The five fighters formed an inverted "V" formation and returned to Beiku Station in a straight line.

The performance of the four selected pilots exceeded Li Zhan's expectations, which meant that they performed better than usual training. The target in the middle of the Dry Lake shooting area is a circle only the size of a basketball court. Such a small area is about the size of a ring when viewed from hundreds of meters in the air. They can shoot all the rockets in a circle the size of a ring, which shows that their skills are very deep.

It couldn't be luck, because everyone shot twenty-eight, and everyone hit them all.

The basis for Li Zhan's judgment of all hits was very simple - the white circle was basically intact, but the smoke device in the middle had completely disappeared, which meant that all the ammunition exploded in the middle, and there were no traces of attack in unexpected places on the white circle.

How can Li Zhan not be surprised if he can use unguided rockets to hit the target as accurately as threading a needle? It would not make much sense to conduct the same live-fire shooting again, so it was decisively cancelled.

Jet fuel and ammunition are expensive!

Just like this, at least five tons of aviation fuel were released, and one hundred and forty 90mm rockets were worth 7.8 million. In other words, the live-fire training that Li Zhan asked to work overtime cost almost one million military expenditures.

One million is almost the cost of an infantry company for a year. Otherwise, pilots are made with money. The value of pilots in the army is not reflected in their annual salary, but in the weight of the ammunition they have fired.

The more you play, the more skilled you will naturally be. This is the unchanging logic.

His family is still very poor, so Li Zhan cannot spend his limited funds on meaningless training for his own selfish gain (flying more to earn rod fees). From this aspect, he is great, considers the overall situation, and is a grassroots officer with an overall view.

"Three turns in the cave, report five kilometers away." Xue Xiangdong called Li Zhan.

Li Zhan quickly replied, "Dongsanguai received, two holes and five kilometers reported!"

Pei Xiaoshuai was at the front. After he saw the obvious red flag on the second tower, he immediately replied, "Tower, two holes and five kilometers is good. I can see the runway."

"Two holes, ground wind three meters, wind direction 90, normal landing procedures, you can land." Xue Xiangdong gave the order.

"Two holes are received, ground wind is three meters, wind direction is 90, standard procedure." Pei Xiaoshuai entered the first turn, and soon the program turned left and entered the second turn.

Xue Xiangdong glanced at the observer, who reported, "The landing gear is good!"

"Two holes, the landing gear is good." Xue Xiangdong informed Pei Xiaoshuai.

Pei Xiaoshuai replied, "I understand the two holes."

After turning four and aligning with the runway, Pei Xiaoshuai landed lightly. He did not release the parachute, but taxied to the last section of the runway, where he broke away.

Immediately afterwards, the No. 207 fighter of the Han Red Army landed, then the No. 209 fighter of Li Zixin landed, and the No. 212 fighter of Su Pingguo landed in front of Li Zhan. At this time, Li Zhan had already circled four times higher in the sky. He was circling according to the four-turn landing route, mentally calculating the time it would take for the four fighter planes to land - he was idle anyway.

"Tower, dongsanguai, request to land."

"The runway is clean, you can land on the third turn of the hole, standard procedure." Xue Xiangdong replied.

Li Zhan answered as he entered the second turn, "Understood, standard procedure."

"The hole has three turns, the landing gear is good!"

"The third turn of the hole is received, prepare to turn and aim at the runway."

Li Zhan turned left. The fighter plane was at a perpendicular angle to the runway. This was a third turn. He would have to make a 90-degree left turn later to align with the runway, which was a fourth turn.

"Tower, my engine has stopped!"

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