Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 351 ? Say nothing, the motherland knows about me

Chapter 351 Say nothing and the motherland knows about me

There was a desk next to the window in the guard room, with a landline telephone, a registration book, and an extendable baton. There was a police shield against the wall next to the desk, and there was no other debris. It is no different from the military gate post.

There was a camp bed against the wall, military pillows and green army quilts folded into tofu blocks, meticulous housekeeping standards. In front of the camp bed is a rectangular wooden coffee table with a thermos, a simple tea set and an ashtray. This may be the only difference between this guard room and the military gate post.

The sun, which was beginning to head toward the west, shined brightly through the window, dispelling the coldness of the cemetery and making this small space warm and quiet.

Shi Tian took out the folding bench that was placed against the wall and placed it beside the coffee table. He asked Li Zhan and Hu Wenbing to sit down, "Two leaders, please sit down. My conditions are simple, so don't be surprised."

"It's much richer than the army gate." Li Zhan pointed at Hu Wenbing and then at himself, "He is not the chief, and I am not the chief. You are a veteran and we are new recruits."

Shi Tian, ​​the gatekeeper of the Martyrs Cemetery, joined the army at the age of sixteen and retired after eight years of service. He is now almost forty years old and joined the army earlier than Hu Wenbing. Whoever joins the army earlier is a veteran. This is an unwritten rule, regardless of your position or military rank.

Hu Wenbing said, "Lao Shi, there is no leader here, only comrades."

"Then I'm welcome." Shi Tian smiled, took the military folding bench from the foot of the bed, opened it, sat down and started making tea.

It turns out that the gatekeeper of the Martyrs Cemetery is the big man who drove the taxi that Li Zhan took when he came to see Liu Guisong last time.

Li Zhan asked curiously, "Brother Shi, what's going on with you? The taxi won't open?"

He noticed a 125CC men's motorcycle parked outside.

"It's not open anymore. I'll transfer it while it's still valuable. I can get a motorcycle and take a few customers on my way home to earn back the gas money." Shi Tian said with a smile, "The civil affairs department is recruiting people to guard the mausoleum. Although the salary is not high. Gao Dan offered to buy medical insurance, so I applied for the job."

Hu Wenbing asked, "What about the family?"

The salary is definitely not high, but a thousand and twenty-three yuan is considered good. People who are almost 40 years old are at a time when they are old and young, so you can imagine how stressful life is.

Shi Tian poured a cup of tea from a disposable cup and handed it over, "Drink tea. There is definitely pressure, and the old ladies in my family don't understand it. But everyone has pressure, just overcome it. The main reason is that my son was admitted to Shanghai Airlines this year The school is over, everything is under the control of the army, the elderly have pensions, and life is pretty good."

"Recruiting?" Li Zhan became interested, "Which aviation school? Brother Shi, I fly fighter jets."

"Really?" Shi Tian was even more surprised than Li Zhan, and then became excited, "That's great, 404 Aviation School, at the International Village."

Li Zhan and Hu Wenbing looked at each other, and Li Zhan said, "That's my flying alma mater."

"Lao Shi, Li Zhan is very popular in 404 Aviation School. If you have any difficulties, come to him." Hu Wenbing pointed at Li Zhan and said to Shi Tian with a smile.

Shi Tian stood up immediately, "Captain Li..."

"Brother Shi, please sit down." Li Zhan quickly asked him to sit down and said to this middle-aged man who looked fierce but was honest and honest. He only cared about his son, "Which university does your son go to preparatory school for?"

"Pre-school? 404 aviation school." Shi Tian said.

Li Zhan simply introduced the training steps for pilots and said, "404 Aviation School is a flight school. Before that, prospective pilots must undergo two years of preparatory study, and the university where they are located is a preparatory school. For example, Aviation University, and Military commissioned training classes at local universities. I went to Huaqing University for two years, then two years at the 404 Aviation School, and another year at the training base. I can only become a pilot if I pass the entire process."

