Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 309 Saturated Relay Spraying

No. 02 SU-27SK is equipped with giant pesticide sprayers that look like auxiliary fuel tanks. The seven giant pesticide sprayers can carry five tons of pesticide liquid. Calculated based on the dosage of 30 kilograms per acre, it is enough to spray more than 160 acres of land. , based on a width of 500 meters, it can operate for about 220 kilometers.

Therefore, Li Zhan misunderstood what Deputy Director Zhong meant. He only calculated the range of the fighter plane, but did not take the medicinal liquid into consideration. Deputy Director Zhong just wanted to give Li Zhan a more specific understanding of the operating distance. When it came to continuous spraying, it would take two round trips.

In fact, not only does it have to fly at least six times, but it also has to land no less than seven times to replenish the medical solution.

Li Zhan was mentally prepared to fly for eight hours straight.

What makes him feel troublesome is that Deputy Director Zhong proposed to spray after the sky darkens. Because these pests like darkness, they basically do not come out and be active during the day.

Long-distance, low-altitude, low-speed flight at night is definitely a difficult flying subject. Li Zhan didn't bother to rest, and repeatedly and carefully studied the terrain and landforms that the route would pass through. The 101st Brigade rarely flies here for low-altitude flight training. Li Zhan is far less familiar with the topography here than he is with the Beiku Mountains.

Having just crashed a J-10A, he did not dare to take it lightly, and repeatedly reminded Miao Yu to check the condition of the two engines of the aircraft. If anything was wrong, he would report it and apply for a replacement aircraft.

Two hours before departure, Deputy Director Zhong came to Li Zhan, explained the key points again, and then said, "Captain Li, you have to work hard tonight. After you finish here, our technical staff will work overnight Check the condition of the isolation belt and try to get the results out before dawn. If additional spraying is needed, I will report it immediately."

Li Zhan agreed with a wry smile, "I promise to complete tonight's mission!"

That was all he could say.

After eight hours of flying, even if he was strong, he would be paralyzed. He would not be able to come for the second eight hours during the day tomorrow.

Li Zhan asked, "Yes, since the pests like darkness, will supplementary spraying during the day tomorrow be effective?"

"Yes. It's just that spraying at night is most effective. We are racing against time. We must open up the isolation zone in the shortest possible time, and the effect must be immediate." Director Zhong said.

Li Zhan fell into deep thought.

He seemed to have thought of another way, so he couldn't help but look at the time again, and then quickly calculated. The time should be enough. At worst, it may be delayed by an hour or even two hours, but the task can still be completed in advance.

After making the decision, Li Zhan said, "Director Zhong, I have a faster way."

Director Zhong was suddenly pleasantly surprised, his eyes sparkled, and he asked excitedly, "What can we do?"

"Increase the number of aircraft performing missions." Li Zhan said with a smile. "In order to save time, all the chemical liquids are installed in the sprayers. There are enough sprinklers, but the only thing missing is the aircraft, right?"

Director Zhong said, "That's right. We have doubled the redundancy of sprinklers and liquids at all costs."

Li Zhan said, "I can solve the problem of the aircraft. Bring all the sprinklers and use segmented relay spraying in a saturated state, which can greatly shorten the time to open the isolation zone. According to my estimate, it can be completed within two hours." Complete the development of a 700-kilometer isolation zone.”

Six hours shorter.

This is almost equivalent to saving thousands of acres of cotton fields.

"Can you dispatch more planes?" Director Zhong asked excitedly.

Li Zhan nodded solemnly, "No problem at all! If you agree with my plan, I will immediately report to my superiors."

"Agree! Agree! Captain Li, you have really helped us a lot! In just six hours, you have saved the losses of hundreds of farmers!" Director Zhong was so excited that he had tears in his eyes.

It is difficult for people who have not experienced natural disasters to understand such feelings. Director Zhong, who was born in a farmer's family, is also a technician on the front line when agricultural natural disasters come. He knows very well that every hour he fights for at this moment is very important. How important is disaster resistance in the future and how much loss can be recovered.

Li Zhan did not waste time and immediately asked the brigade for instructions and a report. After receiving the report from the duty room, Xue Xiangdong immediately asked the commander of the air force duty of the military region for instructions. After receiving the agreement, the Beiku war training base sounded the emergency dispatch alarm. All the capable fighter planes of the Falcon Brigade were mobilized, and the combat readiness duty task was temporarily handed over to the Second Brigade.

Just ten minutes later, the aviation commander approved the plan of the 101st Brigade. Xue Xiangdong gave the order, and ten SU-27 fighter planes took off one after another and transferred to the South Library Station. At the same time, two Army Air Forces stationed at the North Library Combat Training Base The Mi-171 carried four maintenance crews and quickly transferred to Nanku Field Station to participate in the support work of the fighter aircraft. Shi Zezhong had received the order long ago, so Nanku Field Station also started to pull in. All logistical support preparations must be made before the arrival of the transfer fleet.

