Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 354? The end of the artillery brigade commander and the beginning of the comprehensive third

Chapter 354 The end of the artillery brigade commander and the beginning of the comprehensive third generation

On the morning of Monday, the weather in Shenyang was very good. The sun was smiling brightly under a clear sky, and the surface temperature reached 32 degrees Celsius.

Li Zhan was sitting in the flight briefing room, his flight helmet placed on his right thigh and pressed with his right hand, his back straight and his eyes looking straight ahead, as if he had regained the feeling of his last day at the training base.

There were three people in front of him, Xue Xiangdong, Deputy Director of Production Lu Zhen, and Hu Wenbing, the representative of the military stationed in the factory. Xue Xiangdong was sitting there in an air force blue camouflage uniform, picking up a large water glass and taking a sip of strong tea from time to time. Lu Zhenhe and Hu Wenbing stood not far from the door and occasionally whispered a few words. When the former spoke, he habitually made gestures to strengthen the tone of his words.

Not long after, the phone rang, and Lu Zhen stepped forward to pick it up, hung up the phone with a "hmm" and said, "Captain Li, you can leave now."

Li Zhan stood up and put on his flight helmet.

Xue Xiangdong also stood up with a water glass and said, "Safety first, be careful."

"Yes! Please rest assured, brigade commander!" Li Zhan replied forcefully.

Hu Wenbing said meaningfully, "Captain Li, the factory has given you a lot of trust by allowing you to accept the flight. You must fly well."

The implication: Don't be too aggressive, who will be responsible if the engine is destroyed?

Li Zhan replied: "Yes! Complete the mission resolutely!"

He set off.

The three of them immediately returned to the tower.

After completing the inspection around the aircraft, Li Zhan climbed into the cockpit of the painted No. 01 J-11B. With the help of the mechanic, he connected the oxygen mask and radio, started the left engine, started the right engine, moved the flaps, and inspected the aircraft. electrical system, check fire control system, check identification friend or foe, check atmospheric data system, check...

The inspection was carried out step by step in an orderly manner.

The test flight team has already flown over, and what Li Zhan needs to do now is the acceptance flight. Xue Xiangdong and Hu Wenbing worked hard to win the opportunity for him. To be fair, Li Zhan is no worse than a test pilot. All he lacks is a matter of formalities.

"The plane is fine." The mechanic smiled and handed the handover order to Li Zhan.

Li Zhan signed his name with flying dragons and phoenixes, "Hard work."

The mechanic went down, removed the boarding ladder, closed the canopy, and issued the taxi-out signal. The No. 01 J-11B, painted in desert camouflage and with black and white eagle heads on the outside of its twin vertical tails, slid out of the apron.

Is Shen Hoy Aircraft Factory that easy to talk to? Of course not. Tie rod battles have a good reputation. The engine is light to fly an airplane, and who can bear the dangers and the like at every turn? Don’t forget that Yi Xiaoyi, an engineer at Shen Hoy Aircraft Factory, helped repair the late No. 01 SU-27SK in Beiku. At the beginning, Shen Hoy Aircraft Factory directly sent the J-11A's wings to the aircraft in order to revive the late No. 01 SU-27SK in such a short time.

By that time, the name of the drawbar war had spread throughout the Shen Hoy Aircraft Factory. Some family members of employees threaten disobedient children by saying that if they don’t obey, they will put you on a drawbar plane!

Why rush to add the tactical number and so on? Why let him fly No. 01 J-11B?

Isn't No. 01 Captain Li's exclusive tactical number?

Let you fly your own plane and see if you still bother with it. If it breaks down, you can continue to fly the No. 037 J-7EGG.

Li Zhan felt like a mirror.

But it won’t be awkward for everyone if you see through it or don’t tell it.

Li Zhan pumped the fuel steadily and pulled up steadily. His attitude was even more stable than that of the Il-76.

Lu Zhen, the deputy director of production, said with a smile, "It's very stable. I think the rumors are spreading from false to false."

"Yeah, haha." Xue Xiangdong, who was standing with him, said perfunctorily with a smile on his face, his heart already lifted.

Lu Zhen said, "Commander Xue, there has been a meeting in the factory about your test flight of the J-16. There are basically no problems in our factory. Captain Li seems to be very reliable."

The late J-7, J-8FR No. 101, and SU-27SK No. 01: Deputy Director Lu, when did you become blind?

