Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 267 Li Wanwan buys another house (additional update for Xinmeng tobacco and alcohol instruct

If you have money, you can really do whatever you want.

The young salesman stood at the door and waved to the butt of the brand new black Bobcat (V93) that had long since disappeared, sighing in his heart.

It only took two hours to pay with a card and go through the formalities at the traffic control office, buy insurance, tear off the film, get in the car and leave. Full payment, no discounts, no gift packs, nothing, no questions asked. He also said that he would go to the city center to check out the real estate while it was still dark, and see if he could implement both things today.

He could tell that the young couple were not pretending to be awesome, but they were really awesome...

He can't really fly a plane, can he?

When the young salesman thought that his commission would be doubled this month, he was so excited that he immediately called his girlfriend: "Ruhua, let's eat western food and drink red wine tonight and open a room to do some work!"

"Wow! You're so excited!"

Li Zhan was sitting in the passenger seat, holding the armrest on the window tightly with his right hand, and holding the forearm of his right hand with his left hand. He did not dare to touch the backrest with his back, staring at the busy traffic in front of him and breathing heavily.

"Comrade Xiaoying, you just got your driver's license. Drive slowly. We are not in a hurry. If you can't finish today, you can come back tomorrow. Drive slowly." Li Zhan said with a forced smile.

Ying Wanjun rolled her eyes and stared ahead nervously. She lowered her head and looked at the speed of the car - twenty-five kilometers per hour.

"Beep beep beep!"

An impatient driver behind him honked his horn, then stepped on the accelerator and overtook the car.

"You're exaggerating. I just got my driver's license and I'm not as nervous as you." Ying Wanjun almost held the steering wheel while driving. She was relatively short, so she stretched her head forward as straight as possible, just like this from the outside. It still looks like a driverless car inside. This car is too tall.

The corners of Li Zhan's mouth twitched and he said, "It's just because you got a driver's license that you have to drive more slowly. Why should I be nervous? I fly a fighter jet at thousands of kilometers per hour every minute!"

"Then I'll go deeper on the accelerator." Ying Wanjun said and stepped on the accelerator halfway.


The car sped forward suddenly, and Li Zhan almost peed his pants in fright.

Ying Wanjun laughed, "Hahahaha! You are afraid sometimes!"

"Just, the building in front is very good! It's really good!"

"The one in front? I'm afraid this area is very expensive. Why don't you go ahead and take a look."

"No, no, the one in front is pretty good. The one in a good location is more expensive, so you can get a mortgage."

"Okay, let's take a look at this first."

After getting out of the car, Li Zhan breathed a sigh of relief and his legs felt a little weak. He knew damn this real estate was pretty good, but he just couldn't bear the torture and found an excuse to ask Ying Wanjun to park the car.

Ying Wanjun asked with concern, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, what can I do?" Li Zhan pretended not to care.

Ying Wanjun asked doubtfully, "Didn't you ride in a car in the army? Why are you so scared? My skills are not that bad, right?"

"Yes, I didn't feel anything no matter how fast I drove in the army, but when I got back to the place and drove, I always felt like I had no peace of mind." Li Zhan was equally confused.

Ying Wanjun chuckled, "That's right. I told you that you were nervous, but you still didn't admit it."

Li Zhan was stunned and smiled awkwardly.

"What should I do if I go back? You can't push me back, right?" Ying Wanjun asked.

Li Zhan took a deep breath and said, "It's okay, I can overcome it, it doesn't matter, haha."

The sales lady had already come out to welcome me. She was a knowledgeable person and stood waiting with bright eyes. Anyone who doesn't know much about cars would definitely think that these two customers were driving a new model from Liuzhou Wuling for only 39,999. A car worth more than 400,000 yuan. Who can afford to spend more than 400,000 yuan to buy a car? If it’s not a BMW or Mercedes-Benz, then it’s an Audi. Who would buy such a square, stupid, big thing?

There is only one explanation, they are really rich.

Taking a down payment of over 100,000 yuan and paying off a mortgage of 5,000 to 6,000 yuan a month for a BMW 320Li will only serve to tease and flirt with ignorant girls. The quality of life will not be improved in any way. Instead, it may be reduced to a donkey dung egg - a glamorous appearance. It's full of shit.

