Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 327? Men should be cruel to themselves

Chapter 327 Men should be cruel to themselves

"Ahem, this command and control department has nothing to do with us, we don't take this factor into consideration." Nie Jianfeng broke the awkward atmosphere, "We still have to fight realistically, and we can't live by relying on auxiliary plug-ins, right?"

Li Zhan echoed, "The instructor is right, we must play realistically and achieve our true level."

Everyone secretly thought, before we fought against the 2nd Division and the 300th Division, you told Deputy Minister Liang that the Director's Department should be turned into a Leading Department, and convinced Deputy Minister Liang to favor our Blue Army side. Now you tell us that you want to Fight realistically?

Of course, the officers and soldiers of the Falcon Brigade never thought that they would lose to the Red Army if they fought realistically. They were absolutely confident that they would win.

Li Zhan said, "You can win every battle only if you know yourself and the enemy. The meeting must first talk about the Imperial Cat Flying Group and analyze this unit. Anyone here who knows about this unit can raise their hands to speak. Now let's ask the instructor to introduce the Imperial Cat Flying Group. The situation with the Cat Flight.”

Nie Jianfeng had done his homework. He said, "The Royal Cat Flying Group is just like its nickname. It is stationed in the important area of ​​​​Gyeonggi and is a force that has attracted much attention from all walks of life. Many pilots of the Bayi Aerobatic Team are from The people who came out of this regiment have excellent flying skills. This unit is equipped with two types of aircraft, mainly the J-11. Last year, it also equipped a brigade of the J-10B type, which are the most advanced fighters currently in service in our army. Their The J-11 has rich experience in using it, much richer than ours. In terms of equipment level, the unit is on par with the Second Division and the Three Hundred Division."

After a pause, he glanced at Li Zhan and said, "But their training standards, according to the analysis of the team leader and I, are very limited. It is understood that the department still implements altitude difference air combat training, and ground-based combat training is still practiced." In terms of strike, we have not yet conducted training on the subject of low-altitude penetration."

"In general, the unit's combat effectiveness is mediocre and they lack practical training."

Li Zhan glanced at it and said, "The Royal Cat Flying Group is rich and handsome, tall, mighty and rich. They learn tricks like boxing. We are bandits from the west, poor and ugly. We often fight in groups and our attacks are fatal." Tricks. This is not what I said. I heard some people comparing us to the Royal Cat Flying Group."

After everyone grinned, Li Zhan's face suddenly brightened and he said, "But, in other words, you can look down on your opponents strategically, but you must pay attention to your tactics, otherwise we will be the ones who are embarrassed in the end. The instructor has just said As I said before, the average level of flying skills of the Royal Cat Flying Group is one of the best in the entire military, otherwise it would not have become the supply point for new pilots of the August 1st Aerobatic Demonstration Team. Flying skills are the basis of all subjects, and the basis of some of our comrades is It’s not too strong, so don’t think that the Royal Cat Flying Group is just a showman, at least they have strong muscles.”

"Everyone can speak freely about this unit. Let's analyze it in detail first so that everyone knows what to do." Li Zhan said.

As a result, the atmosphere became lively, and people kept raising their hands to speak. The topic all revolved around the Royal Cat Flying Group, and they were discussed and analyzed bit by bit. In this way, everyone had a relatively complete impression of the Red Army.

This kind of meeting was also held during the confrontation with the Second Division and the Three Hundred Division, and it has formed the characteristics of the Falcon Brigade. Mobilize the wisdom of cadres and the masses to dig out hidden problems as much as possible, expose them to the sun, and then work together to pool collective wisdom to solve problems. This approach is easy to say, but not easy to organize and implement. Li Zhan and Nie Jianfeng were able to vigorously promote this method and overcome many difficulties.

After an hour of discussion and analysis by the Royal Cat Flying Group of the Red Army, the meeting entered the second topic - how to fight this confrontation.

Han Hongjun said, "All the airports and stations in the Beikou area have been included in the Beikou air defense base system, and the two sub-bases of Nanku and Dongku have been assigned to our brigade. After the Red Army comes, where will they station? Since it is far away If we are to attack on the way, we can use the old method and wait for work to defeat them on the way."

"I agree with Han Hongjun's opinion. During the Red Army's 2,000-kilometer attack, their J-10s would have to find tankers or make backup landings when they reached the place where they flew. We Su Liangqi and J-11s could catch them by surprise. Personally, I don't think it's very Big difficulty." Lin Fei said.

Nie Jianfeng said, "This tactic has been used against the 300 Division. Their Red Army troops will definitely study our combat characteristics."

Wu Zhen gathered his hands and said, "Captain, instructor, I have a classmate from aviation school who works in the Royal Cat Flying Group. He said that the Royal Cat Flying Group has been studying the tactical characteristics of my group, and he called out to defeat the Falcon Group. The slogan of capturing the cheerleader alive.”

"What to capture alive?" Li Zhan asked with a frown.

Wu Zhen smiled and said, "Captain of the tie rod, you are the captain of the team."

Everyone laughed.

Li Zhan waved his hands and said, "Your classmates will not tell you the truth if they know you are in the Falcon Brigade, but I believe they have been studying our tactics."

He directly ignored the nickname of the little prince of the lever, neither admitting nor denying it, in the style of a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

"I basically agree with the instructor. It's OK to repeat old tricks, but it depends on local conditions and the situation. There are no outdated tactics, and there are no tactics that will work forever."