"So complicated?" Shi Tian frowned, "It turns out that just because you pass the exam, you will definitely be a pilot. The brat didn't make it clear."

Li Zhan smiled and said, "I guess he doesn't know too much. When he gets to the army, he will organize unified learning. But don't worry, even if you can't be a pilot, you can still work as a ground crew. In short, you will definitely be a cadre. You don't have to worry about the future. You can do it." rest assured."

Shi Tian suddenly laughed and said, "Yes, yes, it doesn't matter as long as you are a cadre and can't fly a plane."

Hu Wenbing pointed to a scar on Shi Tian's left arm, "Old Shi, what military service did you use before? Is this caused by shrapnel?"

"The demining unit, the second company went to the border jungle to clear demining, and returned home after working for eight years." Shi Tian said with a smile.

Li Zhan and Hu Wenbing were immediately in awe.

Deminers are the most dangerous force during non-war times. They really talk to the God of Death every day, and the closest distance between them is only a few inches.

Li Zhan said, "Brother Shi, I'll leave you a contact information. If your son doesn't understand anything, ask him to contact me directly."

"I called you Xiao Li when I was older. I stopped being pretentious. All in all, I don't say thank you for your kindness." Shi Tian cupped his hand.

He only knew that Li Zhan was the captain of the flight brigade and Hu Wenbing was the military representative stationed at the factory, but his intuition told him that these two people were very different. He has been sniffing out landmines for eight years at the death line and has a very keen sense of smell.

In fact, he gave up his well-paid job of driving a rental car to guard the tombs of the martyrs at the Martyrs Cemetery dozens of kilometers away from the city. He was not a person who should be respected in the ordinary world.

Although Shi Tian was smiling when he talked about his troops and comrades, both Li Zhan and Hu Wenbing saw faint tears in his eyes. Say nothing and the motherland knows about me.

After chatting for a while and drinking a few cups of tea, Shi Tian accompanied Li Zhan and Hu Wenbing to pay homage to Liu Guisong. Before leaving, Li Zhan wanted to leave some money to Shi Tian for the maintenance of the cemetery, but Shi Tian refused to accept it. He said, "The regional Veterans Association has a fixed donation every year. I really don't need it, and I personally don't need it." . It’s not easy for you on active duty, so I’ve taken it with my heart.”

Hu Wenbing said with a smile, "He earns 1.8 million a year. Don't be polite to him. It will be considered a donation from him."

Shi Tiancai accepted it anyway. Hearing that pilots' salaries were high, he became more and more hopeful that his son could successfully pass the five tests and become a pilot.

On the way back to Shen Huoyi Aircraft Factory, Li Zhan brought up old things again, "Old Hu, I have decided that I must try to get the J-16 prototype for test flight. You have to help me."

"How can I help? I am just a military representative, not the commander of the Air Force." Hu Wenbing refused, "What's the matter, are you stimulated?"

"Yes, Lao Shi's experience and behavior made me realize that I should play a more important role in this position. Only when I get down can I have the face to see the sacrificed brothers." Li Zhan said in a deep voice, "You are familiar with the manufacturer. , talk to them, if they take the initiative, this matter will be easily realized. "

Hu Wenbing frowned and said, "What about the flight test institute? You have to consider their factors."

"I'll find someone to coordinate with the Flight Test Institute and try to get a name for it," Li Zhan said.

Hu Wenbing thought for a moment and said, "Okay, I'll talk to the manufacturer's leader."

The position of the military representative is quite special. Although the rank is not high, he can talk to the factory leaders at any time, and the latter will even take him seriously. Military representatives, military representatives stationed in factories, represent the military, so the importance can be imagined.

And that was the Shen Hoi Aircraft Factory, which itself was of a relatively high level. With so many military aircraft factories around the world, Shen Hoy and Cheng Luoma can definitely occupy a place in the front row.

Li Zhan probably used all the connections he could use, and he could only wait for the result.

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