Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 288 How much is the lever fee for Jian Zhenba? (Additional update for the new alliance’s sou

After drinking hot water and wrapping himself in a replica military coat, Li Zhan finally found some warmth.

Mi Su, who was sitting on his right, suddenly picked up his right leg, which frightened him and asked quickly, "Comrade, what do you want to do?"

Mi Su said, "Isn't your right foot sprained? Let me help you deal with it."

Li Zhan quickly put down his legs, waved his hands and said, "No, it's not a big problem."

"Don't worry, I know how to deal with sprains." Mi Su said, taking off her hood and the scarf covering her head and face, as if she was traveling lightly.

Wow, she is still a pure beauty. Li Zhan was stunned for a second.

"Susu, if comrades from the People's Liberation Army say it's okay, it's okay. Don't mess around." Jiang Hai said.

Ma Hao echoed, "Your half-baked skills may make the injuries of comrades in the People's Liberation Army more and more serious."

"What did you say?" Mi Su kicked behind the driver's seat, startling Li Zhan.

He is still a green pepper with a pure appearance but a fiery heart.

Li Zhan smiled and said, "I'm fine, just a minor injury."

"Brother of the People's Liberation Army, you really can't underestimate your sprained feet. Blood circulation is slow when it's so cold. If bruises accumulate and blood accumulates, it may become necrotic. Trust me, let me help you deal with it." Mi Su said seriously. explain.

Li Zhan's ability to survive in the wild was hundreds of times stronger than theirs combined. Of course he knew what was going on, but he couldn't let a female comrade help him deal with his injuries.

"Come on, a soldier is still so pretentious, take it off," Mi Su said.

"Okay, I'll take it off. I'll cause trouble for you." Li Zhan took off his right flying boot from Shan Ruliu.

Mi Su was indeed very skilled. She took out the medicine box from the trunk, opened it and took out the medicines she needed. She wrapped a snowball in gauze and came back. She looked at Li Zhan's right ankle and saw that it was quite swollen. After carefully squeezing it around, he said, "The bones are fine."

Li Zhan believed that she really understood.

Mi Su first used snowballs to reduce swelling on the injured area. It took more than half an hour. She didn't care that the water from the melted snowballs wetted her pants. Finally, she sprayed the swelling evenly with anti-swelling spray and said, "That's it." , 24 hours a day and then rub it with Bone-setting Water or Tiedajiu for 30 minutes and it will basically be fine.”

"Thank you." Li Zhan thanked him and was about to pull out his leg, but Mi Su held him down. Then she helped Li Zhan put on his socks, very carefully.

Li Zhan was stunned. He looked at Mi Su's beautiful profile, and then at Jiang Hai and Ma Hao, who were lying on the back of their chairs and watching. For some reason, two streams of hot tears welled up from Li Zhan's eyes, and his nose felt sore. no.

Isn’t it just because they are wearing air force flight suits? Isn’t it just because they are soldiers? Isn’t it because they know that they are silently guarding the sky of the motherland and the tranquility of the people?

In that moment, Li Zhan was completely relieved. No matter how unfair it was, it was worth it. Everything he and his comrades had done was worth it. Even if he sacrificed his life in the skirmish aerial combat drill today, it was worth it.

Today's young people are really not as indifferent as some people think. You can see that Mi Su is very enthusiastic and makes people feel warm, the kind of warmth that comes from being tightly wrapped and surrounded by layers of people in the cold weather.

"Yes, what's wrong with your car?" Li Zhan asked after rubbing his face vigorously to recover.

"It broke down, but rescue has been called," Ma Hao said.

Jiang Hai said, "If it hadn't broken down, would it have stopped in the middle of the road? Ma Hao, I've told you many times that men must be concise in their speeches if they want to show depth. Never use two sentences for things that can be explained clearly in one sentence. To describe, you must find the key points in your speech..."

"Yes, open the engine hood and let me take a look." Li Zhan said with a smile and put on his white labor protection gloves.

"Can you repair cars?" Mi Su asked in surprise.

Li Zhan said, "I know a little bit about all machines, and airplanes are also machines."

After saying that, he pushed the door open and got out of the car, walking to the engine compartment. Ma Hao also got out of the car and fiddled with the buckle of the engine hood for a long time but couldn't open it. Li Zhan signaled him to get out of the way, opened it after a few clicks, checked it quickly, tightened the loose battery cable, and signaled Ma Hao to start the engine.

Ma Hao quickly returned to the car, turned the key, and the gasoline engine started.

Li Zhan immediately shocked the three of them.

Back in the car, Li Zhan said, "You found out after parking the car that you couldn't hit the car, right?"

"Yes, yes." Ma Hao was stunned.

Li Zhan was speechless, "It's just that the battery cable connector is loose, tighten it and it'll be fine."

The engine started and the car's air-conditioning system started to work, slowly sending out heating to dispel the chill in the car. Li Zhan was puzzled. He couldn't even find such a simple glitch, yet he had the guts to cross no man's land.

Seeing Li Zhan taking off his coat, Mi Su asked, "Brother from the People's Liberation Army, what are you doing?"

"Oh, there's nothing wrong with your car. Let's go before the blizzard comes. There's a shelter about fifty kilometers ahead. You can rest there and wait for the blizzard to pass." Li Zhan said.

"What about you?" Misu asked.

Li Zhan put his coat on the seat and said, "I'll wait for the troops to arrive. My plane is still here. Yes, you guys will go around it in a while and don't get within a hundred meters of the plane."

"How can that be okay? What will you do when a snowstorm comes? You have nothing." Mi Su said.

Ma Hao also came to his senses and said quickly, "Yes, comrade of the People's Liberation Army, what should you do? Why don't you go to the shelter with us and come back after the snowstorm has passed."