Xue Xiangdong said, "Great, we have a project that we urgently need to fight against."

"But in the end, whether it works or not depends on the superiors in charge of the troops, and we in the factory can't make the decision," Lu Zhen said.

Hu Wenbing said, "Commander Xue, the main thing is for your brigade to work hard for this. This is very important."

Xue Xiangdong nodded slightly, "I understand, you two. Anyway, on behalf of the brigade, I would like to thank you for your help."

"This is a good thing for us. We can detect problems in advance. It is our factory that should thank the troops." Lu Zhen said with a smile.

The conversation between the ground and the air was normal, the attitude of the plane was normal, and the pilot's control was so standard that it gave people the illusion that the person flying the plane was the test pilot of the test flight brigade, right? How to fly has passed the detailed regulations. Li Zhan only watched it for one night and memorized it all.

When Li Zhan landed an hour and a half later, Xue Xiangdong seemed to be in a dream. Is this still Li Zhan? The flight was completely devoid of any passion. He did fly at supersonic speed, but it was not his previous style. It was the kind of slow and even acceleration until he flew at supersonic speed.

How did he reach supersonic speeds before? Use full power to arch forward, and everything else can be thrown aside.

The flying style is completely different.

Nothing happened, this was both normal and abnormal, it felt weird.

"The power of Taihang is much better than that of Third Uncle, and the output is more linear. I can clearly feel that the acceleration performance has been greatly improved. Overall, I would personally give an AA+ rating." Li Zhan said on the stability of the fighter plane After safely stopping on the tarmac, I said the last words of this flight.

The factory personnel in the tower all showed proud smiles.

This acceptance test flight is undoubtedly a success, which means that all twenty-four fighters have met the delivery standards. The rest of the process can be completed in the afternoon. After the delivery ceremony tomorrow morning, the troops will take off directly and return to the Beikku combat training base.

The receiving pilots of the Falcon Group have completed simulator training and also conducted ground taxiing training. Flying the J-11B, which has the same origin as the SU-27, does not require special modification training, so it saves a lot of trouble. However, to form new combat capabilities, the troops must be retrained.

On Tuesday, God seemed to be testing the ability of the Falcon Brigade. It was a gloomy day, with no sun visible, and a large group of dark clouds slowly approaching in the east. The meteorological department made repeated confirmations and finally issued a flight permit as planned.

Shen Hoy Aircraft Factory arranged a simple but grand venue in the outfield. The main background was twenty-four aircraft arranged in a V shape, with one end of the opening facing north. There was a row of tables covered with red tablecloths facing south. Colorful flags fluttered on the sides, with the national flag and military flag in the center. In front of the table was a small military folding bench.

Today, July 12, 2011, will be solemnly included in the history of the 101st Aviation Brigade of the Air Force Aviation. The commissioning of twenty-four brand-new heavy-duty twin-engine air superiority fighters marks the brigade’s leap into becoming the largest aviation force in the entire military aviation force. The best in the army.

The J-11B represents the best technology in practical application so far, and represents the top combat power among the active equipment of the Chinese aviation force. The installation of this aircraft model has enabled the professional simulated blue army of the Falcon Brigade. Substantive content.

It is no longer necessary to use the J-7E and J-7B models to simulate the powerful enemy F-16, and it is no longer necessary to use the J-8 series to simulate those F-15 heavy short-range air superiority fighters.

"Flying the best aircraft to fight the most powerful enemy is our mission."

When they gathered to go to the venue, Li Zhan said this to the pilots of the Falcon Group in high spirits. It’s hard for everyone to describe their feelings. In just over two years, from J-7B to J-7E, from SU-27 to J-11B, we have already flown to the fourth type of aircraft. How incredible.

Many people's hearts have already stopped - once the war starts, they will fly J-7 and J-6 into the air to meet the enemy, use their flesh and blood to delay the enemy's offensive, and buy time for the main force to assemble. This is what they give themselves. Positioning is the constant consciousness of the pilots of the Western Broken King Division for decades.

They never thought that one day they would have a third-generation fighter jet, and even if they did, they never believed it would be brand new. When the SU-27 fleet of the Second Division was scrapped and eliminated, Xue Xiangdong, who was several decades old, was so excited that he cried on the spot.

The hardships and hardships involved are unimaginable to others.

The hard days are gone forever.