"Sir, Miss, would you like to look at the house? We just have an event. Pay 50,000 to get 200,000. It's a very good deal. If you place a deposit today, you can enjoy an extra 5% off. After completing the contract, there will be a big draw and the first prize will be given. It’s a Haier large side-by-side refrigerator worth 15,000 yuan..."

The sales lady came up and gave a procedural introduction.

It was already getting late. Li Zhan smiled and greeted the sales lady, looked at the location of the property, discussed with Ying Wanjun and said, "This is the absolute city center, so this is the place."

"You have the final say." Ying Wanjun said nonchalantly. He was also a very nervous person.

She came from poverty and should be very sensitive to money, but the fact is that she has no concept of money when it comes to big things. Normally, she would feel distressed for a long time if she spent more than ten yuan to buy something, but after spending more than 400,000 yuan to buy a car, she didn't feel any distress at all.

Is it because it’s not money you earned?

It didn't seem right. She had already treated Li Zhan's money as her own, and she was not polite at all.

The sales lady said, "Sir, Miss, come in and take a look. Look at the plan first and then the model house. Our community is the best new community in the city, and they are all multi-story, garden-style communities with the highest greening rate in the city. There are parking spaces on the ground floor, and if you prefer the first floor, there are also parking spaces in the front and rear small gardens.”

"Sounds good." Li Zhan asked Wanjun in a consultative manner, "Look at the community directly?"


The sales lady is so excited. It seems she made the right choice to work overtime tonight. Based on her personal experience, she judged that customers who are generally chatty rarely get deals, while those who speak concisely and directly to the core can usually get deals.

Affected by the economic crisis, the property market is in a downturn. At this time, housing prices in Nangang City have not yet taken off. All aspects of the new community are still relatively good, because they are all very good. If you want to sell well, you have to be better. This community called Nanyuan Wenyuan is located in the most prosperous seaside area. It is surrounded by family areas of government agencies, enterprises and institutions, and the living facilities nearby are the most mature. A few steps ahead from the community is a green space as big as a standard football field, and a few dozen meters further ahead is the sea view promenade.

In a few years, let alone multi-storey buildings in this area, even high-rise buildings will basically be built next to each other.

Don’t even think about a garden-style community.

Li Zhan and his wife caught up with the good times. The most important thing was that they parked well and happened to park at point G of local housing prices. Fortunately, Li Zhan was so scared that he insisted on getting out of the car, otherwise he would have missed this market trend.

It is really a garden, with birds singing and flowers fragrant. The highest one is nine floors, with seven and eight floors. The distance between the buildings is very large, and the connecting points are either green spaces or small gardens.

The sales lady said, "In a garden-style community, we invested a lot of money just to build this garden. There are views in front of and behind the building. Our standard is that no matter where the owner stands in the community, what he sees is beautiful. It’s a complete scene.”

Li Zhan was very satisfied, nodded frequently, and noticed a row of more than a dozen three-story Western-style buildings over there, and asked, "Is that a villa?"

"Yes, we are the only ones in the urban area who can build villas. The cities in other places will no longer approve it. One less unit is sold, so it is very scarce." The sales lady said, smiling, "The price is also Relatively high.”

Li Zhan asked, "How much?"

The sales lady said, "The townhouse is more than 5,000, and the single-family house is almost 7,000. Mr. Li, I suggest you choose Building 6, which has nine floors. The apartment type is very suitable for newlyweds. It is more than 120 square meters, standard. With three bedrooms and two living rooms, the loan repayment pressure is not high, and the average price can be obtained after the activity is more than 4,000, and the total price is about 500,000."

What she said was sincere. Don't Li Zhan and Ying Wanjun look like a young couple who have just been married, or are planning to get married, buy a house or something as a new residence, which is in line with the way of driving for more than 400,000 stupid and rough people.

In fact, spending money that can buy multiple houses to buy a stupid and thick Bobcat is just a stupid couple in the eyes of the sales lady.

