Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 323? New Comrade Niu Jun

Chapter 323 New Comrade Niu Jun

Li Zhan has always been somewhat proud because he has a backup machine, which is a very special treatment. Generally speaking, not every pilot has a fixed aircraft. Pilots have redundancy. It is relatively common for several people to fly one aircraft.

Not only does Li Zhan not have to take turns flying a plane with others, but to ensure that he can fly at any time, he is also assigned a backup fighter plane. This kind of treatment is almost the only thing a poisonous scorpion can get.

Unfortunately, fate is not as good as fate. Except for the No. 037 J-7EGG, which he has been carrying for a living, all the other planes he received have died for the country, so that he has reached a miserable situation where he needs to borrow planes.

Li Zhan knows what situation he is in. This is the situation. If he drives the J-7EGG, he will drive the J-7EGG.

"In the confrontation with the Royal Cat Flying Group at the end of the month, is it possible that I will fly the J-7 to fight against their J-11B and J-10A? This is ridiculous." Li Zhan said helplessly to Nie Jianfeng.

No one can join the Falcon Brigade, but Li Zhan must. If we had to quantify his combat effectiveness, he could hold up to three by himself. This is a conservative estimate. Li Zhan's air combat command ability is very powerful, which is very important to the Falcon Brigade.

Nie Jianfeng said, "We must ensure that you can open the Su Liangqi and let others open the Jianqi."

"We will study it when the combat meeting is held." Li Zhan said, "During this period of combat training, I still fly the J-7, and you are not as familiar with the switching of aircraft types as I am."

"Okay, then you feel aggrieved." Nie Jianfeng said.

Li Zhan said solemnly, "If I don't go to hell, who will? Let the brothers drive the Su 27 and I drive the J-7. I can definitely overcome this difficulty."

"If you are under pressure to repay the loan, I will give you some. I still have 100,000 yuan in my bankbook." Nie Jianfeng said.

Li Zhan waved his hand, "No, I can handle it."

Nie Jianfeng said with a smile, "It's better if you can really bear it. Your villa costs several million, but you have to pay back more than 10,000 yuan a month, right? The salary is not even close. If the rod fee cannot be raised, I will be nervous."

"It works. I basically don't spend any money. It's all used to repay the loan. Besides, no matter how nervous it is, it only lasts for a month or two. When the new machine comes out, everything will be fine." Li Zhan said, " You should seize the time to sort out the house, if you decide to settle down in Beiku."

Nie Jianfeng said, "What do you think of settling down in Beiku?"

Li Zhan pondered for a while and said, "Beiku is good. The air is good, the scenery is great and the place is big. The place where you live is refreshing and refreshing. The pace of life that is independent of the world is more suitable for retirement..."

"Okay, I understand. Beiku is not suitable for me." Nie Jianfeng shook his head helplessly and said, "I'm still young and haven't reached the age of retirement."

Li Zhan said seriously, "I suggest you buy a house in Beiku. Even if you are transferred in the future, you can rent it by the river. The economy of Beiku will definitely be tourism in the future, and the house will not worry about being unproductive. Or if you are in Invest more in tourist areas.”

Nie Jianfeng spread his hands indifferently and said, "Then just buy a house. At least you have a nest."

Revolutionary soldiers have a home all over the world, and they are also pilots who often travel abroad. They are thousands of kilometers away and have to be stationed and trained in rotation. Living at home for two days a year is considered rare. Having a home is the same as not having a home. . Therefore, since choosing this profession, Li Zhan, Nie Jianfeng and other pilots have been psychologically prepared to make their homes around the world.

The sacrifice of soldiers in non-war years is in a broad sense. It is not a sacrifice to sacrifice one's life for the country. It is also a sacrifice to put aside youth and family life and devote oneself to the modernization of national defense.

"There is a kind of failure called occupation, and there is a kind of victory called retreat. The small step back at this time is to be able to take a big step forward in the future. I am fine, really, I will fly the J-7, and I will fly her before the new machine is in place. ." Li Zhan said solemnly.

Nie Jianfeng shook his head helplessly, "Weren't we talking about my house? Why are we talking about flying planes again? Isn't this topic already over? I know you feel uncomfortable, but there is nothing you can do about it. You can only blame yourself. Don’t pay attention to scale when flying.”