"We are the first combat-organized aviation brigade. We will be the only large-scale heavy fighter formation in the entire army. We must be the Chinese Air Force's most feared long-range heavy air strike force by the enemy! The future is full of thorns. , is also full of hope. I and my comrades encourage each other and will not stop fighting until death, vowing to increase our combat effectiveness, and vowing to contribute vigorously to building a strong People's Air Force!"

"Finally, I would like to thank the military workers for their dedication. We ensure that we will form combat effectiveness in the shortest time, ensure that the new equipment has full combat performance, and ensure that precious aviation hours are used in combat training! Salute to you! Salute!"

"My speech is over, thank you everyone!"

Li Zhan spoke on behalf of the Falcon Brigade, Qiang Qiang and Li Zhan spoke forcefully and without any nonsense, or it could be said that it was all nonsense.

Niu Jun stood on one side, and Yao Siyu stood with her.

After listening to Li Zhan's speech, Yao Siyu said with a smile, "Captain Li looks more like a political cadre. His university major was not military political work, right?"

"No, of course not." Niu Jun smiled dryly, not sincerely.

Yao Siyu asked curiously, "I heard that Captain Li has been in the army for less than two years?"

"Yes, he is very powerful." Niu Jun said.

Yao Siyu said, "Yes, Captain Li's reputation is known to all the family members of the factory employees, and Xiao Yi should know it best."

Yi Xiaoyi, who was standing next to him, said, "Captain Li is very talented in flying, but his flying style is a bit rough and he prefers to fly fast. Oh, he prefers to fly fast. Hey, that's not right, but he likes to fly fast anyway. That’s the Sonics.”

"It's just that supersonic flight consumes more fuel, and the engine can handle it," Niu Jun said.

Yi Xiaoyi said, "High power, high side slip, high elevation angle and low speed are the four states that the engine dislikes the most. Captain Li has all four states."

Niu Jun asked, "Isn't he just supersonic?"

"Supersonic speed means high power." Yi Xiaoyi said, "When I was in Beiku, I heard his maintenance team say that Captain Li's combat philosophy is that speed determines everything. He believes in the theory of blitzkrieg, and nothing can break if it is fast. But this is just one of his forms. You may not know, Staff Niu, that the current low-altitude penetration training methods and standards of the Navy and Air Force aviation units were invented by Captain Li. He has flown them all at low altitude, low speed, low altitude and high speed. , it is said that his minimum speed at low altitude reached 250 kilometers per hour, which is the data of the J-7, which is infinitely close to the flight envelope. When launching the Su-27, he flew past the minimum speed of 180 kilometers per hour."

After a pause, Yi Xiaoyi pointed to the team of pilots sitting neatly on military folding benches and said, "The pilots of the Falcon Brigade told me that Captain Li's flying movements are very radical, often with large overload maneuvers, large elevation angles and large side angles. Sliding is a large overload maneuver."

He used the palm of his hand to act as the airplane in a posture with a large elevation angle and a large sideslip, and said, "The engine of the airplane works the hardest in this posture. For example, if the engine is working under high working conditions, the car should be running wildly, but this When the brakes are applied to the bottom, the tires quickly reach the critical point of friction and cause tire burnout. At this time, the pain of the engine can be imagined. "

Niu Jun nodded slightly, "I understand what you mean. The rumors are correct. Senior brother, it costs money to fly a plane."

"There is a difference between cost and waste. The former can still be used after major repairs, but the latter is directly scrapped. This is quite expensive. With so many parts in an aircraft, the engine is more expensive." Yi Xiaoyi said.

Niu Jun argued, "Senior brother, it's also for work."

"There's always a limit." Yao Siyu said with a smile. When he noticed that Niu Jun's face turned cold, he immediately closed his mouth.

Hey, handsome people can really do whatever they want.

There are not many differences between working in an arsenal and joining the army. Due to the nature of the work, there is little communication with the local area, and there is a certain delay in understanding some developments and changes in society. Yao Siyu is considered good, and the technical liaison office can still run around. Technical engineers like Yi Xiaoyi are a little worse. I simply don’t understand why girls nowadays care about their appearance. Have social values ​​become so superficial? What exactly happened here?

The passionate final speech of the head of the general assembly was over. He awarded the assembly to Xue Xiangdong and announced that twenty-four J-11B heavy air superiority fighters had officially entered service.

