Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 179: Give up this idea

A general was "lost" before the battle began, which was simply bad news for the 73rd Division.

It was not that Xue Xiangdong was unwilling to lend his landline to Li Zhan. The J-7B type that Li Zhan drove before was his, and there would be no problem if he could drive it for a few more days.

But no.

The director's department had already clearly stipulated that the two sides fighting were the Mad Demon Brigade and the Sixth Regiment of the Second Division with eighteen fighter planes, and they were clearly numbered. If a plane fails to take off before the war begins, it will be considered a non-combat loss. If you want to blame it, you can only blame it on your failure to provide adequate maintenance support.

Even if you give Xue Xiangdong a hundred courages, you won't dare to violate the rules.

Besides, all the fighter planes of the Mad Demon Brigade have special coatings, so it’s too late to cheat.

Li Zhan had no choice but to hope that the No. 037 fighter jet could complete the overhaul and return to readiness status before the war started.

He said to Xue Xiangdong, "Commander, you know my plan. All eighteen fighters in the brigade are divided into air cover and penetration strike teams. The air cover team is composed of five fighters, and the penetration strike team is divided into strike and strike teams. The first strike team, the second strike team, and the third strike team are composed of five fighter jets, while the second strike team and the third strike team are each composed of four fighter jets."

In the infield office, Xue Xiangdong listened patiently to Li Zhan.

Li Zhan sat down and said worriedly, "The first strike team was dispatched, led by me, and bombed their runway before the Red Army could react, turning their third-generation aircraft into scrap metal. The second strike team and the third strike team Immediately afterwards, we entered and formed continuous strikes to expand the results. In my plan, the air cover team was just in case. Without them, it proved that the operation was perfect. The second division would not even have a chance to take off. What is the key to the operation? Here, we are attacking the first team..."

"Wait a minute." Xue Xiangdong raised his hand to interrupt Li Zhan and said, "I have not lost my memory. The key point in your combat plan is not to attack the first team, but the cooperation of the director department. With or without you, I think The impact is not big. You also saw the results of the live-fire shooting exercise yesterday afternoon, which were very good. Except for you, the performance of the other four comrades was perfect. They were able to complete the mission satisfactorily."

Li Zhan was stunned, "This...if I had known about it, I wouldn't have told you the battle plan."

Xue Xiangdong smiled and said, "You really want to participate in the confrontation?"

"Of's not the case." Li Zhan was stunned for a moment, shook his head and said, "To be honest, I did want to give the Second Division a profound practical education lesson at the beginning. Of course, it is undeniable that I slapped their leaders in the face. Thoughts. But then I thought about it seriously, and it actually feels pretty good that I can slap them in the face without taking action personally."

Xue Xiangdong laughed angrily, "After all, don't you still regret your decision to drive you away just to impress your old bosses? I've seen it a long time ago. Your boy has a strong desire for revenge."

"Hey, hey, leader, is this revenge? This is called not admitting defeat. Don't bully young people into poverty. Today you can't afford me, but tomorrow I will make it impossible for you to reach high! As long as a person is willing to work hard, he will be able to succeed one day. ! Marrying Bai Fumei and reaching the pinnacle of life is not a dream!"

"But after all, you are just a rag picker. You were born by a concubine, and I was born by a big family. They play with electric cars, and you play with hoops and your nose is droopy!" Xue Xiangdong was unceremonious. The ground sprinkled a handful of shit into Li Zhan's chicken soup.

Li Zhan smiled and scratched his head awkwardly, "You are the same, Captain..."

"Yes! That's right! We all are." Xue Xiangdong spread his hands and said, "So I very much agree with your idea of ​​​​slapping the second division in the face, so I will not ask the director's department to let you fly other planes, because I I think it’s the best way to slap them in the face if you don’t go out in person and just use the soldiers you brought out!”

Li Zhan rolled his eyes and thought for a moment, then subconsciously said, "That seems to be the case..."

"Yeah, it's settled. The war will start in three days. You go about your business. You are the only commander. I have to stand aside." Xue Xiangdong said.

Li Zhan didn't realize until he walked out of the door-fuck, my lever fee.

Go back to the group leader to beg for mercy? The real purpose is probably to expose the rod fee. With the temper of the group leader, he will really slap your head with the school officer's leather shoes. After thinking about it, Li Zhan finally decided to admit it - who let your old buddy fail? He slipped up at the critical moment!

037: If I don’t think about it anymore, I will be killed by you!

If 037 were a human being, Northeast Bank, he would cry like this: Is it easy for you to say that I went out to do duty and fly a balloon? The weather suddenly changed, and the weather suddenly changed, so forget it, I'm planning to land, but that damn guy is unlucky. It actually caused a lightning strike. It's okay to be struck by lightning, but it won't work if the engine compartment is struck by fire. After I landed with my life, half of my body was almost burned! I really wanted to die and be happy, but I was actually rescued and restored to peak combat strength! I thought that surviving a catastrophe would be a blessing, but within a few days, my brother and I experienced a rare cockpit power outage during a night flight. That's fine, but you can't let me down and the landing gear can't be extended. ah! Well, that unlucky dead ghost was finally driven away. I thought I could enjoy my old age in peace, but an order came down from above - hand over to the 101st Regiment of the 73rd Division, the dead ghost's unit! My life is destined to be a life of many disasters, an extremely painful life, a life for the people, not a life of repeated torment for the unlucky ghosts...