In less than an hour, all the units were in place, and Nankuchang Station suddenly became lively, and it seemed a little crowded because eleven heavy fighter jets were stationed. It was only seven o'clock in the afternoon, and it was at least more than an hour before dark.

Although this is already Beiku's speed, Li Zhan still believes that there is a lot of room for improvement in reaction speed. You must know that this is only less than 300 kilometers apart. If it is a transitional battle over a thousand kilometers away, how long will it take?

The maintenance support team is the last to arrive. If Nanku Station has the ability to support SU-27, the transition time will be reduced by half...

The entire Falcon Group's fighter planes have transferred to Nanku Field Station, and Li Zhan is no longer the polished commander.

The sprinklers are all ready-made and manufactured exactly according to the SU-27 pylon, including the circuits, all of which are specific to this model. It only took the relevant local factories and the Beiku repair shop to manufacture a sprinkler that could be used for spraying by SU-27 fighter jets from scratch. Such manufacturing potential is unique.

After the maintenance team arrived, they immediately began to inspect the fighter aircraft, then hung up the sprinklers, and then repeated the inspection. This preparation work was completed faster than Li Zhan expected, gaining some time.

Accompanying the maintenance detachment was a command team led by Bao Guanhua, who stationed at the tower of Nanku Station and directed the pesticide spraying operation based on the advantage of being the closest to Nanku Station. Xue Xiangdong has to be on duty at the Beiku combat training base. When a large group of fighter planes is dispatched to fight in another area, Bao Guanhua can only take charge of the mission. Any deputy position will not suffice.

Whether it is the Second Division or the Three Hundred Division, if their organic flying group or above troops are stationed here in Beiku for training, they will either be led by a military chief or a political chief, and there will be no third candidate. Moreover, cross-regional flight training at or above the flying group level must be approved by the supreme command, and mere filing is absolutely not enough.

This was the first time that Li Zhan saw Political Commissar Bao commanding military operations. Even flight training operations were very rare, at least Li Zhan had never seen them before.

When he arrived at the tower, Bao Guanhua and the combat staff were analyzing several maps on the combat table with serious expressions. There are aeronautical charts and crop distribution maps provided by the agricultural department, and even the largest one is actually a very clear satellite photo.

"Li Zhan, come here." Bao Guanhua looked up and pointed at Li Zhan.


Li Zhan saluted and ran over. He didn't dare to smile in front of Bao Guanhua. The whole brigade knew that the political commissar was a very strict and principled person. To put it bluntly, he was not easy to get along with and had rigid ideas. None of them really like political commissar Bao, but what they fear the most is political commissar Bao, who is known as Bao’s black face.

Xue Da Pao Bao Heilian soon became a famous golden partner in the Air Force aviation unit.

"This is the combat plan. We divided the 700-kilometer isolation zone into three sections, each section is 230 kilometers long. Four fighter planes were arranged to operate at the same time in each section, carpet spraying, covering a two-kilometer-wide cotton field at one time. . Director Zhong made it clear that the best results would be achieved if the operating error is minimized at the same time." Bao Guanhua briefly introduced the plan.

Li Zhan agreed with this combat method. He raised a small question, "But the distance of the liquid medicine carried in each sortie is only theoretically 220 kilometers."

Bao Guanhua said, "You take the first batch to carry out the first section that is the closest. After completing the operation, you will return immediately to replenish the medical solution and then take off again as a reserve team. The first section is only a few dozen kilometers away. After you return and land, you will at least There are still six tons of aviation fuel, which is enough to carry out replenishment operations on any section."

"Understood, political commissar, I am determined to complete the task!" Li Zhan straightened his back.

Bao Guanhua said solemnly, "The latest report from the meteorological station shows that the weather has turned cloudy and the clouds are very thick, but the low-altitude wind direction and wind strength have not changed much. The main problem is visibility. All fighter planes are flying at low altitudes, with an altitude of 150 meters." Between ten and two hundred meters, avoiding collisions during operations is the top priority.”

Li Zhan said with confidence, "Please rest assured, political commissar, all pilots in the Falcon Group have excellent results in non-altitude air combat subjects. They are very good at low, medium and high altitudes. There will definitely be no collision accidents!"

"I suggest allocating height." Bao Guanhua said with a frown.

Li Zhan thought for a while and said, "The optimal spraying height is 150 meters. I plan to have all fighter planes operate at this height. Everyone is responsible for their own section, as long as the heading is the same and the airspeed is the same. The probability of a mid-air collision is almost non-existent.”

All planes are flying in the same direction and at the same speed. In theory, a rear-end collision is never possible.

Even if one speed is faster and the other is slower, there is still a distance of more than 200 kilometers. The tower can easily adjust each fighter plane and each batch of fighters.

