Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 190 The King of Destruction in the West

"One two three four one two three four is like a song!"

"One two three four one two three four is like a song!"

"Green Barracks Green Barracks taught me!"

"Green Barracks Green Barracks taught me!"

The principal appeared at the door of the classroom and waved to Cheng Mengxiao, who was teaching students to sing. Cheng Mengxiao said to the children, "Let's practice freely. The teacher will be back soon."

The children in the first grade of primary school folded their hands neatly on the table, looked at the blackboard with their necks raised, and sang line by line with great effort. They soon sang together, and the childish singing flowed out. Looking out the window, the garden is full of vitality in the early morning spring.

"Mengxiao, how are you preparing?" The principal is an old aunt in her fifties. She is a native of the local area, but she has the graceful style of a Jiangnan woman.

Cheng Mengxiao smiled and showed her two dimples, and said, "Principal Yuan, this is the last song. Our class has prepared three programs for the officers and soldiers. We have prepared three songs for this program of military song duet. The children have learned it very well." Okay, I will definitely be familiar with it today."

"Okay, okay." Principal Yuan smiled kindly, patted Cheng Mengxiao's shoulder with satisfaction, looked at her with the eyes of an old mother, and said, "I heard you have a date? The young man is someone from the Air Force we will visit tomorrow. A pilot from the Ministry?”

A flash of panic flashed in Cheng Mengxiao's eyes, "Principal, I, this..."

"There is nothing to be nervous about. This is a good thing." Principal Yuan said, "The army leader called and said that you must lead the team there. I find it strange that our school and the troops from the airport to the west can't go together. , why did he ask you to lead the team by name? After asking, I found out that the leader of the team was creating opportunities for you to date."

Cheng Mengxiao's face turned red with a "Tang" sound, and he lowered his head and tugged at the corner of his clothes, "Principal, I didn't mean not to report it, but I just felt that..."

"I understand. I've been here before. It's human nature to be a little embarrassed when you first fall in love. Meng Xiao, you're definitely in the army, and he's a pilot, so he must be in good condition in all aspects. But you have to be a military dependent. Those who are fully mentally prepared, troops and places are different. They will leave as soon as they receive orders, and it is common for them not to see each other for many years. He is dedicating, and you must also dedicate." Principal Yuan said with emotion, but there are also It means to vaccinate Cheng Mengxiao in advance so as not to regret it later in the relationship.

Cheng Mengxiao raised his head with a firm gaze, "I have thought about it, and my family is very supportive. He is dedicated to everyone, and I am dedicated to my family."

"I believe you can do it. Okay, I just want to tell you about this matter. Tomorrow is Army Day. We have to visit the army and have a party with the officers and soldiers. The army attaches great importance to it and started preparations early this morning. The military subdivision will send a vehicle to escort us, and the leaders of the Education Bureau will also go, and maybe the deputy mayor in charge of education will also participate. You are the specific person in charge of our school, and the whole process must be properly arranged." Principal Yuan said.

Cheng Mengxiao said, "Principal, please rest assured and promise to complete the task!"

"He looks a bit like a military relative."

After Principal Yuan left, Cheng Mengxiao immediately took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Li Wanqing: The principal knows about Han Hongjun and me. I suggest you report the matter with Li Zixin to the principal, otherwise we will meet tomorrow. Any further explanation would appear inappropriate.

Senior teacher Li Wanqing quickly replied: Got it, go report now! By the way, we went to get the physical examination report together at noon.

Cheng Mengxiao replied: OK.

At the same time, over at Beikuchang Station, in the large open space in front of the repair shop, Li Zhan stood there and looked forward to it. He deliberately wore regular clothes today and polished his officer's leather shoes until they were shiny. Yesterday afternoon, he even took the time to go to the Military Service Center for a haircut, and he was clean and tidy.

Very much like the groom.

Seeing the captain's complacent look, the seventeen pilots of the Mad Demon Squadron who lined up neatly behind them all snickered secretly. Those who don’t know must think that the captain is a model of perseverance in using outdated equipment in difficult areas and finally ushering in the modification of new equipment. In fact, he is so excited that the rod fee is multiplied by three.

They were equally excited, just like the best men.

Chen Hualin, Xue Xiangdong, Zheng Kaiyun, Zhang Yuan and other division leaders stood on the side of the hangar door, with happy smiles, just like the old western men who married their daughters-in-law.

The "bride" finally came out.

The tractor dragged the No. 01 SU-27SK fighter jet with a big red flower tied to its nose and slowly walked out of the repair hangar. Soldiers on the left and right sides who had been prepared released fireworks from a distance, adding to the festive atmosphere. Banners hanging on both sides of the hangar read: The old man has great ambitions and will join the army for the second time to renew his glory.

