Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 337 Is there something wrong with the Guidance Department? (Additional update for Feiyanren

The mixed formation of the Red Army was howling like ghosts, and many people couldn't figure out why the situation suddenly changed like this. The radar warning of each fighter plane was emitting an unprecedented rapid chirping sound, which was like a death song.

However, the climax of the nightmare only appeared at this time.

Except for the SU-27UBK flown by Nie Jianfeng and Tang Leilei, which acted as air command aircraft, the other eight SU-27SK and SU-27UBK were divided into two groups and suddenly climbed from the left and right wings of the Red Army mixed formation at low altitude with afterburners. Guided by accurate data from the Tactical Intelligence Interaction Center, target allocation was completed in just a few seconds. Immediately, all fighter planes took up high-altitude attack positions, fired a salvo of sixteen monster blank bombs a hundred kilometers away, and then quickly accelerated their approach. The Red Army's mixed formation once again simulated a salvo of sixteen PL-12 medium-range air-to-air missiles fifty kilometers away. This was not over yet. They continued to close the distance until they were within visual range. They stretched out their formation and rushed into the mixed formation of the Red Army with zero height difference. They simulated firing blank combat bombs at their respective targets.

The three-stage shooting method is also used by other troops, but they use it when they do not have the advantage of ground anti-aircraft firepower, so the effect is naturally greatly reduced.

The eight SU-27 fighter jets of the Blue Army fired combat air bombs and then quickly climbed away to a distance of 30 kilometers. At this moment, the ground air defense network was about to start weaving the second round of air defense fire net. You know, at the same time that the air flanker fleet launched an attack, the ground air defense network also began to provide all-round and full-range fire coverage in the air!

The Beikku Air Defense Base used all of their ground-based long-range air defense missile units - accounting for one-third of the entire army's S300 units! All reserve anti-aircraft artillery units in the Beiku area are fully mobilized! All Army field air defense units in the Beikong area are dispatched!

All three weaved a fire net from bottom to top, and the Falcon Brigade assaulted the two ribs of the Red Army mixed formation from both sides.

In fact, the mixed formation of the Red Army was completely unaware at this moment that they were already trapped in the vast ocean of people's war. Just to provide logistical support for the reserve anti-aircraft artillery force, there are more than a dozen local transportation companies and several engineering teams. They help build anti-aircraft artillery positions and use tarpaulins with the same texture as snakeskin bags to cover the towed anti-aircraft guns and pull them to designated locations. Deployment in different areas, otherwise how can we hide from aerial reconnaissance?

The army and the people are united as one, let's see who can be the enemy in the world!

The Cat Regiment used a large number of upper-level resources to disable the Eagle Brigade's strategic killer weapon and draw the bomber division to its side. However, the Eagle Brigade directly used the "king bomb" of regional defense mobilization. On the Cat Regiment's return flight, using the personal charm of the drawbar battle as bait, it launched an all-round airtight saturated anti-air fire attack on the Cat Regiment!

Li Zhan easily got rid of the confused J-10A, turned to the opponent's rear hemisphere, then accelerated, letting the speed push him to the back of the chair, pointed the nose of the J-10A at the chrysanthemum, and pursued him until the cannon fired. The aircraft guns were fired at a simulated distance, and they randomly rolled and dived away, then quickly climbed up again from an unknown angle and went straight to the H-6K aircraft group in the middle of the Red Army's defense circle!

If it were daytime, the H-6K pilots would see an extremely light J-7EGG rolling up and down in their formation, rolling from the left wing to the right wing and back again, sometimes occupying the forward route and sometimes occupying the daisy position to aim at the ring. They will even see the huge, ferocious eagle head on the single vertical tail of the J-7EGG, as well as the five red stars and the number "037" in regular script on the side of the cockpit!

The bulky and confused H-6K fleet did not know what to do. They could only maintain their heading, altitude and speed and continue to return to the battlefield - it would be great if this was an actual combat. There would always be an outcome whether it was life or death, instead of being so confused now. I don't know anything and I feel so panicked.

