Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 244 Extreme Flight Test

Li Zhan turned on the afterburner and began to climb, impacting from an altitude of 6,000 meters to an altitude of 20,000 meters. Two jet engines sprayed out powerful airflow, pushing the thirteen-ton fighter aircraft to climb to a high altitude. The advantages of the J-8FR were fully utilized, and it easily climbed to an altitude of 16,000 meters, and then the climb rate dropped significantly.

After turning off the afterburner and maintaining full throttle, the fighter plane still stubbornly kept climbing, although the speed was much lower than before. At this time, Li Zhan could no longer see the ground at all. When he looked down, it was all white clouds, like majestic snow-capped mountains, with many mountains and mountains, and more of them were like a layer of white cotton evenly sprinkled, so white that it was dazzling.

Li Zhan looked at the altimeter. The altitude was 19,000, and the climbing rate had dropped to an unnoticeable level. If the canopy flew off at this time, Li Zhan would freeze to death within a few seconds.

"Nanku, the sea is high at 19,000. I'm the last one to charge. It's over." Li Zhan quickly checked the status of the fighter plane and found that all systems were normal.

Turning on the afterburner again, the fighter jet roared. But it is not as powerful as it is at low altitude. The oxygen at high altitude is thin, and the efficiency of the engine inevitably drops. But still tenaciously started to accelerate. Li Zhan stared at the altimeter, watching the number on it slowly rise to 20,000. Then after turning off the afterburner within the specified time, the fighter climbed tenaciously for more than a minute, and finally stayed at 21,000. Location.

It's probably the limit.

Li Zhan resumed level flight, breathed a heavy sigh of relief, and reported, "Nanku, sea height 21,000, heading 270, high-speed flight later, completed."

Zhu Wei could see the position of No. 101 J-8FR from the radar, and his heart slowly relaxed. Although the theoretical maximum flight altitude of the J-8FR reaches 22,000 meters, the practical ceiling can only fly above 21,000 meters during test flights. Li Zhan undoubtedly squeezed the performance limits of the fighter plane.

He will be flying at high speed for a while. I wonder if Li Zhan wants to fly at the maximum speed of Mach 2.2.

Suddenly, Zhu Wei understood why Li Zhan specifically asked if the canopy structure had been specially reinforced when he was in the hangar.

He had already planned to do such an extreme test...

Zhu Wei is a veteran who has been flying for nearly ten years. From lieutenant to major, he has flown all types of primary and advanced training aircraft as well as J-6, J-7 and J-8. The troops wanted to modify the J-11B. He was one of the best and could have been one of the first batch of modifications, but his superiors hoped that he could be transferred to fly the J-8FR. He agreed without any hesitation.

From Li Zhan's perspective, Zhu Wei gave up the rod fee of 900 yuan per hour and willingly flew 600 yuan per hour.

From a personal perspective, Zhu Wei definitely hopes to fly third-generation aircraft. Who doesn't want to be able to fly the most advanced fighters. No matter how well modified the J-8FR is, it is still a second-generation aircraft platform, and the feeling is completely different.

However, it is the duty of soldiers to obey orders, and soldiers must have a spirit of dedication.

Zhu Wei knew very well why Li Zhan insisted on doing the flight test. If it were him, he might have the same request. To carry out such long-distance reconnaissance training operations, it is necessary to have a better understanding of the performance of fighter aircraft, and man and machine must be integrated as much as possible, otherwise it will be very dangerous in unexpected situations.

After flying level for a few minutes, Li Zhan began to dive and turned on the afterburner. The optimal flight altitude for maximum speed is about 12,000 meters, which is the optimal cruising altitude. Turning on afterburner and using dive at the same time can shorten the acceleration time to a minimum.

As for overload, Li Zhan can handle it as long as it doesn't exceed nine G, and he can barely handle ten G for more than ten seconds. The average pilot can withstand seven or eight, which is great.

