Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 193: Is it enough that the lever fee is high and it’s just a matter of giving it to my wife?

At early ten o'clock in the morning, a convoy of more than a dozen off-road vehicles and fifteen passenger buses drove in from the South Gate under the guidance of the station guide vehicle that was 15 kilometers away. Officers and soldiers lined up on both sides of the road. The side queue welcomed with warm applause.

Xue Xiangdong is a member of the Standing Committee of the division's party committee, and the deputy mayor led the team to have equal standards. Li Zhan told him that if local officials came, there would be no formalities for welcoming and sending them off, and there was no need to give them such a big face. But this time the protagonists were the students of Aijun Primary School, and they must give high standards to the flowers of the motherland. welcome.

Therefore, there was a queue from the south gate to the infield playground to welcome him.

Xue Xiangdong heartily agreed with Li Zhan's approach, but some things have been established as routines for many years. If an individual breaks or follows the rules, they will be regarded as alien or even rude. However, the person in charge of this event was Li Zhan. With this fierce general wearing the hat of the specific executor of the "228" project in front, Xue Xiangdong was much more detached.

"Captain, don't forget that the protagonists today are the children, and those officials are the servants of the people." Li Zhan stood next to Xue Xiangdong and reminded him in a low voice, the smile on his face not changing at all.

This sounds okay, but why do you always feel that it is ironic?

"Don't worry." Xue Xiangdong whispered, "Don't be too explicit. The civil servants in Beiku are quite conscientious. Tell me, why do people go all the way so far? It's not just to worry about the children. Safety."

Li Zhan smiled and said, "Yes, I will complete the task resolutely."

All the vehicles were in designated locations under the command of the soldiers on duty. The local rabble stopped in square blocks under the batons of the soldiers. The standard was quite high.

Xue Xiangdong strode forward with the leaders of the station, meteorological station, and repair shop to greet the leaders of the military division and Beiku City who got off the off-road vehicles. Li Zhan led his troops quickly to the bus and lined up quickly. After giving the order, the team was divided into more than a dozen groups and quickly arrived at the bus door to greet the teachers and students.

Because of good communication in advance, Han Hongjun brought two soldiers to pick up Cheng Mengxiao's class, and Li Zixin brought two soldiers to pick up Li Wanqing's class. Li Zhan put great thought into the formation. The soldiers he arranged were all non-commissioned officers who were married and had children. In this way, he could better understand the children, be more targeted, and take better care of them.

Each group of three people has a pilot who serves as the leader and commentator and will accompany them throughout the entire trip. Li Zhan gathered information from Principal Yuan and arranged the single pilots in the brigade to take classes with single female teachers. Why not treat one thing as two things?

This makes single pilots in other brigades envious. It’s just a high draw rod fee, but also a wife?

Here I have to mention the establishment of the Destruction King Brigade. Because eight of the SU-27s handed over were two-seater SU-27UBK training fighters, the number of pilots in the Destruction King Group must be more than the total number of cockpits of the fighter planes - twenty-four.

In other words, the King of Destruction team needs to be supplemented by at least six pilots.

The SU-27UBK is a fighter jet with a training function, not a specialized trainer aircraft. The direction of front-line combat training is more clear. The Second Division often uses it to perform high-sea police patrol missions, and its combat purposes are more important than training purposes. Therefore, pilots must be organized according to combat aircraft.

It is inevitable that the number of pilots exceeds the number of cockpits in the fighter aircraft. A two-seat fighter aircraft has two cabins at the front and rear.

Li Zhan has made it clear who can be added to the Destruction King Brigade, and they will be considered according to the original standards, and the best will enter and the losers will be eliminated. Including the two maneuver quotas, there are eight quotas in total, which is really pitiful for the more than 30 pilots of the Second and Third Brigades. But they have another way - to defeat the pilots of the Destruction King Group in the year-end assessment to obtain replacement qualifications.

All in all the competition is very fierce.

In the past, it was only an extra seventy-five yuan for the lever fee, which was already so intense. Now it has been tripled. You can imagine the bloody scene. There would be more wolves and less meat, as Li Zhan had already predicted. Soldiers always desire more lethal weapons in their hands, and there is always a lack of a good gun in their hands. This is especially true for the officers and soldiers of the 73rd Division who have been eager for decades with their heads held high. After experiencing it personally, Li Zhan's feeling became even more profound.

This forced him to seriously consider Chen Hualin's naive idea - considering intercepting the next batch of second-hand third-generation aircraft from the brother troops coming to fight?

Facing the rosy-faced children in neat school uniforms and amidst the childish laughter, Li Zhan felt ashamed of his shameless thoughts.

The children were very well-behaved, beyond their teacher's expectation. There was a little fear in the rules, and they always looked at the officers and soldiers in camouflage uniforms with wide eyes. They have known since preschool that they are uncles of the People's Liberation Army, sacred protectors of the home and country.

