Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 278 Eagle Head is heavily in debt

By doing this, the Falcon Brigade seems to have castrated away its administrative functions, but in fact it contains more powerful energy. From another perspective, isn't Li Zhan's idea based on the basic points of teaching the brigade?

He envisioned that the Falcon Brigade would not only become a grindstone, but also a talent output unit.

It can be seen that Li Zhan barely possesses the ideological structure of a battalion-level captain.

I don’t know why, ever since the chicken that shocked the common people to death, Li Zhan felt that the eagle head on the vertical tail of the fighter plane looked like a chicken head every time.

Miao Yu still has a sense of proportion. If he really paints the chicken head, Li Zhan will really hit him on the head with the landing gear.

The psychological shadow is there anyway. Every time I eat chicken or see chicken or talk about chicken, I will think of that ridiculous chicken shaking incident.

After the chicken shaking incident, the army listed the thirty-kilometer radius of Sanshili Town as a restricted flight area, mainly prohibiting low-altitude supersonic aircraft. This rule is aimed at Li Zhan, because he is the only one who has done this.

Sitting on the commuter bus, Li Zhan withdrew his eyes from the vertical tail of the SU-27SK and looked at the top of the mountain of the old second tower. The construction of the tactical intelligence exchange center was progressing rapidly and had taken shape. As long as the money is available, he can do anything quickly, but Li Zhan has no way to express the pain in his heart.

Zhang Te, director of the Tactical Intelligence Interaction Center, just reported that some interesting situations had been discovered and Captain Li was required to come and give instructions in person.

Li Zhan rushed over immediately.

The Beikku Tactical Intelligence Center was also included in the 101st Brigade and was built as part of the Beikku War Training Base. There is no affiliation with the Falcon Brigade, but the center's pilot construction project was incorporated into the responsibility of the "228" project research group, so Li Zhan became the boss.

The tone of Zhang Te's phone report was very strange. It didn't sound like it was a bad thing and he didn't sound happy, which made Li Zhan even more curious.

The original second tower was transformed into the control duty center of the Tactical Intelligence Interaction Center. Li Zhan quickly arrived at the duty center neatly filled with various electronic terminals. Zhang Te immediately invited him to the electronic detection room. He handed over a translated message and reported in a strange tone, "Captain, we have detected some strange signals. This is the deciphered content."

Li Zhan quickly glanced at the telegram and asked, "Where is the original text?"

Zhang Te held another piece of paper over.

Li Zhan didn't answer, glanced at it and said, "Morse code? Infernal Affairs?"

In 2002, "Infernal Affairs" was released, and today it is regarded as the final peak of Hong Kong police and gangster films.

"We were doing operational tests and captured these signals. It was very strange. I asked the No. 7 detection station to verify it. It was indeed Morse code. The encryption rules are very simple. It is at the beginner level. Could it be the communication of radio amateurs? Where's the signal?" Zhang Te asked.

The content of the communication is simple.

Where are you?

I'm at XXX position.

Okay, I'll be there right away.

It’s more common than saying hello to your neighbors and asking if you’ve eaten.

Li Zhan frowned, "Radio enthusiast? Where is the location? Can you confirm the location?"

Zhang Te smiled and said, "They reported their positions themselves, but I still detected their specific positions through three dimensions, so I treated them as practice. Captain, look, there are two places."

He took a paper map of the Beikushan Mountain Area and marked two locations with a pencil.

Li Zhan looked at it and frowned, "Deep in the mountains and valleys, where would radio enthusiasts go?"

"So I find it strange that their communication frequency is a civilian frequency band, which can rule out the possibility of using military standard communication equipment." Zhang Te said.

Li Zhan said, "But that doesn't mean he is a good person. What are good people doing in the mountains and forests? Keep listening."

"Captain, they have to communicate so I can listen. The signal has disappeared." Zhang Te said with his hands spread.

After thinking for a moment, Li Zhan immediately picked up the phone and dialed the brigade duty room to report the situation, and immediately sent Pei Lei to send the interception report. The duty room reported to the duty leader as soon as possible, and the duty leader ordered to stay attentive and wait for orders.

"Captain, could he be a spy?" Zhang Te used his imagination.

Li Zhan smiled and shook his head and said, "Infernal Affairs must be silly, generally not. The Beikushan Mountain Area is deserted, and the border to the north is a key control area, so it is not easy for bad guys to sneak in."

