Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 251 Good luck comes to the Falcon Brigade

The test flight of a severely damaged fighter aircraft after completion of repair is not at all easier than that of an unfinished aircraft, and it is also quite dangerous. This is the application submitted by Li Zhan, otherwise the superiors are unlikely to agree to be completed independently by Beikuchang Station, but will bring back the manufacturer.

The superiors were surprised that the Beiku repair shop was able to repair the No. 01 SU-27SK, which gave them a completely new assessment of the factory's technical capabilities. Wu Shaoqing's team undoubtedly came back to the forefront, and could not run away with the merit evaluation and awards at the end of the year.

In a few days, it will be the Air Force's Army Day on November 11. The 101st Regiment received an order that after the Air Force's Army Day, the 300 Division will return to Beiku for confrontation drills. This is the last major military event of the year.

Early in the morning, Li Zhan was ordered to come to the regimental commander's office. Xue Xiangdong greeted him and handed him an order when he sat down, saying, "The Military Region Air Force has officially approved and ordered the first group to be the Falcon Blue Army Brigade. In accordance with your opinion, related The logo, tactical number, fighter code name, and troop organization are agreed to be formulated in accordance with the Blue Army style. Take a look, this is a formal order document."

"Captain, as you said, I just make suggestions based on facts." Li Zhan smiled naively, took the document with both hands and smiled so hard that he couldn't see his eyes.

After reading it, he breathed a sigh of satisfaction and said, "I finally got recognition, otherwise I would always feel uneasy. In fact, it's very good. The desert-painted falcon is so appropriate. It's more powerful than the childish code name of King of Destruction." Yes. That’s right, Commander, how is the progress of base station and simulated Blue Army base?”

Xue Xiangdong sat down and said seriously, "Is this a trivial matter? Changes involving the system cannot be determined overnight. The higher-level leadership agencies are organizing strength studies and discussions, and I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry."

"It's been a year since the report was handed in. There should be a preliminary direction after all. Alas." Li Zhan sighed helplessly.

When the simulated Blue Army brigade was originally formed, Li Zhan submitted a number of ideas about station base construction and simulated professional Blue Army combat bases. As a result, the superior leadership only allowed the formation of the Blue Army brigade, and more core aspects were content has not been touched.

I thought that there would be some positive changes after a year, but now it seems that more patience is needed.

Xue Xiangdong said, "Everything is difficult at the beginning. There are so many things involved in troop construction, and the combat system affects the whole body. It must be carefully considered before entering the implementation stage. Isn't it time to give you a formal order? This is very positive. Variety."

Waving his hand, Xue Xiangdong said, "Let's talk about the matter at hand. This old boy Baiou is cunning and cunning. With the experience of the Second Division, I'm afraid it won't be easy for you to repeat your old tricks and launch a low-altitude raid on his airport. Do you have any good ideas? ?”

Li Zhan shook his head, "No. The Three Hundred Division must have been fully prepared when they chose to come over for confrontation drills at this time. The news is probably blocked now. We don't know when they will arrive, but I always feel that they can continue to flow. They can obtain intelligence about us effectively. They have achieved one-way transparency on the battlefield, and this battle is not easy to fight."

"Do you think we will lose?" Xue Xiangdong frowned.

Li Zhan said, "Not necessarily. Fortunately, I have the Nighthawk Squadron as a surprise force, so I won't be unable to fight back."

"What is the use of tactical reconnaissance aircraft? This is an air combat drill." Xue Xiangdong reminded.

Li Zhan said, "I know, anyway, just defeat the opponent, whether it is shooting down in the air or destroying it on the ground. In short, it is obvious that they have accepted the lessons of the Second Division and developed tactics that can suppress us. Nighthawk The squadron can carry jamming pods to implement electronic suppression and regain some initiative."

"You have helped Nighthawk Squadron a lot, and they should also help you." Xue Xiangdong nodded slightly.

Even with Xue Xiangdong, we couldn't even mention a single word about helping the Nighthawk Squadron conduct long-distance reconnaissance training operations.

