Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 220 I was so scared that the leaves almost fell off

That turned out to be a rocket!

Countless rockets dragged over them like locusts with long tongues of fire.

The long-range fire strike group on the ground is using 300 mm caliber long-range rocket launchers to cover enemy targets. The target is 70 kilometers away, so the launch angle is very large. The apex of the rocket's parabola is as high as a building!

The most terrible thing was that Li Zhan clearly saw that hundreds of rockets, estimated to be densely packed, were coming towards him like a big net!

He was so frightened that he almost dropped the leaves!

Falling leaves are impossible. At most, they will stall and spin, then crash and parachute back to No. 037 J-7E.

However, Li Zhan was also driven crazy. He dived down in a piss-poor. He didn't care that there were four heavy air-to-surface missiles hanging at the moment. He first avoided the trajectory of the long-range rockets fired by Lao Lu's gang of land-washing madmen, otherwise he would The chance of love with him was smashed to pieces by those floor-scrubbing artifacts carrying more than 200 kilograms of warheads. Tonight next year will be their death anniversary!

Dive, roll, pull up, dive again, roll again. Several times, Li Zhan was worried about throwing out the missiles on the pylon, and he was even more worried that the original old Flanker under his butt would disintegrate in the air.

Fortunately, after running out of the threatening airspace through a series of evasive maneuvers, the old Flanker was still normal. It was common for the aircraft to occasionally make teeth-searing sounds, and Li Zhan was numb to it.

Just as he was about to change from a dive to a level flight, several places on the ground suddenly burst into flames, and it looked like lightning flashed across those places at the same time.

Li Zhan fucked his black finger more than ten thousand times!

Any fool knows that it is the self-propelled howitzer of the artillery strike group firing a salvo!

Wu Zhi is dead.

At this moment, the Army Artillery Strike Group began artillery preparations according to the combat plan. Various artillery delivered ammunition to the target area. Their ballistics had many overlaps with the air strike group's route. Therefore, it is required that before artillery preparations are made, the frontal airspace must be cleared. To be precise, our aircraft must avoid these areas. It’s not like there haven’t been instances of ground artillery shooting down airplanes. If you hit enemy aircraft, the ground artillery unit will perform meritorious service. If you hit your own aircraft, you will be punished.

Li Zhan finally understood why Wu Zhi was so anxious to let him go lower.

In the darkness, Li Zhan couldn't see which way the unpowered artillery shells were flying. What he could see was the fire produced by the ground artillery unit's salvo. He had no choice. There was a higher mountain on the right wing. He could only turn and rush towards it, turn on the afterburner and push the throttle stick to the bottom to continue diving to quickly gain kinetic energy.

He doesn't have much height left.

The fighter plane trembled violently, as if it had encountered a strong natural airflow. However, Li Zhan knew that it was the strong airflow generated by countless shells flying past him. He could even vaguely hear the "rumbling" sound of heavy artillery shells flying like a heavy-duty train speeding past at high speed.

It must be a 155mm caliber howitzer shell!

After confirming that there was a barrier behind the mountain, Li Zhan breathed a heavy sigh of relief. His back was covered in cold sweat, and his anus was in a tight state the whole time, which showed how frightened he was. The last time I was chased by the Doyle missiles of the Army Field Air Defense Force was not as scary as this time. At least in broad daylight I could still see the missiles flying over. Now in the darkness, I could see the powered rockets, but there was no such thing. If you can't see the unpowered shell, you won't know how it was shot down.

The unknown is the source of the greatest fear.

After confirming safety, Li Zhan was finally convinced that he would not become the "result" of Lao Lu's gang. Masturbating with a rifle is already considered an anecdote. Masturbating with a ground cannon will probably go down in history. You think you are an anti-aircraft gunner.

Old Land Artillery Unit: Shot down one SU-27SK.

"Dong Yao! Dong Yao? Wu Zhi is calling! Dong Yao has received the answer! Dong Yao has received the answer!" Wu Zhi kept calling, and kept calling, and his voice was very urgent.

Li Zhan hid behind the mountain. The relative altitude was only a few hundred meters, which was the blind spot of the air force control radar. Wu Zhi only saw the No. 01 fighter plane losing altitude crazily. It did not stop at the prescribed three thousand meters to report, but continued to fall to Going into the mountainous area, everyone thought something had happened.

"Dongyao received it. I am at a low altitude to the west of the main peak of the No. 3 mountainous area. Where should I fly, over?" Li Zhan is full of resentment, so he must obey the orders of his superiors without compromise, even if you know where to go. You will be hit by artillery shells while flying, but you must also fly. Orders and prohibitions are the most basic requirements for soldiers.

Wu Zhi was obviously relieved. There were big flaws in their command, and these flaws were caused by many small changes in the front and were slowly exposed. When the problem was suddenly revealed, everyone was dumbfounded.

Some staff officers were inexperienced and made some minor adjustments when commanding a certain link. The result was like shooting. The aiming point was off by one millimeter and the bullet missed a thousand miles.

What was generally exposed was that Wu Zhi was very deficient in its ability to command and coordinate air operations of this scale. Perhaps it reflects the problems of this type of ground command post and even the entire command and combat mechanism, not just a regional command post.