"Who could that be?" Zhang Te's strength lies in technology, he doesn't know much about combat, and he doesn't understand the specific conditions deep in the Beiku Mountain area.

Li Zhan guessed, "80% of them are self-righteous criminal suspects who were chased by the police and fled into the mountains. They are planning to flee the country in this direction."

"That's also very interesting." Zhang Te smiled.

Li Zhan asked hehe, "Doing technology is boring, isn't it? Let's combine work and rest. The indoor sports ground at the station has been renovated. Basketball, badminton, table tennis, etc. can be played. The lighting is very good, so we can still play at night."

"It's not about sports." Zhang Te said, "It's mainly because the first phase of construction is already done, and I want to do some actual training to test the effect of the system."

Li Zhan nodded slightly and asked, "What capabilities can be achieved after the first phase is put into use?"

"The fighter aircraft can only be connected to the system after corresponding communication modifications." Zhang Te said, "In the early stage, it was mainly about real-time weather data. We connected to all the meteorological stations in the Beiku area, as well as the national meteorological stations, provincial meteorological stations and other units. Real-time monitoring of data. Deputy Station Director Zhang Yuan made an analysis model. After the data is filled in, the analysis results will be automatically generated and pushed to the pilots in real time for reference. On the other hand is tactical intelligence. We receive all fixed radar stations in the Beiku area. After entering, their detection results will be synchronized into the system, and we will display them on the pilot's terminal in real time after processing. The third function is the most critical communication. We use Beidou satellite communication, which has a wider range of applications, but It’s still relatively rough at the moment. Mainly these features.”

Li Zhan asked, "Can the pilot see his specific location?"

"Yes, as long as they do not leave the Beikou area, the pilots can know their specific location in real time with very small errors. We use dual positioning based on ground three-dimensional radar and satellites. However, the effect is greatly reduced outside the Beikou area. " Zhang Te said.

There are enough radar stations only in the Beiku area.

Li Zhan asked again, "Can it be connected to the mobile radar unit?"

Zhang Te shook his head awkwardly, "It's not possible yet."

If it can be connected to a mobile radar station, it will be a joint intelligence chain among the three services. Li Zhan thought a little too far. The 300 Division has been working on it for several years, and it is still just a small data link system belonging to the division.

Li Zhan said, "It's great to be able to do this in such a short time. Keep working hard."

"Yes!" Zhang Te changed the subject and said, "However, Captain, you have to push for this construction fund. This system is very expensive to operate. The unplanned startup time loss of the radar station will be borne by us. Go up. They don’t have the funding.”

Li Zhan almost jumped up, "Holy crap! Why do I have to pay them wages?"

"Then you need to report this situation to your superiors. Everyone is here for work." Zhang Te said helplessly.

Except for early warning radars, other radars at many radar stations are not turned on at ordinary times. Turning on the computer is money, and the money goes out in a hurry, and the life of the equipment is quickly reduced. There are requirements for the use of equipment. If something breaks, you have to repair it. You have to maintain it. What if you exceed the quota?

In the final analysis, it is a system problem.

As an information distribution center, the Beiku Tactical Intelligence Interaction Center has made a preliminary integration of the resources of the relevant parties, but in essence, everyone still works alone. To put it bluntly, they are sharing information with you simultaneously. For this reason, the funds required to activate a certain type of radar will naturally be solved by you.

If there is a unified higher-level leadership organization, these problems can be easily solved.

This issue is very important, and Li Zhan cannot leave the problem to future generations.

"I understand the situation. Please submit a detailed report as soon as possible. I will study it first and see how to solve it." Li Zhan had no choice but to agree even if he didn't agree.

Only then did Zhang Te become happy, "Yes! Captain, don't worry, I will make the report beautiful."

Others say that the subtext of "research and study" is to reject you politely, but Zhang Te knows that when the captain says "research and study", he really means "research and find a solution". Anyone who works with such a reliable superior will be very motivated.

"I can see that the reason you called me here is to get funds." Li Zhan shook his head helplessly.

Zhang Te smiled awkwardly and said, "The radio signal is indeed very strange. What kind of criminal suspect would communicate in this way? Using a wireless communication terminal to communicate in Morse code by tapping the sound, copying the method of the movie, I think he likes police movies And a camping enthusiast who has studied radio.”

"Your guess is also possible." Li Zhan said.