"Captain, the most important issue now is my plane. If you don't have a plane, you can't let me fly the J-7 to fight the Su San0 and J-10, right?" Li Zhan said with a wry smile.

Xue Xiangdong smiled and said, "Su Sanling, the Jian Shi will not come. Oh, by the way, your apprentice's brigade. The base designated for them by their superiors is Dongkuchang Station. If you know when they will arrive, things will be easier to handle. .”

"Of course, but this is very difficult. If you don't believe me, call and ask Dongkuchang Station. They must have been specially instructed to block the news." Li Zhan shrugged.

"It will start at midnight on the 12th. There are still a few days left. Think carefully about whether there is any other way." Xue Xiangdong said.

Li Zhan said, "Yes, Commander, don't worry. If you can't defeat me, run away. Save your strength first and then try to counterattack. Commander, I have to go for a test flight, and you have to command from the tower."

"Go get ready, I'll go to the tower right away."

The test flight was an unusual one. As the top military commander of the 101st Regiment and Beiku Field Station, Xue Xiangdong had to command on site and sign the log.

They all understood that the 300th Division had achieved one-way transparency on the battlefield and had taken the initiative on the battlefield. This confrontation exercise had already begun to show defeat before the Falcon Brigade even started. The Three Hundred Division not only summarized the reasons for the defeat of the Second Division, but also conducted in-depth research and found multiple countermeasures. Blocking the news is the move that poses the greatest threat to the Falcon Battalion - the Falcon Battalion is well known at Beikuchang Station, but even if the Falcon Battalion knows that the 300th Division will be stationed at Dongkuchang Station, it cannot grasp the specific time, and whether it will be stationed in accordance with the divisions of superiors. Dongkuchang Station is still unknown.

There are more than a dozen stations in the Dabeiku area, plus more than 20 civil aviation airports and military-civilian dual-use airports.

Li Zhan didn't have a good idea for a while. Unlike the last time he faced the Second Division, he dared to pat his chest and say that he could beat the Second Division to the ground. So he simply gave it up and tried to fly the No. 01 SU-27SK first. The fundamental thing is to open up fighter planes, otherwise talking about other issues will be in vain.

Can the Falcon Brigade still be called the Falcon Brigade without Li Zhan? The combat capability is reduced by at least half, which is the value of a super ace pilot.

Taking a commuter bus into the outfield, Pei Lei, who was driving, asked Li Zhan, "Captain, I heard they said that the 300 Division was very powerful. Can we win this confrontation? The 2nd Division was so powerful that we defeated it. The 300 Division was defeated by us." No matter how powerful the master is, he can't be much more powerful than the second master, right?"

The officers and soldiers of the whole regiment have probably been discussing this issue in the past few days. The last time the Falcon Battalion beat the Second Division gave everyone a lot of expectations. Everyone will naturally think that the 101st Regiment can be compared with the first-class troops. At least no one in the 101st thinks he is the Rag King of the West anymore.

"It's hard to say." Li Zhan said cautiously, "Last time we fought against the Second Division, we had a preemptive advantage. Now this advantage no longer exists, and the fight will be more difficult."

Pei Lei said matter-of-factly, "I think I can win."

"Oh? You are very confident."

Pei Lei pointed to the front and said, "Captain, look, I think we can win."

In front is the apron. SU-27SK No. 01 has been pulled out and parked here for pre-flight inspection. The two maintenance teams and the technical team of the repair shop led by Wu Shaoqing conducted meticulous and repeated inspections.

The key is not here, but that the section of the fuselage where the cockpit is located was painted with the Falcon Group's standard paint "Desert Song". Only that section was painted, and the back was still bare. Even the twin vertical tails were still made of the same material. The color itself.

Like a rooster with all its hair plucked except its neck and head.

It looked nondescript, but if it was just that, it wouldn't make Li Zhan stunned and speechless. On the fuselage under the cockpit cover, three big words were written: Good luck.

Second update

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