Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 315 What kind of ghost is this that can hit three hundred kilometers with empty ammunition?

In Hangar No. 1, on the left wing of SU-27SK No. 02, Li Zhan, Nie Jianfeng and Niu Yaoyang squatted around two slender long-range air-to-air missiles that looked like the Long March and looked at them carefully.

Nie Jianfeng said in surprise, "This thing is just a little longer and thicker. Can it travel 200 kilometers?"

"The maximum range is three hundred kilometers..." Niu Yaoyang was reading the manual, pointing to one of the parameters and said, "Three hundred kilometers, the tactical missile has about the same range, right?"

Li Zhan was still looking at it.

This new No. 1 bomb is all white without any serial numbers or markings. It looks like a toy missile. The projectile body, which is more than six meters long, is the slenderest among the air-to-air missiles currently in service. The two air inlets attached to the projectile body are particularly eye-catching.

"Dual-pulse solid rocket motor?" Li Zhan pointed to the engine connected to the inlet and asked in surprise.

Nie Jianfeng was suddenly shocked and stared at the engine attached to the missile body.

Niu Yaoyang handed the instruction manual to Li Zhan and said, "There are only operating steps and a few main parameters on it, and nothing else."

After taking the manual and glancing at it, Li Zhan shook his head helplessly. This isn't an instruction manual. It's just two sheets of paper that are folded together, with extremely simple content printed on them. It's even simpler than the installation instructions for a computer desk worth over 100 yuan purchased online - at least it has a cover. .

"What the hell is this?" Li Zhan finally couldn't help it anymore, "Where's the R77? Where's the Thunderbolt Twelve? Shouldn't I be given the Thunderbolt Twelve? Give me an unknown model and use me as a guinea pig!"

The same was true for the test model of the J-8FR that was previously opened. Only after driving it did we know that it was unfinished. Li Zhan was used as a combat test pilot.

Niu Yaoyang said, "Deputy Brigadier Wu Ming has confirmed that this is the correct bomb. There are only two in the ammunition magazine."

Li Zhan scratched his head in distress and said, "Can Su Erqi shoot this bomb? Is there any problem with the data interface?"

"Captain, our Su Liangqi was improved when we were in the Second Division. It can shoot domestically produced ammunition." Niu Yaoyang reminded.

"I know that. The key point is... this thing looks like an engineering bomb at first glance. Someone has finally produced a test model. This bomb is not guaranteed to be fully guaranteed and has not been test-fired." Li Zhan touched the position of the warhead and said with some fear.

Nie Jianfeng couldn't help but laugh out loud and said, "So if I let you test-shoot, are you still scared?"

"Look at this warhead. It is definitely larger than the warheads of all air-to-air missiles currently in service. If it cannot be fired out and explodes on the pylon, I will disintegrate and the body parts will not be put back together." Li Zhan gritted his teeth. said.

Niu Yaoyang was an honest man and didn't know that Li Zhan was joking. He said seriously, "Captain, since the superiors have distributed it, it means that the performance is stable and has reached combat standards."

"Lao Niu, that's what Lao Li said. When has he ever been afraid? He even dares to eat shit." Nie Jianfeng said.

Li Zhan became angry, "You hold shit in your mouth and spit on others, I will never dare to eat shit!"

"Just kidding, let's talk about this bullet... Since the superiors have issued it, if they dare to leave the warehouse for you to use, then there must be no problem. But Lao Li, you still have to ask for instructions on how to shoot this bullet. Since it is not a final model , it must have some performance. For example, the maximum and minimum range, such as the maximum overload, etc." Nie Jianfeng said.

Li Zhan nodded slightly, "I want to ask clearly. You can't just take it with you in a daze."

Niu Yaoyang asked for instructions, "Captain, shall I mount it? What rack number is it?"

"Number one and number three." Li Zhan stood up.

Niu Yaoyang immediately called the soldiers to come over and work. After Li Zhan asked Xue Xiangdong for instructions on the hangar phone, he said to Nie Jianfeng, "The maximum range, the Blue Army of Lao Lu will arrange a high-performance target drone 300 kilometers away, and I will fire two rounds 300 kilometers away." Attack."

"The over-the-horizon long-range air-to-air missile is gone. I heard that the military industry department was working on this missile a few years ago, but I didn't expect it to progress so fast." Nie Jianfeng said solemnly, "It is launched from 300 kilometers away, and the maximum range is estimated to be more than 300 kilometers. .”

Li Zhan said in a deep voice, "The emergence of the AIM-120C has frightened the military research institutions. Missile technology is our strength. They obviously will not admit defeat. Even the pulse solid rocket motor is used... You said this missile How much does one cost?”

"It's estimated to be tens of millions." Nie Jianfeng said.

Li Zhan was surprised, "You can't, right? R77 is only X million."

"You haven't shot enough R77s. Don't you know what happens to those bullets?" Nie Jianfeng said angrily.

Li Zhan said, "I have never played R77."

"Never shot one before? You... oh yes, you haven't shot one yet, I've shot two." Nie Jianfeng couldn't help but say proudly.

In recent years, only a small number of pilots have the opportunity to shoot air-to-air bombs, and only a small group of people have the opportunity to shoot long-range air-to-air bombs. Nie Jianfeng is fully entitled to be proud. It was not the norm for the Falcon Brigade to produce all kinds of air-to-ground missiles last year. If they had not been blessed by the "228" project, they would not have been able to hit even a few air-to-air missiles with a simulated Blue Army unit, let alone more expensive air-to-ground missiles. .

It's not easy to hit missiles that can easily reach millions of pieces! Ten years ago, many pilots had never fired a missile until the day they were grounded!

Calculated based on a group of sixteen pilots (the number of pilots is more than the number of fighter planes), even if each person fires one air-to-air missile per year, even if one is calculated as one million, it will cost 16 million yuan a year. How many pilots are there in a division? Even if we count half of them, there are at least 50 or 60 pilots. Just firing blanks will cost 50 to 60 million yuan! Do you know how many fighter divisions the Chinese Air Force has?

Don't do anything else. Just firing blanks can wipe out a year's funding for the land forces.

One million air-to-air bombs is already a reasonable price. If every pilot has to fire one long-range air-to-air bomb every year, and the cost is three million, then...

Imported goods like R-77 are more expensive. Nie Jianfeng shot two of them, which means that he personally spent tens of millions of yuan...

Private jets, yachts, luxury cars, and everything else are all just floating clouds, and people who love this and that cloud, no matter how awesome they are, they don’t have the courage or strength to spend tens of millions to play with.

Some young people who did not know what was going on were dissatisfied when they saw that the Air Force fighter planes used aircraft fire for ground attacks and the aerial targets used machine guns. They thought that the equipment of the troops was not good - well, relatively speaking, they were not as powerful as the enemy. There is a big gap - in fact, due to military expenditures, troop training cannot be opened up. We are still developing and we have to save money. In fact, the combat effectiveness of the troops is getting stronger year by year. Of course, objectively speaking, It is undeniable that sufficient ammunition consumption is an effective way to improve combat effectiveness.

Who is willing to wear white labor protection gloves if there are special gloves? Who would be willing to use aircraft fire when they can use missiles? Who can you complain to? Poor!

Army: We trained to fire several tons of long-range fire and hundreds of thousands went out.

Air Force: I am not targeting anyone, but I am saying that everyone here is a jerk.

Navy: Haha.

Second Artillery: Ahem.

Even in this way, our soldiers have never given up their determination to defeat all enemies!

Fourth update.

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