With the rapid development of local economy, more and more people's leisure styles are changing. In the past, gathering for dinner and singing songs was enough, but gradually, if I don't look for something exciting to do, my restless heart will have nowhere to rest. If you can't do anything illegal, then go deep into the mountains and forests, take risks and explore, and practice your survival skills in the wild so that when the Yankees come in, you can go into the mountains to fight guerrillas to defend your country or be a better leader.

However, Zhang Te did not understand the situation in the Beikku area, especially in the Beikku mountainous area. It can be said that those who go to the Beikushan Mountain Area are either desperate people or people seeking death. That area has nothing to do with being a good place for leisure. Even the Beiku Scenic Area has only developed a small area at the foothills of the mountain range. After it was opened to traffic, some tourists traveled thousands of miles to visit it in the summer.

Li Zhan suddenly frowned and asked, "Since we can detect radio signals, does that mean we have electronic warfare capabilities? Electronic interference or something like that."

"Of course." Zhang Te said, "That is the key aspect to be built in the third phase. To be precise, it is information warfare capabilities, not just electronic countermeasures and jamming. But in the short term, we can only do simple interception. Interception and analysis skills are not enough.”

Li Zhan was thoughtful, and the impression of a comprehensive command and control electronic intelligence operations center immediately emerged in his mind. All combat units, from bombers to individual soldiers and even small drones, are integrated into a combat system. Each combat unit can carry out certain synchronized tactical actions at a time node with extremely small errors. The aircraft in the sky know the real-time situation of small battles on the ground. The ground troops know which direction the aircraft in the sky are coming from, what ammunition they are using, and even the arrival time accurate to seconds. The commanders of each combat unit can formulate combat plans accurate to seconds. The commander even You can know what each soldier is doing and preparing to do...

This is the real system combat!

"Go ahead, go ahead and do it boldly. It will be worth it no matter how much you spend. I will find a way to fund it!" Li Zhan was stimulated by the magnificent and devastating scene he imagined, and he said firmly to Zhang Te.

If the enemy has such systematic combat capabilities, he will be the one to be blown away by the strong wind. Thinking about it from another angle, Li Zhan succeeded in frightening himself. He made up his mind to speed up the pilot construction of the tactical intelligence exchange center even if he begged his grandfather to sue his grandmother.

This thing is simply the afterburner of a fighter jet, and it’s super afterburner.

After chatting for a while, the call from the duty room came.

Li Zhan answered the conversation for a while, then put down the phone and said, "As expected, they are criminal suspects who have absconded into the mountains. They are highly intelligent criminals. The police have been chasing them for a long time, and you were able to find their location."

"He is really a criminal suspect!" Zhang Te was quite surprised.

Li Zhan said, "At least you have to give the relevant personnel a third-class merit. That's right. Who discovered it?"

Zhang Te pointed to the lieutenant sitting there wearing a headset and said to Li Zhan, "This young man just graduated from the Communications College and is very skilled."

"Hand over the merit report later." Li Zhan said simply.

Zhang Te was overjoyed, then hesitated and said, "Captain, the location we determined was more than half an hour ago. Will the police miss it?"

Li Zhan said, "The armed police are also very powerful now. They have helicopters. Besides, they can run anywhere in more than half an hour. Once they find someone, they can't run away. You continue to pay attention. Once the direction is detected, they will immediately Report it to the duty room, and they will report it directly to the police."

"For now, I still have a chance to fly."

Li Zhan felt relieved after leaving the Tactical Intelligence Interaction Center, and the pressure of having no money to pay off his debts as the Chinese New Year was approaching was gone. He secretly vowed not to run here if nothing happened, otherwise he would end up with tens of millions or hundreds of millions in debt.

One of the three major subjects of the "228" project has not been completed. Subjects 4-3 are very expensive and require a lot of ammunition. All of these must be spent from the project funds. Time was tight, tasks were heavy, and funds were tight. Li Zhan was already feeling a lot of pressure. Now that the Beiku Tactical Intelligence Interaction Center was asking for money, he was really confused.

It’s a headache just thinking about it.

Can you urge us to review the funding catalog of the National Defense Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense? Or shamelessly file a report and apply to your superiors? Or maybe talk to the local tycoon Master Sanbai Brother to get some sponsorship?

I can't think of a reason for the moment, so I won't think about it.

We have to fly Cobra in the afternoon and take a good rest after lunch. This is what we need to do right now.

I have something to do during the day tomorrow, maybe the next chapter will be in the evening.

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