In her opinion, buying a house for 500,000 yuan is almost within the reach of people at the top income level of the city. There are not many real estates in the urban area, and the total price of three to four hundred thousand is considered high. The reason why few people are interested in Nanyuan Wenyuan is precisely because the price is too high. If local people have the financial resources to buy a house worth 500,000 yuan, they will choose to buy a piece of land and build it themselves. A five-story building, including the land price, decoration, furniture and appliances, only costs 100,000 yuan.

Li Zhan has no idea of ​​buying land. He has traveled all over the world to make his home. That small box is his permanent home. Buying a house or something is just to save something to leave something for future generations. On the other hand, it was because of Ying Wanjun. There are no variables in the matter between him and Ying Wanjun. He can't just care about himself. Since he will form a family in the future, it is his natural responsibility as a man to create better conditions for the family.

Isn't it just money?

As long as he can fly, he won't worry about money.

This is true for everyone. As long as they can still do it, there is hope for everything.

Li Zhan and Ying Wanjun looked at each other and asked, "How is the area of ​​the villa calculated?"

"In terms of building area, the front and rear gardens and parking spaces are included. The two parking spaces for single-family villas are unique in this city. The area of ​​single-family villas is more than 300 to 400, and the townhouses are smaller, more than 200." Miss Lou introduced.

Li Zhan thought thoughtfully, "A single-family house costs two million... This is a bit beyond the budget."

The sales lady was moved and said quickly, "Mr. Li, if you really want to buy a villa, the price can be negotiated, and you will also enjoy the discount. It doesn't cost more than 2 million."

Ying Wanjun frowned and said to Li Zhan, "Should we calm down?"

After waving his hand, Li Zhan walked towards the villa area with its own garden. Ying Wanjun followed and heard Li Zhan say, "I'm thinking of buying a single-family villa and moving the whole family here. That girl is right. The villas are sold in small quantities, and you may not be able to buy them if you have money in the future."

Ying Wanjun felt a little dizzy. Even if you want to buy, you can't say that in front of the sales lady. Isn't this Song Dandan asking the sales lady to increase the price in private customization?

Li Zhan, an honest and honest man, and a super ace combat pilot with such a moral character, do not lie. He turns on the switch to energize the missile and then does it. It is not his style to be long-winded.

"Mr. Li, you are absolutely right. It is true that one unit is sold for less than one unit. This is definitely not a joke. The city has not approved multi-story buildings for a long time. Our community was built early before we caught up with good policies. Look, The community is almost done, and it will be completed in three to five months after the finishing touches. We are the existing building. After completing the formalities, you can go directly to the site for decoration. After the smell is almost gone, the various facilities in the community will also be completed. Everything is fully built." The sales lady was so excited that she said rapidly.

Ying Wanjun said coldly, "If it's so good, why hasn't it been sold out for so many years?"

"Haha, ours is a high-end living community, and the price is a bit high." The sales lady is also thick-skinned and is not embarrassed at all.

Ying Wanjun asked, "How many single-family villas do you have left?"

Li Zhan looked over with sharp eyes.

"Uh, they're all still there..." The sales lady didn't dare to tell lies.

"Let's go, the price here is too low." Ying Wanjun said.

Li Zhan and Ying Wanjun turned and left.

The sales lady rushed forward and grabbed Li Zhan's arm, "Mr. Li, Mr. Li, please stay, please stay. Let's take a look at the house first. Let's take a look first. The price is negotiable. If you sincerely want it, we can negotiate."

"How to talk?" Ying Wanjun asked coldly.

Despite his petite stature and young age, children who have become masters early have a powerful aura.

The sales lady smiled and said, "If you want a single-family villa, I will apply to the manager for a special price. I will definitely satisfy you. Miss Ying, let's take a look at the house first. It's really nice. We use a lot of materials and the layout is great." It’s very good, the Feng Shui is done by a master, and it can help the male owner to make money.”

"Oh?" Li Zhan said, "Well, let's take a look?"

"Then let's take a look first."

The double act was very successful and successfully pushed the entire negotiation to a new stage.

To be fair, the average price of Xiangjiang Garden in Xi County that Li Zhan bought last year was almost 4,000. The price of Nanyuan Wenyuan in the city center is really not expensive. But for villas, given the area, the total price is outrageous.