Li Zhan left the H-6K fleet, ended his teasing with these old guys, and then plunged into another J-10A formation responsible for air cover. He performed several zero-altitude maneuvers and flashed the aircraft. The orange-red tail flame of the lights and tail nozzle is very eye-catching.

A limited-edition J-7EGG, which represents the highest technical level of the J-7 currently in service and the most advanced level of the world's second-generation aircraft, moves left and right among a formation of J-10A advanced third-generation aircraft like no one else, looking very naughty. The little boy driving the sheep held a whip in his hand to drive the sheep. If any sheep disobeyed, he would just whip them. There was no such thing as being too far behind the whip.

Even the little boy who drives sheep will sell these good-looking and graceful sheep in exchange for tuition fees, study hard every day, and contribute to the construction of a powerful People's Air Force.

"Is he crazy? It's night time, why are you so cool!"

"Why are you pretending to be so stupid when I pounce on you!"

"Who is this! What is he doing? He is a newbie and has no awareness of flight safety at all!"

"I heard he is the captain of the Falcon Group. He is the only one in their group who drives the J-7."


The pilots of the Cat Group were yelling and swearing on the radio channel. Some fighter planes tried their best to chase the No. 037 J-7EGG, but they saw the No. 037 J-7EGG repeating its old tricks of accelerating and diving. It quickly dropped to altitude and disappeared in the blink of an eye. I don’t know. Hidden behind the mountain below.

This place is already a mountainous area. The Blue Army chose to set up an ambush here because the terrain here is very conducive to concealing troops. Both ground troops and airborne fighters can use the complex terrain of the mountainous area to conceal themselves.

The pilots of the Cat Group did not dare to pursue them. They were not as skilled and bold as their leader. For the sake of flight safety, they absolutely could not enter the mountains during night flights. They have no idea that low-altitude penetration flights into mountains during night flights are commonplace for the Yin Damage Brigade!

Even the Second and Third Brigades that operate J-7Es have many pilots with the combat capability of low-altitude penetration in mountainous areas at night.

J-7EGG No. 037 left the battlefield. He traveled westward at low altitude in the mountainous area and returned to Beiku Base. The remaining nine Flanker fighter jets also received the order to evacuate the battlefield at the same time, and all descended to an altitude of 6,000 meters to return to the Beiku base formation.

Yang Xuhua was so angry that his head was smoking, and he gave the order, "The cover team will send out two fighter planes to escort the bomber back home. The others will chase after me. We must have a showdown tonight!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Jialiang's voice suddenly sounded on the radio channel, with a very sad tone: "Yu Mao No. 1, this is the shit shovel officer. We just received the results reported by the guidance department. Your entire army has been wiped out. Return. Come on, Royal Cat."

"Captain Yang, please return. You have lost."


What the hell did you lose?

The fight hasn't started yet, we haven't even had a mid-air dogfight with the Falcon Group's fighter jets, and you're going back and forth with swords and swords, so why are we losing?

"What's going on in the command and control department? Did they make a mistake?" Yang Xuhua said.

Chen Jialiang was silent. After all, he had not lost. You must know that he also dispatched six H-6Ks. The annihilation of the entire army meant that all his planes were shot down.

"These planes are all my children. If you shoot them all down, are you still a human being?" Chen Jialiang wanted to grab Li Zhan by the collar and ask.

Chen Jialiang said, "The guidance department will issue a detailed judgment later on the specific situation. Let's talk about it when we come back. You don't have much fuel."

Yes, there is not much gas left. Before chasing the blue army, we need to talk to the gas tanker. But where is the gas tanker?

Yang Xuhua reluctantly issued the return order, comforting himself by saying that at least three of their stations and many ground targets were destroyed, and even if the entire army was really annihilated, it would still be worth it.

However, what he didn't believe at all was, why did he lose?

Is there something wrong with the guidance department?

PS: Feiyanren allocated another 1,000 yuan for the lever fee, and became a double leader. Lao Li knows the rules, so I won’t give you more. There should be another chapter after midnight.

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