"What scale has anything to do with scale? Isn't that just to complete the task successfully?" Li Zhan argued.

Nie Jianfeng said, "I won't argue with you. You are reasonable anyway. What should I do next? Should I train normally or help the second and third teams to refit?"

"Normal training." Li Zhan said, "The current main task is the confrontation with the Royal Cat Flying Group. The modification training of the Second and Third Brigades is not so urgent. They use Su Liangqi for modification training, and when the new aircraft is in place, they will We need to conduct adaptive training again. Type B has relatively big changes. I heard that all the avionics systems have been replaced."

Nie Jianfeng said, "Understood. The relevant information on the J-11B should be arriving soon, and we should also be preparing to open study classes."

Li Zhan said, "You and Tang Leilei should be responsible for this matter, and let Han Hongjun and Li Zizhen also participate."

This was the team of teachers in the theoretical study class for modifying the SU-27 at that time. The J-11B was born out of the A-type, and the A-type is the domestic model of the SU-27SK, so most of the theoretical knowledge is consistent. For the pilots of the Falcon Group, what they need to adapt to and understand is mainly the operation of the avionics system and the new cockpit. Therefore, the Falcon Brigade does not need to undergo special long-term modification training to modify the J-11B. The Second Brigade and the Third Brigade, after completing the modification training using the UBK combat trainer aircraft, will also receive some adaptive training to fully master the J-11B. Using the method, the combat effectiveness can be as short as three months or as long as six months.

"That's it for the time being. You go to the aviation hospital for a checkup. I'll go to the tactical intelligence center to check first." Li Zhan said.

Nie Jianfeng shouted at Li Zhan's back, "Lao Li, remember to go, otherwise Lao Bao will write you a medical report and see what you do."

"I know what's going on." Li Zhan waved his hand, jumped on the Warrior commuter bus, and said to Pei Lei, "Go to the war situation center."

Pei Lei stepped on the accelerator and ran towards the Tactical Intelligence Center along the parallel road. In ten minutes, he arrived at the tower where the second tower was now the duty station of the Tactical Intelligence Center. Without notifying Zhang Te, he walked straight up the stairs to the duty control room of the Tactical Intelligence Center, which was originally the tower command room.

There were not many people inside, but two young technical officers were sitting at their posts on the left. Zhang Te was standing in front of the control terminal on the right, checking something, and seemed to be talking to himself. Li Zhan walked in and signaled to the technical officer who was about to stand up not to be polite, and said to Zhang Te, "Xiao Zhang, how did you go about what I told you?"

Zhang Te was older than him, but he was the talker. Even Xue Xiangdong couldn't make the decision on the construction of the Beiku Tactical Intelligence Interaction Center, and all financial power and so on were in Li Zhan's hands. Li Zhan is also used to this kind of work where he talks about everything.

"Captain, you are here." Zhang Te raised his hand in salute. After Li Zhan returned the salute, he said, "I have done preliminary research. Please ask Comrade Niu Jun to introduce you to the specific situation."

"Niu Jun? New comrade?" Li Zhan looked around and found no one except the two technical officers and Zhang Te. This center had a relatively small establishment, and the two comrades who had originally planned it were temporarily transferred to other projects, so that Zhang Te had to do the work of three people. The two technical officers were taken out of the brigade and their level was average.

"Yes, the Military Region has transferred a young expert in this field from the University of Science and Technology, which has greatly improved the technical capabilities of our center." Zhang Te turned to the communications room and shouted, "Niu Jun, the captain is here, please come out. "

Not long after, someone came out of the communications room.

When Li Zhan saw that man, he was stunned.

"It's you?"

"It's you?"

Zhang Te was stunned, something happened!

"Niu Jun, it's really you!" Li Zhan subconsciously took a few big steps forward and then suddenly stopped.

Standing in front of him was a female major with standard short hair. She was wearing an army winter uniform with armbands from the general uniform. She had big eyes, a round face, a slender figure, a tall chest and a buttocks, especially the trousers of the winter uniform. , wearing a model-like temperament. The gold-rimmed glasses look very clear, and the prescription should not be high, adding a bit of cultural temperament.

