Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 26 Qigong’s solution

The word "smoke smoke" is somewhat inappropriate to describe rural areas in coastal areas in 2009. However, specifically in the Xixian area, many villages still use traditional cooking methods due to the lack of economic improvement for a long time.

It was now fifteen past nine in the morning, and lunch was already being prepared in the village.

The planned flight time of the Sixth Regiment is 10:30 in the morning, and within less than an hour, the hidden danger of the pigeons must be solved.

The village in front of you has a beautiful name, Jinghu Village, named after the lake. The natural scenery is beautiful, even the fields are so beautiful, the land is flat, the houses are neat, there are fertile fields, beautiful ponds, mulberry trees and bamboos, there is traffic, chickens and dogs can hear each other, it should be called Taohuayuan Village.

But the yellow mud houses that can often be seen indicate another fact - this is a poor village.

Li Zhan came here for the second time. The first time he was forced to serve as an airborne soldier, and he was able to fly a parachute at a low altitude, which was better than many airborne soldiers.

When he arrived at that house, Li Zhan suddenly realized that he, a local, had been out of touch with the place for too long and had forgotten that some people in his hometown had an appallingly weak legal awareness. On the other hand, the three dilapidated tile-roofed houses, a couple and three children, and a family of five make a living on a few acres of thin farmland. Raising pigeons and pigeons is one of the few profitable side jobs.

What makes people angry is that the couple are not illiterate, but are in their thirties with junior high school education, and they are playing rogue with the law enforcement officers.

However, a woman who was in her early thirties but had the complexion of a forty-year-old woman who had worked hard on her body pulled a long bench across the door, sat down on it, and said in a voice that was not afraid of boiling water, "Catch it, catch it, Catch me, catch me and put me in jail! Anyway, I can’t live my life anymore! If you catch me, you’ll have to raise three children for me!”

The man scratched his neck and shouted with grief, anger and grievance, "My pigeons can hit your plane, but I haven't said that your plane hit my pigeons! Aren't you soldiers just bullying others? The people have no control over the raising of pigeons. You don't care about any pigeons! What kind of law have I broken?"

Many villagers gathered in front of the door and spoke one after another. Most of them accused the family of being ignorant, and a few helped the family. They probably had resentment against the "arrogance" of the troops.

Zhang Wei's eyes signaled Li Zhan and others not to be reckless and waited for Deputy Director Liu to step forward to deal with it.

"The troops can't control it, right? Then I can't control it? Changjiao Lin." Deputy Director Liu stepped forward, with a complete set of individual police equipment draped on him, especially the dark gun holster on his right waist. The handle of the gun is very shocking.

Seeing the majestic police officer, Chang Jiao Lin forced a smile, and then suddenly realized that his role was that of a "victim", and said fearfully and aggrievedly, "Director Liu, of course you can control it, why can't you? . But I didn’t break the law. I raised some pigeons before, but didn’t I sell them all last time? I really don’t raise them anymore!”

"You are still quibbling! Will I come to you without evidence? If you try to look down on me again, believe it or not, I will arrest you!" Deputy Director Liu pointed at Changjiao Lin and yelled.

Changjiao Lin was once punished by the police for gambling. He has an acquired fear of people wearing police uniforms, but he is not afraid of people wearing military uniforms at all. People living in the surrounding areas will inevitably come into contact with soldiers, and gradually they understand that, regardless of the soldiers who carry guns and cannons, soldiers are second-class people in front of the common people, and many things are accommodated. Ordinary people, let alone fearful.

He is afraid of Deputy Director Liu, but his wife Jiao Posi is not afraid.

Jiao Po Si stood up suddenly and rushed to Deputy Director Liu. She pinched her waist with both hands and held her neck fearlessly. She said, "Come on! Director Liu, you are so majestic! What use are we, ordinary people?" ! If you want to arrest, just arrest and don’t talk so much! Arrest our whole family! We can’t survive anyway!”

Deputy Director Liu definitely cannot afford to offend such people. There were three children over there watching eagerly, some with excitement and some with panic. But in general, it is not good to take measures against their parents in front of children, and it is not good to be too emotional in words. Deputy Director Liu is a younger generation police officer, but he is aware of this. Another person would never consider whether it would have a negative impact on the child's psychology.

"Mo Xiuhua, I advise you not to get excited. Do you know what you are doing? You are resisting the law! In front of the children, I hope you will not be impulsive and cooperate with our work. Call the pigeons back, Let’s call the pigeons back first. The troops have to fly, and it’s absolutely impossible for your pigeons to fly around outside. We’ll talk about other things slowly later!” Deputy Director Liu has rich experience in grassroots work and is well-founded, so hurry up first. Take time to solve the immediate problem, and deal with the Changjiao Lin couple later.

The sixty-year-old village chief arrived at a jog. He was wearing Jiefang rubber shoes barefoot, his trouser legs were rolled up, there was mud and other things on them, and he was sweating profusely. He must have rushed back from the fields after hearing about the incident. .

He squeezed in and took a look at the situation. He lowered his head and looked around, and then picked up a twig about one meter long and about the thickness of his index finger at Li Zhan's feet. There were still leaves on it that were not dry.

When the onlookers saw this, they all laughed and chatted in dialect. When Chang Jiao Lin and Jiao Posi saw the village chief just now, they subconsciously stopped walking and stopped pinching their waists. Their hands were hanging down and trembling slightly. At this moment, their expressions were replaced by fear.

"What are they talking about?" Zhang Wei asked Li Zhan in a low voice.

Li Zhan listened for a while and whispered, "This village chief seems to have a bad temper, but he has a high prestige in the village. He probably wants to be beaten."