Li Zhan couldn't hear 037's thoughts, but he heard Miao Yu jump out of the commuter car and call him, "Captain! Report! Captain! The results are out! The test results are out!"

"Mom, please speak clearly. Some people think I got someone pregnant!" Li Zhanzheng cursed in a depressed mood.

Miao Yu said, "The repair shop called and the 037 inspection results came out."

"Very good!"

There are still three days left, and the No. 037 J-7E is expected to return to normal readiness status before the start of the war. It is really another bright spot.

Li Zhan jumped on the commuter bus and slapped the driver on the shoulder with his big hand, making the driver grimace. "Let's go to the repair shop!"

The commuter bus sped away from the office building and headed to the aircraft repair shop northeast of the station—that is, the Beiku Machinery Factory, also known as the aircraft repair shop.

At that time, when Li Zhan's senior sister Zhu Qingying flew a Boeing 747-400 heavy cargo plane to the Beiku station, she parked the plane in the large open space in front of the repair shop. That location was used to park the bomber's H-6 or transport pilots. Mainframes like the Il-76.

Another aspect is that the repair shop is on the northeast edge of the site, furthest from the infield.

Li Zhan had never felt that the Beiku Machinery Factory was so far away, and he disliked the driver for driving slowly. The driver was full of grievances and could only swallow his anger. Demon Tou Li's reputation spread far and wide, and the soldiers were in awe of him.

"Mr. Wu! Long time no see!" Before the car stopped, Li Zhan stepped over the door and jumped out of the convertible commuter car. He walked quickly towards Wu Shaoqing who was standing on the nose side of the No. 037 fighter plane and greeted him with a smile.

Wu Shaoqing smiled and returned the salute to Li Zhan, "Team Li, Mr. Wu, call me Lao Wu."

"The chief engineer of Beiku Machinery Factory, his abbreviation is Mr. Wu, that's right." Li Zhan said with a smile.

Miao Yu, who was following behind, suppressed her laughter and secretly said with disdain in her heart, "The captain is indeed a dog. He will wag his tail at anyone who treats him well and benefits him..."

Wu Shaoqing looked back at the officers and soldiers who were doing in-depth maintenance on No. 037 J-7E, and said with a smile, "Team Li, you are welcome. Although you have not been in Beiku for a long time, you have spent a lot of time dealing with the machinery factory. It’s not that short. Come, look at your landline.”

Li Zhan grinned and followed Wu Shaoqing enthusiastically.

"We dismantled the aircraft and conducted a comprehensive inspection. We also did in-depth maintenance, especially some vulnerable parts. I replaced all the parts that should be replaced, and I promise to return them to you. Taiwan's aircraft are in normal condition." Wu Shaoqing said, pointing to the No. 037 fighter plane with only a small amount of air in the rear.

Li Zhan was deeply moved and said gratefully, "Mr. Wu, thank you so much, thank you so much. You are really a help in times of need. I thought I wouldn't be able to participate in the confrontation drill, but you gave me such a big surprise..."

"The May 15 confrontation in three days?" Wu Shaoqing frowned and said, "You definitely can't participate. Engine replacement, in-depth maintenance, and comprehensive overhaul are no different from overhaul. Don't expect to fly within half a month."


Li Zhan's eyes almost popped out.

Wu Shaoqing stopped, pointed at the dark aircraft engine over there, and said sadly, "Unfortunately, the inspection results show that your engine has been scrapped. You are lucky, Captain Li. If it were later, it would probably be a big deal." In fact, it is surprising that the aviation engine can survive to this point. It is difficult to find the clues through regular inspections, and we only found it after decomposing it overnight. Many key parts have exceeded their service life..."

Li Zhan didn't listen to a word of what was said next. As the saying goes, the higher the expectations, the heavier the disappointment. He looked at the No. 037 fighter with dull eyes, unable to say anything.

"Replacing a new engine is not a matter of three or two days. We still need to conduct test runs and repeatedly test to confirm that it meets the standards before handing it over to you." Wu Shaoqing said.

Li Zhan suddenly looked back and found that Miao Yu had disappeared at some point. That bitch must have been hiding. He must have seen the test results a long time ago, but he didn't tell Li Zhan just now, most likely because he was afraid that Li Zhan would spread his anger on him.

"Mr. Wu, we really can't save him any more?" Li Zhan looked at Wu Shaoqing expectantly and almost begged.

Wu Shaoqing shook his head and said helplessly, "Team Li, you have to respect the objective laws. Replacing the engine is not a small project. As such, we still have to prioritize working overtime to ensure delivery in half a month. You, don't even think about confrontation drills. If you participate, you will definitely not be able to fly in the next half month."

This time Li Zhan has completely given up and is still thinking of getting another flight hour in May!

Supplementary update three.

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