Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 312 The Royal Cat Flying Group is rich and handsome (additional update for the new alliance,

At the end of the meeting, Xue Xiangdong kept Li Zhan and Nie Jianfeng, as well as Yang Jinshan, for another small meeting.

Xue Xiangdong asked as he screwed on the pen, "Xiao Li, how confident are you?"

"One hundred percent." Li Zhan said.

The corner of Yang Jinshan's mouth twitched and he looked a little embarrassed. After all, the Royal Cat Flying Group was his old army, where he spent the most unforgettable four years. It was an integral part of his life, and even an experience he was proud of. Li Zhan looked down on the Royal Cat Flying Group, which meant he looked down on him, but he couldn't refute it, because Li Zhan was the authority, and there seemed to be no other appropriate expression to use except embarrassment.

Li Zhan said seriously, "Brigadier Commander, Chief of Staff, let me just talk about the matter. The Royal Cat Flying Group is... handsome and has a high status, but handsomeness and status will not improve combat effectiveness. Let me use an analogy, the Royal Cat Flying Group is the gate. Sentinels are tall, handsome, and have a good image, but can they defeat the scouts who are dark, unattractive, and even crooked? The Royal Cat Flying Group is the guard sentry, and we are the bitter scouts. We will definitely win. "

"Just say that they can't get on the stage with their extravagant tricks." Xue Xiangdong shook his head helplessly.

Li Zhan shook his head slightly and said, "They can get on the stage, but going to the battlefield is hardly interesting. The Royal Cat Flying Regiment has never moved its nest for decades, and they extremely lack actual combat experience. And their experience comes from confrontation exercises and drills. Compared with the falcon brigade we actually fought, there is an essential difference. We caught the second division by surprise, and used some skills to beat the three hundred division. It is said that there is a certain degree of difficulty, but beating the Royal Cat As for the flight troupe, I am actually just worried that they will use their own advantages to change the director department..."

Changed the director's department?

It took a while for everyone to react, and they were dumbfounded.

I dare you to have an idea of ​​​​the director's department.

"We can't place our hopes on the director's department. Having said that, always asking the director's department to take action is not a long-term solution. We must continue to improve our combat effectiveness, right?" Xue Xiangdong said without confidence.

Objectively speaking, without the cooperation of the director's department in the first two confrontations, the Falcon Brigade would not have won so easily, and the Second Division and the Three Hundred Division would not have lost so completely.

Li Zhan spoke plausibly, saying, "We are a professional simulation team of the Blue Army. Professional means super high level. As a defensive side, we should have these advantages. The difficulty of the Red Army's away game is there. It is only natural that the director’s department cooperates with our actions.”

"Okay, okay, don't think about the director's affairs for now, let's talk about your thoughts." Xue Xiangdong felt that he couldn't argue with Li Zhan's professional political mouth, so he immediately stopped the topic.

Nie Jianfeng said, "So the Royal Cat Flying Group must be attacking from a long distance, and they can shoot them down in the sky while waiting for work."

He has a basis for saying that. Both the South Library Station and the East Library Station have been included in the Beikuku base system, which means that in the future, any troops that confront the Falcon Brigade will have no foothold in the Beikuku area unless they capture one of the stations. Or give them a station as a frontline base in the preset enemy situation.

Xue Xiangdong waved his hand and said, "The specific plan has not yet been determined. The main issue I am considering is whether the Falcon Brigade can defeat the Royal Cat Flying Group. Li Zhan, don't underestimate them. Anyone who can be stationed in the important areas of Gyeonggi is not a good person." . Don’t let the boat capsize in the gutter then, and my old face, Xue Dapao, will be completely disgraced.”

"Huh?" Li Zhan blinked and said, "Brigadier Commander, did you make a guarantee during the meeting at the military region?"

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Xue Xiangdong's face, and he said seriously, "What's the guarantee? I just promised the chief of the military region's air force that we will definitely win. Is it possible to tell the chief that we may not be able to win?"

Li Zhan and Nie Jianfeng looked at each other and tried not to laugh.

A cannon must be fired. If it is not fired, is it still called a cannon? The name of Xue Cannon of the 101st Brigade has spread throughout the army, and the rise of the Falcon Brigade has made this cannon fire without any scruples.

There is no doubt that Xue Xiangdong wanted to get a positive answer from Li Zhan and fully understand what Li Zhan wanted to do, otherwise his bragging in front of the chief of the military region's air force would be ruined.

Li Zhan has many plans, all of which have been practiced many times, and the success rate is very high. He then revealed all the plans, and Xue Xiangdong breathed a heavy sigh of relief and said, "Okay, I'm relieved, I'm relieved."

"When I was studying at the training base, I visited the Royal Cat Flying Group and saw their training level. I roughly know what the level of that unit is. Until now, they still use altitude difference air combat training. Think about it, such a unit Where can the combat power go?" Li Zhan said seriously.

Xue Xiangdong nodded solemnly, "Yes, the Royal Cat Flying Group should make a change."

Yang Jinshan held back his laughter. Two years ago, troops like the Royal Cat Flying Regiment were unattainable in front of the 101st Regiment. They were like people from two different worlds. No matter when talking about this army or seeing this army on the news, Xue Xiangdong and others are just envious, just like a poor boy watching a tall, rich and handsome man being pursued by dozens of beauties.

Nowadays, Xue Xiangdong says with the tone of someone who has come before that the Gao Fu Shuai Flying Group is going to make a change, which makes people feel like they are in another world. Changes come so fast, and everyone adapts quickly. Only when we occasionally step away and look at these changes from the perspective of a bystander can we deeply feel the subversiveness and incredibleness of them.