The simple but grand commissioning ceremony of the new fighter aircraft announced that sixteen third-generation heavy fighter jets, led by the No. 01 SU-27SK fighter jet, had joined the combat sequence of the 101st Flying Regiment of the 73rd Fighter Division of the Air Force Aviation. It also meant that the crazy The Demon Brigade has completed its third generation.

Completing the handover ceremony before Army Day indicates that the 101st Regiment has a new beginning in the new military calendar year, a beginning worth three billion yuan.

"Please ask Major Li Zhan, captain of the Blue Army brigade, to receive the war eagle!" The person who presided over the ceremony was Zheng Kaiyun, the director of the Beikuchang Station. He said loudly like a master of ceremonies.

Li Zhan hesitated for a moment, then stepped forward with excitement, looking greedily at the graceful lines of the plump body of No. 101 SU-27SK, the shy and slightly bowed head, and the waist that did not make anyone excited. As well as the slightly raised buttocks, Li Zhan had a strong urge to "explode" her thousands of times.

"Please ask the chief to give Comrade Li Zhan a flying helmet!"

Li Zhan stood at attention and saluted in front of Chen Hualin. Chen Hualin returned the salute, took the brand new third-generation flight helmet matching SU-27SK, and handed it to Li Zhan with both hands. Li Zhan solemnly held it under his ribs and saluted again. Chen Hualin returned the salute and said, "Comrade Li Zhan, I hope the Blue Army Brigade will achieve greater glory and win more honors for the 73rd Division!"

Master, if you want me to fight more battles, cut off more batches of second-hand third-generation machines, just say so!

"Please rest assured, commander! The Blue Army must not forget its original intention and embrace the red spirit without deterioration! It will train wholeheartedly and do its best to increase training intensity and increase flight training time! Resolutely contribute to building a strong People's Air Force!"

"You still need to control your flight during long hours." Chen Hualin coughed.

Li Zhan resolutely said, "Commander! We will definitely carry forward the spirit of not being afraid of hardship and fatigue and continue training!"

I can’t bear it in my pocket, okay?

"Go and lecture your troops. Don't forget to announce the new code name. Before he left, Vice Minister Liang made it clear that the name Kuangmo was inappropriate." Chen Hualin waved his hand impatiently.

Li Zhan saluted, "Yes!"

He ran to the front of the team, stood at attention, saluted the troops, and said, "Tell me about it!"

The troops stood at attention.

"Take a break!"

Li Zhan looked at the seventeen pilots whose faces were flushed with excitement. Among them were deputy chief of staff Nan Lianghong, who had just been promoted to lieutenant colonel, and new pilot Pei Xiaoshuai, who had been flying solo for less than a year. They were all Members of the Blue Army team are all elites who defeated the famous Nan Batian to the ground and created brilliant achievements.

"Comrades, the situation is very good, not ordinary good, but very good. Not long after the replacement of the J-7E type, we ushered in a very important day. We have modified the third-generation aircraft!"

"In the past, we were rag pickers, although we are still today, and we may still be rag pickers in the future, but we can drive cars to pick rags! What does this mean? It means that the cost is high, the responsibility is great, the burden is heavy, and competition will also Even more intense. I set a goal for the Blue Army Brigade. Before destroying these Su Liangqi, we must become the King of Rags in the West and become the King of Destruction in the West! We must rectify the name of the 73rd Division! Therefore, I decided to move the Blue Army Brigade The code name has been changed to King of Destruction. From now on, it will no longer be called the Mad Demon Brigade, but the King of Destruction Brigade! Look at the paint on the fighter plane behind me, the desert camouflage will be the exclusive paint of my King of Destroyer Brigade!"

He glanced at the passionate pilots.

"My master often tells me that the most important thing in life is to be happy. How can I be happy?"

"It costs nine hundred yuan an hour to pull the lever."

Li Zhan glared, "Who are you talking nonsense? Don't you know the team discipline?"

He quickly skipped the topic and said seriously, "Victory! Always winning! Only constant victory can make us happy! We defeated Nan Batian with the backward J-7, and now we have the Su Liang-qi, and we can still Are you looking for reasons for the equipment gap? No more! From now on, the Blue Army Group will stand on the same starting line as the top fighter unit of the entire army's aviation force! From now on, whether you eat or not depends on your strength!"

"But our modification time lags behind other troops, how to make up for it? There are no shortcuts, there will only be training, training, training, training, non-stop training, using all available time to train, training hard, training vigorously, training hard until death! I want you to dream about flying and not about some pussy’s ass!”

