Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 320 It’s not my left engine failure (Silver Alliance update 2/10)

Chapter 320 It’s not my left-hand engine failure (Silver Alliance update 210)

The high-performance target drone has a performance that is almost equivalent to that of a simulated target and is an excellent target drone. Use mid-range bullets to snipe at mid-range. The hit rate of two rounds can be more than half, which proves that it is an excellent air-to-air missile.

The monster blank bullets actually hit all of them, and they were at an extremely long distance of 300 kilometers away...

Li Zhan suddenly remembered that the monster blank bomb used active and passive guidance mode. Passive guidance included radar radiation source guidance. Could it be specially used to snipe important air targets such as enemy early warning aircraft?

Early warning aircraft, electronic reconnaissance aircraft, battlefield surveillance aircraft, communication relay aircraft, etc., these air targets are regarded as the pillar targets of system operations and important nodes of air force operations. Once they are hit, the combat system will be severely damaged. Big damage.

If you are specifically trying to snipe these large aerial targets that are often hiding three to four hundred kilometers away, the performance of the monster blank ammunition is not excessive.

Mainly because the secondary ignition technology of the missile solid rocket motor is so damn awesome! That’s the technology used by space rockets that are dozens of meters long!

"Dong Liang, I'm about to dive and attack. The ground team needs close fire support. Over." Nie Jianfeng's call brought Li Zhan back from his thoughts.

Li Zhan immediately pressed down the slope and quickly lowered the height, "Get the two holes, I'll cover you, over!"

Close fire support means that Nie Jianfeng has to dive to a low altitude and use aircraft fire or machine guns to attack ground targets. This method is generally used when the ground team urgently needs firepower to suppress the enemy or continue to destroy the enemy target with firepower.

The Tiger unit's request for close fire support at this time also meant that they were already at war with the Blue Army, but they didn't know whether they had successfully rescued the pilot.

Li Zhan monitored the airspace to cover Nie Jianfeng at an altitude of 3,000 meters. The latter saw the target indicated by the Tiger Squadron and began to swoop down and use traditional techniques to fire aerial rockets one after another. Soon the ground target was engulfed in a sea of ​​fire.

What kind of ghost did you hit? Why did you die?

Nie Jianfeng didn't have time to think too much. After confirming that the last aircraft fire was fired, he quickly pulled up his hand and turned on the afterburner. They are all imitating Li Zhan's bad habits. They can't live without afterburner.

"Donggui, dive quickly! Dive! The Blue Army is launching surface-to-air missiles at you!" Li Zhan saw two points of fire suddenly appear somewhere on the ground. It was very clear and he immediately reminded Nie Jianfeng.

Nie Jianfeng subconsciously pressed the lever, so he made a mistake. The fighter plane is climbing, and pressing the stick suddenly can easily cause a stall. However, his reaction was not unpleasant. He immediately rolled the barrel to consume the energy in the pitch angle, rescued the fighter plane from the edge of stalling, and then made another emergency dive to low altitude to avoid surface-to-air missiles.

It can be seen from this series of actions that Nie Jianfeng's actual combat experience is still lacking, and he is not able to handle sudden situations smoothly enough.

Two short-range surface-to-air missiles exploded when they turned to pursue Nie Jianfeng. They seemed to be models with low performance and could not withstand more than a dozen overloads.

The heart that Li Zhan was holding was relieved, but the movement of his hands did not stop. The nose of the aircraft dived towards the position where the fire appeared, and the dive continued to 500 meters. He switched to the cannon mode and fired all three Ten millimeter aircraft shells were evenly scattered on the gray ground.


The huge explosion startled Li Zhan, and he hurriedly rolled and turned to level. The belly of the plane almost rubbed against a protruding rock on a higher mountain.

"Lao Lu's simulated Blue Army troops were cheap enough, and they also used explosives to simulate hit effects. It was hard for them." Li Zhan couldn't help but say.

"Tower, my left engine is malfunctioning and the speed is dropping. Please return to the destination." Nie Jianfeng suddenly called the tower.

"Why are you having trouble with Dong Er?" Xue Xiangdong said angrily, feeling numb.

Li Zhan said unjustly, "It's not my left engine that malfunctioned, it wasn't me! It was Dongguai!"

Xue Xiangdong was stunned and quickly replied, "Dongguai will return immediately! Dongliang, you cover!"

"Dong Liang understands!" Li Zhan turned around to look for Nie Jianfeng, and soon saw him a few hundred meters high at the two o'clock position in front, with a trail of black smoke trailing behind No. 07 SU-27SK.

Li Zhan chased after him to observe carefully and called Nie Jianfeng, "Dongguai, black smoke is coming out of your left hair. Check what's going on!"

"The speed is dropping evenly, and no other problems have been found." Nie Jianfeng started the self-test program of the power system again, and no other obvious faults were found.

Li Zhan said decisively, "Get the gas pedal up!"

"Got it, raise the throttle!" Nie Jianfeng immediately pushed the throttle lever to the bottom and pulled it up.

He could clearly feel that there was an obvious imbalance in the propulsion force, and he needed to continuously push the rudder to maintain straight flight.

Li Zhan recalled the dangerous situation when he was driving a J-7E in the Second Division and was struck by lightning and caught fire in the engine room. This place was hundreds of kilometers away from the base. If a fire broke out in the engine room of No. 07 SU-27SK, Nie Jianfeng would bear it no matter what. Not to the base.

"Dongguai, do you still remember the dangerous situation in the second division when I was struck by lightning and caught fire in the engine room?" Li Zhan asked in a deep voice.