"Hit?" Zhang Wei was extremely surprised. He looked at the village chief, who was walking towards the Changjiao Lin couple with hand-held tree branches. He looked at the village chief who was as thin as a rib and walked towards the Changjiao Lin couple. He then looked at the Changjiao Lin couple who were both quite tall. believe.

Here comes a few eye-opening moments for Li Zhan.

The village chief strode towards Changjiao Lin. What was surprising was that Changjiao Lin was frightened but did not run away. His knees slowly bent down and he became shorter. He held his head high and said with a cry, "Seven Father, I didn’t do anything wrong, I didn’t, I really didn’t!”

Li Zhan seemed to see himself crying and begging for mercy when facing his father's stick as a child.


The village chief raised the branch high and slapped Changjiao Lin. Once he hit Changjiao Lin, he screamed like a pig, and then he slowly moved back with difficulty and hesitation, his buttocks flickering, but he didn't dare to completely Get out of the way. Li Zhan and others could see that this was because they were extremely frightened and knew that they would not be able to escape the beating sooner or later.

"Ah! Qi Gong, don't fight! I know it's wrong! I know it's wrong! Ooooh!" The thirty-year-old man actually cried like a child, crying and screaming, looking pleadingly He looked at the village chief and prayed for his life to be spared.

Except for a few members of Li Zhan's army, everyone else seemed to be used to it. What's even more surprising is that the three children of Changjiao Lin were laughing and clapping their hands, as if they were feeling the pleasure of revenge!

Zhang Wei, Niu Yaoyang and the first-term non-commissioned officers looked at each other and at the same time looked at Li Zhan - he was a local. Li Zhan expressed helplessness and shrugged.

The village chief was tired of beating him, and Longjiao Lin huddled in a pile of dry firewood on the side in front of the utility room door, shivering and with wet tears, but he did not dare to have any resentment towards the village chief.

On the other side, Jiao Posi's legs were already shaking the sieve, her lips were also shaking, and they were all white. She looked at the village chief in horror, suddenly woke up, ran over and knelt down in front of the village chief with a bang. He cried and begged for mercy, "Qi Gong, my family has no money for food, and I don't have money for my children's school fees. I really have no choice, I can't live anymore, I can't live anymore..."

After witnessing her husband's tragic situation, Jiao Posi didn't have half of the courage she had before. Instead, she very wisely chose to surrender, crying and begging with runny nose and tears.

The village chief was panting. After all, he was old, and he had really beaten Changjiao Lin to death, which took a lot of effort.

His face, which looked like dry tree bark, was full of anger. He pointed at Jiao Posi and scolded her: "You two parents-in-law will have everything if you only gamble a few times!"

"I'll fight!"

The village chief raised a branch and hit Jiao Po Si on the back!

There was another burst of ghost crying and wolf howling, and another burst of tears from those who heard it.

Not only did the onlookers have no sympathy, but they laughed more happily than watching a monkey show. Li Zhan observed that many young villagers looked happy from the bottom of their hearts. When he thought about it, he couldn't laugh or cry - there must have been quite a few of them who had been severely beaten by Qi Gong!

After all, she was a woman. After beating her for a few times, the village chief stopped, threw away the branch, and said coldly, "Hurry up and call the pigeon back, pack it up, and load it into Director Liu's car!"

Changjiao Lin didn't care about licking his wounds anymore. He got up and ran into the house. He held up a bamboo with a small red flag tied to the top. He ran to the side and waved it vigorously. After a while, a group of pigeons swooped down excitedly. roof.

The village chief stared at Jiao Posi, sighed, and said earnestly, "It is a government regulation not to raise pigeons. If the army crashes the plane, it will hit the bird! For a little money, you are harming the lives of the soldiers. What you are harming is the soldiers." A plane worth hundreds of millions! Tell me, where did the money that the county gives you as compensation every year go? You dare to say that it was not your parents-in-law who lost it! You are also acting rogue with the government. Let me tell you, there will be a next time It’s not just a beating!”

Zhang Wei and others were dumbfounded by this change. Li Zhan knew something about it. Not only Jinghu Village, but also an area with strong clan values. In many villages, some people may not take laws and regulations seriously, but Never dare to go beyond the clan rules! The clan leader or the most senior elder in the clan has supreme authority! It is the truly supreme authority. Before liberation, he really had the power of life and death.

For example, now, a man who is several dozen years old is being beaten to death by the village chief in front of so many people like a mangy dog, and he doesn't dare to complain at all!

Deep-rooted clan ideas are at work.

Undoubtedly, the village chief of Jinghu Village is not only the village chief, but also the Seventh Duke with the highest clan status in the village.

Qi Gong wiped his hands with the hem of his clothes, took out a crumpled pack of Double Happiness from his coat pocket, handed the cigarette to Deputy Director Liu with a smile, bowed and said, "Director Liu eats cigarettes."

"Qi Gong, you're welcome, you're welcome." Deputy Director Liu took the cigarette. He didn't dare to take the director seriously. There were so many people in the village watching. If he didn't give Qi Gong face, he would really get into trouble. He and several It is definitely doubtful whether my colleagues can walk out of the village with all their hair and tail intact.

Qi Gong laughed and said, "Director Liu, I have educated these two little bastards. The principle of our party is to treat diseases and save people. See if the pigeons are confiscated and the people are forgotten."

It turns out that beating was not just a "family law."

Li Zhan couldn't help but laugh in a low voice, "Isn't this just a socialist beating?"

The update time is tentatively scheduled from 0:00 am to 1:00 am. We will report any changes later.

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