"I declare that August will be a high-intensity modification training month. I will only give you one month to modify. If you cannot meet the solo flight standards after one month, I will consider transferring you from my unit!"

As soon as these words came out, Chen Hualin over there almost vomited blood.

Xue Xiangdong quickly whispered to Chen Hualin, "Sir, it's okay, it's okay. He has unplanned aviation fuel in his hands. There is a lot of aviation fuel allocated for the 228 Project."

"Am I short of aviation fuel?" Chen Hualin glared.

Xue Xiangdong shut his mouth.

Yes, to complete the modification training in one month, how many hours will it take to fly? Maybe he can use up half of the division's funds in one brigade. There is a precedent for this. Some time ago, the Blue Army conducted two high-intensity training sessions, each lasting only ten days. Why were they only given ten days? It was not because of bad weather or limited aviation fuel, but because of limited funds.

The military will never be late or short of salary subsidies, even in the most difficult times. This is the most fundamental principle.

Where can you get money if you overspend?

Chen Hualin was in a bad mood and waved his hand, "I can't listen anymore. I'm leaving."

Xue Xiangdong chased after him, "Teacher, where are you going?"

"Where should I go?" Chen Hualin, who was walking on his back, suddenly stopped and stared at Xue Xiangdong bitterly, "Where can I go? I need money to go! I have to go to the military region and need funds! My 73rd Division has saved ten What should I do if I don’t want to go back to my family for several years and let that kid give me a few months?”


Seeing Chen Hualin running away, Xue Xiangdong said from a distance, "Teacher, I will send you off not far away. You, please order more."

Chen Hualin walked faster.

What the common people see is the surface, and their thinking is naturally simple. They think that modifying third-generation aircraft is just a matter of aircraft factory production capacity. In fact, it involves the adjustment of the entire system, and it is a huge adjustment. A third-generation aircraft flew up. The value of the fighter aircraft itself was only one part of it, even a minor part compared to other units.

Staff wages, supporting equipment, training expenditures, daily maintenance, aviation materials and fuel, weapons and ammunition, etc., etc., none of them may be comparable to the purchase price of fighter aircraft, but the total of these complicated items is huge. A large number that makes all the great countries tremble with fear.

The navy and air force are exclusive toys for the rich and powerful, and it is a sin for poor countries to even think about them.

Some people questioned that China's defense budget was too high, but he never thought that it was still not enough, let alone who was protecting him while he could quietly type on the keyboard in front of the computer. Some countries say that we are militarizing and engaging in an arms race. In fact, this is the thinking of the poor. Our country has never thought of them being poor.

Is Chen Hualin just pretending? He really wants to go to the military region to beg for help. He should at least urge his superiors to change the funding standard of the 101st Regiment to the third-generation aircraft regiment standard. You have modified a third-generation aircraft. If your superiors still allocate funds to you according to the standards of second-generation aircraft, you will not be able to afford those sixteen gold-eating beasts even if you sell yourself for more than fifty yuan per pound.

Modifying a new aircraft model is not done as soon as the aircraft is handed over to the pilots and trained. The related support on the ground, the training of the maintenance team, the distribution of supporting aviation materials and ammunition, etc., etc., cannot be sorted out in less than a month.

Chen Hualin was anxious precisely because of these aspects. Li Zhan was obviously stuck in the guarantee preparation time to set the time to complete the modification training. If support could be provided immediately, Li Zhan would not dare to say that he would complete the modification training in half a month.

We also need to communicate with the Second Division and coordinate with them to send flight instructors, maintenance instructors, etc. as soon as possible. For the Second Division, handing over old equipment to brother units is not a simple matter. You have to provide teaching and support.

Li Zhan is so awesome, but he doesn't know how to fly a third-generation aircraft. He even learned how to shoot air targets and ground targets in the Second Division after joining the army. What's great about him is his flying talent and superb flying art. He is even blank in many practical subjects. He has only been in the army for less than two years.

He plays the J-7 series very well, but the SU-27 is very unfamiliar to him even though it has been in service for more than ten years. However, when he visited the 300th Division, he played with the simulated cockpit of the SU-30MKK, and objectively It shouldn't be difficult to master.

All in all, he was ready and waiting for the flight instructor of the Second Division to arrive. Li Zhan grinned when he thought that his former comrades or even subordinates might become his instructors.

Youdao has been in Hedong for thirty years and Hexi for thirty years. No one can say who can be awesome to the end.

A new beginning, a 4,000-word chapter is presented. Brothers, please get your monthly tickets. Don’t blame the rifles. You rely on the lever fees to make a living. Another note: The value of a dozen Su 27s in the previous article is over 20 billion. There is an error in the calculation. There is an extra zero. You all know the mathematics of rifles. Ignore it...

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