The fighter plane broke through the sound barrier, and the sound of the friction between the fuselage and the air completely overwhelmed the sound of the engine. The roaring thunder-like sound could be clearly heard on the ground, but the fighter plane could not be seen.

The airspeed reached fifteen hundred kilometers per hour and accelerated faster and faster.

Li Zhan was pressed against the back of the seat, his eyes widened, as if a huge stone was pressing on his chest.

When the sea was high at 15,000, Li Zhan slowly leveled the plane. At such a high speed, every operation must be gentle, otherwise it is easy to stall. After resuming level flight, the sea height remained at 12,000 meters. After turning off the afterburner, the fighter plane still accelerated tenaciously. Occasionally, a burst of strong air came over, causing the fighter plane to bump violently, but its attitude remained stable.

After replacing the J-10's flight control system, it is indeed different. It is easier to drive and the flight attitude can be controlled more accurately. To be precise, it is not to transplant the entire flight control system of the J-10, but to use the flight control system of the J-10 as the basis and make necessary changes according to the actual situation of the J-8FR. Relatively speaking, there is still a gap between the flight control of the J-8FR and the J-10.

But it is much better than the SU-27SK. This is very obvious to Li Zhan, and he has a clearer understanding of the flight control of the early models of Flanker.

Alas, we still have to get a new plane, the old Flanker is no longer good.

The 101 J-8FR, which had consumed most of its fuel, was in the most conducive state for high-speed flight. The slender fuselage pierced the air like a sharp arrow, leaving the roar of the engine far behind.

After the acceleration gradually disappeared, the airspeed settled at 2,200 kilometers per hour. Then Li Zhan was surprised to find that the fighter plane kept flying at this speed for more than ten minutes. He once again confirmed that afterburner was off. This means that the J-8FR has a certain supersonic cruise capability, and it is a Mach two supersonic cruise. He wanted to see how long he could maintain his flying speed, but Nanku Tower called him to return. The civil aviation route was ahead. Unknowingly, it almost flew to the western edge of the pelvic floor.

Li Zhan had no choice but to prepare to return. At this time, the speed of the fighter began to drop significantly. Li Zhan was not disappointed. Being able to cruise at supersonic speed for more than ten minutes was already a very good performance. Many third-generation aircraft currently in service cannot cruise at Mach 2 for more than ten minutes.

The so-called supersonic cruise means that the fighter aircraft can continue to fly at supersonic speeds without using afterburner. Currently only the F-22A can do this. All other fighter jets must use afterburners to break through the sound barrier and exceed the speed of sound.

Ba Ye still has commendable performance.

Li Zhan turned around and returned, calculated the flight distance with remaining fuel, decisively turned on the afterburner again, pushed the fighter plane that had just dropped to subsonic speed forward again and flew at supersonic speed for about ten minutes, and then pressed the lever. He quickly descended to a height of 200 meters, deep in the desert. After maintaining the altitude for more than ten minutes, he turned on the afterburner again and accelerated the fighter to a speed exceeding Mach 1 at low altitude, flying at supersonic speed at low altitude...

In the vast and flat desert, the huge noise caused by the low-altitude supersonic flight of the beautiful man in the sky hit the ground. Some wild animals were frightened and ran wildly, and some were stunned and fell to the ground. The poachers lurking not far away opened their mouths in surprise as they watched a domineering fighter plane flying over. The huge sound waves entered their ears and shattered their eardrums. Then they fainted and fell to the ground unconscious.

Li Zhan was very satisfied with the new J-8FR and returned to normal cruising speed, leaving behind a poaching scene full of chicken feathers. The poachers were still unconscious until the forest police arrived.

Li Zhan was still cautious. There was a national forest reserve in front of him and there were many wild animals, so he couldn't fly over it at supersonic speed.

Zhu Wei on the tower watched the No. 101 J-8FR land lightly, and his heart finally relaxed. I don’t know if asking the old captain to take action is a good thing or a bad thing. After all, this reconnaissance training mission is very important...

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