Thinking of this, Bao Guanhua nodded slightly and agreed, "Then I'll do it according to your wishes. Everyone, no matter what, you must do your best to complete this glorious mission of assisting the local area to eliminate pests and save the people's property from fire and water! "

"Complete the mission resolutely!"

Li Zhan and others made a splash.

At 20:05 p.m., eleven SU-27SK and SU-27UBK were divided into four batches and took off from Nanku Field Station at an interval of three minutes. The first batch was responsible for the closest first section, led by Li Zhan, and had only three fighters. Li Zhan needed to return to the field to replenish the medicine solution twice, and he had to replenish fuel at the same time when replenishing the medicine solution for the second time.

Completing the task within two hours is plenty of time for others, but time is tight for Li Zhan. In other words, whether Li Zhan can complete the task ahead of schedule depends on whether Li Zhan moves quickly or not.

All the fighter planes took off with full fuel and loads, so the entire Falcon Brigade dressed up for the first time. Sprinklers were mounted on all seven pylons, and the internal fuel tank contained nearly ten tons of aviation fuel, which was just a short distance from reaching the maximum take-off weight of the fighter.

Li Zhan could clearly feel that the fighter plane was very heavy. Even he had never flown it with a full load capacity. At its most exaggerated, it only had four air-to-surface missiles and two air-to-air missiles, and the weight was almost half of the liquid medicine.

When taking off, the fighter plane taxied for a full 700 meters before reaching the minimum speed allowed to pull up. Li Zhan only dared to pull up after gliding for almost 800 meters. The SU-27SK, which is usually as nimble as anything, moves slowly and clumsily like an old ox pulling a cart, and the joystick and two rudders are a bit heavy.

Don't talk about flexibility when it's full of fuel and loads. The fact that it can fly normally like a fighter jet already shows that the power is very good. Li Zhan couldn't help but wonder, what kind of flexibility would the J-10 have if it was fully fueled and fully loaded?

He shook his head and made up his mind to forget about the J-10. He turned his head to the right and looked at the sun in the west. At this time, it was already hidden behind the clouds. If it hadn't been for the hard climb to six thousand meters above sea level, Li Zhan would not have been able to do so. See its true face.

Each batch of formations headed to their respective airspace. Li Zhan took two wingmen, Lin Fei and Chen Dianjun, to fly south to the starting point fifty kilometers away.

This is the first time for everyone to fly a fighter jet to spray pesticides, and they have not yet been able to fully digest it. What's more, it is still the famous third-generation aircraft representative SU-27 heavy fighter. Before boarding the plane, most people looked at the full sprinklers mounted under the wings and under the belly of the aircraft. Most people had the same illusion - could they fly directly to Washington with so many auxiliary fuel tanks? Guam is nothing!

As they began to descend, Chen Dianjun saw a small dragonfly when he looked down and said, "Good luck. There is a low-altitude and low-speed target below. It looks like a lucky five."

Li Zhan turned his head left and right and looked down, and easily saw a dark green Y-5 flying slowly over the farmland below. He could vaguely see water mist extending backwards, and it was probably spraying pesticides. At this time, the only thin spot in the clouds happened to be between the sun and the line between the farmland below, so the visibility was very good, which was completely different from the situation dozens of kilometers away.

After confirming the position, Li Zhan said, "Go past him and continue descending. Don't scare anyone."

Li Zhan took the lead. After returning to level flight and confirming that he had passed the Yinwu agricultural spraying aircraft directly below, he continued to descend to 150 altitude and turned westward.

The two pilots on the Yun-5 saw with their own eyes three huge fighter jets flying forward in a triangular formation while descending in altitude, and then turned to the right.

"This is the army's fighter jet! Su Liangqi! Hey, what kind of bombs are they carrying?" Pilot A said.

Pilot B said, "It looks like an auxiliary fuel tank. That's not right. Su Liangqi doesn't have an auxiliary fuel tank. That perverted aircraft can fly four thousand kilometers on internal fuel."

"It looks weird. It's so big and has strong wind resistance. What is it used for?" Pilot A was puzzled.

Pilot B joked, "It can't be the sprayer, hahaha!"

"Kaisu Liangqi sprays pesticides, you can imagine..."

Pilot A didn't say the last word. He and Pilot B froze at the same time, their mouths wide enough to fit an apple in.

But I saw the three SU-27SKs turning right and starting to form a formation, and started spraying liquid at a height slightly higher than them...

Happy New Year’s Eve, brothers and sisters of the Gun Corps! Thanks to the reward of 100,000 book coins from I am Wuqi Guo, new alliances will be added to be announced. The new epidemic situation is quite serious. First of all, I hope that everyone will respond to the call to go out as little as possible to protect yourself and your family. Secondly, I hope that everyone will not believe or spread rumors and contribute to maintaining good order. Finally, I would like to thank you, brothers and sisters of the gun regiment, for accompanying me. I have passed another year, and I hope everyone will always be healthy and happy!

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