Li Zhan raised a finger and said, "I want to remind everyone that the Royal Cat Flying Group has very strong coordination capabilities. What do you mean, in the distance of more than two thousand kilometers from the capital of Gyeonggi to Beiku, except for We also have many stations of our brother armies in the Beikku area. Among them, the bomber division has had some conflicts with us before. If the Royal Cat Flying Group asks them to help use their stations, they can shorten the attack distance to one thousand kilometers. within."

"A thousand kilometers away, even the J-10 can easily handle it. So we can't just consider the J-11." Nie Jianfeng added.

Li Zhan said seriously, "We have opened the Pandora's box of unrestricted confrontation. Don't underestimate the learning ability of our brother troops. Once they break this ideological shackles, they will definitely come up with tricks far beyond our imagination."

When he said this, everyone's expressions became serious, and the last bit of contempt was gone.

You may wonder, what kind of force is the Royal Cat Flying Regiment? It is the number one main regiment of the Gyeonggi Guards Division. They are an important part of the air formation in every National Day military parade. They are a force that is often reviewed by the party and the people. They are a vital part of the people. The first-class ace unit in the eyes of the masses.

Of course, the people can only learn information about the troops through public news reports. Whichever unit the reports tend to favor is the trump card. There is a ranking list in the minds of people in the military, but the ranking list in the minds of local people is mostly watery.

Eliminating the contempt among officers and soldiers was one of Li Zhan's main purposes. The two complete victories brought about a surge in self-confidence in the troops, and the side effect was that it was easy to feel arrogant and complacent like "I am the best in the world." This is very fatal.

The most critical thing is that the officers and soldiers of the Falcon Brigade and even the entire 101st Brigade, including the brigade leaders, have formed a consciousness-as long as Li Zhan is there, nothing will be a problem.

This is even more terrible.

Li Zhan had clearly felt these changes, and he became vigilant because of this. He will not stay in the 101st Brigade forever, and too much hope is placed on him. If one day he leaves, the officers and soldiers of the 101st Brigade will lose their backbone.

This is a very dangerous signal. Li Zhan must find a way to change it, starting from this confrontation.

"The most outstanding feature of the Falcon Brigade is its strong sense of innovation, which is also our advantage. Actual combat versus actual combat, everything starts from actual combat. This is a war, and the plan is how to fight the war. You can consider everything, but you can't Take into account the fact that the Red Army is a brotherly army. When fighting, there are only enemies, not brotherly armies. Only by treating confrontation as actual combat can we achieve real combat effectiveness and better fulfill our role as a whetstone. "

Li Zhan said seriously, as a military chief, what he talks about most is political matters. No wonder the officers and soldiers often say that the captain is also the second instructor.

"Based on the above principles, we started to discuss the combat plan. Today we will come up with a preliminary plan." Li Zhan waved his hand gently.

The atmosphere became more and more lively.

The meeting lasted until lunch time, and the preliminary combat plan had been written and placed in front of Li Zhan. That's the good thing about being an official. If you propose an idea, someone will immediately sort it out and put it into a finished product in front of you. You only need to review it and give your opinion. Naturally, someone will make modifications according to your instructions until the plan is perfected.

After lunch, Xue Xiangdong called Li Zhan over, and they went out for a slow walk to eat. He said, "Commander Liang asked me how confident I am of the confrontation with the Royal Cat Flying Group. I said I can basically win."

"We can win." Li Zhan raised his eyes and looked at the clouds slowly dispersing in the sky. The rain had stopped and good weather would come soon.

He said, "I am mainly considering using confrontation to test some new tactics. I am already improving the combat plan. I will submit it to the brigade headquarters for review tomorrow."

Xue Xiangdong said, "Just tell me briefly."

Li Zhan said, "The troops' counterattack tactics under the premise of evacuation in wartime."

"Add more weight to yourself?" Xue Xiangdong immediately understood what Li Zhan meant.

Li Zhan said, "Yes, you must put more pressure on yourself. Men should be harsher on themselves."

Xue Xiangdong smiled and said, "Isn't that true?"

"As for the troops, they already have some complacency and must increase their efforts." Li Zhan said.

Xue Xiangdong said, "The Royal Cat Flying Group is not so bad, right?"

After being stunned, Li Zhan said frankly, "I am not targeting the Royal Cat Flying Group, but in terms of unrestricted confrontation, many troops are no match for the Falcon Brigade."

Xue Xiangdong said, "The entire Royal Cat Flying Group is dispatched, with more than twenty aircraft fighting ten and eleven. You only have nine Su Liangqi in your hand. How do you plan to fight?"

"There are also Dongsanguai and J-7." Li Zhan didn't have any confidence, so he smiled, "This is why I planned to set up a background. During the war, the emergency evacuation simulation base was attacked by the enemy's long-range missiles and was successfully evacuated. There are nine fighters out, and the counterattack force in my hand is only these fighters, oh, plus the Dongsanguai J-7, the total is ten."

Xue Xiangdong said in a deep voice, "This time there is a huge disparity in strength, and tactics are even more important. Although there is no specific number of fighters dispatched by the Royal Cat Flying Group, there are definitely more than twenty."

"Two versus one, it's not a big problem. We have many advantages." Li Zhan said.

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