"I can't leave here, please leave quickly. Thank you for your help, this lesbian, thank you for your help." Li Zhan got out of the car, saluted them with a military salute, and closed the door.

The three people in the car were silent.

Jiang Hai looked down at the satellite phone and said, "I just asked the observatory. The snowstorm will be very serious. It is very dangerous to stay outside. The vehicle may also be covered with heavy snow, and may be blown over by strong winds."

"Teacher Jiang, are you going to abandon him?" Mi Su asked with a frown.

Jiang Hai said, "He said someone from their army would come."

"The rescue you called for has not arrived yet. In this weather, is it God who serves as a soldier?" Misu asked.

Ma Hao said, "Soldiers are really amazing."

Misu said, "That's because you're stupid! Shut up!"

Ma Hao quickly shut up.

Jiang Hai shrugged and said, "You make up your mind."

Mi Su picked up her military coat and got out of the car. Looking around, she found Li Zhan standing on the side of the road, still maintaining his military posture in such a heavy snowstorm. Mi Su ran over and put the coat on Li Zhan's shoulders and ordered, "Put it on."

Li Zhan waited for Mi Su to stop and said while putting on his coat, "You don't take money with you for flying, comrade. Leave me an account number and tell me the price of the coat. I will transfer the money to you when I return to the army."

"Get in the car." Misu said.

Li Zhan shook his head resolutely and said, "You guys should get out of here quickly. The intensity of this snowstorm is very strong. It's not safe anywhere except the shelter."

"What about you? Do you have to wait here?" Mi Su didn't understand this mentality of waiting to die.

Li Zhan pointed at SU-27SK No. 01, which he could not see clearly, and said, "My plane is there, and I can't leave here."

"Didn't you say that the blizzard will be very big? Can you keep your plane here?" Mi Su asked with her eyes wide open in confusion, "Comrade of the People's Liberation Army, I understand your spirit but I can't understand your thoughts. I know clearly. It’s dangerous to stay here. Why do you have to stay? Can’t you wait until the storm passes before coming back?”

Li Zhan shook his head and said, "Comrade, I can't leave. This is discipline. Please leave as soon as possible."

The No. 01 SU-27SK carries live ammunition under the wing, and it is a live ammunition that has entered working condition. It may self-destruct at a certain time, or it may be launched at a certain time. In short, it is very dangerous. Li Zhan didn't know if there would be vehicles passing by behind, so he had to stay here to give a warning.

But these cannot be told to unrelated people, especially ordinary people.

Li Zhan suddenly thought of something and asked, "Do you have a screwdriver in your car? A flat-blade screwdriver."

"...Yes, what do you want to do?" Mi Su said.

Li Zhan walked towards the Wrangler and said, "Please lend it to me."

Mi Su didn't know what Li Zhan was going to do, so she got into the car and took out the tool box and handed it to Li Zhan. Li Zhan found a flat-blade screwdriver and pliers and warned the three of them, "Don't get close to the plane before I send the signal. I will If you flash your flashlight three times, it means you can pass, and you can go around the plane and go to the safe haven.”

"You come with us." Mi Su said with pleading in her tone.

Li Zhan smiled and said, "Girl, I appreciate your kindness. Thank you. I wish you all the best. Goodbye."

He limped towards the fighter plane.

The PL-8D combat missile cannot be disassembled, but he can try to screw on the safety. Li Zhan couldn't guarantee whether it would be possible without special tools. He had just thought that if a car came from the opposite direction and a combat missile hit it, the consequences would be disastrous.

The missile must be released from combat status as soon as possible.

His concerns were unnecessary. After the weather station issued a blizzard warning, all vehicles planning to drive on Highway 4 were delayed, and all vehicles traveling on Highway 4 also sought shelter from the wind.

For more than half an hour, the wind and snow became stronger and stronger. Li Zhan's hands wearing white labor protection gloves were almost numb from the cold, and he finally locked the fuses of the two missiles. As long as the fuze is not working, there is no danger of the missile exploding.

After doing this, Li Zhan could hardly stand still and leaned on the rear landing gear to catch his breath.

He took out the small flashlight on his body and flashed it three times backwards. Not long after, the red Wrangler came over, stopped and hesitated for a long time before going around the fighter plane and driving forward.

Li Zhan breathed a heavy sigh of relief, walked down the road, found a depression about three meters deep, sat down, and began to wait endlessly. Helicopters will definitely be unable to reach such a large snowstorm, and the ground team may not be able to arrive before the snowstorm arrives.

He was mentally prepared to weather the storm.

However, Li Zhan underestimated the determination of the troops. When the outside of the blizzard came over, a Mi-171 helicopter flew hard in the snow and wind with its navigation lights on. It flew over based on the signal from the positioning device carried by Li Zhan. The searchlight shone on Li Zhan and confirmed After the target, the Mi-171 helicopter landed, and four fully armed special forces jumped out of the crew compartment and headed straight for Li Zhan.

The three special forces quickly established a temporary security line, kneeling and holding guns. One of them faced Li Zhan, pointing his gun intentionally or unintentionally, with a vigilant face.

The lieutenant leading the team pressed Li Zhan's shoulder and asked vigilantly and seriously, "How much is the lever fee for the Jizhan 8?"

"One thousand two hundred yuan per hour." Li Zhan answered the most important question in his life with a glorious and sacred expression.

"Identity confirmed, Brigade Li, we will take you back. Someone will come over later to handle your fighter plane."

"Tell them I locked the missile's fuze safety."


Congratulations to Nan Mie for becoming the new leader of the Fighting Falcon. Additional updates will be sent to you. Thank you again to the brothers for their active pull!

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