Four thousand yuan was considered a high salary in Nangang in early 2011, but two million was an unimaginable huge sum of money. Looking at this region, how many private enterprise factories have annual profits exceeding one million? Don’t forget, the legacy of the 2008 global economic crisis still exists. Look at the export-oriented companies that are wailing everywhere, and then look at the large number of unemployed people who have returned to their hometowns for re-employment...

Li Zhan liked the word number 37, so he went directly to Villa No. 37 and was very satisfied after walking around. One of Ying Wanjun's elective courses was about materials and technology. Although it was about architecture, there were some similarities. She found that the sales lady was not lying. The materials used were very kind and the workmanship was exquisite. In fact, the building thing is framed, and the rest is mainly about standards and workmanship. All single-family villas have undergone basic decoration. It can be seen that the construction workers are very attentive, and everything is reflected in the details.

In fact, they don't know that if the developers hadn't been in a difficult situation and were anxious to withdraw funds, the houses here would have to be increased by more than a thousand, let alone such a large discount.

The young couple came here.

Li Zhan looked at the single-family villa but sighed in his heart. The money he earned was still too little. If he didn't go out for a walk, he wouldn't know how big the world is and how poor he was. After flying for more than 700 hours last year and racking up more than 600,000 in rod fees, he thought he was rich. Now I can barely make a down payment with the remaining money.

"Mr. Li, Miss Ying, let me calculate for you. This villa is 370 square meters. It only counts the area of ​​the first and second floors. The upper half floor is all given away, and the front and rear gardens and double parking spaces are all given away. According to the Seven thousand for you, the total price is 2.59 million, plus the promotion of paying 50,000 to get 200,000, that’s... 2.44 million. If you place a deposit today, you can also enjoy an additional 50% off. , the total is 2.33 million, which is a discount of 260,000. It’s really a good deal to buy a villa for less than 2.4 million.”

The sales lady pretended to smile calmly and said, but every time she said words like two or three million, she felt very unsure. How much should it be?

"If you take out a mortgage, you can get it with a down payment of about 700,000 yuan. A large villa with an area of ​​180 square meters per floor is bigger than the traitor Cheng's mountain villa. You only need 700,000 yuan to own it."

"The loan is 1.6 million, and the repayment pressure is very high." Ying Wanjun quickly calculated and said with a frown.

The provident fund will definitely not be able to borrow so much, and the house loan is being repaid over there. According to the current mortgage interest rate, the average monthly repayment for a thirty-year mortgage is eight to nine thousand yuan.

Ying Wanjun said decisively, "Forget it, just buy an ordinary house."

The sales lady was a little disappointed, but as long as you buy it, no matter which one you buy, it will be a performance, and not everyone can get the villa commission.

But Li Zhan said, "Girl, the price you quoted is very good. The sky is about to get dark, so be honest."

"Mr. Li, if you are sincere in buying it, I can apply for another special discount from the manager. It should be no problem to save tens of thousands of yuan."

Li Zhan said, "The price is two million, and we will initial the agreement and pay the deposit."

"Two million? Mr. Li, you really know how to joke..."

"Then let's do this for now." Li Zhan and Ying Wanjun walked out. They were both resolute and resolute people, and when they said they were leaving, they were really walking like a meteor.

The sales lady wants to lock the door or something, and once she falls behind, she can't catch up.

The two of them went to the parking place. Ying Wanjun said, "It is better to use so much money to buy a few ordinary houses. It can be considered as investment or asset preservation. It has advantages over a villa. Such a large villa can be rented out." It’s not easy to rent.”

"It makes sense. I didn't take these aspects into consideration, but for things like a house, you just need to live happily." Li Zhan said with a smile.

Ying Wanjun said, "There's no need to buy such a big one. There are six rooms on the second floor, just like a hotel. It's not easy to clean."

"Who lives in such a big villa and does their own hygiene?" Li Zhan said.

Ying Wanjun said, "Do you think your parents will hire someone to do hygiene?"

"That's true."

Li Zhan also figured it out and said, "Yes, you are right, a big villa is not necessarily a good thing. This is not sour grapes. The main reason is that there are only a few days at home all year round. It is indeed too spacious for the two elders to live in, but there is no old community. The family in the neighborhood lacks the sense of life.”