The first impression that came to Li Zhan's mind when he saw Niu Jun was that this school girl had been selected as the standard model for the new military uniforms when she was still in school. In other words, the basic standard of the 07-style women's military uniform is based on her figure.

"Senior brother, it's true. I thought they had the same name." Niu Jun was also surprised, and he laughed happily, showing his neat white teeth.

"Here, what is going on? You came here like this. Aren't you working in assembly?" Li Zhan's mind was filled with questions.

He pointed at Zhang Te and said, "Xiao Zhang, we know each other, you are busy with your business."

Then he said to Niu Jun, "Go in, let's have a good chat."

With that said, Niu Jun was pushed into the communication room and closed the door.

Outside, Zhang Te and the two technical officers were dumbfounded. They secretly thought that the captain's style was too direct and rough. How about enforcing the law on the spot?

However, the atmosphere in the communication room was not as dirty and ambiguous as they imagined, but very serious and dignified. Li Zhan sat there, frowning, and asked, "What's going on? Why did you come here?"

This junior sister with an extremely masculine name is not an ordinary person. Li Zhan studied at Huaqing University with her. Li Zhan went to the aviation school two years later, and she continued to study at Huaqing University. After Li Zhan arrived at the training base, she continued to study for a master's degree. When Li Zhan went to the army, he lost contact with her.

Li Zhan said, "As far as I know, you were asked to leave by the General Assembly when you were still in school. What is your situation?"

Niu Jun sat down. At 1.67 meters tall, she was wearing standard women's military leather shoes, which put a lot of pressure on Li Zhan, even though Li Zhan was a bit tall at 1.76 meters tall.

She put the folder in her hand on her thighs together and said, "It was quite sudden. I packed my backpack and came here after receiving the order. I didn't expect it. The superior said that professional people like me are needed here, and our director said that I I was asked to come here because I lacked grassroots work experience.”

Niu Jun said, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Brother, I called you and said I didn't know where you were. I even wrote a letter and sent it to your aviation school. Have you received it?" "

"I know the phone number, but I was too busy and forgot to call you back. But did you send the letter?" Li Zhan was surprised.

Niu Jun nodded heavily, "Yes! I sent the letter! I sent thirteen letters in succession, and also sent my artistic photos, the kind of photos you mentioned before. I later took a set and sent them all to is you."

"It's just a college-style art photo, or something like that." Li Zhan said in capital letters.

Niu Jun said, "Yes, it's that kind of photo."

This is a naive girl who is obsessed with technology. She is still so innocent at the age of twenty-six, which makes Mr. Li Zhan blush.

"Junior sister, I didn't receive the letter or the photo. Did you send it to the aviation school?" Li Zhan asked.

"Yes, that's the address you gave me." Niu Jun nodded affirmatively.

Li Zhan nodded slightly, "I understand. I'll call the aviation school later and ask. I'm sure it won't be lost."

"Your aviation school is so unreliable that personal letters are not delivered in time." Niu Jun said.

Li Zhan pretended not to see the special look in Niu Jun's eyes, waved his hand and said, "Let's get down to business, has Zhang Te given you the responsibility for satellite communications?"

"Yes, this is what I studied." When it came to work, Niu Jun returned to her serious demeanor. She opened the folder and said, "Brother, your request is to have satellite positioning function on the new airborne terminal. I We communicated with the R\u0026D team of Beidou System through our director. In principle, there is no problem. They are willing to help. In fact, they will have to do this work sooner or later. We here are equivalent to providing them with a test platform. It’s very welcome.”

Li Zhan was very happy, "It was a very wise decision by the superiors to transfer you here. It's great. I didn't expect you to be so helpful and to be able to contact the Beidou system's R\u0026D team."

"Our director is a senior member of the technical team and is responsible for one of the sub-projects." Niu Jun said, "Brother, are you going to buy a new aircraft?"


Niu Jun thought for a while and said, "I suggest contacting the manufacturer to integrate our terminal system into the aircraft's avionics system and reserve some interfaces and redundant lines so that future updates of tactical intelligence terminals can be directly installed. , there is no need to install it as rigidly as now.”

