Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 201 Full of fuel and large mounts dispatched

The officers and soldiers passing by all noticed that No. 27 SU-27UBK was loading live ammunition. Several pilots who had just finished the training and were sitting in the commuter car walking to the infield stared intently at the crew who were busy carefully loading rockets into the launcher. plug.

Han Hongjun and Li Zixin looked at each other, then bumped their shoulders against Wu Zhen, who was sitting on the left, and asked in a low voice, "What happened to your second-class merit last time?"

"What second-class merit?" Wu Zhen asked.

"Don't pretend, the regiment leader secretly awarded it to you. You think I don't know. Can't you tell me?" Han Hongjun asked in a low voice.

Wu Zhen shrugged and smiled proudly, "Then you still ask."

"Really?" Han Hongjun pointed at the bomb hanging scene that was moving away behind him.

Wu Zhen smiled and shrugged.

Suddenly, Han Hongjun was so angry that he almost vomited out a mouthful of blood, "You said it was a bad time for me to go out, but you chose that day. I was originally on duty!"

"Who's to blame? You still said, I sacrificed my rest time to work for you." Wu Zhen said.

Han Hongjun angrily scolded, "Don't act like a good boy just because you get an advantage. You have to treat me to a big dinner. No, no, no, give me a piece of soft Chinese. It must be soft Chinese."

"Hey, hey, you can't smoke." Wu Zhen suddenly became anxious. A pair of Chinese soft drinks cost 700 yuan, and the two levers were gone in an hour.

Han Hongjun said, "If I don't smoke it, can I keep it for you to see? Stop talking nonsense. It's up to you whether to give it to you or not."

"Here, give it, it's just a Chinese cigarette, okay, okay," Wu Zhen said.

Li Zixin immediately said, "What about me?"

"Why are you everywhere? I can't do it. I haven't flown much this month."

Joking aside, with Wu Zhen's attitude, Han Hongjun and Li Zixin would not continue to inquire further, but they both basically guessed what happened during the last night live-fire training. Can ordinary live ammunition shooting at night achieve second-class merit?

Han Hongjun can only blame himself. He got a second-class daughter-in-law.

On the tarmac, Li Zhan and Nie Jianfeng inspected the rocket launchers one by one and said, "Last time, we suddenly received a live-fire shooting order at night, using a J-7 with the same ammunition. There was almost no visibility at night. Originally, The good strong light guidance was gone, and there were only weak light reminders. Fortunately, the effect was good when I was beaten with a mask."

"You've been beaten once?" Nie Jianfeng was quite surprised.

"This is the advantage of being in the 73rd Division. From time to time, we can get some temporary live-fire shooting missions, which tests the troops' emergency combat capabilities." Li Zhan said with a smile.

Nie Jianfeng was deeply convinced, nodded and said, "Yes. Under normal circumstances, live-fire shooting is carefully planned in advance, and the ammunition is fired step by step. This kind of temporary live-fire shooting mission is very close to actual combat, and it is very important for improving The combat effectiveness of the troops is of great significance."

"This is one of the reasons why I strongly recommend you to stay." Li Zhan said.

Nie Jianfeng said with a smile, "Fortunately, I made the right choice. No matter what Commander Qi Hong said about me, Political Commissar Fang Chenghe, I made up my mind to stay in the 73rd Division."

"Don't worry, it will be approved in half a month. There will be no surprises." Li Zhan said.

Who dares to stop people from being transferred in the name of "228" subject?

The two signed the flight inspection form and the ammunition handover form handed over by Niu Yaoyang, and boarded the plane after confirming that everything was OK.

At this time, No. 27 SU-27UBK was showing its teeth and claws.

Two twin-mounted seven-barreled rocket launchers are mounted on the left and right wings respectively, and two twin-mounted seven-barrel rocket launchers are also hung on the pylon below the air intake. In other words, a total of twelve seven-tube 90mm caliber rocket launchers were mounted, and a total of 84 90mm aviation rockets were mounted.

In the past, the SU-27 series used rockets imported from the Soviet Union. Later, after the fire control code problem was solved, domestically produced aviation rockets were used. Most of the rockets used were 90 mm caliber. It's a seven-tube transmitter. Occasionally, a four-tube launcher is mounted to launch heavy aircraft fire with a caliber of 130 mm.

In various exercises, the SU-27's use of aircraft fire to attack the ground was a traditional repertoire. Later, the J-10 participated in the exercise and inherited the tradition. The crackling aircraft fire was in full swing, which made the keyboard warriors on the Internet complain incessantly. How come your third-generation aircraft doesn't use precision munitions for air-to-surface missiles, but actually uses aircraft fire?

As everyone knows, it is our own people who are the ones who start the fire.

The training continued, but the whereabouts of the No. 27 SU-27UBK combat trainer aircraft were no longer reported. Instead, the second tower independently conducted the live-fire training mission.

"Liangguai, this is the second tower, you follow my command."

"Received the two crutches, I will follow your command." Li Zhan, who was sitting in the front cabin, replied, expertly confirming the status of various instrument switches.

Talented pilots get into the situation quickly and get started quickly, which was reflected when the 300th Division visited the SU-30MKK simulated cockpit. Nie Jianfeng had already taken him on a flight in the morning, and Li Zhan could basically memorize every operation and switch position. He can memorize hundreds of thousands of words of theory, and these simple operating procedures couldn't be simpler.

"Old Nie, I will come alone." Li Zhan said.

Nie Jianfeng felt relieved, "Okay, the takeoff speed needs to be increased. We are full of fuel and close to full load. The normal takeoff speed is not enough."


