Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 335: Close the door and beat the cat

Why didn't the Royal Cat Group find any trace of the Falcon Brigade?

They stepped on the accelerator and headed straight for Beikou Base, completely unaware that the Falcon Brigade had been evacuated to Highway 4, more than 300 kilometers south of Beikku Base, just below their attack route.

When the Royal Cat Regiment launched an attack on the three major bases in Beiku and several Blue Army military targets, all ten fighters of the Falcon Group took off behind them.

After adjusting the plan, Nie Jianfeng also boarded the plane and took off. He and Tang Leile flew back to SU-27UBK No. 27 to serve as air command aircraft, while the Eagle's Nest Field Command Center began to evacuate to a safe area. The main reason forcing the Falcon Group to make such adjustments is the weather - the latest satellite cloud images show that a new sandstorm has formed deep in the desert north of Highway 4, only fifty kilometers away from Highway 4.

The combat time that originally had up to eighteen hours suddenly became only one attack. In other words, all ten fighters of the Falcon Group only have this chance to take off for combat, and victory or defeat depends on this one move. It can be seen that the battle plan is one thing, but the implementation of the war is another. No one can predict the emergencies that may be encountered during actual operations, and it is normal for the final implemented plan to be very different from the original plan.

Fighters take off along Highway 4, and the time between them is very short, only one minute on average. Li Zhan piloted No. 037 J-7EGG and was the last to take off because he had short legs. In order to increase the time in the air, he even brought three auxiliary fuel tanks, plus two training blanks. The little maid hung all the cargo. Looking at the big and round SU-27, just two training blanks were so easy.

Even so, the airborne time of the No. 037 J-7EGG is not as good as that of the "Su Niangniang".

As for why Li Zhan finally chose him to fly the No. 037 J-7EGG, the main reason is that only he can fully exert the full combat effectiveness of the fighter. There are very few usable fighters. If one cannot fully exert its combat effectiveness, it will be a huge loss to the overall combat capability.

Among the new generation of pilots, Li Zhan is undoubtedly the one who plays the J-7 best. From the initial J-7E to the later J-7B, and then to the current J-7EGG, he even flew the J-7G when visiting the 300th Division, and he played the best in every aircraft. No matter what position you play, you can play it to the extreme.

Who would dare to think of using the J-7E for low-altitude penetration attack training, and actually put it into action, so that it was successfully developed and influenced aviation units including Hainan Airlines.

Without a better choice, Li Zhan could only earn the more than 300 yuan in rod fees.

After the landing gear was all off the ground, Li Zhan turned at a low altitude and at a large angle less than a hundred meters above the ground. The roar of the WP-7PG jet engine hit the desert surface and bounced back into the sky. Adjusting the course to due south, Li Zhan climbed to a height of 500 meters above the ground and then flew level and at a constant speed of 500 kilometers per hour.

On his left wing, Nie Jianfeng led three SU-27UBKs to fly due east, at a height of 700 meters higher than Li's strategy. The remaining six fighter planes were divided into two groups and circled carefully at low altitude, ambush on both sides of the Red Army's return route.

The Red Army formation returned home, with fighter jets scattered around to protect the six bulky H-6Ks in the middle. Therefore, the fighter formation had to slow down to accommodate the six men who were taking a walk like an old man after a meal. Everyone's feelings were not very good. They had prepared for more than a year and gathered enough strength to wait for a punch tonight. They knocked him down, but everyone with a discerning eye knew that the Blue Army's reaction was very strange. After calming down, everyone realized that instead of saying that we had knocked the Blue Army down on the ground and destroyed many of their targets, it was better to say that the Blue Army had taken the initiative to give up the entire Beikku region.

But is it possible to give it up?

Offensive and defensive battles. If the Blue Army, as the defensive side, fails to defend the Beiku area, doesn't it mean that they have failed?

Therefore, everyone's first reaction after deducing the conclusion that "the Blue Army voluntarily abandoned the North Kurdistan Region" was disbelief. This is tantamount to giving away the victory, which is absolutely impossible for the Blues to do.

There are two possibilities. First, the Blue Army has been defeated by its own thunderous tactics. Second, the Blue Army is hiding.

The problem is that all three stations have been destroyed, and there are no aircraft in the sky. Ground personnel and equipment can be hidden, but you can't hide the fighter planes! Even if you hide the fighter plane in a cave, you can't take off without a runway, so it's meaningless.

So we fell into an extremely embarrassing situation - we couldn't figure out what was going on with the Blues.

Yang Xuhua currently only has one option: return home. They must complete the ongoing operations and report to the command and control department before the command and control department will give the damage result and make a judgment.

Let’s talk about it later. After thousands of kilometers of long-distance raids and hundreds of kilometers of low-altitude penetration, the J-10A fleet responsible for ground strike missions no longer has much fuel left, and there is no way to carry out the next battle. At this time, the disadvantages of medium-sized fighters are highlighted. After adding the auxiliary fuel tank, the combat radius is only 1,500 kilometers. It needs to consider returning after being stuck in the air for more than half an hour at a distance of 1,000 kilometers.

When the J-10B came out, there were some calls for increasing the range in subsequent modifications, such as using a conformal fuel tank solution. The one that most hoped to do this was Hainan Airlines. They have to travel a thousand or two thousand kilometers at every turn. In the future, Hainan Airlines will go to the open sea. They hate short-legged fighters. However, the Air Force believes that the current range of the J-10 is sufficient, and there is no need to install any conformal fuel tanks. The Air Force has always regarded the J-10 as an air superiority fighter, and adding conformal fuel tanks will have an impact on mobility.

Eight long-legged J-11Bs were pressing the formation at high altitude behind them. From time to time, they made circling maneuvers to point their noses due west, and alternately turned on their airborne radars to search. There is a small radar on the tail vertebra between the two rounds of the J-11B, facing the rear hemisphere. However, the combat range is limited and can only provide an actual detection range of more than ten kilometers. It is mainly used to cooperate with off-axis combat missiles to target the rear. To attack.

Obviously, the fuel capacity can be arbitrarily large.

Liu Zhiwei looked at the dark night sky outside the cockpit and felt very uneasy. He felt a chill behind his ears. Once again, he and his wingman climbed up a steep slope and turned around, using airborne radar to search behind them for more than ten minutes, but the situation was still calm.

At this time, the Red Army's mixed fleet had returned to a location about 500 kilometers away from Xidingchang Station, and would be able to leave the battlefield in about ten minutes. The H-6K is very slow and is flying at a speed of about 700 kilometers per hour. If it were not for these "encumbrances", the fighter group would have already landed and made tea.

Hong-6K: That’s not what you say when you ask someone to lay eggs!

The terrifyingly calm battlefield is preparing for the bloodiest "massacre" in the history of the Chinese Air Force. This confrontation drill is destined to be recorded in the history of the Chinese Air Force's actual combat training.

PS: I will update it later. I will try my best to finish writing this confrontation today.

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