The tower could hear their conversation, and no one laughed at the words. You must know that Li Zhan and Nie Jianfeng are over Area 4. If the plane crashes, the Tiger Squadron will have work to do again.

Li Zhan didn't wait for Nie Jianfeng's answer and said, "Dongguai, I suggest you turn off the left engine."

The left engine did not stop but the speed dropped evenly, indicating that the engine was still working and could produce thrust. If the left engine is turned off and the aircraft cannot return to land, the pilot is responsible. You should know that the left engine was only smoking and not on fire at this time!

The decision lies with Nie Jianfeng, who has the only absolute control over his phone. When a civil flight encounters a dangerous situation, the captain is the one who knows the aircraft’s situation best. He has the highest authority on how to deal with the situation, and the ground control department cannot override the captain.

As long as the captain thinks it is necessary to divert, even if it seems to be a minor fault, the ground control department must unconditionally approve the diversion procedure.

Nie Jianfeng only thought about it for two seconds. He said while operating, "Tower, I turn off the left engine. The current altitude is one thousand two hundred and the speed is seven hundred. It's over."

"Keep the course in the tunnel, pay attention to the two caves, it's over." Xue Xiangdong was calm and calm, and the personnel on duty at other positions in the tower were also very calm.

Ever since Li Zhan arrived in Beiku, there have been more dangers and breakdowns. This does not mean that Li Zhan's unlucky physique brought bad luck to Beiku, but because the training intensity has been greatly increased, and the more he flies, the higher the chance of problems.

When Li Zhan flew the No. 037 J-7EGG, it was still a J-7E. When the engine compartment was struck by lightning, there was smoke and sparks first, and then an open flame ignited. After Li Zhan carefully studied it, he found that if the fuel pipeline had been cut off in time, it was very likely that the open flame would have been nipped in the bud. However, the terrible thing is that the J-7E is a single-engine fighter. Cutting off the fuel pipeline means that the fighter will lose power and turn into bricks.

Therefore such a solution is completely unworkable.

But the SU-27SK has two engines. One is shut down and the other is still there. It is completely possible to fly back with just one engine. This is the advantage of twin-engine fighters. I had previously crashed the J-10A at the Southwest Shanshan Field Station. If the J-10A had two engines, Li Zhan would not have crashed it first as a sign of respect.

Li Zhan once again deeply felt how huge the advantages of twin-engine fighters are.

After descending some altitude and getting closer, Li Zhan glanced at the airspeed indicator, which read more than 400 kilometers per hour. Obviously, Nie Jianfeng was very cautious. This was the first time he encountered danger in the air, so he controlled his speed. If it were Li Zhan, he would definitely be flying back as fast as the accelerator lever.

Li Zhan had been observing the flight attitude of No. 07 SU-27SK and the position of the left engine, and found that the smoke situation had been alleviated. He said, "Dongguai, there is less smoke from the left engine, which is a good sign. You Increase your speed a little, and let’s get out of Area 4 first.”

"Understood, keep an eye on the future." Nie Jianfeng believed in Li Zhan. After all, Li Zhan was the number one fighter in the air force. He could write a three-million-word professional book on handling dangerous situations in the air.

This is where Li Zhan's advantage comes to the fore. He has rich experience in dealing with special dangers.

With Li Zhan guiding him, Nie Jianfeng quickly calmed down and slowly realized that it wasn't really a big deal. It was just a broken engine, so wasn't there another one? However, when he remembered the scene of the Blue Army's anti-aircraft guns banging when they dived to engage in aircraft fire, his anus was still tense, so much so that he even felt that the two surface-to-air missiles that suddenly arrived later were not as scary as the anti-aircraft guns.

In fact, if Li Zhan hadn't discovered the surface-to-air missile in advance and alerted him in time, there would be doubts whether he could have avoided it so smoothly.

Li Zhan looked back frequently, worried that a high-performance target drone simulating the Blue Army would catch up. He was overthinking it. The two high-performance target drones of the Simulated Blue Army were shot down by him launching missiles from 300 kilometers away, which gave the Simulated Blue Army a great shock, and then brought great fear. How could they dare to pursue them? he. A high-performance target drone is worth a lot of money, and with the supporting accessories, ammunition support equipment and other equipment, it can cost 100 million US dollars.

"Tower, I see the base. It's seven kilometers away. It's over." Nie Jianfeng said excitedly.

They had just passed the landing navigation point, seven kilometers away from the base. It was the last navigation point for fighter planes to land. From this position, they could see the base's slender runway and spacious outfield.

"The ground wind is five meters, and the wind direction is 30 degrees. Continue to observe the two caves. The cave will land first. It's over." Xue Xiangdong gave the order.

SU-27SK No. 07 staggered into the landing route. After all, it was missing a leg, so it was definitely wobbly when walking.

"Keep your posture." Li Zhan noticed that the swing was a bit large and reminded Nie Jianfeng.

Crosswinds at small angles are not a big problem.

Li Zhan had been flying with Nie Jianfeng on the left wing. He did not join the landing route, but flew together in a parallel position. No. 07 SU-27SK made a near-miss landing. After Li Zhan passed through the field at low altitude along the left side of the runway, he raised some altitude at the end of the runway and then turned around and came back to join the landing route.

The emergency rescue team was already on standby. As soon as Nie Jianfeng skied off the runway and came to a stop, fire trucks and other vehicles swarmed up and sprayed the engine room, nipping any possibility of fire in the bud.

At this time, Li Zhan landed slowly, bringing with him four useless air-to-air missiles.

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