Only the heavy-duty pylon between the air intakes remained empty. The SU-27 has seven pylons, three less than the J-11B and SU-30. The abnormal two-seater heavy combat bomber SU-30MKK actually has four heavy-duty pylons, and they are all under-wing pylons.

Li Zhan carefully maneuvered the No. 27 SU-27 out of the apron and onto the taxiway. He carefully controlled the throttle and braked from time to time to keep the fighter's speed at 30 kilometers per hour and taxi towards the runway.

A SU-27UBK is on the landing route, preparing to land. Liu Xiao in the back cabin saw SU-27UBK No. 27 heading towards the runway, and he was so anxious that he called the tower, "Tower! What's going on on No. 27! I'm about to land!"

He was very sure that if the two planes continued to move forward, a collision would likely occur.

The tower responded quickly, "Two hooks and you land normally. Repeat, two hooks and you land normally."

"Understood!" Liu Xiao gave up his plan to push the throttle lever for a go-around, although he was still worried.

SU-27 No. 27 braked before entering the runway. Li Zhan made no operational errors, but Liu Xiao did not know that the tight take-off and landing frequency was a consistent function of Beiku Station. He has never seen six planes taking off at the same time.

Because they were using another confidential frequency, Li Zhan and Nie Jianfeng could only communicate with the second tower. They could not hear the land and air conversations between the first tower and other fighters, and others could not call him. From the communication point of view, SU-27UBK No. 27 has been separated separately.

When Liu Xiao taxied out of the runway and drove along the taxiway to the apron, he turned his head and saw that the No. 27 SU-27UBK on the runway was equipped with a rocket launcher. It is not uncommon to mount a rocket launcher for flight training in normal times, but under today's circumstances, it seems abnormal to suddenly engage in mounting training.

"What's going on with the Liangguai? The rocket launchers are all mounted." Liu Xiao couldn't help but ask.

No one answered him, as if he had never spoken.

No. 27 SU-27UBK made a huge roar and then began to slide away. After gliding for more than 600 meters, the fighter plane pulled up, the front wheel lifted off the ground, and continued to climb smoothly. The rear wheel lifted off the ground, continued to climb smoothly, and then retracted the landing gear after reaching a certain height.

"It must be live ammunition." Liu Xiao made a judgment instantly.

Judging from the take-off attitude, the fighter's load capacity is very high, and it cannot carry a large load with full fuel. Judging from the pilot's cautious take-off movements, the problem is even more clear. Normally, the landing gear is retracted as soon as possible after leaving the ground to reduce wind resistance and speed up the climb, but just now the No. 27 fighter jet retracted the landing gear after it reached a certain altitude. This was obviously because he was worried that something would go wrong and he would not be able to deploy the landing gear in time for an emergency landing.

Others who witnessed this scene like Liu Xiao were also confused. If there was no discipline, the gossip would have spread throughout the station.

In the sky, Nie Jianfeng, who was in the back cabin, smiled and sighed, "For those who don't know, I would think you are an experienced driver. Looking at the take-off posture, it is more stable than a passenger plane. You don't look like a newbie at all."

Li Zhan praised Nie Jianfeng and said, "You teach well, Teacher Nie."

"I'm afraid I will become your student if I fly a few more times. Lao Li, I heard that you visited the 300th Division before. Yao Dongming just taught you once, and you can skillfully operate Su Sanling's simulated cockpit?"

"Ang." Li Zhan said, "I thought it was quite complicated, but it's actually quite simple. To be honest, third-generation aircraft are much easier to fly than second-generation aircraft. Even Su Liangqi, as long as there are no problems with the flight control, this aircraft is definitely the best. One of the third-generation machines that is easy to drive.”

Nie Jianfeng's eyes suddenly widened and he wanted to kick him, "Bah, bah, bah! What nonsense are you talking about! We are flying!"

"Why are you nervous? I still don't believe it is so accurate. Let me tell you, I have never encountered danger in the 73rd Division for so long. I also want to understand that the Second Division is my sad place." Li Zhan I looked down at the portable GPS navigator and turned to 279 degrees.

"Oh, one time, the engine stopped and I made three turns on the hole. But the old man was very strong and managed to hold on until the fourth turn before stopping. I landed smoothly without any problems." Li Zhan said.

Nie Jianfeng was shocked. "Stop it. You want to wait until we land safely after completing the live-fire training mission? Whatever you say."

There are many taboos among pilots, not to mention the superstitions of being a soldier, but psychological issues that are so profound that you have to read to become a lieutenant colonel to understand them. Talking about various dangers while flying, aren't you trying to scare yourself?

But Nie Jianfeng still couldn't help but think, Hey, what Li Zhan said makes sense. In the nine months before and after the Second Division, there were four special dangers (including the time when the canopy of the flood fighting rescue team flew off), and ordinary dangers were also encountered. Twice, this frequency is frighteningly high. An army unit has not encountered so many dangers in more than ten years. You have experienced them all by yourself in just nine months.

You might say that Li Zhan is the most unlucky guy, but he hasn't encountered him since he arrived at the 73rd Division. There seems to be no other explanation for the problem except that the second division and Li Zhan are not compatible.

How could there be such a coincidence in the world?

This kind of thing seems to be rather believable.

Some people will think that Li Zhan is an unlucky man who almost died several times, some people will think that Li Zhan is a lucky star who escaped from death several times, and some people will envy Li Zhan for doing four first-class achievements in a few months. No one came either.

Personally, Li Zhan simply felt that he was really at odds with the Second Master.

The last chapter of this month. The 210,000-word update this month is awesome. The monthly ticket expires in a few hours. It’s time to vote. Try to update the first chapter of December before one o’clock in the morning. The guaranteed monthly ticket is ready.

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