Nan Lianghong, the flying daddy, appeared in front of the children with a honest and honest image, loudly speaking welcome words, which very well eased the children's nervousness. After several small group interactions, the atmosphere became more and more peaceful. Be happy.

The first one to visit must be the Regimental History Museum. How can the sixty-one years of ups and downs from scratch (the Air Force was established on November 11, 1949), from weak to strong, be fully reflected in the exhibition paintings and illustrations on several walls? How can the spirit of the martyrs who sacrificed their lives in various wars in the history of the 101st Regiment be revealed through a few words?

Perhaps only the inscription on the People's Martyrs Monument can profoundly summarize the memory and gratitude of future generations for the martyrs: In the past three years, the people's heroes who sacrificed their lives in the People's Liberation War and the People's Revolution will be immortal! Over the past thirty years, the people's heroes who sacrificed their lives in the People's Liberation War and the People's Revolution will be immortal! This dates back to 1840. Since then, in order to oppose internal and external enemies and strive for national independence and people's freedom and happiness, the heroes of the people who have sacrificed their lives in various struggles will be immortalized!

The officers and soldiers accompanied the teachers and students to visit the regimental history museum again. Rather than hoping that the children could gain insights and understand that today's happiness and stability are hard-won, it is better to say that the officers and soldiers once again received spiritual baptism.

From beginning to end, what is condensed is the glorious history of the 101st Regiment, a heroic unit that was born during the period of resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea and first achieved results, for nearly sixty years. Through historical records, the officers and soldiers were filled with emotion as they once again walked the path of their predecessors. Now they finally drove the third-generation aircraft, embarked on the road to rebuilding glory, and had the dignity to remember the martyrs.

Li Zhan was filled with emotion as he watched the students walking in neat columns towards the simulation training center under the organization of officers and soldiers. Only through on-site experience can we understand the significance of such activities. He could sense the pious admiration for soldiers from the clear eyes of the children. In a state of vague understanding, I accepted the sense of family and country and the sense of worry that a member of this country should possess.

Such activities must be normalized, and similar education must be provided not only to primary school students, but also to middle school students and even young people in society.

Yang Jinshan caught up and followed the team side by side with Li Zhan, saying, "You haven't seen the regimental history museum before today, right?"

"No, I went out for training for three months after being transferred. I haven't stopped training since I came back. I should have gone to see it earlier. I felt very profound." Li Zhan said.

"The historical glory of our Seventy-third Division is no less than that of the Second Division, and the predecessor of our regiment was the first unit to produce results. But today is different from the past, everything has changed." Yang Jinshan said with emotion.

Li Zhan said, "The air defense pressure north of the west is relatively small, and it is normal to have a bias when rain and dew cannot be evenly distributed."

"Yes, back then I was also passionate about contributing to building a strong People's Air Force. The theory I learned in school was about Su-27 fighter jets." Yang Jinshan recalled the past, his eyes flickering back and forth.

Li Zhan finally understood the implication, stopped and asked, "Deputy commander, you, you also want to modify Su Liangqi? You don't want to join the King of Destruction Brigade too, right?"

"I am fully qualified." Yang Jinshan said without any embarrassment, "I am a combat pilot first, and then the deputy commander. Don't you always tell everyone this, combat pilot first, then what?" Deputy Commander, Deputy Chief of Staff.”

Li Zhan smiled helplessly and said, "Deputy commander, you are blatantly running away from your connections. I know that the deputy commander is still flying and fighting, but if you want to join the Destruction King Brigade, you have to take the assessment. Everything must be according to the rules."

"I came from a serious academic class and studied Su Liangqi's theory. Except for Han Hongjun, Li Zixin and me, no one else in the regiment has received relevant theoretical study. You have to complete the modification within a month. You We need more theoretical teachers. Can you handle the three melons and two dates sent by the Second Division alone?" Yang Jinshan said confidently.

Hey, so Deputy Commander Yang really qualifies as a special case.

Li Zhan didn't know that when modifying a new fighter plane, the study of relevant theory is the first priority. He should first solidify the theory, then fly on the simulator, and finally fly on the actual aircraft. When Li Zhan was studying the theories related to the J-7, he took down notes as thick as a Chinese dictionary. When he was studying the theories related to the J-10, he took down a million words of notes.

Most of the time, effort and reward are directly proportional. Whether it is military or civil aviation pilots, they can get high salaries because they really pay more and master more technical knowledge than other professional positions.

Divide money and divide goods.

Therefore, Li Zhan plans to start theory and practice at the same time, master the basic flying ability first, and then go back to the details. This method is fine for pilots with hundreds of flying hours, but not suitable for new recruits. Fortunately, the newest pilot in the regiment has at least 200 hours of flying time.

"Deputy regiment, I specially approve you to join the Destruction King Brigade, on the condition that you immediately lead Han Hongjun and Li Zixin to set up a theory teaching group to be responsible for teaching everyone relevant theories."

"Okay, I promise you."

"I...didn't you ask for me?"

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