Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 294 I don’t have two girlfriends

When it was completely dark, Li Zhan and Pei Lei set off from Beikucheng District and returned to the Beikku war training base along the tourist road. Taking another non-paved desert road will take you nearly 30 kilometers, but the road conditions are not very good, and you are driving at night during the snowy season. For safety reasons, Li Zhan chose to return the same way. The tourist road was newly built and the road condition was very good.

However, Li Zhan and Pei Lei were not in high spirits along the way.

The financial conditions of Han Hongjun and Li Zixin's families are very good. Since their wives became pregnant with a child, their families went to Beikucheng and directly bought a house and settled there. Especially when I found out that I was pregnant with a boy, I couldn't wait for the whole family to move here to take care of the pregnant woman.

In a few months, the two of them will be fathers.

Li Zhan and Pei Lei, two single men, naturally began to reflect on themselves. They were alone, without a partner or children, and it was difficult for others to understand the feeling. No matter how good you are at flying a plane, someone will knock you back to your original shape with just one sentence - I have a wife and a son.

Thinking of Ying Wanjun, Li Zhan deeply felt her importance for the first time. In the past year, even after the relationship was confirmed, Li Zhan never considered himself to have a wife. It was not that he was ruthless, but that he had no awareness of this aspect at all. Another thing is that human love is limited. If he pours more love into his body, he will not have enough love for Ying Wanjun.

He is a born flying maniac, a fighter pilot who puts his personal love life into flight.

But combat pilots also have to live a life and have their own small families, so there is no way they can escape the mundane. Although his parents didn't say anything, Li Zhan didn't know that they had been looking forward to having a grandson. He is twenty-six or seventeen years old. In that part of Xi County, men of that age have already become fathers. If they are women, their children should go to elementary school.

"Captain, you don't have to be unhappy. At least you have a girlfriend, and there are two of them. I don't even know where my girlfriend is." Pei Lei comforted Li Zhan and said.

Li Zhan sighed and said, "You are young, you are only twenty-two this year, right? Huh? What two? How can you get two girlfriends? Don't spit on others."

"The whole brigade knows it, okay. Miss Sichuan Hang, and sister Wanjun, we are all blessed together." Pei Lei said with a smile.

Li Zhan warned, "Don't talk nonsense. Cadres can't have two girlfriends. Besides, Zhu Qingying is my senior sister, so what's the big girlfriend and the little girlfriend?"

"Can a sergeant have two girlfriends?" Pei Lei asked in surprise.

Only then did Li Zhan realize that there was a flaw in his words and said, "No way. Don't talk about it. You don't have one anyway. Let's do this. You don't have a vacation during the Spring Festival. When you are done with this period, I will grant you family leave and you can go home." Find one.”

"You have said this a dozen times, and every time you wait until you are done with this period of work. When will you really be done with it? The tasks come one after another. Captain, do you know what the mileage I drove last year?" Pei Lei said.

Li Zhan was stunned. He really didn't know this. He was busy counting flight hours, but he paid little attention to the work intensity of non-commissioned officers like Pei Lei.

"One hundred and fifty thousand kilometers, more than the most diligent taxi driver." Pei Lei said.

Li Zhan fell into deep thought. This intensity means that Pei Lei has to drive until he goes to bed at night every day when he opens his eyes. In addition, he has to participate in basic military training, which is even more intense.

"I was negligent. I only calculated the pilot's training intensity and ignored your work intensity." Li Zhan said in a deep voice.

Pei Lei was in good spirits and said, "It's nothing, I can still persist at this intensity. The main reason is that the study time has to be shortened, and there are still more than two months to take the exam, and I am afraid that I will not do well in the exam."

Only then did Li Zhan remember it and couldn't help but pat his head, "How could I have completely forgotten about this matter? Yes, yes, yes, you have to take the exam in June this year. I have written this down."

Pei Lei has always wanted to fly a plane. Even if he can't fly, he would be satisfied to be able to engage in flying-related work. Last year Li Zhan encouraged him to take the exam, and he really worked hard to study. The training tasks in the subsequent brigade were heavy, and his study time had to be compressed.

The training tasks of the army are important, and the personal development of officers and soldiers is also very important. Moreover, the personal development of soldiers is closely integrated with the development of the army, and the two are mutually reinforcing. Li Zhan realized that even if the fighter planes could no longer be separated from flying, they still had to take time to pay attention to the personal development of the soldiers.

Soldiers need to live, and blindly talking about dedication is not a long-term solution, nor does it conform to the views of most people under normal logical and moral concepts. I will entrust my youth and even my life to the party and the people. In this process, I hope that I will develop to a certain extent, which is very logical.

From the brigade commander to the political commissar in charge of money to the aviation materials director to Nie Jianfeng, these people all pointed out that the training intensity last year was too high and hoped that the training intensity of the Falcon Brigade could be reduced this year. At first, Li Zhan didn't take it seriously. Where would his combat effectiveness come from if he didn't train? What do you want to fight for? To train, to high-intensity actual combat training to combat effectiveness.

Until now, Pei Lei, who represents the majority of grassroots officers and soldiers, especially non-commissioned officers, has the courage to express some thoughts tactfully. Maybe he did not express it deliberately, but his meaning is also very clear.

"Yes, we have to find ways to improve efficiency. Blindly using high-intensity training to improve combat effectiveness is not a long-term solution." Li Zhan said with emotion.

Pei Lei said subconsciously, "It is better to limit the training time and rank them according to the order and level of completing tasks per unit time. The pilots will definitely rack their brains to find ways to improve efficiency."

"Hey, this is a good idea." Li Zhan raised his brows, and his words seemed to wake up the dreamer.

The past training method was life-threatening training. If one flying hour was not enough, then two flying hours would be used. Flying hours was the king. This method is very effective for the old 101st group whose long-term flying hour level is too low. If you don't have enough to eat for a long time, the first thing to solve is the problem of food and clothing. Now that the problem of food and clothing has been solved, we must consider the issue of nutrition.

Li Zhan said, "Design a few good dishes and let's see who can taste all the flavors. Well, Xiao Pei, you reminded me. You did a good job. He has a good sense of team training and is a cadre material."

"Really." Pei Lei was immediately delighted and full of hope for the future.

When passing through Sansanli Town, I found that this town, which is only three kilometers away from the gate of the scenic spot, is very lively. Most of the houses on both sides have lights on, there are many signboards in front of the door, and there are many off-road vehicles parked in front of the door. Open spaces and both sides of the road.

It was already ten o'clock in the evening. Usually at this time, people in the town would be asleep or preparing to fall asleep, so there would definitely not be such a lively scene. Looking again, they are almost all restaurants and hotels, and the license plates of those cars show the style of all over the world.

There are so many tourists in the winter, and most of the brands of cars are worth a lot of money. No wonder it attracts gangsters who want to rob the place.

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