"Mr. Li! Mr. Li! Are you Mr. Li?"

A middle-aged man rushed over, smiling so hard that the corners of his mouth were splitting to the base of his ears. He held Li Zhan's hand with both hands and shook it enthusiastically, "Mr. Li, I am the vice president of Nanyuan Company, mainly responsible for sales. This community is the first project of our Nanyuan Company. It is a sincere work dedicated to the people of Nangang City. Especially the villa area, everything from design to materials is carefully selected, and from sales to property services, Everything is done by our company. In terms of property management, our Nanyuan Company is well-known..."

"I'm sorry to interrupt you." Li Zhan coughed, "If you have anything to say, just say it."

The vice president said with a smile, "Mr. Li, you have seen Building No. 37. As soon as I received the call, I immediately asked the general manager for instructions and got you a special general manager price of 1.99 million!"

"Ah?" Ying Wanjun was stunned for a moment.

Li Zhan's smile also stiffened.

The scene of a large-scale pretense failure.

Li Zhan and Ying Wanjun were in trouble.

Still having the thick skin to fly a fighter jet, Li Zhan recovered and said, "I'm sorry, we just discussed it and decided that spending two million to buy a big house is not worth it. The main reason is that the repayment pressure is relatively high..."

"Mr. Li, please give me a price!" the vice president suddenly asked in a loud voice.

Li Zhan was stunned. What kind of situation is this? Can we still bargain?


The vice president said seriously, "Mr. Li, you should have noticed that there is a dedicated vehicle entrance and exit at the back, because the land in Building 30 is independent and has a separate title. In other words, you spend 1.99 million Not only did I buy a large villa, but I also bought the best piece of land in the Nanyuan Wenyuan Garden Community. It’s truly great value for money!”


Ying Wanjun said quickly, "It's too expensive. Mr. Vice President, the price is still too high. We can't afford it. I'm sorry!"

The vice president gritted his teeth and said when Li Zhan and Li Zhan were about to get in the car, "Mr. Li, please stay!"

He walked up to Li Zhan aggressively and said through gritted teeth, "I'll give you another 100,000 yuan off, 1,890,000 yuan! The price is a loss!"

The average price is 5,100 yuan for garden villas with land in the city center. Even in 2011, this was a steal. If it hadn't been for the economic downturn, which has made life difficult for rich people, it would never have been this price. There's something weird about it. He's so eager to throw it out. Is there any other dispute?

Li Zhan frowned and thought about how to deal with it.

The vice president suddenly frowned and sighed, "Mr. Li, I will tell you the truth. I have this house in my hands. I made a reservation when the first phase of the house opened in 2007. Now I have an emergency and need money, so I decided to Those who are anxious to cash out...the house procedures are no problem at all!”

This can explain that individuals within the real estate company wait for the price to go up and resell it to easily earn 200,000 to 300,000 yuan. But no one knew that in the economic crisis of 2008, everyone would die. If the vice president doesn't cash out the house quickly, the bank will take it away.

Li Zhan captured a lot of key information. For example, the first phase of this community was launched in 2007, which was early enough. After recalling the house prices at that time, Li Zhan was tempted again.

He said, "One million and eight hundred thousand, if it works, the contract will be signed and transferred tomorrow."

"kill you!"

PS: Two chapters combined into one chapter, today has been updated with 10,000 words. The crowdfunding for the Silver Alliance was completed a few days ago. It was not easy, but it was not as difficult as expected. The brothers have done the modification training very quickly. Now they are just waiting for the big recommendation to shoot this air-to-surface missile, hoping for the best. publicity effect. In the past few days, two new league leaders have emerged, the Tobacco and Alcohol Instructor and the Iron-Blooded Banner Captain. They are both veterans of the gun regiment. There are also the 50,000 starting coin draw fee for the old alliance leader's apple tree under the dome, the old leader's glorious day when he became a double leader, and many other new players' continuous draw fees. I won't mention them later. I will open a separate chapter later. Let’s talk about the year-end summary. Will continue to update tomorrow.

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