"Yes, did Yuan Boning from the Army's Electronic Reconnaissance Force come to you? He is the commander of the Tiger Squad who worked with you last time." Xue Xiangdong said as if he remembered something.

Li Zhan was stunned, "I have looked for him. He came to Nanku to look for me once in the days when I was helping to exterminate local pests. It was about the incident I reported to you last time."

"Your superiors have approved it, so don't go anywhere and enter combat readiness these days." Xue Xiangdong said.

"Yes!" Li Zhan said nothing.

As long as there is an order, otherwise the live ammunition will be fired who will be responsible.

Back in the brigade office, Nie Jianfeng said, "What are you going to do about the confrontation drill with the Royal Cat Flying Group? Fly the J-7E?"

"No, I'll use the chief of staff's landline," Li Zhan said.

Nie Jianfeng said in surprise, "Can't he agree?"

"You have to agree even if you don't agree." Li Zhan picked up this week's training plan and said, "If he doesn't agree, I will kick him out of the Falcon Brigade and let him go back to fly the J-7."

Nie Jianfeng suddenly laughed, "You dare?"

"I'm not kidding." Li Zhan sat down and said while flipping through the training plan, "Twenty-four J-11B fighters are in place. According to the standard configuration, at least eight of them must be two-seaters. Our brigade has at least The number of personnel must be doubled. With such a scale, a brigade commander or political commissar must be in charge. The chief of staff can only go to the south library or the east library, and he will definitely not stay in the agency. "

Nie Jianfeng suddenly realized, "Yes, yes, why did I forget this. It seems that Chief of Staff Yang can only wait for the Second or Third Brigade to modify the third-generation aircraft."

"He doesn't know how happy he is that the deputy regiment has been promoted to the main regiment. This is a big obstacle." Li Zhan said with a smile.

Nie Jianfeng chuckled and said, "So he will be happy to give you his landline."

Li Zhan gave a thumbs up.

"What should I do with the Dongsanguai J-7E?" Nie Jianfeng sat down.

"It's the J-7 EGG, the ultimate magically modified J-7." Li Zhan corrected, "Of course I will keep it. The lifespan of the aircraft is far from over, and so many improvements have been made. I can't bear to let it go."

Nie Jianfeng said, "But the lever fee is low, can you drive it?"

After hearing this, Li Zhan, who was about to write, simply put down his pen, took a breath and said, "I asked you, why do you keep talking and paying for the lever? The army has not paid you the money to pay off the mortgage, but it still hasn't paid you a salary?"

"You're talking about you, right?" Nie Jianfeng said with narrowed eyes.

Li Zhan said, "Yes, what are your plans? Didn't you communicate with a teacher from Beiku Primary School before? How is the progress?"

"Progress... My combat flying skills have improved, and my masturbation and masturbation skills have improved, but I just don't have time to find a partner, so you have the nerve to ask me about my progress." Nie Jianfeng said angrily, shaking his head in distress.

Li Zhan was stunned, "This..."

He couldn't talk anymore. The string of the Falcon Brigade was too close to him, let alone having a partner. In addition to adequate rest time, he couldn't wait to spend every minute in training. This even took up time for political education, and Bao Guanhua was very dissatisfied with this.

"After the confrontation, you should take a vacation. After you deal with this matter, you can train with peace of mind when you come back." Li Zhan said.

Nie Jianfeng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "What do you think this is for? Where is your partner? Let's deal with it. I asked you to say that falling in love is business, what are you thinking!"

Li Zhan snorted solemnly and said, "You should be mentally prepared to entrust your youth to the Party and the people. Fall in love, what kind of love? Is that what you should do? Marry a virgin, a bastard to a bastard , we made eye contact and pulled out the evidence, are you planning to run for Plato or for love? Don’t be naive."

"Hey, hey, hey, Lao Li, what are you saying? Why are soldiers not worthy of love? Revolutionary love is extremely romantic, don't you know? I am not happy in my marriage and neither the party nor the people agree to it, so I have to find a good one. Let's talk about it." Nie Jianfeng firmly disagreed with Li Zhan's point of view and said with a smile, "Yes, you, Captain Li, are so awesome. There is a senior sister over there and a junior sister here. Look at the blessings of these people. You stand and talk. No back pain!”

Li Zhan retorted, "My senior sister and I are innocent! What a blessing, shouldn't I be the one for Ying Wanjun? Don't you know exactly what happened between me and her? Look at me when Are you wasting your limited energy on meaningless love?"

"Hey, what you say is really interesting..." Nie Jianfeng was about to continue the argument.


Pei Lei stood at the door and made a report.

Nie Jianfeng stopped talking and looked back.

Pei Lei walked in and stood at attention, saluting, "Captain, instructor, captain, there is a man named Yuan Boning looking for you. He is downstairs."

"It's really haunting." Li Zhan suddenly smiled bitterly.

Nie Jianfeng rolled his eyes and said, "Lao Li, let me go?"

After thinking for a moment, Li Zhan said, "I'll talk to him first to see what the regulations are."

"Okay, I'll go back first." Nie Jianfeng stood up and left.

PS: This chapter is an additional update for the new leader, I am Wuqiguo. Thank you Wuqiguo for the huge reward of 100,000 yuan. There are also gifts from brothers such as the apple tree under the dome, and 360 blessings are given to everyone.

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