Li Zhan was deep in thought for a while and said, "But the plane should be on test flight."

"No problem, it can be modified before it leaves the factory. The manufacturer is very familiar with this matter." Niu Jun said confidently.

Li Zhan nodded and asked, "Can the new tactical intelligence terminal achieve the required performance parameters?"

"Most of it is fine." Niu Jun said, "This needs to be improved slowly, and it is related to command authority. It needs to be reported to the general assembly. Some functions can only take effect after they approve the distribution. For example, positioning and identification of friend or foe."

This girl is a true technology master. She invented a patent as early as her sophomore year and came into the attention of military scientific research institutions. Later, a certain scientific research department directly under the General Assembly recruited her away. They subsidized all the tuition and food expenses during college and applied for an incentive support for her. She received a bonus of 100,000 yuan. She directly bought a house for her parents in her hometown city. She is also a girl who is quick to do things.

Li Zhan admires her because he can see the shadow of his senior sister Zhu Qingying in her, and she does things neatly and without any sloppiness.

Li Zhan didn't expect things to be so complicated here. He said, "It just so happens that the general assembly is your mother's family, so the communication with the relevant departments of the general assembly is left to you. That's right, are you still used to it here? Are there any difficulties in life? "

"Yes." Niu Jun said without hesitation, "It's not convenient for me to live here."

Li Zhan said, "Okay, I'll make arrangements for you, make them now. Go, pack your backpack and follow me."

Niu Jun immediately went out to hand over the work to Zhang Te, and then went downstairs with Li Zhan to the dormitory at the bottom to pack his luggage and pack his backpack. Li Zhan stood at the door and watched. Niu Jun is not a civilian cadre, and her military quality seems to be higher than that of many technical officers. The movements for packing a backpack are standard, one move at a time, and the movements are very fast.

Soon, Niu Jun packed up all his personal belongings, and Li Zhan got on the Warrior commuter bus and went down the mountain. Pei Lei couldn't help but take a second look at Niu Jun, thinking that this female cadre is so beautiful!

Niu Jun: Of course it is inconvenient for a lesbian to live in the mountains, and we cannot let lesbians live in the mountains and suffer. Li Zhan took Niu Jun directly to the family courtyard and arranged a small suite with one bedroom and one living room for her. It was more than 40 square meters and was very spacious. Moreover, all family members lived here, mostly women, and it was very difficult to get in and out. convenient.

Niu Jun happily sorted out the contents and said, "It's good to have senior brother here."

"I am in the camp and you are in the camp. You are younger than me. According to the regulations, you can live in a small suite. There are not many other things here in Beiku, but there are more places. If this standard suite is in the coastal area, regimental-level cadres Only then can we live." Li Zhan said with a smile.

Niu Jun asked, "What should I do if I go to work?"

"There are commuter buses to pick you up. I told the bus driver that you should just relax and concentrate on your work. If you have any difficulties, come to me directly. Of course, if Zhang Te can solve it, your center will solve it," Li Zhan said.

Niu Jun said, "I understand, thank you, senior brother."

"You clean up first, I have a meeting."

Li Zhan turned around and went out, secretly breathing a sigh of relief. Niu Jun caught up and said, "That's right, senior brother, are you okay tonight? Come over here and I'll show you that kind of photo. I have a backup here."

"Junior sister, don't talk about that kind of photos from now on. They are just artistic photos. Well, strictly speaking, they are a set of relatively artistic photos taken in school." Li Zhan didn't know how to explain, "I specially emphasized that those kind of photos are just In order to explain the difference from ordinary photos, short, I won’t say those two words.”

At that time, I met Niu Jun during an event in school. Li Zhan made a joke, saying that he wanted to take that kind of photo. Everyone knew what it meant, but Niu Jun stupidly asked on the spot what that kind of photo was. Li Zhan was thrown into a corner. The key was that Niu Jun's innocent look made people feel deeply guilty. She really didn't understand. Li Zhan was so anxious that he said that those kind of photos were artistic photos taken on the school's scenic roads, gardens, and other places, with a college style.

Unexpectedly, Niu Jun memorized it, and it lasted five years!

Basic update two-in-one, a 5,000-word chapter

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