Xue Xiangdong immediately issued the order to return to the field, and the pilots of the Falcon Group, who had already completed their flight uniforms, stood up and put on their flight helmets.

"Goodbye, chief." Xue Xiangdong saluted the chief of the assembly, said goodbye to the others, and then put on his flight helmet and ran to the front of the team.

He glanced at the soldiers with a serious face and looked at the brand-new new fighters. He couldn't control his excitement. He said in a deep voice, "My name is Xue Xiangdong. I was born in 1962 from Shandong. I joined the army in 1980." I joined the army and flew solo on July 11, 1981. I have been flying for thirty years till now. In the thirty years since I have been here, I have asked myself whether I am worthy of the military uniform on my body, worthy of the military emblem above my head, and worthy of the party and the people. Comrade I am deeply honored to fight side by side with you. I am here, and the future is yours. I hope that you will always remain true to your original aspirations and fly high towards the goal of a strong army. I, Xue Xiangdong, am proud to serve as your commander. Feel proud and proud!”


He gave the order to board the plane.

All pilots boarded the plane in unison.

Xue Xiangdong was Nie Jianfeng's back cabin pilot and boarded the plane with Nie Jianfeng. Li Zhan is the only one who knows about Xue Xiangdong's old age, and Li Zhan will definitely not tell anyone about it. Xue Xiangdong asked him to fly back with the troops, and Li Zhan agreed immediately. This was probably the artillery brigade commander's last flight. Li Zhan's original intention was to let Xue Xiangdong fly the plane alone, but Xue Xiangdong asked to sit in the back cabin, which was undoubtedly safer. So Li Zhan asked Nie Jianfeng to fly with the brigade commander. With Nie Jianfeng, an experienced driver, he could serve as the brigade commander for aviation tourism.

It was just what Xue Xiangdong said before boarding the plane that made Li Zhan and others murmur in their hearts. What's wrong with the Artillery Brigade Commander? He's going to die or live. Maybe it's because he's grounded because he's old and has feelings in his heart? After flying for thirty years, no one can accept the sudden departure from the flight they love so much, so Li Zhan understood.

However, when Xue Xiangdong asked to fly back to the Beiku combat training base with the troops, he told Li Zhan that he was going to do something excessive. Li Zhan thought that it was a bit excessive to hide Laohua's participation in the return flight, but he was only the pilot in the back cabin, and there was no problem at all with Nie Jianfeng.

All in all, Li Zhan felt uneasy when he was about to board the plane. He couldn't help but stop on the boarding ladder and look at the J-11BS of Nie Jianfeng and Xue Xiangdong. Nie Jianfeng had already sat in the front cabin, and Xue Xiangdong was still standing on the boarding ladder. He seemed to feel Li Zhan looking at him. He stopped and looked over. From a distance of more than thirty meters, Xue Xiangdong's hearty voice shouted at Li Zhan. Said, "Li Zhan, remember to do it well! Do it well!"

Xue Xiangdong actually took the initiative to salute Li Zhan, and then did not look at Li Zhan again. After sitting in the back cabin, he seemed to be concentrating on preparing to fly.

Li Zhan muttered, "What's wrong with Commander Cannon?"

Eighteen J-11Bs and six J-11BSs slid out one after another and formed a neat column on the taxiway. The first elephant walk of the J-11B fleet of the 101st Aviation Brigade of the Air Force appeared in the outfield of Shen Hoy Aircraft Factory. The J-11B and J-11BS fighter jets, all fully fueled, slowly drove towards the runway take-off line. The roar of forty-eight Taihang aircraft engines enveloped the entire outfield.

The tower issued the takeoff order. The fleet began to take off continuously in a two-plane formation.

"It's raining." Niu Jun felt a little cold on his forehead and looked up at the sky to see the patter of rain.

I don't know when the sky in the distance in the west became gloomy, making people feel very depressed and indescribably uncomfortable. The surroundings seemed to be quiet, and even the roar of the aircraft engines seemed to have disappeared. The rain lines gradually became denser, and the fighter planes lined up to take off in the distance became blurred, but the takeoff did not stop. A group of two planes took off and quickly disappeared into the clouds and disappeared to the west.

God cried, why did he cry, and for whom.

The people on the ground did not move, they all stood in place, quietly watching the fighter planes take off, until all the fighter planes took off...

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