The thoughts and reflections it triggered will not be mentioned for the time being.

The exercise training headquarters did not stop Li Zhan's air precision strike mission, so Wu Zhi had to find a way to adjust the plan to avoid conflicts with other troops and continue to perform the mission.

"Dongyao! You go to airspace No. 4 to continue the mission and adopt the second plan. As you get higher, I can't see you. It's over." Wu Zhi made a decision and issued the order.

Li Zhan climbed out of the No. 3 mountain area, adjusted the heading to 180, and flew at an altitude of 5,000 meters. He reported, "Dongyao received, second set of plans for airspace No. 4, heading 180, altitude 5,000, completed."

"Dong Yao, I saw you. Keep the heading altitude. After reaching airspace No. 4, climb to the launch altitude and report later. It's over." Wu Zhi gradually calmed down and spoke with more confidence.

Li Zhan replied, "Understood, maintain the heading altitude, enter No. 4 airspace and report after reaching the launch altitude, complete."

He carefully checked the fighter's various systems and the status of the mounted weapons, and confirmed that they were not affected by the evasive maneuver just now. Then he turned on the afterburner again to increase the speed and maintained it until subsonic speed.

Supersonic flight is impossible, and it is impossible for Zhunqing to use his favorite aircraft to satisfy his violent desires.

Li Zhan could probably guess that Wu Zhi was in a hurry at this moment, so reaching the target airspace as quickly as possible was the first thing to do. There had been mistakes in the air strike operation. All air strike missions should have been completed before the artillery strike group was ready for artillery fire, but Li Zhan, who was the last to attack, was obviously lagging behind. From a combat perspective, this has had an impact on the entire war situation, and perhaps the price paid is the lives of the officers and soldiers of the ground combat troops.

It was precisely because of his clear understanding that Li Zhan did his best to catch up on the time he had fallen behind. If we can recover some of them, we may be able to reduce the casualties of the ground troops, if it is a war.

When Wu Zhi received Li Zhan's report, he repeatedly confirmed it with radar and then believed that Li Zhan had indeed arrived in Airspace No. 4, much faster than they predicted. Wu Zhi's commander and staff immediately paid attention to the pilot of Fighter 01. Have a good look and feel.

What a caring person!

"Dongyao report, target data loading is completed, launch request, completed."

At an altitude of 12,000 meters, Li Zhan's nose once again pointed at the target area, and the target's orientation data was all loaded into the seekers of the four air-to-ground missiles. It is relatively easy to attack fixed underground targets. The reconnaissance force obtains target orientation data to form preset parameters. After the pilot powers up the missile, he loads the parameters into the seeker. After launching, the missile will fly toward the target according to the parameters until it hits the target. The so-called "irregardless" after launch is generally like this.

The carrier aircraft does not even need to turn on the fire control radar, it can just leave after firing.

However, this fool-like attack method is only suitable for attacking fixed targets and cannot pursue mobile targets.

But what is to be tested this time is the ability of this domestic air-to-ground missile to strike underground fortifications. It is an actual combat attempt by the Air Force to use new strike ammunition.

"Dongyao is ready to launch, over!" Wu Zhi ordered.

Li Zhan pressed the launch button decisively, then switched to the next one, launched again, switched again, launched again, switched again, and launched again. All four air-to-surface missiles were launched one after another, and the No. 01 fighter jet suddenly became as light as a swallow.

Watching the four tail flames rushing toward the westernmost hilly area of ​​Mountain No. 3, Li Zhan turned around and returned.

All four air-to-surface missiles carry ground-penetrating warheads, and a group of two missiles are used to hit two underground fortification targets respectively. According to the settings, the first one will drill the underground fortifications from top to bottom, and the second one will penetrate through the drilled hole and explode inside the underground fortifications to achieve the best impact.

This requires the missile to have extremely high accuracy.

Li Zhan asked. The cost of the unnumbered air-to-surface missiles he shot tonight has exceeded 10 million, and the seeker alone costs millions of dollars. In other words, he just threw 40 million on the ground, then waved his white labor protection gloves and walked away without looking back.

It feels really good to burn money. The feeling of an infantryman holding a machine gun and using a drum-fed method to shoot the shells wildly and throw them out like popcorn is nothing more than that.

Finally, the mission was completed without any danger. As for how the fight went, the ground combat phase must be over, and the relevant technical departments must conduct a detailed survey and evaluation of the site before they can draw a conclusion. Li Zhan carried out the operation in full accordance with the operation manual, and this time there will never be a recurrence of the missile's "transference" situation.

After Li Zhan landed, the artillery strike group's artillery preparations had ended.

At 5:50 in the morning, Beikuchang Station was still busy. The pilots took a quick rest while the maintenance staff were busy inspecting and repairing the fighter jets in preparation for the third batch of dispatches.

All firepower preparations have been completed. In the next few days, the air strike group will not dispatch hundreds of fighter planes. Instead, it will move to the second phase of air support operations according to the exercise operation plan.

In short, it includes aerial hunting and ground fire support.

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